

An explosion ends the life of a young university student, but fate had other plans for the young man as he's brought to life once again but NOT on his world. Follow the adventures of the Demon King as he struggles to the road of heroes.

Shadow_Wolf13 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs


"The Pro heroes and Teachers arrived just in time to save the students before a bigger tragedy occurred. The question remains though, how could the villains enter one of the most secure institutions of the nation? Can we trust the school to keep our children and the newest generation of heroes safe or are we putting too much faith into the school?" The reporter on the tv was standing in front of the U.A. gates, brown hair caught into a long braid, purple eyes of a professional who could easily braid the lies into truths. While the woman in front of the tv was trembling as she was holding the phone to her ear, one hand was pulling her dark strawberry blonde hair as if trying to keep herself grounded, while her onyx eyes were filled with worry and stuck on the screen.

"Hi, you've reached Ochako Uraraka. I can't get to the phone right now. You can leave your message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can." Her daughter's voice echoed in her ear, a strained sob escaped her trembling lips and traitorous tears threatened to fall. She hurried to press another number. She waited with her heart thumping in her ears.

"Aunty" She heard her pseudo-son's -official nephew- weak voice, a tone she hadn't heard from her boy since her dear brother's and her best friend's deaths.

"Shiki" she cried. "Are you and Ochako okay? Are you hurt?" She was glad to hear his voice but she could also feel her worry turning into panic.

"We're fine, Ocha is with a police officer, they want to take statements from all of us. She isn't hurt just a bit shaken up." Her worry eased a little bit, but she soon realized Shiki didn't say anything about him.

"What about you?" She asked a bad feeling rising. There was a pause, for all her nephew's many talents, lying wasn't one of them. "Shiki are you hurt?" She asked panic clear in her voice.

"It's just a scratch..."

"Elaborate, before I come over and make the so-called scratch into something horrible"

"Stab wound on my left arm, and quirk exhaustion..." Her worry spiked, even more, Shiki's quirk exhaustion was really unpredictable, the most usual symptoms were dizziness and exhaustion, but there were a few times when he was feverish and had to be moved into a hospital because he had febrile convulsions. Those were some of her worst memories, she would sit at his side until he woke up, and sometimes she would be waiting at his bedside, stroking his hair and watching his sleeping face, trying to memorize every little detail as her fear spiked with every passing day he kept sleeping. She reasoned that he was talking to her and other than his weak voice he sounded fine, but then again the seizures and fever didn't start immediately.

"Where are you?"

"Still in school with the medics. I'm fine don't worry. The teachers are calling parents right now to inform them and come pick us up."

"sweetie, ask them to check your temperature"

"They already have. Don't worry aunt Koko they have read my medical file, that's why they're still supervising me."

"Good, I'll call your grandfather to come over and I'll inform Haruno-san about your situation so she can come over and check you herself."

"No need to bother Sakura-san, they..."

"She is your doctor and I trust her way more than those strangers" She interrupted him. A heavy sigh from the other side of the phone reached her ears.


"Glad we understand each other" She sighed feeling her panic and worry subsiding "I'll be waiting for you to come back so I can mother you both" a weak laugh was heard from the other side.

"Alright, I'll see you soon" A pause then almost a whisper "I love you, aunty" Kokoro smiled a little bit then she said with an equally small whisper.

"I love you too, sweetie" Then the phone call ended and she allowed herself to break and cry, tears of relief, love, happiness, and worry.


When his daughter told him she wanted to become a hero, he didn't know whether to cry from happiness or worry himself sick. Now he knew, and he wished he didn't. He knew why his daughter chose that path, it was him because his company was on the brig of bankruptcy and she felt like it was her job to support them. But it wasn't, it was his job.

Another part of him knew that that wasn't the only reason. After Shiki came to live with them the boy was a wreck, most of the time it was easy to forget that he was just a five-year-old because of his maturity, but after that incident, it became apparent that he was just a boy, he closed himself up, he barely ate and he spent most of his time in his room. Most of his time would be spent wrapped in blankets trying to block the world, still, the boy hadn't allowed himself to cry -or at least see him crying-. He would just make himself a small nest of blankets and waste his time watching his ceiling or his wall. Everyone tried to get him out but he wouldn't come, that hit hard everyone, especially Ochako who loved playing with him, there were times when she would sit on his lap and ask him 'Daddy, why Shiki doesn't want to see us?' And he would say 'Because he's hurting' her expression would always become pained and tears would fill her eyes 'But why?' then he would say 'Because he lost something important' then her eyes would fill with fake hope 'Maybe I can help him find it' Tobio didn't have the heart to tell her that she wouldn't.

But ever so slowly, his little girl did it, Shiki started to revert to his old self.

Unfortunately, he wasn't the same boy. He was even more mature, there was some heaviness and pain, so much pain in his eyes. He was distrustful of everyone other than the family members, he was barely smiling -a feat only Ochako could do- and he was quiet. He also kept his door closed when Ochako was in daycare.

The ice on the cake though was the first time he had quirk exhaustion -because apparently, he didn't only keep himself busy by transforming into a blanket burrito but also by training his new quirk- it was the first time he had a seizure because of his high fever, the first time they spent time in the hospital, worrying over his bed. He was kept hospitalized for over one and a half months. When he came back home, his room didn't have a door. It felt like a breach of privacy and it was, the kid was furious but only for a while, when Tobio asked him about it he said 'aunt Koko spent this whole time by my side, Ocha would play with me and you made sure that all three of us were okay. I made you worry and lost your trust, I have to earn it back' He did earn it back, and only within a few months, but it took six years for the door to return to its rightful place, during those years they came closer as a family, Ocha would crawl on Shiki's bed when she was scared or had nightmares, and when Shiki had nightmares he often saw his wife stroking his hair while holding him and whispering loving words.

When Ochako said she wanted to be a hero it was a surprise, and he didn't know how to feel. When Shiki told them, it wasn't a surprise, it was expected even for all his six years, and he knew how to feel, he didn't like it, but his nephew/son was determined so he encourage him.

Now he was running through U.A.'s hallways trying to find his kids. He really didn't like the path they chose, they would worry him to a heart attack, but he would stay by their side and he would be there for them. When he found them snuggling into a bench he run and took them in his arms.


The days blend into each other as the school was canceled for a week in order to recover from the attack, both emotionally and physically. Ocha spent most of her time with Shiki, losing him into the purple vortex had shaken her up. While he was working on Toru's watch and costume she would lay on his bed reading, but always having him in her peripheral vision. It took four days for her to break and when she did he was there. On the fifth day, she managed to go out with her friends, while Shiki had called Toru to come over, it was time to try the watch. He ended up going to her place instead.

Toru's house was filled with family pictures, her parents stopped including her when the tweens were born. Now they barely talked.

"Are you ready?" He asked her.

"I think so..."

"What's wrong?"

"How do you think my family will react? seeing me... What should I do if that works?" she said with a tinge of panic.

"They should be happy, though not only because they can see you and prevent them from neglecting you. Other than that they should pay more attention to you. As for you, you do nothing just stay who you are."

"What if it's not enough?"

"It should be. Toru, do you want this?"

"Yes" was the immediate answer.

"Then do it for you not them."

"You're right," She said decisively "But I'm nervous..."

"Take a few deep breaths" He instructed and she followed, he came closer "Give me your hand" once again she complied, she watched as he put the watch on her wrist and opened it "Get ready," He told her and activated the holographic picture. The light the beads had absorbed was released and the light particles with the help of the mirror form a path making her visible.

She had fair skin and wavy long bubblegum pink hair that reached her waist and a petite body, but the most striking feature that captivated Shiki was her eyes, her eyes were not only two different colors but changed color regularly (A/N her eye color resembles Jyugo from Nanbaka).

Her happiness could not be described, they spent the rest of the day together having fun, and when it was time for her to see her family she wanted him to be there.

Her parents were ecstatic that they could finally see their daughter, they asked her for forgiveness for all the times they forgot about her and they thanked Shiki, her sisters bombarded both of them with questions, and her older sister was the silent support, she held her hand and didn't let go.

The two sisters always shared a room and Nijiko (The oldest sister) was the only one that paid attention to her and her needs, it probably was because she knew how it felt not to be heard, while her sister could not be seen. Nijiko was mute but the way she expressed herself through body language and art was like she was shouting and made you notice her.


Todoroki Shoto hated his father and it was no secret that he did. When they announced a whole week off of school he wasn't happy, unlike the other kids he hated spending time in his home. He felt trapped and at times he could hear his mother's cries of sorrow, his oldest and dead brother's cries of anger, his sister's and brother's quiet spoke volumes of their fear and anger, and finally his father's shouting. So the majority of his free time was spent out and away from the nightmarish home. The week passed and he aimlessly walked around town and spent his time either in the library or the café his sister worked.

It was on the fifth day he saw a familiar face walk into the café. She wore a sky blue shirt and a black skirt, her dark hair wasn't in its usual ponytail, instead, they were down. When she saw him her whole face lit up, the rest of the day wasn't spent aimlessly walking around by himself but it was spent talking -mostly listening- to his friend -and wasn't that a surprise, to be able to call someone friend when he tried to isolate himself- he was able to forget everything about his father and mother thanks to her. When he went back home with his sister, who tried to hide a sly smile, he felt lighter like a big weight was removed.

On the sixth day, another friend called. Honestly, even though he considered Shiki a friend the call was unexpected. When he was asked to hang out with Shiki, Yaoyorozu, Hagakure, and Uraraka he didn't see a reason why not. It came as a surprise when he saw Toru, quite literally. What followed afterward was the girl shouting and a lot of hugging between the girls. Shoto hugged her and congratulate her as well then thanked his friend for making her visible. The rest of the day was spent in the amusement park.


Finally, it was time for them to return to school, and this time Shiki was asked to attend a full day, he was planning on making full use of the day by working on the last details with Torus's hero costume. When he entered the classroom with Ochako a cacophony of voices harassed their ears. Today's topic was Visible Toru instead of USJ, which was much better, most of the students if not all were dealing with their fair share of drama, so the news was lighthearted and did wonders to their spirits.

"Tsukiyama" Mineta whispered to Shiki

"What?" He asked while the familiar feeling of irritation started to rise up.

"I just want to thank you for allowing another beauty in our class," he said while his expression became perverted. Shiki's eyebrow started twitching while Todoroki looked at the little pervert with something akin to disgust.

"She was always in our class," Todoroki said his usual cold tone was replaced with disgust.

"But now she is visible"

"Shut your trap you little pervert" Bakugo exploded

"Who do you think is going to teach homeroom today?" Asked Mina once everyone calmed down.

"Well, Aizawa-sensei is supposed to be in the hospital recovering from his injuries..." Tsu started only to be interrupted by the door opening and a mummy was standing there.

"Good Morning" the mummy said.

"Aizawa-Sensei you're back too soon" everyone exclaimed.

"I need to ask Kambe-sensei if he has a brother..." Shiki murmured

"That's right Kambe-san did something like that once too..."

"The fight is not over yet," Aizawa said attaining the attention of the two siblings. He paused dramatically "The U.A. sports festival is drawing near."

"Is it okay to have the sports festival so soon after the villain attack?"

"What if they attack again or something?"

"Apparently, they think of it as U.A. showing that our crisis management system is solid as a rock to hold the event. Security will also be strengthened in comparison to previous years."

"Makes sense" Shiki commented

"What do you mean?" Kirishima asked

"U.A. lost face because of the attack they need to retain it and showing both its students strength and their own power by holding the event is the most efficient and fastest way to do that."

"Not only that but our Sports Festival is a huge chance." Aizawa added, "It's not an event to be canceled by a few villains."

"But that's a good reason, isn't it? It's only a sports festival" Mineta asked almost crying from his fear. 'How did he even pass?' Shiki thought.

"Mineta, you've never seen the sports festival?" questioned Midoriya.

"Our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events. In the past the whole country was crazy about the Olympics, a simple sports festival, now as you know with reductions in scale and population, they're now a shell of their former glory. And now, for Japan, what has taken the place of those Olympics is the U.A. sports festival!" Aizawa tried to make them understand the importance of the sports festival.

"Of course, all the top heroes around the country will be watching. For scouting purposes" Added Yaoyorozu, while Kaminary explained the steps of becoming a Pro to Mineta and Jirou made fun of Kaminari by saying he was meant to stay as a sidekick.

"Of course, joining a famous hero agency will get you more experience and popularity" Aizawa continued as if he never had heard them. "Time is limited. If you want to go pro, then the path to your future will be opened by this event. One chance a year, a total of three chances. No aspiring heroes can afford to miss this event. If you understand that, then don't slack off on your preparations!"

'Aizawa-sensei certainly knows how to motivate us' Shiki thought as he saw all the motivated faces of his classmates.

"Tsukiyama, a word" Aizawa demanded after homeroom, he didn't bother to turn around and look if Shiki followed him. Entering the teacher's office Aizawa led him to his desk and offered him the seat beside him -Later on, he found out it was Mic-Sensei's-. "How are you?" Shiki raised an eyebrow but answered anyway.

"I'm alright. Is everything alright Sensei?"

"Your medical file states psychological trauma most specifically PTSD and yet there aren't any psychological appointments included. Any reason why?" Shiki's eyes widened in realization, he wasn't aware that Sakura had included his PTSD on his file, therefore, he wasn't prepared for that kind of talk, though he expected something similar when he realized that Aizawa saw him while he was lost in a memory.

"There was no reason..." he started weakly

"Kid, I saw you when we were in the USJ, you controlled it then but what if you are unable to do it again? You won't only put yourself in danger but also your comrades and the civilians." Shiki averted his eyes from his teacher and stared at the floor. "I'm sorry but if you want to be a hero it's mandatory, not only now but also afterward, every hero has to take a psychological evaluation three times a year and every hero has a psychologist." he sighed at Shiki's defeated expression, he didn't want to force him but as a teacher, he had to look after his student even if said student dreaded to do so. "Recovery girl is also a psychologist, from now on you will have at least two sessions a week, talk with her to make arrangements, I already informed her and she is expecting you."

"I understand," he said still looking at the floor.

"It's for your own good" Aizawa elaborated, he didn't like forcing his students to do something they didn't want to.

"I know, but it doesn't mean I have to like it." He sighed again "Anyway, I should go to Recovery girl and then to the support department."

"Right, you're free to go"

"Thank you sir" he stood up and started heading to the door before pausing and turning around "Sensei, you need to follow your own advice and look after yourself, there's still hope for you." Aizawa left a low chuckle.

"I will kid" Shiki nodded and went to find Recovery girl.

After a long lecture about carrying for oneself and how trauma works and its consequences, they managed to make arrangements for his sessions. He spent the rest of his day in the support department making Toru's costume, when lunch came around he ate with his seatmates, plus Toru and minus Ochako -She joined glasses and Tokoyami-

"I think Midoriya is All Might's love child" Todoroki blurted out making Toru spill her water, Yaoyorozu stare at him with wide eyes and Shiki raise a brow. "I heard Uraraka and Ida chatting they said that Midoriya was having lunch with All Might, also in the quirk apprehension test All Might was there spying at Midoriya."

"He was?" Yaoyorozu asked surprised

"You saw that?" Shiki asked him.

"I did too," Toru said "He wasn't hiding very well"

"I'll admit All Might has definitely an interest in Midoriya..." Yaoyorozu started but soon realized how it sounded and got red from embarrassment "Don't take me wrong I don't think All Might is interested in Midoriya that way" She hurried to explain.

"Don't worry we didn't think of that" Toru hurried to assure her.

"We understood what you meant, you can continue" Todoroki also tried to reassure her, she coughed and continued still red-faced.

"As I was saying, All Might has an interest in Midoriya, and they both have similar quirks but I doubt Midoriya is All Might's son"

"Yeah, for starters their appearances, they look nothing alike and their personalities are way too different. Children usually adopt some characteristics from their parents, I just don't see that with them" Toru added.

"Then why is All Might so interested in Midoriya?" Todoroki ask

"I don't know" Toru admitted and Yaoyorozu tried to think of a reason.

"Someone else needs to hold the title 'Symbol of peace'" Shiki repeated Bakugo's words.

"You think he wants Midoriya as his successor?" Todoroki asked him immediately remembering their whispered conversation on USJ while the girls widened their eyes.

"Similar quirk, same goal," Shiki told him.

"It makes sense" Yaoyorozu whispered

They continue talking until lunch finished and they had hero studies.

"My mind is like a mush right now, I can't wait to go home and relax," Ochako said

"Lucky you" Shiki muttered, he looked up realizing everyone's attention was on the door, looking up he saw a bunch first years trying to take a look at the 1-A students, blocking the exit.

"We can't get out! Why did you come here for, anyway?" He heard Mineta say.

"Scouting the enemy, small fry," Bakugo said with his usual scowl and arrogance "We are the ones who made it out of the villains' attack." Shiki started heading toward Bakugo. "They probably wanna check us out before the sports festival. There's no point in doing stuff like that" Shiki put his hand on Bakugo's shoulder quieting him down.

"Calm down you won't get anything by antagonizing them." He told Bakugo

"I came to see what the famous class A was like, but you seem pretty arrogant." said the purple-haired teenager who was in his battle center. "Are all the students in the hero course like this? Seeing something like this makes me disillusioned. There are quite a few people who enrolled in general studies or other courses because they didn't make it into the hero course. Did you know that?"

"Everybody knows that. The school gives these students a chance, depending on their results in the sports festival, they can transfer into the hero course, and also students from the hero course can be transferred out. It's no secret" Shiki told him "You're not here to scout the enemy but to make a declaration" He narrowed his eyes.

"Just a reminder, if you get too carried away, I'll sweep your feet out from under you."

"Go on ahead and try, we will be waiting for you"

"Hey, hey, hey. I'm from class B next door! I heard you fought against villains, so I came to here 'bout it! Don't get so full of yourself! If you bark too much, it'll be embarrassing for you durin' the real fight!"

"No need to worry about us" Bakugo started with a small grin full of malice decorating his face. "Our bite is worse than our bark" Todoroki also moved forward and stood his ground beside his friend showing his silent agreement to his classmate's declaration.

"Hold on a minute you three! why are you antagonizing them, it will be your fault if everyone starts hating us!" Kirishima told them.

"It doesn't matter, not as long as you rise to the top." Bakugo countered unknowingly firing up his classmates.

"And holding your position to the top" Todoroki continued breaking his usual cold and silent persona.

"Proving to everyone that you belong to the hero course" Shiki finished, the fire of determination already burning bright in the students of 1-A.