
MHA : I Explode!

Viktor Blaze, a former gangster reincarnates into the body of Katsuki Bakugo. Planning to live a carefree life in a country side with his future wife, it all came crashing down when he wakes up in the middle of a fight between the greatest hero and the worst Villain in history. Left with no other choice, he decided to beat both of them up and ask them questions later. (Disclaimer: This is but a work of fanfiction. All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner.}

IamBoredGuy · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

Katsuki Blaze (Part 1)

I'm practicing writing in first person perspective. Please tell me if it's good or not cause I think it's much easier to write this way.


Who am I?


This world is wrong. This entire society is wrong. And most of all, I am wrong.

At first, I was thinking that this was some sort of power fantasy world where people fight while talking and kill each other using the power of love and friendship.

Well, I was wrong.

"Expel him!"

"He doesn't deserve to be a hero!"

"That little shit destroyed my house!"

What's up with the last part?

For some reason, the media started camping outside my house and weirdos kept spouting weird shit after I returned.

All I did was save the day. And what did I get? Two broken(possibly crippled) arms, noodles for legs, and some cracked ribs. The doctor told me a lot of things but that was all I could remember from our conversation.

I didn't really understand why they were bashing me when I didn't even do anything. I even sacrificed my life(?) for their safety. Tsk, tsk, tsk, humans are such disgusting creatures.

Hmm. maybe I shouldn't have done that after all?

I had to admit that it was partially my fault for blowing half the city to smithereens with my last attack. Good thing no one died right?

No civilian casualties confirmed.

Except for that villain that got his face obliterated.


Yeah, it was probably that.

I shouldn't have done that.


"Collapsing Star!"


"Woah!~ Viktor-sama! You saved the day!"

"Holy shit that was so cool~!"

"Did you see how cool he was? He killed that villain in one hit!"

"Damn. His brains got scattered all over the floor. Fuck, he's the first hero to do that live!"

~End of Flash Back~

Since I already did it, then there was no use in moping about it. 'If they hate me, then let them be. After all, I also hate all of them.' Just like master said, since they hate me, then I also hate them.

Bzzz... Bzzz... Bzzz...

While I was busy thinking of how cool I was and how I hate every person that's ruining my beauty sleep, my phone rang. It was a tasteless tone, just like the previous me. I should change that.


I snapped at the caller.

I reflexively answer playfully but remembered that I'm Katsuki Bakugo now. I am the future number 1 hero. Everyone is just an extra. The world revolves around me. I am King Explosion Murder.

Although this thinking is bad, considering how powerful I am, I could just explode them to pieces if they disagree with me.

"Bakugo-kun when are you going to school?"

A straight-laced voice asked me.

If I remember correctly... is it fida? Mida? I think it was Ida or something.

"What? What school?"

"Aizawa-sensei asked me to call you if you were alright coming back to school..."

School? What's that? Also, how am I supposed to come back if I can't even walk? Is this guy tripping?

'Fuck off. I can take care of myself, you can take your concern up your ass.'

As I was about to utter some profanities that surfaced in my mind, I held my tounge.

"...I can't."

"What? But Aizawa-sensei said you already got healed by Recovery girl?"


I forgot about that. That old hag suddenly came yesterday and kissed me. She said something about being a problem child and then left after giving me some candies.

But still, my laziness is preventing me from walking. Plus there are some crazy fuckers outside my house.

"...Give me a few days."


Ending the call, I glanced at my room.


How dull.

A normal boy's room filled with weights and some posters on how to be number 1. If I remember correctly when I was his age I already had a full set of limited edition knives and guns. My entire room was littered with my own wanted posters and my master's, some of them even had my master's favorite celebrity's autographs.

Speaking off, how did she even get those.

"I need a break."

I just died. I don't want to go to some place called school. I also don't want to deal with kids 2 years younger than me. And most of all...



I fucking hate stalkers.


Fun Fact:

The Quirk Singularity, a concept postulated by Dr. Kyudai Garaki is about the danger posed by Quirks becoming stronger and stronger with each generation.


"You little bastard! Stop ruining your image! How are you gonna be a hero like that huh!?"

An irritated yell reverberated inside the house, scaring the mob of idiots beneath.


Now I understand why Bakugo is such a piece of work. If he grew up in an environment like this, it wouldn't be strange if he destroyed the entire neighborhood.

For some reason, even though I haven't pieced my memories together, I could feel Bakugo's emotions at full capacity.

Suffice to say, he doesn't have an ounce of respect for his mother... nor his father.

As expected of an arrogant piece of trash, I bet he thinks that his parents are just machines that birthed a perfect being like himself because he was fated to be the number 1 hero.

Ot should I say myself?

Am I Katsuki Bakugo...

...or Viktor Blaze?

Since I already died then I am no longer Viktor Blaze, but since Katsuki Bakugo's personality is overshadowed by me, doesn't that mean Katsuki Bakugo is already dead too?

Or maybe we merged together like two dragons harmonizing together forming a perfect god-like being that was destined to rule the worl–

...Shit. Did I just had an existential crisis?

"Hmmm... yosh! From now on I shall be known as Viktor Bakugo!"

"What the fuck are you shouting about!? I thought you wanted to sleep you loud little shit!?"

"...Okay, I don't want to be related to this family so I'll just call myself Katsuki Blaze."

With that in mind...

"I am Katsuki Blaze! The future number 1 hero!"

I made a generic protagonist guts pose and yelled.

Now that I'm done acting like a 15-year old, it is now time to be a rational old man(17).


Letting out a sigh, I began flexing my muscles and practicing my cognitive functions.

Eyes are mediocre.

Nose are mediocre.

Mouth is... garbage.

Ears are good. Surprisingly. I thought I'd be deaf by now considering my Quirk and how noisy my mother is.

Body is...

Crack! Crack! Pop!


That's not good.

I thought I'd be in tip top shape after that old lady patched me up, but it seems some of my bones are still misaligned.

Did the doctor that operated on me have some grudge or something? They didn't even massaged my muscles properly to release the tension.


"Up! Ah! All good."

Now then. Where was I?

Oh, yeah.

With a devilish grin, I muttered:

"Explosion time~."



Bakugo-kun this bakugo-kun that. Why does everyone keep calling me that! I'm fucking Katsuki Blaze goddammit!


Despite my inner monologue, I still answered politely. Well, as politely as I could. It looks like it's not working because the girl who called out to me became a bit scared.

"W-what are you doing here? S-shouldnt you be in school?"

The girl asked me fearfully. As if my polite words were a threat.


"Shouldn't you train in school?"

Train in school? Is that even allowed? I thought that place was for nerds and aspiring slaves of society.

"Why? Is it wrong for me to train here?"

The girl bit her lips. As if she was afraid of saying something that will offend me.

"T-this is the park you know?"

I glanced at my surroundings. I could see a bunch of kids huddled up together staring at me like I stole their money.

"So? This is my park now."


I conjured a series of explosions on my hands while approaching her.

"I said. This. Is. My. Park. Now."

"You can't do that..."

"Oh? And why's that?"

"Because it's illegal."

A raspy voice interrupted our conversation. Glancing around, I could see some dude dressed in black clothing approaching me. For some reason I felt like I know him but considering how boring he looked then he's probably some extra.

"Illegal?" grinning, I opened my palm. "Wha–"

I stopped.

I suddenly noticed the empty feeling on my palm. I took a brief glance to see what was wrong and saw that my explosions vanished.

That's interesting.

Also, another interesting thing I found is that something's fucking up my mind. I'm arrogant but not reckless. So it's really stupid of me to feel the need to show my dominance to a bunch of nobodies.

Especially how dangerous this world is knowing that other people also have powers like me.

'Gather information'

My master's words flowed like cold water in my mind, rousing me from my stupidity.

I took a deep breath to compose myself before turning my head to the man who was watching my movements.


Before my mouth could open, I shut it closed again.

I remembered the brown haired girl calling my name.

She knows me.

Therefore it would be dangerous if I lie here. Th moment they noticed that I'm not Katsuki Bakugo, they might open me up and use their futuristic gadgets to access my secrets or just straight up mind rape me using their Quirks.

So, in conclusion.

Just go with the flow.

"I see. How did you find me?"

The black haired man who kept staring at me glanced at the brown haired girl's direction. She looked between us before she stuttered out.

"D-Deku-kun told me where you live."

Deku? Ah! That green broccoli. I think he was Bakugo's subordinate.

"I see. So? What do you want?"

"Uhm... when are you going back to school?"


What even is school.

"Lida called you earlier this morning but you hung up on him. The class were worried about you so I thought I should check if you were okay..."

"Huh? Why would you do that?"

"B-because Deku-kun said he was afraid of you..."

Oh. If I remember correctly he cried in front of me, then I cried in front of him, I got embarrassed and exploded his face without thinking about it. My wounds ended up reopening so they had to stitch it again.

"Ah... I see. And you?"

I turned my attention to the hobo looking guy. He had an unkempt hair and a very lethargic face that looked like he would drop dead at any moment but his body said otherwise.

Despite his uncaring appearance, I noticed him eyeing my face the moment I was about to attack them.

"You're mom called."


Well that's embarrassing.


"Ugh! I can't believe you! You're under house arrest and you still had the guts to sneak out!?"

"Do you even know how much trouble you caused!?"

"I'm very sorry about my son's behavior... he isn't usually like that..."

My benevolent mother began firing shots at me the moment I stepped inside the house.

While she was venting all of her pent up stress at my miserable face who couldn't even retort because I don't want to seem strange, my father just sneaked off while looking apologetic.

This family dynamic is just wrong.

I— the most powerful is at the bottom.

While my mother who isn't even working is at the top, squashing my pitiful father who could only lower his head.

Fucking simp.

I'm ashamed of even thinking—no, feeling like you're my father.

If I didn't have Bakugo's memories I would have slapped the shit out of you to wake you up from you simpidity—



A fist suddenly flew on my forehead.

"Are you listening?"



"Pack your bags. And get out."



"Ow! I dodged that! How!?"

"Stop complaining! Your teacher and classmate are hear to pick you up! Don't embarrass me!"

You're already embarrassing me...

"I'm moving out?"

"Yeah! You won't hear me screaming at you anymore."

"Why do you sound much more happier than I am?"

"Cause your a pain in the ass, that's why."

"Give me some pocket money."

"What did you say?"

Mother glowered at me. Her hands clenched.

"I said where would I live?"

"The dorms."

Looking ahead, I could see my teacher looking pretty miserable watching our banter. Meanwhile, the brown haired girl looked a little lost, as if wondering what she was doing here.

"Do I have my own room?"

"Yes. Mr. and Ms. Bakugo, I'll be taking your son now."

He suddenly bowed to my parents.

"Yes, please take care of him as well..."

"Please excuse my stupid son if he caused any trouble."

Getting out of my chair, I walked directly outside, feeling a little disturbed at how polite they are.

"Bakugo-kun wait for me!"

The girl followed me shortly. As we were walking silently ahead, I noticed how she looked afraid of me.

"What's wrong?"

Did she found me out?

"Uhm... n-nothing..."

She waved her hands and smiled apologetically. She walked further ahead of me while keeping her head down.


I grabbed her shoulder and forcefully turned her head to face me.

"Are you afraid of me?" I asked.

"N-no..." flustered, she avoided my eyes while slowly pulling my hand away.

"Why?" I grabbed her jaw. Her chubby cheeks was squeezed between my fingers.

I lowered my head and gazed at her hazelnut eyes. "Why?" This time, I asked her threateningly.

"B-because...y-you kill—"

Before she could finish her words, I let her go. She stumbled for a bit before she warily stared at my face.

Her knees quivered as she maintained eye contact.

For a moment there I contemplated whether I should kill her.

"I see... so it was that..."

I smiled derisively at her. She looked like a little lamb trembling in my presence. For an aspiring hero, to be so apprehensive over a mere gaze.

'How could you survive if you can't even handle a little killing intent?'

"It was necessary. If he survived then it was only a matter of time before he escaped."

Even after I answered, she still looked like I would bite her the moment she showed weakness.

A bird that doesn't use it's wings.

Since we're classmates, shouldn't you be the same if not more powerful than me?

"What's your name?"

"Y-you don't remember?"

"You're little birdie from now on."


Oh, bird that doesn't use your wings.

"Don't be afraid."

If you don't fly away.

"I won't bite."

I might eat you whole.


It took me an hour and a half to write this.


Is it just me or is the quality of fanfiction in this site low?

Am I the only person who's actually putting in an effort on a fanfiction? I mean, were newbies but the writing is a bit...

It usually takes me a lot lf time to write because I'm a perfectionist (And bored).

If I just write whatever came to mind then I could probably pull off 1 chapter a day. Probably.

Anyways if you're also an author that's reading this, please make a readable story. I don't want to go back reading MTL.