
MHA: Izuku Legacy

In a world where hero’s and villains are fantasy, Ryu Kenji fights for survival. Born into the clutches of the Yakuza, he's spent his life as a pawn in their bloody games. But when a championship fight ends in betrayal and a bullet, Ryu awakens to a new reality – one where the memories of Izuku Midoriya, a quirkless boy with dreams of heroism, intertwine with his own. Now, armed with the knowledge of a world he's never known and a power he's yet to understand, Izuku must navigate the challenges of this strange new world, balancing his own weaknesses with the potential for growth and change. This work is a retelling of the story my friend made MHA: Izuku Reloaded. I am taking over for him because of things going on in his personal life. I hope you enjoy my iteration! P.S: UA is a University. I don’t own the story My Hero Academia or the cover For full transparency I write the novel myself and use AI to proofread and be an editor for my work.

XaviValentine · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
38 Chs

Aftermath of Victory

[All Might's POV]

As the final pieces of the battle trial fell into place, I couldn't contain my excitement any longer. With a triumphant grin, I leaned forward and pressed the button on the microphone, my voice booming through the training ground's speakers.

"The bomb has been secured by the hero team! THE HERO TEAM WINS!!!"

The observation room erupted into a chorus of cheers and applause, the students of Class 1-A jumping to their feet in a surge of enthusiasm.

"Did you see that?" Kirishima exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air. "Midoriya was amazing! The way he took on Bakugo and then outsmarted Iida? That was so manly!"

Beside him, Tokoyami nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Indeed. Midoriya's performance was most impressive. He demonstrated a keen understanding of strategy and adaptability, using a variety of tactics to overcome his opponents."

I smiled at Tokoyami's astute observation. "You're absolutely right, young Tokoyami," I said, "A true hero must be versatile, able to think on their feet and adjust their approach as the situation demands."

Excusing myself, I made my way to the building entrance, where Midoriya, Jiro, and Iida were conversing.

"Congratulations!" I called out. "Incredible display of heroism and teamwork."

Midoriya smiled, "Thank you, All Might. I couldn't have done it without Jiro. She was amazing."

"I was just doing my part."

Iida bowed deeply. "I apologize for my performance, All Might. I got carried away and failed to strategize properly."

"No need to apologize, young Iida. This exercise was designed to push your limits. Embracing your role and committing to the scenario demonstrates dedication and creativity - valuable qualities for a hero."

Iida straightened, relief on his face. "Thank you, All Might. I will use this experience to grow and improve."

I nodded. "I'm certain you will. Now, head to the observation room for a detailed review."

As they turned to leave, Midoriya paused. "Bakugo is still in the building, knocked out."

Young Bakugo, with his explosive temper and unyielding drive, had faced a difficult challenge today. Defeat was never easy to accept, especially for someone as proud and competitive as him.

"Thank you for letting me know, young Midoriya, I'll make sure he gets to the infirmary. You three go on ahead to the observation room. I'll join you there shortly."

Midoriya nodded, and with a final wave, he turned and headed out, Jiro and Iida following close behind.

[Izuku Midoriya's POV]

Stepping into the monitor room I was immediately engulfed by a swarm of my classmates, their faces alight with excitement and curiosity. The air buzzed with their chatter, a cacophony of voices all vying for my attention.

"Midoriya, that was incredible!" Kirishima exclaimed, clapping me on the back with a grin. "The way you took on Bakugo and Iida? So manly!"

"Your quirk is amazing!" Ashido chimed in, her eyes sparkling. "How did you learn to use it like that?"

"And your teamwork with Jiro was spot on," Sero added, giving me a thumbs up. "You guys were totally in sync out there!"

"Ah, thanks guys," I said, rubbing the back of my head. "But it wasn't just me out there. Jiro was amazing, and Iida and Bakugo put up one hell of a fight."

Jiro, who had been standing quietly beside me, nudged me with her elbow. "Don't sell yourself short, Midoriya," she said, a small smile on her face. "You were the one who came up with the plan and took the lead out there. We never would have won without you."

"Thanks, Jiro," I said softly, meeting her gaze with a smile of my own. "But we did it together. That's what being a hero is all about, right?"

"Well said, young Midoriya!" a booming voice interrupted, causing the chatter in the room to die down instantly. I turned to see All Might striding into the room, his signature grin plastered across his face.

"Now then," All Might continued, clapping his hands together. "Let's take a closer look at that battle, shall we? There's much to be learned from both the victories and the defeats!"

As the class settled down, the screens at the front of the room flickered to life, replaying the highlights of the match. When the footage came to an end, All Might turned to face the class. "So," he asked, his voice booming through the room, "who do you think is the MVP of this battle?"

The room fell silent for a moment, each student considering the question carefully. Then, a hand shot up from the back of the room. It was Yaoyorozu, her face set in a thoughtful expression.

"I think it's obviously Midoriya," she said, her voice clear and confident.

All Might raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her answer. "Oh? And why do you say that, young Yaoyorozu?"

"Well," she began, "Jiro's role in gathering intel and relaying information to Midoriya was crucial. Her quirk allowed her to locate the enemy team and the bomb, giving them a strategic advantage."

She paused, glancing at Jiro with a smile. "Plus, her quick thinking and precise attack on Iida at the end showed great skill and timing."

Jiro ducked her head, a faint blush coloring her cheeks at the praise.

"But Midoriya," Yaoyorozu continued, turning her gaze to me, "his performance was outstanding from start to finish. He adapted to Bakugo's aggressive fighting style, using his own quirk and combat skills to counter and defeat him."

"Moreover," Yaoyorozu went on, "Midoriya's leadership and decision-making were key. He came up with a solid plan, communicated effectively with Jiro, and made smart choices under pressure."

She looked at All Might, her expression serious. "In the end, Jiro's recon was valuable, but Midoriya's overall strategy and execution is what secured their victory. That's why I believe he deserves to be recognized as MVP."

All Might nodded, a grin spreading across his face. "An excellent analysis, young Yaoyorozu!" he exclaimed, giving her a thumbs up. "You've highlighted the importance of teamwork, communication, and adaptability - all crucial qualities for any successful hero."

He turned back to the class, his gaze sweeping over each of us in turn. "Remember, students," he said, his voice ringing with conviction, "being a hero isn't just about individual strength or flashy quirks. It's about working together, playing to each other's strengths, and striving to do what's right. Now then! Let's move onto the next match!"

As the screen flickered to life, revealing the battlefield for the second match, I leaned forward, eager to see how this battle would unfold. On the hero side stood Shoji and Todoroki, their expressions calm and focused. For the villains, Ojiro and Hagakure, the latter's invisible form known only by a pair of floating gloves and boots.

"Begin!" All Might's voice boomed through the speakers, and the two teams sprang into action.

Shoji immediately unleashed his quirk, his tentacle-like arms splitting and morphing into a array of ears and eyes. He scanned the building, his enhanced senses searching for any sign of the enemy team.

Todoroki and Shoji seemed to be communicating something and then Todoroki pressed his right hand against the wall, a wave of frost spreading out from his fingertips. In a matter of seconds, the entire building was encased in a thick layer of ice, the temperature dropping so rapidly that I could see the other students shivering.

On the screen, ice crept up Hagakure's legs, freezing her in place. Ojiro, meanwhile, had managed to avoid the initial onslaught, leaping and bouncing off the walls with his tail to keep ahead of the spreading frost.

But Todoroki was relentless. With a flick of his wrist, he sent a barrage of ice shards hurtling towards Ojiro, forcing him to dodge and weave in a desperate attempt to avoid being skewered.

"This is insane," Kaminari muttered from beside me, his eyes wide with shock. "Todoroki's quirk is seriously overpowered."

I could only nod in agreement, my gaze fixed on the screen. Todoroki's mastery over his ice powers was very impressive and I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Ojiro and Hagakure. They were completely outmatched, their quirks rendered all but useless in the face of such overwhelming power.

In the end, it was over in a matter of minutes. With Hagakure immobilized and Ojiro exhausted, Todoroki calmly made his way to the weapon, securing the win for his team with a simple touch of his hand.

Finally, the buzzer sounded and All Might declared Shoji and Todoroki the victors, I leaned back, my mind reeling with the implications of what I had just witnessed.

As the rest of the matches unfolded, I analyzed them meticulously. Each battle showcased the incredible variety and power of my classmates' quirks.

But through it all, my thoughts kept drifting back to Todoroki. The raw, immense power he had displayed, the way he had ended the fight in mere seconds - I was excited to see how a fight between us would go.

As the final match came to a close, All Might called us all together. "Well done, everyone!" All Might declared, his grin as bright and infectious as ever. "You all did splendidly, especially considering this was your first training exercise!"

Tsu nodded, a wry smile on her face. "It's nice to hear some encouragement after our first meeting with our homeroom teacher. Mr. Aizawa was kind of a buzzkill, ribbit."

All Might let out a booming laugh, his eyes twinkling with mirth. "Ah, yes. Aizawa can be a bit... intense at times. But I assure you, he has your best interests at heart." His grin widened as he struck a heroic pose. "As for me, I'm happy to bring such staggering positivity to my alma mater!"

He glanced at the clock, his expression turning slightly more serious. "Now, that's all for today. Make sure to change out of your hero uniforms while I check on young Bakugo." His grin returned, and he gave us all a thumbs up. "Now watch how a pro exits, LIKE HE'S GOT SOMEWHERE TO BE!"

With that, All Might took off at a sprint, his speed so incredible that it created a gust of wind that nearly knocked us off our feet.

"Now that is a hero!" Kaminari shouted, pumping his fist in the air.

"Super cool!" Mineta agreed, his eyes wide with excitement.

[Katsuki Bakugo's POV]

My eyes snapped open as the memories of my fight with Deku came rushing back. The bright, sterile light of the room assaulted my vision, and I squinted against the glare, trying to get my bearings.

My body ached, a dull throb that seemed to emanate from every muscle and bone. I could feel the bandages wrapped around my torso and arms, a testament to the damage I had sustained during the battle.

As I lay there, staring up at the ceiling, the weight of my defeat settled over me like a suffocating blanket. Deku had beaten me. He actually managed to outmaneuver me, to make me look like a complete fool in front of everyone.

Memories flashed through my mind, snippets of our shared past that only served to twist the knife deeper. I remembered the way I had looked down on him, the way I had dismissed him as nothing more than a quirkless loser who would never amount to anything. "Whatever, Deku," I had told him. "No matter what power you end up with, you'll never be able to beat me."

The irony of those words hit me like a punch to the gut. I had been so sure of myself back then, so confident in my own superiority. But now... everything had changed.

"Damn it," I whispered, my voice hoarse and ragged. "Damn it. DAMN IT!"

I clenched my fists, feeling the familiar crackle of explosions building in my palms. I wanted to scream, to rage, to blast everything around me into oblivion. But I forced myself to take a deep breath, to push down the anger and frustration that threatened to consume me.

"Ah, you're awake," a gentle voice said from somewhere to my left. I turned my head, wincing at the stiffness in my neck, and saw Recovery Girl standing beside my bed, a kind smile on her face.

"How are you feeling, dearie?" she asked, reaching out to check my bandages. "You took quite a beating out there."

I scowled, turning away from her probing gaze. "I'm fine," I muttered, my voice rough. "Just a little sore, that's all."

Recovery Girl chuckled, shaking her head. "I'm sure you are. But you're lucky you didn't sustain any serious injuries. That fight was quite intense."

I felt my jaw clench at her words, the memories of my defeat playing out in my mind once again. Deku's fluid movements, his quick thinking, the way he had countered my every attack... was that the true extent of his quirk?

"Deku predicted my attacks," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "He made me look like an idiot and defeated me easily."

The words tasted bitter on my tongue, a harsh truth that I could barely bring myself to acknowledge. But there was no denying the reality of what had happened. Deku had outplayed me, plain and simple.

Recovery Girl's expression softened, and she laid a comforting hand on my shoulder. "It's never easy to lose," she said, her voice gentle but firm. "But it's important to remember that every defeat is an opportunity to learn and grow."

I scoffed, turning away from her once again. "Save the lectures, I don't need your pity."

Recovery Girl sighed, withdrawing her hand. "Very well," she said, moving to check my vital signs on the monitor beside my bed. "But I hope you'll at least take some time to reflect on what happened out there. You're a talented young man, Bakugo, but talent alone isn't enough to succeed as a hero."

I didn't respond, my gaze fixed on the ceiling above me. I knew she was right, as much as I hated to admit it. But the idea of facing my own shortcomings, of acknowledging that Deku had surpassed me... it was almost too much to bear, even with our new relationship. If I wanted to have any hope of catching up to him in the future, I would need to take a long, hard look at myself and my own weaknesses.

I lay there for a while longer, lost in my own thoughts, until the sound of footsteps approached my bed. I turned my head to see All Might standing there, his muscular form filling the doorway.

"Young Bakugo," he said, his voice booming even in the quiet of the infirmary. "I'm glad to see you're awake."

I grunted in response, not trusting myself to speak. I didn't want his pity any more than I wanted Recovery Girl's.

But All Might didn't seem put off by my lack of response. He pulled up a chair and sat down beside my bed, his blue eyes fixed on mine.

"That was quite a battle out there," he said, his tone serious. "Young Midoriya really gave you a run for your money, didn't he?"

I felt my hands clench into fists at the mention of Deku's name, my nails digging into my palms. "He got lucky," I spat out. "It won't happen again."

All Might raised an eyebrow, a small smile on the corners of his mouth. "Is that so? And how do you plan on ensuring that?"

I opened my mouth to respond, but found that I didn't have an answer. How was I going to beat Deku? He had outsmarted me at every turn, had used my own attacks against me. What could I possibly do differently next time?

All Might leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. "Let me tell you something, young Bakugo. In all my years as a hero, I've learned that there's no such thing as luck. When someone beats you, it's because they were better than you at that moment. They were stronger, faster, smarter, or more skilled."

I felt a flush of anger at his words, but before I could protest, he held up a hand. "But that doesn't mean they'll always be better than you. It just means that you have something to strive for, something to push you to become even stronger."

I was silent for a moment, considering his words. As much as I hated to admit it, he had a point. Deku had beaten me fair and square. There was no denying that. But that didn't mean I had to accept it as a permanent state of affairs.

"So what do I do?" I asked. "How do I beat him next time?"

All Might smiled, a real smile this time, not just a hint of one. "You train," he said simply. "You study. You learn from your mistakes and you keep pushing yourself to be better. That's what being a hero is all about - constantly striving to improve, to be the best version of yourself."

I nodded slowly, the gears in my head starting to turn. Training, studying, learning... it wasn't going to be easy. But then again, nothing worth doing ever was.

"Thanks, All Might," I said, my voice gruff. "I'll keep that in mind."

He stood up, clapping me on the shoulder with a hand that could probably crush boulders. "I know you will, young Bakugo. I have faith in you. You have the potential to be a great hero - you just have to be willing to put in the work."

With that, he turned and left, leaving me alone with my thoughts once again.

I lay back against the pillows, staring up at the ceiling. All Might's words echoed in my head, a challenge and a promise all wrapped up in one.

I was going to beat Deku. I was going to become the best hero this world had ever seen. And I was going to do it through sheer determination, hard work, and an unwillingness to ever back down. That was the Bakugo way. And it was the only way I knew how to be.

But first, I had a nerd to confront.

[Izuku Midoriya's POV]

As I stepped out of the locker room, finally back in my regular school uniform, I breathed a sigh of relief. The battle trial had been intense, both physically and mentally, and I was ready to put it behind me for now.

I made my way back to the classroom, my hero suit safely tucked away in its briefcase. The halls were quiet, most of my classmates still changing or chatting in the locker rooms. I savored the moment of solitude, taking the opportunity to sort through my thoughts.

Entering the empty classroom, I couldn't help but reflect on the battle with Bakugo. There were moments where I could have ended things sooner, opportunities I missed in the heat of the moment. But who knows if he would have just countered those moves? "Could've been a lot worse, I guess," I muttered to myself.

"What could have been a lot worse?" a feminine voice inquired from the doorway.

Startled, I turned to find a curvy, fair-skinned girl standing there. Her striking royal blue eyes were wide with curiosity, framed by long, thick lashes. But what really caught my attention was her hair - a cascade of periwinkle locks that tumbled down to her knees, twisting around itself at her waist and curving inwards around her legs.

I blinked, taking a moment to appreciate the sight before me. "Oh, uh... my hero suit," I said, recovering my composure. "It got a little singed during the battle trial. I'm lucky half of it didn't burn off, to be honest."

The girl's eyes sparkled with interest as she stepped closer, a barrage of questions spilling from her lips.

"Your hero suit got damaged? How did that happen? What's your quirk? It must be pretty powerful if you're in the hero course! Oh, speaking of which, I'm in the hero department too, by the way. Third year, Class 3-A. But wow, you're so tall! What's your name? And what kind of training were you doing that your suit got damaged?"

Huh. It was kind of cute, the way she fired off questions like a machine gun. "Ah, well, we were doing battle trials today," I explained. "Heroes versus villains, that sort of thing. My quirk is a kind of combo meter deal, and I guess I got a little carried away with the whole 'fighting villains' thing."

I stepped closer, extending my hand. "As for my name, it's Izuku Midoriya. It's a pleasure to meet you...?"

I trailed off, raising an eyebrow expectantly. The girl's cheeks flushed slightly as she realized she hadn't introduced herself.

"I'm Nejire Hado," she said, shaking my hand. Her grip was firm, her skin soft against mine. "I was actually looking for Mr. Aizawa. I tried the teacher's lounge, but he wasn't there, so I thought I'd check if he was sleeping in his classroom."

I chuckled, releasing her hand reluctantly. "I haven't seen him since homeroom, but that sounds like him."

Nejire sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. "Darn, I really needed to talk to him about something. Oh well, I guess I'll try again later."

She perked up again almost immediately, her attention focusing back on me. "So, Midoriya, how is Mr. Aizawa as a teacher?"

I leaned against a nearby desk, considering her question. "Hard to say, but strict is one way to put it," I said, rubbing the back of my neck. "He definitely doesn't go easy on us, that's for sure. But I think he's just trying to push us to be the best heroes we can be."

Nejire nodded, her expression thoughtful. "That sounds like him. He's tough, but he really cares about his students."

She leaned forward, her hair swishing with the motion. "So, tell me more about this battle trial! What was it like? Did you win?"

I grinned, pushing off the desk to stand a little closer to her. "Well, it was definitely an experience. My partner and I managed to win, but Bakugo - that's one of my classmates - put up one hell of a fight. And don't even get me started on Iida's villain monologue."

Nejire giggled. "A villain monologue?"

"Trust me, it was something else. Iida really committed to the role."

Glancing at the clock on the wall, I suddenly realized how much time had passed. "Oh shoot, I'd love to stay and chat more, Hado, but I actually need to head to the store. It's my turn to cook dinner for the dorm tonight, and I want to make sure I have everything I need."

Nejire's face fell slightly, but she perked up again almost immediately. "Oh, can I come with you? I don't have anything else planned for the afternoon."

I blinked, surprised by her request. "You want to go grocery shopping with me?"

She nodded eagerly, her periwinkle hair bouncing with the motion. "Sure! It'll be fun! And maybe you can tell me more about your quirk on the way. Combo something, right? That sounds so cool!"

I couldn't help but smile at her excitement. It was refreshing, especially after the intensity of the battle trial. "Alright, if you're sure. I was planning on making chicken katsu curry for everyone. Do you have any favorite ingredients you think I should add?"

Nejire clapped her hands together, her eyes lighting up. "You could try adding some honey to the sauce! It gives it a nice sweetness that balances out the spice."

I nodded, considering her suggestion. "Honey, huh? I've never tried that before, but it sounds delicious. Let's do it!"

As we made our way out of the classroom and towards the school's exit, I couldn't help but notice how easily the conversation flowed between us. Nejire's curiosity and enthusiasm were infectious, and I found myself opening up to her in a way that surprised me.

"So, Midoriya," she said, her head tilted slightly as she looked up at me. "What made you want to become a hero in the first place?"

I paused for a moment, considering my answer. It was a loaded question, one that touched on a lot of personal history. But something about Nejire made me want to be sort of honest, to share a part of myself that I usually kept guarded.

"Well, it's a bit of a long story," I said, shoving my hands in my pockets as we walked. "But I guess it all started with a dream..."

And as we made our way to the store, the sun warm on our backs and the promise of a delicious meal ahead of us, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. It had been a long, challenging day, but it was moments like these - the simple, unexpected ones - that made it all worthwhile.

The moments that reminded us of why we fought in the first place.