

An explosion ends the life of a young university student, but fate had other plans for the young man as he's brought to life once again but NOT on his world. Follow the adventures of the Demon King as he struggles to the road of heroes.

Shadow_Wolf13 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs


Back in the battle center where the huge crate was, Shiki was still floating above it, a big frown set on his face.

'That was it? that was the most powerful robot they had to offer? it was way too easy to take down ' he thought as he was watching the remains of the robot. Sighing he turned back and floated back to the ground. Ignoring all the stares he put his hands in his pockets and walked away toward the entrance.

He was disappointed, to say the least. He had been training for almost ten years, Martial arts, Swordsmanship, Marksmanship, and strengthening his quirk (Naturally with training), and for what? Was every single examinee here in the level to barely take down the three-pointer bots? Maybe he should have focussed a little bit more on his academic studies.

'While I easily acquired my degree in Robotics because of my knowledge in my previous life, I could have focused a little bit more on Nanotechnology and have acquired it as well. Well, whatever in a few months I will have it on my hands and then I can completely focus on my Quirk biology degree. It certainly helps the fact that I only have to attend hero-related classes in the U.A. Maybe I could spend a little bit of my free time in the support department. Then again being overprepared for School, only means that I am a little bit more prepared for the Real world. I can only hope they won't baby us here, after all the world is a cruel place and U.A's job is to not only make us heroes but also to prepare us for the world's cruelty.'

Shiki tried to hide his disappointment as he approached the exit. He didn't want to drop his sister-cousin's spirits by saying it was too easy for him whereas she strangled somewhat. He was certain she passed with flying colors but he did doubt her ability to take down the zero-pointer. True she was much stronger now than she was before Shiki trained her, and didn't get nauseated as easy, but the most damage she could deal to the robot... well not exactly damage per see, what she could do to the robot based on its weight would be lifting it for a few seconds above the ground, barely floating. He was aware of her limits, he was her mentor, after all, he had to know her limits.

As he got to the bus, he watched the impressive number of health personnel the school had to offer for today's event, hurrying over to the center and checking everyone out. He too was told to sit down for a check-up, of course, he compiled.

There were two things he was afraid of. One, bugs. He can't stand them, in his first life he wasn't afraid of them but now... Shivers run down his body at the sight of them. Probably a side effect of being reincarnated into Shiki, though the only common things he has with him are his name, appearance, power, and fear of bugs.

Second, doctors and nurses. Somehow people that work in the health department are terrifying and give you the vibe that if you don't do what they want you to do, then you're screwed. Not to mention that you get hurt more by not following their commands, then again that could've just been Sakura.

Ever since the 'incident' where he lost his parents and landed himself in the hospital, Sakura became his doctor, seeing that he had to go to the hospital several times because of his training. She is NOT a person you want to mess with or define. He's not sure how Sasuke deals with her, since he's an underground hero and usually finds himself along with his partner Naruto in the hospital, actually, he mostly goes to the hospital with Naruto to play mediator between his wife and best friend, and when he can't Kakashi or better known as pro hero Hound does that for him. Though Kakashi is the one with the unbreakable record of hospitalizations.

Those four are more like a family than a team. Hound was their Sensei back when they were newbies, while those three grew up together. Naruto and Sasuke used to be rivals, and Sakura had an unhealthy crush on Sasuke, he wasn't interested in her though, and funny enough Naruto had a crush on her. Over the years Naruto got over his crush on Sakura and married one of his former classmates, while Sasuke fell in love with her and they got married. Even though Sakura is a doctor, she is also a pro hero. It's a special class of heroes called battle medics. Specialists with a healing quirk and high fighting capabilities that can stand their ground in a fight. It certainly helps that Sakura doesn't only have a healing quirk but also super-strength, a side effect of her quirk.

After the check-up, he went over to the bus and waited for the rest of the examinees. He heard multiple whispers about him, he was called a variety of names starting from incredible and ending with monster. Huh, Monster. His grandfather will be proud, after all, that's what people call him.

Few people tried to talk to him, but he kept himself busy on his phone, projecting an aura of not wanting to be bothered, later on after getting sick of hearing the whispers he put on his headphones and waited for the bus to begin. And it did after the agonizing wait of forty minutes.

Finding his bubbly cousin in the big crowd wasn't as difficult as he thought it to be. Especially since he didn't need to go looking for her, instead she found him as she was coming back from where the teachers' office was supposed to be.

"Where were you?" He asked her raising an eyebrow.

"Talking to a teacher" Somehow Shiki managed to raise his eyebrow even higher. "At the end of the exam, where the zero-pointer came I got trapped under some rubble and I couldn't use my quirk because of overuse. No one tried to help me, only the green-haired boy you saved from crushing his face in the morning, but in the process, he broke a few of his limps and I felt bad, I mean I technically feel like I ripped his chance of getting in" Now Shiki's eyebrow was twitching because the crybaby managed to come close with Ocha. Why couldn't she choose someone else other than green hair? well, perverts were also off the table. Still, he was itching to know something.

"So he broke his limps saving you, but you felt bad because he may not enter UA?"

"Healing girl healed his limps" She waved her hand in dismissal saying that.

"Okay, so what could you possibly do if he failed? If he didn't gather enough points that were his fault he had 25 minutes to gather the points. The last five minutes when the robot came out wouldn't be much of a change, most if not all the robots would be destroyed by other examinees."

"Well, I didn't think of it like that... I just thought that because he saved me he wasted time and didn't gather points, then he broke his limps becoming useless and unable to gather them"

"First of all, saving you was MOST definitely not a waste of time. Secondly, like I already told you, he wouldn't have enough time to gather the points. Finally, you still didn't answer me, what did you do?"

"As you said, I couldn't have done much. The only thing I could've thought of was going to the principal and asking him to give some of my points to him. Not all of them, just enough for him to pass."

"So, you thought that giving YOUR points, The points you worked your ass off for the past year, To him in order for him to pass was a GOOD idea? You do realize the wrongness in that right? Because if he didn't gather enough points and they take YOUR points and give them to him, then he PASSES you FAIL. How was that a good idea?"

"I didn't think that... But it doesn't matter the teacher said that they can't do it"

"But what if they could? Sure you could probably go and take the entrance exam for another school, that's farther away. Not to mention there are only five hero high schools in japan including UA. The only other one close enough which by the way is still two hours away from our house is Shiketsu High School"

"There's still Ketsubutsu high school" she mumbled.

"Almost three hours away" he countered "You need to think ahead Ocha, you can't face all your problems face forward without thinking about the consequences"

She dropped her head mumbling I know. Seeing her downcast expression and feeling somewhat guilty, he decided to change the subject.

"So how did you do on the test?" Her face immediately lighted up and started telling him what she did.

"How about you?"

"Gathered points, helped a few examinees…"


"And what?"

"You trailed off; besides I know you Otōto, something happened but you're not telling me, and when you do that it's usually because you're worried about me" Shiki looked at her contemplating telling her or not.

"I took down the zero pointer"

"That was it?"

"Well, yeah?"

"Shiki you've been training to be a hero for the majority of your life, not to mention your quirk is incredibly powerful. I would be surprised if you didn't take it down"

"And you're okay with that?"

"of course!! If you were worried about me being discouraged then I probably didn't pass the message of my stubbornness. Besides, as I said, you've been training for a long, long time. I, on the other hand, have been training only for a year. Obviously, the gap between us is pretty big." Shiki gave her a small smile and nodded, happy that she wasn't jealous like some of the examinees he had heard, and also happy that instead of being discouraged she looked up at him, stride to be like him, in regards to skill that is. "On other matters, what did you think about the exam?"

"On one hand, it was unfair"

"Unfair?" She asked before Shiki had a chance to elaborate.

"What would you do if your quirk was mind control or illusions?" She paused and tried to think of an answer.

"I don't know"

"Exactly, the students with mental quirks or quirks that weren't distractive enough didn't have many chances to pass. Some examinees gave up because they didn't know how to defeat the robots with their quirk and sat out of the fight completely, few tried to beat them but eventually, they gave up, they got discouraged only because through this test only people with powerful and flashy quirks have a much bigger chance to pass. Or at least they weren't creative with their quirk or they didn't study the information sheet"

"What do you mean they weren't creative?"

"In my center, there was a girl with an invisible quirk, tell me how do you think she took down the robots?"

"Well, she is invisible so…" she trailed off trying and failing to find the words.

"So what? She can still radiate heat, she can still be heard. Stealth is more than just being invisible and tricking the eye. You have to trick all the senses. The robots may not have all the senses we do, but most certainly can trace heat signatures. So, what do you think?"

"She could have come prepared; we were allowed to bring whatever with us"

"So, you think she came prepared to take down robots when no one knew we would face them?" She blushed when she realized how stupid it sounded. "She was smart and creative. While I didn't see her fight, I did overhear what she did. First, she read the whole sheet. While it's true that the test wasn't really fair, the school still offered students like that the opportunity to pass, the people that thought everything was explained in the orientation were foolish. It's a hero school, they want to see how you act in an unknown situation. The sheet had information about the robots, including an off switch. Second, she used her environment to her advantage. She covered her noise and used the distraction the other examinees had unknowingly offered, to take the robots down. Now let's say your quirk is mind control" he glanced at the person a few feet on his left, that was not so stable at overhearing their conversation. He was in his battle center, he was easy to remember with his purple gravity define hair, not to mention he tried to control him, too bad for him Shiki's mentality was nothing to scoff at. "You could control other examinees to take down the robots for you, and no, that's not prohibited since you technically don't interfere with their test. Unfortunately, there are two outcomes in this situation. First, the teachers may not take notice of the mind control user and give all the points to the puppet, second, the points are split between the two, narrowing their chances of a passing grade. Of course, there are also the conditions of their quirk to consider. One, how long can you control someone? Two, how can you control someone? Do you have to make eye contact? Make skin contact? Talk to them? Three, can they be controlled? There are cases where mind control fails, for example, their target has more willpower than them or high enough mentality to escape."

"So how can they pass?"

"Simple, they do what the girl did. They use their environment and the people around them. If you have to use your quirk then have the people create a distraction and then YOU shut the robots down. That way you earn the points. Of course, that means you have to have read the sheet to know about the power switch beforehand."

"You know in my battle center there was a boy with duct tape coming from his elbows. What do you think he did to gather points?"

"He probably imbalanced them by tying their legs together, with quirks like that you have to get a little creative" They continued talking about different quirks and their uses on the test and exchanging ideas of new moves with their quirks until they finally reached home, where they were welcomed with the delicious scent of Hayashi Rice, and warm hugs from the adults. Needless to say, lunch was filled with conversations surrounding Heroes, U.A., and of course the test and their experience. Overall it was a good day, Shiki decided.


Over the course of the week where they awaited the exam results, Shiki devoted himself to his Nanotechnology master, it also helped that Kambe gave him the next two weeks off. Meanwhile, Ochako tried to keep herself busy in order to forget her anxiety, at one point Shiki took pity on her and took her out for a shopping spree (though it was window shopping, meaning she didn't buy anything).

Once they returned home, Ochako's mother greeted them with squeals and exclamations. The Exam results finally arrived. They decided to wait for Tobio and once he came they face called Ziggy.

"Come on Skiki you first"

"Don't push me Oneesan" Shiki whined rather childishly, making everyone amused. For all his seriousness and adulthood (in a sense), he was rather whiny and at times dramatic. Ochako on the other hand was an airhead and optimistic.

Shiki opened his letter and a disk fell in his lap lighting up.

'I AM HERE AS A PROJECTION NOW' yelled an enthusiastic voice, that belonged to a buffed man. Everyone in the room, excluding Shiki and Ziggy had now stars in their eyes.

"Is there a play-forward button in this thing?" Wondered Shiki as he tried to look for any buttons.

"Don't you dare" Said Ochako Punching him with all her might on his forearm; She was surprisingly strong.

'I know what you're wondering. What does the #1 hero in Japan is doing projecting your results!!!'

"Not really, I only want to see my results"

"Shush" his aunt shut him up, his frown got deeper in her dismissal toward his annoyance.

'Young man, you are now looking at the newest faculty member of U.A.'

"Shiki, I give you my condolences," His grandfather told him not bothering to hide his growing frustration towards the buff man. He had met All Might a couple of times and he was NOT impressed. Sure the guy was really powerful and with an incredible quirk, but he wasn't tactical and he always solved all his problems with a fist. 'I can only hope that they will be lucky enough to have Shota as a teacher ' he thought to himself.

'Your written test had the unbelievable perfect score, only a select few manage to get a score like that' No one in the room seemed surprised at that, given his first quirk is high intelligence and his academic level, it was only logical. 'As for your practical results, you outshined everyone gathering 138 villain points and that's not all. U.A. is a hero School and there are other factors in the system point. RESCUE points. Where once again you did incredibly and managed to gather 113 rescue points. Now with total points of 251, you conquered first place' As he said that the projection changed into a scoreboard with the top five names. Even though his name was at the top of the list Shiki focused on the first place.

"Oneesan look" he exclaimed pointing to the third place "You got third place, with a total score of 76 only a point difference with second place" (A/N I changed her score a little bit, in the anime second place was Kirishima with 74points and Ochaco third with 73points)

"You're right" She squealed hugging his arm.

"My babies are going to U.A." aunt Kokoro said as she struggled us with a hug. Uncle Tobio not wanting to be excluded joined in the group hug.

"I want in on the hug" Apparently Shiki got his whiny trait from his grandfather, whom all ignored.

'Welcome young man in Your Hero Academia' by that point everyone ignored All Might's voice, they were too happy, even the three fans, to pay attention to the man.

"Dad get your ass over here so we can celebrate," Kokoro said

"Darling I can't just leave... this is what we're gonna do, celebrate together tonight and tomorrow I'm going to take you all out for a nice meal"

"Sounds like a plan to me," Shiki said with the rest of them giving their approval as well.

The rest of the day was spent with Ochako and Shiki designing their hero costumes, but all the gadgets were left for Shiki to do as he pleases, they didn't bother to include them in their design. It was also decided that tomorrow morning they will go and buy the parts he needed to make the gadgets with the money he and Ocha had collected.

When finally night came the family celebrated their success.