
MHA expanded

Jefferey_Oladejo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
82 Chs

Chapter Seven: Final Exams Prep

We cut to Fourze as he is drawing himself in a new costume. "Hmm. What if this was a actual thing?" Fourze thought to himself. "Knock knock. Can we come in?" Jamie asked as he and Candice walked in. "Yeah sure. I wanted to talk to you two anyways," Fourze said. "What's up?" Candice asked. "I had a dream where we were fighting multiple people with quirks similar to ours. The group of people had siblings of three just like us,one group was in all blue and they could control water and they fought really well together,the second group was the same but with fire,and the third group was the strongest,they could control electricity,fly,and they seemingly ruled over the other two groups because the other groups moved out of their way. These guys demolished us,and when the flew up into the air and shot out a massive blast of lightning at us i woke up" Fourze said as he started to sweat a bit "it was so realistic,and the other groups yelled "all hail the kings of monsters" " Fourze said as Jamie and Candice looked at each other "weird,we had the exact same dream,we should keep an eye on this and see what this means later" Candice said as Aizawa knocked on the door "you three to the common area,were having a class announcement" Aizawa said as the three of them walked to the common area where the rest of the class were waiting "so as i was saying,today will be your final exams,you'll be pit against a teacher in a battle escape trail,your goal is to escape through the bright yellow gate at the end of the terrain,you can also pass if you subdue your teacher in handcuffs" Aizawa said as the class noted this "it's 6:00 right now so all of you should start getting ready for school" Aizawa said as Tokiwa went to the bathroom to go shower. Tokiwa took his shirt off as he looked in the mirror, an image of Fatal appeared in the mirror as Tokiwa flinched back as the image held up a image of a bloody Tokiwa by its hair as Tokiwa stepped back in fear until his back hit the wall as the cold temperature of the bathroom woke him up from his hallucination "Gah! I really need to go to bed earlier" Tokiwa said as he quickly showered and headed to his room to get dressed. "I wonder who'll I'll be going up against or who'll i'll be teamed up with," Tokiwa said as he put his uniform on "doesn't matter,if it comes down to it i'll just stop holding back," Tokiwa said as we cut to everyone at the school. "Alright gang,we'll separate you into your pairs now" Allmight said as he started reading off the list Aizawa handed to him "first battle,Jikazushi and Sero V.s Ectoplasm" Allmight said as Sero and Jikazushi high fived "next up,Mina and Bryce/Chara V.s Seraphim" Allmight said as Brcye slightly blushed as he looked at Mina "simp" Chara whispered in Bryce's head as Mina looked back at Bryce with a smile and shot him a thumbs up with a determined look "After that is,Midoriya and Bakugou V.s Allmight" Allmight said as he heard Bakugou verbally disturbed by this "WHAT! YOU'RE TELLING ME I HAVE TO BE PAIRED UP WITH THIS DAMN NERD!" Bakugou shouted as Aizwa activated his quirk as his captured cloth and hair started to stand up as his eyes turned red "is that a problem Katsuki? If so,we can have a chat with your mother about it" Aizawa said as Bakugou froze as he retracted his statement "on second thought actually,pairing up with good ol Deku wouldn't be that bad" Bakugou said with a forced smile "good,as you were saying Allmight'' Aizawa said as Allmight continue reading "after that,Tokiwa and Toyoya V.s T-Rex. Then Shoto and Kate/Max V.s Endeavor" Allmight said as everyone else except Tokiwa were confused whom Toyoya was "Toyoya is in U.A?" Tokiwa thought as a puddle of ink formed on the ground as a boy with white hair and multicolored eyes that change color hopped from the puddle of ink "sorry i'm late,i've had a lot to do so i couldn't be in school for a while but i'm here now" Toyo said as he slipped on the ink puddle and fell into Tokiwa's chest "oof,sorry Toki,didn't see you there" Toyo said as Tokiwa although slightly annoyed at his overly energetic attitude brushed him off "your fine squid" Tokiwa said as Allmight read on the next couple of matches until he got to the last one "Shouji and Jirou V.s Aizawa" Allmight said as he put the paper down "i suggest you get to know your partners before we start the exams. The exams will be in a week so you'll have that amount of time to train,good luck all of you" Allmight said as everyone left for the day as the last bell rang.