

An explosion ends the life of a young university student, but fate had other plans for the young man as he's brought to life once again but NOT on his world. Follow the adventures of the Demon King as he struggles to the road of heroes.

Shadow_Wolf13 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

Unexpected Guests

For the next few weeks Shiki researched anything associated with invisibility, he talked with doctors and quirk scientists and made Toru give him a full detailed report about her family and their quirks. Finally, he took a sample of Toru's invisible blood. Good thing, that his goggles had thermo vision.

From Toru's report on her family, he found out her father had a light quirk that manipulated the photons to make something invisible while her mother had a mirage quirk. Her older sister had a rainbow quirk, while one of the younger twin sisters had light absorption and the other one was basically a human light bulb. Every single member of her family had a light-associated quirk except Toru. At least that's what she said.

The solution he came up with along with Dr. Davis, a quirk scientist, and his professor, was as simple as complicated to materialize without making Toru quirkless. She might have said it was okay with her as long as she could be visible, but it wasn't with him.

The idea was to make a smartwatch, the watchband was made of multiple tiny stones, Vantablack stone beads that could absorb approximately 99.98% of the light between the small black beads were also tiny white beads that could reflect the light, making it appear as if they were multicolored instead of white. Using light absorption and reflection from the beads and the mirror around the watch screen, which could help control the path of the light particles, along with the watch's holographic capabilities, was supposed to make her visible without interfering with her natural appearance. They still had a lot of testing to do and tinkering until their solution was ready.

Other than his studies and research the days passed by with silence and calmness. He and his seatmates along with Toru came closer, he could even say he and Toru were friends. Todoroki was still cold but once his interest in a subject peaked he could easily hold a conversation and despite his cold demeanor he was a little bit funny, he made silly comments with such seriousness that it was ridiculous, even more so when he didn't understand what was funny. Though he was still hyperaware about everything, Todoroki seemed more relaxed in their company. Then there was Yaoyorozu, she was smart, there was no doubt about that, but she was very self-conscious with her words as if she didn't want to be complimented about her smarts. Another person he talked in a daily basis was Bakugo. Whom surprisingly despite his whole attitude, arrogance, and anger issues, he was pretty good company. He was a good conversationalist, sarcastic but also funny. Finally, there was Ocha, his dear sister whom he loved but wanted to kill. She saw how he tried to open up and make friends, so she decided to leave him to his own devices, that wasn't bad it was appreciated because in the beginning she was hovering all over him and babying him. What wasn't good though was how she left him for Green hair and glasses. Two of the guys he disliked the most. He was still mad with Midoriya and his recklessness that could have killed them, glasses still had a stick deep in his ass and were bothering him with questions that felt more like an interrogation and a privacy breach meanwhile Grape hair was still a revolting human being.

Everything was quiet except for the reporters outside of the school. The reporters started gathering in the mid of the second school week when a student posted on social media a picture with All Might saying 'Greatest Hero, Greatest Teacher', a comment Shiki disagreed with wholeheartedly when things on the battle trial between Bakugo and Midoriya went south, All Might simply gave a warning to Bakugo when he should have stopped the fight. He might dislike Midoriya but his injuries were bad and they could have been worse if Bakugo actually wanted to do serious harm, -Though Bakugo almost lost all his self-control and if Midoriya didn't redirect his blast then he would be in danger- not to mention the almost dying part -Still mad about that by the way- A good teacher would have stopped the fight before any serious harm came to be, Midoriya had a cast for over a week, Bakugo was limping for three days, Ocha was sore and he kept having a headache because of all her complaining -Okay, his headache might not have been All Might's fault, but he wanted to blame someone other than his sister- So yeah, All Might not the greatest teacher.

Anyway, back on the reporters' subject, they kept pestering and harassing the students until Aizawa-Sensei decided to stay guard in the morning at the gate to keep the reporters at bay. Until at the beginning of the third-week things got too far. Toru had asked Shiki to go to school a little bit earlier so they could eat lunch together along with Yaoyorozu and Todoroki. Toru and Yaoyorozu always ate lunch together but Todoroki kept to himself and she felt bad about him, she thought it was because he was the only guy in their little group without Shiki. Therefore Shiki decided to humor her and then proceeded to drag Todoroki to sit with them.

He found out that Midoriya was somehow miraculously voted for class representative while Yaoyorozu was vice representative -which was unfair, Yaoyorozu would be a great class representative, and she had both the confidence (albeit strained) and the brain for the job- She had both Toru's and Todoroki's vote along with one other person, if he was there to vote -again unfair, he might only be in for the heroics but he was still a member of the class- they would be a tie and she would have more chances to be class representative. As they were eating and talking the alarm went off and chaos ensured, that everyone was panicking and pushing to get out and away from danger -And these people were supposed to be the future heroes?- After an elbow on his stomach, and people repeatedly stepping on his feet he got fed up and used Anti Gravity Field to push everyone away from him and his group, making the students around them to be pushed away and fall down or on the students, causing everyone to turn to him in fear thinking he was the supposed villain that entered U.A.

"Get your shit together and stop panicking!!! Is this supposed to be the next generation of heroes? If you can't even handle yourselves in situations like that what are you going to do when you will have to help and guide the civilians to safety?" he yelled questioning every single student. "All the teachers here are also Pro-Heroes have some faith in them. Calm down and get out without pushing and shoving, like actually civilized people." He said making everyone calm down.

"He is right, and if you take a look outside of the window you'll see that it's only the press" Yelled Ida who was pressed in a window making the students calm down even more.

After getting out of that 'death trap' they split up. Toru, Yaoyorozu, and Todorki went back to their class, while Shiki went to the support department to work on Toru's smartwatch he had also decided to make Toru a Hero Costume -considering she was naked in the hero classes- with a special fabric that could also become invisible by Camouflaging. Later he was told that the class wanted to make him class representative when Midoriya forfeited his position, which was impossible since he only attended hero classes, then Midoriya named Ida Class representative, which once again was unfair, Momo was better and wasn't annoying. After that incident, the next three weeks passed once again with nothing major happening.

"For today's hero basic training, it's turned into a class with three instructors All Might, me, and one more person"

"Excuse me, what will be doing? "Asked Ida. Aizawa showed them a card that read RESCUE as a reply.

"Disasters, Shipwrecks, and everything in between. It's a rescue lesson."

This caused a few excited whispers from everyone.

"Rescue..." Shoto Whispered

"This is so exciting," Ochako said

"That's the whole deal of being a hero," Yaoyorozo told them, and Shiki nodded in agreement.

"Hey, I'm not done yet." Everyone got startled and stared at their sensei with a speck of fear in their eyes, Their Sensei's eyes were ruby red while his hair floated giving him a malicious look "You can decide if you want to wear your costume or not this time. Because these are probably costumes that limit your abilities, too. The training will take place off-campus, so we're taking a bus. That is all, Start getting ready"

"Kambe-Sensei 2.0" Shiki whispered while he shivered

"Kambe-Sensei is nicer" Ochako whispered back

"To you maybe..."

As they were waiting outside Shiki kept tinkering on Toru's watch.

"What are you doing?" he lifted his head towards the voice in order to see... nothing.

"Your watch"

"My watch?"


"Can you elaborate?"

"Not yet, once it's ready"

"It's pretty"

"That's not the point though, but I'm glad you like it."

"Class 1-A gather around." Before Toru could reply Ida called them to gather in two lines to enter the bus.

"I wasn't expecting it to be this type of bus," Ida said while holding his head in his hands and being depressed. Toru giggled beside Shiki.

"He sure takes everything seriously" She commented

"Sometimes too serious... I still believe Yaoyorozu would be a better fit for the job."

"You flatter me Shiki, but it is quite alright," Yaoyorozu said while trying to keep a blush off of her face from the praises.

"I agree with Shiki," Todoroki told her, while he still kept his eyes closed trying to sleep.

"Long night?" Shiki questioned him.

"Something like that..."

"Well, if you're talking about flashy and strong" Kirishima's voice broke through their conversation. "It's gotta be Todoroki, Bakugo and Tsukiyama"

"Flashy huh?" Todoroki said looking at his hands.

"Shiki, I believe out of all of us you got the strongest quirk," Toru told him.

"Naturally, his quirk allows him control over one of the fundamental forces" Yaoyorozu commented

"Honestly, Yaoyorozu I prefer your quirk. It's practically every inventor's dream to have a quirk like that"

"It is well rounded, but it could also have serious consequences to the economy" She replied.

"Good thing that it's in responsible hands" Todoroki commented beside her, making her blush from embarrassment, Bakugo's voice reaching their ears making them turn their attention to him.

"Bakugo" Shiki called him making him turn to him and shutting him up. "She's right" Was all he said making some people burst into laughter.

"What did you say you demonic spawn??" He yelled letting small sparks from his hands.

"I'm just saying Tsu is right... With how mad you are you will be more feared than liked, take Endeavor for example." He didn't bother to say, no offense to Todoroki, he took notice of how hateful his expression became when the pro was mentioned. Definitely, something to look at later.

"I'm nothing like crappy beard-man," Bakugo said with poison in his voice, he glanced at Todoroki who raised his eyebrow.

"One is enough," Todoroki told him, then turned his attention towards the window.

"Disrespecting your classmate's father, and in front of him no less, you must apologize" Ida scrutinized them.

"If he wants us to apologize, he can ask us himself," Shiki told Ida while looking at Todoroki who seemed more at peace than anyone.

"Shut it glasses" was Bakugo's reply.

"Quiet down, we're here," Aizawa-Sensei told them.

Getting off of the bus, a consuming feeling of dread washed over him. He had a bad feeling, and he felt like he forgot something important, something would happen but he didn't know what. He buried Thirteen-Sensei's voice and tried to look at the memories of his first life for answers, but all he remembered were blurry faces and disrupted voices.

The feeling got stronger as time passed, his gaze set in an empty space, he didn't know why, but he felt like he had to keep his eyes on that specific space. Then it happen, electricity danced in the air, the lights went off and on again, and the space he had set his gaze on was disrupted by a dark purple vortex, a gate he realized. And he wasn't the only one, their Sensei became hyper-aware, he went in front of the students as if to block them from the villains' gaze, as they came out of the gate and set their hungry eyes at them.

"Thirteen protect the students," Aizawa-Sensei ordered his coworker. Shiki ignored his classmates and focused on the black creature that came out of the vortex. He felt his breath catch in his lungs.

"The trespassing the other day was the work of these scumbags huh?" Shiki heard his teacher and turned to him, but instead of seeing his healthy teacher, he saw his teacher's crippled body. Bleeding with twisted bones that pierced his body.

His classmates' voices washed once again over his ears, as he remembered parts of the incident.

"Shiki, come on, let's go," Ochako told him, trying to pull him away and evacuate. He saw as his sensei ran towards danger, jumping and flipping. Punching and kicking. He was a pro alright, but his quirk would be useless on the black creature. He knew what would happen to him, he would survive. But what if he didn't? Shiki, after all, was a glitch, an anomaly, he wasn't supposed to exist in this world. So, what if his existence altered the timeline of the 'cannon'? Would everyone survive? would things still go their natural way? Or does his presence change everything? was he disturbing the balance?

Even so, he allowed his cousin, his sister, to pull him away. He knew he could help, but his sister needed him. So, he stayed and he kept holding her trembling hand. Even when ugly guilt started surfacing and founding its way through his high walls, he didn't want to leave Aizawa behind but family was family, and he already had lost too many of them. He couldn't go through that again.

But he had to because when the vortex appeared in front of them and Ochako moved her hand to catch Kirishima before attacking but failing to catch him on time, allowing him and Bakugo to attack the vortex, he felt bile rise up, but he didn't allow it. He had lost his anchor, his family, dead silver and onyx eyes hunted his dreams and now brown dead eyes hunted his reality, even if his sister was alive and breathing in front of him. He froze and could only watch as the dark vortex tried to swallow her, he pushed forward his frozen state and pushed Ochako out of the darkness. He felt as if the vortex swallowed a part of his world, but he knew she wasn't swallowed in the darkness with him, he saw her fear-filled eyes, alive staring at him before his own vision sank into darkness.

He fall and rolled until he reached a street that was split up and was shaking by a fake earthquake. He rushed to his feet, he was surrounded by villains and there weren't any of his classmates close by, or at least in his immediate field of vision. He dodged every attack and took his swords out, blocking and slashing with such ease and comfort, with elegance as if he was performing instead of fighting for his life.

He got bruised and his own blood washed down his hand as a villain with a knife quirk cut him deep in his bicep. He pushed through the pain and eventually he took his fight in the sky, he put his swords on his back and used his quirk to pull all the remaining villains to him before punching them with a gravity-infused fist.

The ether markings decorated his hands once again as the colorful images appeared before him, then he was falling upwards, he flew fast and with a purpose. He saw as the Nomu was holding his teacher's bloody head, ready to crush his skull on the pavement, while his teacher's eyes were a glowing ruby color. He rotated himself in mid-air and used gravity to push himself down at the black monstrosity with a downward kick, sending it away from his teacher. The monster kept rolling on the ground, cracking it from both the force behind the kick and the puppet's own weight. Eventually, it stopped but remained on the ground unresponsive, not from the lack of consciousness but from the lack of orders. From the corner of his eye, he saw as Midoriya tried to punch the hands-villain who was staring at him with hate-filled eyes, emphasis on the tried, a dark shadow appeared in front of the villain wrapping Midoriya some meters away and landing his punch to a poor tree that was unfortunate to be rooted in his way, along with his fellow trees behind it.

Hands guy tried to disintegrate his classmates, he took a step ahead before a loud bang echoed in the 'stadium'. He turned and saw All Might's scowling face, devoid of his usual smile and replaced with fury.

"Aizawa-Sensei?" Shiki whispered to him as he crouched down in order to see what damage the puppet did.

"Forget about me kid, take your classmates and run away" His teacher's voice scratchy and barely a whisper, Shiki's eyes widened as blood was rushing down Aizawa's head and his onyx eyes were decorated with blood, suddenly he wasn't looking at the black haired teacher instead he was looking at a young adult with blonde hair and onyx eyes, he too had blood rushing down his skull and eyes onyx and bloody. He shook his head and counted his breaths, pushed away from his own trauma. He wasn't as lucky as he would like, since he noticed his teacher's concerned eyes on him. "You back with me?" His teacher whispered, he could only nod.

He saw All Might landing beside him holding Tsu, Mineta, and Midoriya. He steadied Aizawa on his shoulder and turned on All Might.

"They are here for you, and that thing" he pointed with his free hand to the puppet "Is made specifically to take you on, careful he has shock absorption"

"Thank you, young Tsukiyama, now please take your teacher and lead your classmates to safety" Shiki pressed his lips at that, but nevertheless nodded.

"You will need help" Aizawa interjected.

"Sensei you can barely stand, it would be unreasonable to let you fight." He sighed and turned to Midoriya "Help Aizawa-Sensei and take Tsu and Mineta to safety" He told the green-haired boy whose eyes were wide, uncertainty and fear evident in them.

"Don't even think about it Tsukiyama" Aizawa immediately shot that idea down.

"Someone needs to help All Might-Sensei, right now he CAN'T take on all three of them, and out of everyone I had the most training, I'm no Pro Sensei, but my chances are better than yours currently." Once again he turned to Midoriya "Hurry up, you're wasting precious time just standing there"

"A hero also needs to pick his battles carefully," Aizawa told him.

"I know and I'm doing just that," He said as he gave Aizawa to Midoriya "I trust you Midoriya to protect them"

"Young Tsukiyama, you need to leave as well." All Might said as Shiki went to stand beside him.

A vortex opened before anything else could be said, and from it the Nomu came out trying to punch Shiki, activating his quirk he jumped over it and landed on a hand crunch in the Nomu's extended hand then jumped over the creature's head. After jumping over the creature's head, he landed a spinning kick on the hands' guy before the vortex one could wrap him away. As the hand villain rolled on the ground a vortex opened once again and brought the villain to safety.

"I don't like cheats" He heard the villain say.

"Too bad" He replied, knowing all too well that he was a cheat, someone that shouldn't be there.

He heard Nomu and All Might punching each other, but his eyes were firmly on the villains in front of him. In a blink of an eye, he was trapped in a vortex prison, multiple gates surrounded him, he sensed danger and got low, he saw a hand coming up from a gate behind him trying to touch him. As the hand flew past him, he got into a crunch and slammed his fist on the ground, generating a gravitational field that crushed and negated the gates. Hearing a painful shout from the vortex villain. He jumped into the sky and tried to kick the Nomu away from All Might, the Nomu avoided the kick and tried to punch Shiki who found sanctuary in the sky. He created an energy sphere made of gravity from his fist and threw it into the Nomu, thinking it could stop it with its hands the puppet tried to catch it only to be pushed deep into the ground due to the heaviness of the attack. He landed beside All Might and eyed his bloody mid-section. All might saw where he was looking and hurried to reassure him.

"I'll be fine young Tsukiyama"

"Lying doesn't suit you All Might-Sensei"

He said activating his quirk once again, he ran straight for the hand villain, and just like he did with Ochako he used his quirk to slide beneath the villain, straight for the vortex one, in a burst of speed he managed to reach him but just as his fist was about to make contact the villain wrapped away to safety, or so the villain thought, as Shiki saw Bakugo holding the villain down from the silver collar that kept him whole. He saw the Nomu trapped in ice and the hand villain dodged Kirishima's punch while Midoriya was running back to them with tears in his eyes.

He saw the growing horror of his classmates as The Nomu's hand broke into hundreds of pieces, from both the cold and the pressure it put trying to free its hand and leg. Shiki already knew what followed, he saw the Nomu's limps before when it tried to catch his gravity meteor and his hands got obliterated from the heaviness of the attack. Slowly the bone started growing, then muscle, and finally skin, replacing the limps that not long ago were nothing but scrabbled pieces.

"First we need to get our gate back. Go Nomu."

All Might and Shiki moved both with incredible speed, almost matching each other. All Might was the first to get there, he threw Bakugo out of the way, then as the Nomu's extended hand was seconds away from All Might, Shiki caught the creature's hand absorbing the kinetic energy from the puppet and converting it into concentrated gravity performing a devastating punch that send the Nomu away, crushing walls on its way.

As the dust and dirt cleared, everyone saw Shiki standing in front of All Might shirt and jacket ripped from his own attack, his ether markings extended beyond his hands, decorating his torso, shoulders, neck, and face, going as far as to form green ether horns on his head, giving him the look of an actual demon, it was then that his classmates and teacher realized the meaning behind his quirk's name. Shiki's expression was filled with fury, making him look even more like a demon. What most failed to notice was the trembling from the sheer force of the attack, the Nomu was really powerful, and even though Shiki absorbed the kinetic energy of the punch it still took a lot of effort to hold the hand and stop the oncoming attack, not to mention the usage of his quirk, converting the energy tired him out, his breathing was labored and shaky, his legs could barely keep him standing.

Soon he felt his legs giving up on him, All Might was beside him before his face could meet the pavement. The markings starting to ever so slowly fade away.

"This kid is a cheat, but he won't be for long" He heard the villain say.

"Young Tsukiyama you did enough, please rest" All Might whisper to him.

"Not yet -- still dangerous" he managed to say between breaths, he was exhausted and he felt a persistent pull of sleepiness but he pushed it away.

"Do you not know how to hold back?" All Might questioned the hand villain as the puppet joined its master, All Might's hands tighten around his trembling body, trying to keep him protected from the one that caused it.

"It was to rescue my companions. I had no choice. I mean, earlier, that... uhm the plain-looking one, was about to punch me with everything he had you know and that demon hurt my companion so bad that left him trembling, I had to return the favor you know. Violence for the sake of others makes it admirable. Isn't that right hero?" All Might's hands tightened even more. "You know what All Might? I'm angry. I'm angry at this world that categorizes the same acts as heroic and villainous, deciding what's good and what's bad. Symbol of Peace, huh? You're just a device to replace violence. Violence only breeds violence. The world will know this once we kill you!"

"You're a hypocrite," Shiki said with a trembling voice, he tried to get up from All Might's hold and he succeeded, still though he had to hold his teacher to keep himself upright. "Teaching the world the lesson that violence breeds violence by killing will get you nowhere. I don't disagree with everything you said, a villain acts violently for selfish and unknown reasons, and a hero acts violently in order to stop the villain. 'Every action always has an opposite reaction' You act and we react. You tried to kill one of my classmates so Green hair reacted, you tried to disintegrate me so I reacted, if you want to pass your message then find another way, one that doesn't include violence. There's always a reason behind someone's deeds but when they are at the expense of somebody else we react." His voice got a little bit stronger.

"You know nothing" The villain gritted out.

"To me, it's you who know nothing. You're the one that acts as a manchild, trying to teach the world a lesson that you yourself don't seem to understand." by the time Shiki finished talking the villain sithed with rage.

"It's preposterous, the eyes of white collar criminals like you burn silently. You just want to enjoy this yourself, don't you? you liar!" All Might gritted out, keeping a protective hand on Shiki's naked shoulder, his classmates got ready for the second round, "Stand down" All Might told them. "Young Kirishima, take Tsukiyama and stand down."

"You would've been in trouble if I hadn't done anything earlier."

"That was a different story young Todoroki, thanks." All Might said with determination while helping Shiki to walk towards them. "But it's fine! just watch as a Pro gives everything he got"

"Nomu, Kurogiri get him while I deal with the children. Now let's clear this level and go home" The hand villain said while running towards them with a burst of speed, stopping as All Might and Nomu passed beside him and came face to face, starting a fist fight of unimaginably strength and speed. All Might kept punching the Nomu so fast and with so much power behind his punches that the Nomu didn't have enough time to absorb the shock behind each punch.

"Plus Ultra" All Might said sending the puppet into the sky making the whole building vibrate.

"His getting weaker" Shiki whisper loud enough for only his classmates to hear him.

"Weaker?!" Kirishima exclaim. "Such power... he can't be..."

"He is" He affirmed while his eyes were on All Might's trembling form.

"Then the reason he became a teacher was to prepare the next generation?" Tosoroki questioned.

"Or to find a successor" Midoriya started to sweet bullets after hearing Shiki's words.

"successor?" Kirishima said baffled.

"Someone else to hold the title Symbol of Peace" Bakugo elaborated. They fell quiet after that, listening to the conversation between villain and hero. The villain tried to rush to All Might but Midoriya was there to support instead he almost got killed, and it was only thanks to Snipe-Sensei that he didn't. The heroes arrived and the villains run away with their tails between their legs. Leaving behind all the minions they brought, further proving Shiki's comment on the hypocrite part.

Getting outside -now able to both walk and stand alone- he found his hands full of his sister's trembling body, she wailed while stammering through her words, apologizing and telling him how afraid she was that she might have lost him. That she might never see him again. He didn't say anything, but he hugged her back, hold her tight, and buried his face in her head, letting tears flow as he silently cried from both relief and the fear that had consumed him. He had his anchor back, but he knew as they grow to be heroes, they had to learn to stand alone and to leave through the fear of loss. This time they managed to get out almost unhurt. Bruised and bloodied, but alive. Now they only had to get over the emotional turmoil.