
MHA FanFiction

Ignore for now

Cat_Tip · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
1 Chs

Chapter 1

Hello, WebNovel Users This is James Your MC of This Story and I hope you enjoy it.


"Mom I'm going out of the evening, need anything while I'm gone."

"No James I'm fine, have fun and enjoy your outing."

"I will mom."

'Sigh, today's the day I end it, my name is James as you already figured out and today I plan to end my life.'

'My life is strictly below-average, below-average looks, a medium wealth range family, and zero friends, I have what you call Autism and anger issues so in school I was always the weird child who got angry, destroying classrooms for little reason and running away or the kid who talked to nobody and slept in class, those incentives left nobody wanting to be my friend and frankly, I always thought I wanted zero friends but that was only a shield to make myself feel better.'

'Once I graduated I had nothing to push me going forward, I hated school so I wasn't going to college so I decided to get a job at Walmart.'

'It pays decent I guess, but after a while, I thought about it and I realized my life wasn't worth living. Since I was young I've always thought about killing myself but I was too afraid of the pain that would come with it.'

'So I decided to jump off a tall building, I read online that you die on impact so you don't feel pain, and let me tell you don't trust the internet all the time, or maybe it was my fault because I didn't jump off a tall enough building because the next thing I know I wake up in a hospital on life support, in pain my mom looking at me with pain and sadness written on her face.'

"Why would you try to kill your self James I know your life wasn't wonderful but you have to know your life wasn't terrible, there are children out there who are born without food to eat or a place to sleep, I'm sorry I need a moment I'll be back in a while James."

That was the last thing I heard and saw before I woke up in a dark space with a white screen in front of me.

It wrote do you want to continue your journey, to have power, to have looks that could kill, then select yes, if not and you want to move on to the afterlife select no.

'I contemplated for a while but still selected yes the only reason I ended my life was mostly because of the way I looked, I mean people always want love and to be with someone but I had autism so I couldn't entirely communicate well and when I did try they would shoot me down and knew that was partly because of my looks, human nature is selfish and life is all about luck and I just got short on my luck for this life.'

'After selecting yes I was given an option to select the way I wanted to look and boy did I contemplate for a while but decided to base my looks off of Haruka Nanase from one of my favorite anime series Free!'

'I didn't change much but my brother to a larger size.'

'After that came an option to select two powers so I select copy and paste to copy other people's powers and skill combination to combine the powers I get to get even more powerful skills.'

'Once that was over I was given I option to select my first world, which I'm guessing means I will be able to select and visit more worlds in the future so I selected, the world MHA, a relatively safe world with almost every person in that world holding a quirk/skill which I would happily have.'

'Once I hit complete I was being pushed into the light while hearing a woman grunting in pain.'