

An explosion ends the life of a young university student, but fate had other plans for the young man as he's brought to life once again but NOT on his world. Follow the adventures of the Demon King as he struggles to the road of heroes.

Shadow_Wolf13 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

A Battle between forces

He could hear voices, screams he realized, but they were all muffled as if he had been underwater. A humongous weight was on him and pain blossomed all over his body but despite the pain, there wasn't an inking darkness trying to consume him. Just pain and existing despite the injuries that should have killed him. He looked around as much as the crashing weight allowed him, people lying on the ground, bleeding out, some people were screaming and crying, some were trying to get out of the death traps caused by debris and some were just lying unconscious, unmoving and so, so stilled. Their skin already a deathly white color.

"Katsuki" a weak voice from beside him called, he turned and saw someone lying beside under the debris and pierced by the metal pipes that had fallen with them. "I warned you Katsuki, we all did, but you didn't listen, you never listen. And now all this distraction is caused by your arrogance. All those lost lives now staining your hands." Carl told him with a hatred that had never coated his best friend's voice before. His voice was lost, he could not speak, only hear and see, he was just a spectator but even as one everything was clear, he felt both the physical and the emotional pain, he wanted to scream and argue only to realize he couldn't argue because Carl was right the death of all those people were on his hands, he was the one that pulled the trigger the moment he build an energy amplifier and experimented on it.

His best friend's face melted and in its place was a girl from his class, they worked together multiple times, and even flirted a bit. She was a happy and positive girl, now she was sobbing her heart out. Gone was the sun-bright smile, replaced by heavy tears. The nameless girl, -because after all this time that's what she was, just a blurry face with no name, like everyone from his previous life,- was asking him why over and over again, she was asking for an explanation a reason of why she had to be sacrificed along side of him for his experiment. It was hard to understand her with all the sobbing but the accusing tone was far too clear in his ears but wasn't that logical? He was the one that pulled the trigger after all. As her sobbing continued to intrude his ears and his hatred for himself spiked, their surroundings started to shift, slowly the shadows devoured the bodies and the debris, the blood and muffled the screams so the only audible thing now was the girl's sobbing who quieted down as she too became nothing more than a shadow.

Suddenly he was on his feet, his much much sorter feet. He looked at his hands looking at the metaphorical blood coating his hands, the blood of his victims burned his skin, and he swore he could still hear their muffled screams and sobbing full of agony.

Deciding to look up, if only to find a distraction from the screaming inside his head. What he saw made him freeze in terror. Dead silver eyes looking at him with fear dominant in her beautiful face. Blood tumbling down her face, coming from the bullet that pierced her skull. Her body was encased by strong firm hands, onyx eyes were staring deeply at his own, blonde hair once in a golden color now had dark red highlights caused by blood. Somewhere in the background, a gunshot was heard. The onyx eyes filled with panic yelling at him to run, but he was frozen. Then the bullet found its mark, more red colored his father this time his own. His dad fall down, dropping his mother, his eyes losing the light of life. Then everything turned dark, the last thing he heard was an evil laugh of greediness.

Eyes opening with a start, he was covered in a cold sweat. Even after so many years he still dreamed about those two events. The dreams always changed, and the people changed, but most of the time their faces were just a blur. The human brain, even enhanced, doesn't have the capability to keep picture-perfect memories as there is a specific capacity. The average adult has the ability to store the equivalent of 2.5 million gigabytes of digital memory, the catch? they are not perfect, the details defer and usually, one of the first things people forget are the faces, and then ever so slowly are the events, until you can not recall the memory any longer. Now an enhanced brain has a considerably bigger memory capacity, but for an event that happened before Shiki had that ability, his brain couldn't store it as good as it could after he received his quirk. He still remembers the names of his closest people (Which is a considerable small number) in his first life, but their faces are lost to him, even his own. When he tries to remember Katsuki Arcane, he can only picture the face of Shiki Tsukiyama.

Shaking his head, he sat up on his chair and looked down at the blueprint he was working on before he fell asleep. He decided to continue the health care robot he had started to build alongside his parents all these years ago. He still needed to form connections with different types of doctors. He also thought of the use of nanites, an idea he hasn't thrown out of the window yet.

Sighing he got up and started getting ready for U.A. It had been almost a week since he started his official hero studies and so far he was not impressed. Probably because he had already covered most of the subjects with Kambe-Sensei. The students were interesting, most were overly positive and exciting but there were a few that were quiet. The most annoying people in his class were the little purple head pervert, he almost punch him when he caught him staring at his sister's blossoms, the crybaby who couldn't stop muttering, he already heard him muttering about his quirk, and the tall guy with glasses and a stick stuck in his ass.

On the second day of school when he entered the classroom in the evening, the moment glasses saw him, he immediately started lecturing him about consistency and school rules. After five minutes of meaningless lectures, he told him he only needs to attend hero classes and promptly left for his seat ignoring the rest of his questions. Their first hero class was taught by Aizawa, -who up until now was his favorite teacher, maybe because he reminded him of Kambe- it was hero strategies.

Surprisingly he got along well with the people that sat in the last row with him. Shiki was in the seat n.10 on his left was Ochako and on his right was Shoto Todoroki who had an ice quirk, beside Todoroki was Momo Yaoyorozu with a creation quirk -he was secretly both jealous and admiring her quirk- those two were also quiet but observant and smart. Todoroki was a little bit cold but so was he, also Todoroki always scanned his environment and kept a high awareness of his surroundings. Yaoyorozu was confident but also a little bit self-conscious, always choosing her words carefully. Another person he got along well with was the invisible girl Toru Hagakure. Unlike the others, she was most like his sister, positive and bubble. She also had high awareness, he thought it was because of her quirk, being invisible also meant that she was unnoticeable and people probably tended to knock her down or stepped on her foot because they didn't notice her. It was sad really, especially when he noticed on their third day their classmates were ignoring her, not on purpose but the damage was still there, that's why she was louder than the others, she had to in order to be noticed and to be heard.

Today he left earlier than usual, he had asked the previous day if he could use the support department's lab in order to tinker a little bit more with his and Ocha's hero costumes. Their costumes were ready, he just wanted to make a few adjustments, he was told that today they had physical training therefore they would have to use them. Of course, he hadn't mentioned that to Ocha, that would ruin the fun.

Ocha's hero costume was a dark grey sleeveless body suit with pink highlight details. It consisted of a white choker with a pink liner that stimulated headache and nausea, fingerless gloves that reached her upper arms in the same color pattern as her suit, bracelets that also suppressed nausea, and 'fins' that created maneuverability along with her belt that consisted of smoke bombs and light grenades. She also had knee pads for banal protection and her boots that allowed her to deftly move both in air and ground and consisted of shock absorption soles. (A/N Uravity's costume is the same as villain uravity with the exception of the helmet, her headpiece will be the same as cannon, credits for uravity's costume to ~ADOPT_PLANET)

Shiki's hero costume concluded with a skin-tight black t-shirt with double green lines at his sides, a red jacket with black details and short sleeves, buggy black pants that allowed movement, and black combat boots. His equipment was his two plasma swords, a graphene dagger, and his goggles.

Both their clothes were made with carbon nanotube body armor, its unique combination of exceptionally high elastic modulus and high yield strain allowed more movement, flexibility and has higher shock adsorption than Kevlar, the preferred material for both hero costumes and police uniforms.

Entering the first-year laboratory he saw a few students working on a few projects. Most of the students were working on support items for the hero students, a few others were working in whole hero costumes and even fewer were working in what he realized were the robots he had faced in the entrance exam. Everything was loud, their machines, the students shouting, and there was chaos; tools were lying everywhere and creations were scattered all around. As a scientist he had expected that, since his own lab back at the university was a mess, more organized but still a mess. Then there was also his parents' lab on I-island, it was the cleanest most organized lab he had ever seen, including the other labs on the island and the labs from his past life, which was saying something. The culprit was obviously his mother since his father was even messier than him.

He walked deeper into the laboratories earning a few curious glances. The previous day when he had asked Power Loader access to the support department and free use of the department's resources, he was told he could share a working counter with one of the students, while she could choose to either focus on her projects or become his assistant and earn experience and guidance from a second source other than Power Loader himself.

Finding his working space, he walked closer. There was a girl there with salmon pink hair styled in thick dreadlocks and tied up in a ponytail, instead of her U.A. uniform she wore a plain black tank top with workshop coveralls tied casually around her waist, on her head she had red and gold steampunk goggles. She worked on some type of boots.

"Hello, Power Loader-Sensei told me I could work here" He told her once he got closer.

"Oh you must be the genius kid" She exclaimed scanning him with what he could assume was hunger, though he dreaded the thought.

"My name is Shiki Tsukiyama" he corrected her

"Yeah okay, so are you the genius kid that needs my help?"

"Eh, I don't need your help, I only need a place to work. Also, it's considered to be good manners to introduce yourself when the other party already has, and my name is Shiki" the girl didn't even pretend to look sheepish.

"Name's Mei Hatsume, your assistant for the day"

"Alright, first I need to show you what I'm working on today, then tell you what we need to fix and tinker with..."

"Before we begin, look at my hover boots, what do you think?" She interrupted him making his eyebrow twitch.

"Well made, it will give the user greater mobility and jumping capability. You used thrusters, which unfortunately are more unstable and hard to use, mobility is important but you need to control the movement, where you want to go, therefore you need something to cover for that weakness."

"Like a controller?"

"Not exactly, if you made this for someone with flying capabilites then it would be easier for them to control them. Your biggest problem is for the ones without that ability, the boots can give the flyer a huge boost and better mobility, but for someone that can't fly, you have to take the power of the boots in consideration. How much weight can they lift and how long can they stay off ground? How high can they go? Taking all those things in consideration along with the heroes quirk you will find your answer. A controller is a good starting idea, but keep in mind out there in the battle, the hero can't waste a second and operate a controller, something like that is going to need eye coordination and taking their eyes off of their opponents can lead to serious injuries and death"

"So what do you suggest doing in order to counter for that weakness?"

"That's something you need to figure out, i gave you the clues you need to come up with the solution. Don't forget you are an inventor, coming with a solution and thinking out of the box is something you'll need to learn"

"Okay, but what if my solution doesn't work?"

"Obviously it won't work with just your first try, you always need to fail at least once. Thomas Edison once said failure is the mother of invention, you don't need to be afraid of failing as long as you can learn from it and move forward. Besides seeing others' people work will inspire you, and there is no better place than in a labrotory to gather ideas."

"As long as it's not stealing"

"True, but forming connections and alliances with other people is also important. But for now, let's begin with..."


After a very, very long apprenticeship with an overexciting Mei, they finally managed to work on the last details. Plus Mei came up with all sorts of ideas for her hover boots problem.

His sigh got muffled by his desk, he already had a feeling that Mei was going to become a leach.

"You look tired" Toru noted

"Just had a tiring day... Hey Todorki" he said gaining the other boy's attention "Can you cool my water?" He asked him as he presented his water to the heterochromatic.

"What am I an ice pack?" the other boy mumbled but still took the water bottle to cool it down.

"I don't remember you having classes today Otōto"

"I didn't, just had to deal with a troublesome person today."

"Classes?" Yaoyorozu asked

"Yeah, the reason Otōto doesn't need to attend normal classes is that he is already at an university level"

"Really??" Toru asked surprised.

"That's your special case?" Todoroki asked with a cold voice, to which Shiki answered with a low positive grumble.

"Use your words Otōto."

"What do you study?" Yaoyorozu asked getting excited.

"Currently Nanotechnology and Quirk Science"


"Already got my master in Robotics. This year I'll be getting my master in Nanotechnology and in two more my degree in Quirk Science"

"That's a lot, and you're also incredibly strong. You should have seen him in the entrance exam he was awesome"

"It's very impressive" Yaoyorozu agreed.

"I blame his Quirk," Ochako said

"What does Gravity manipulation has to do with his intelligence" Yaoyorozu asked.

"Satan Gravity is his second quirk, his first is"

"Ochako" Shiki interrupted her.

"Sorry Oto"

"You have two Quirks?" Todoroki questioned.

"Basically yes... You've been quiet" Shiki swiftly tried to change the subject by focusing all the attention on the unusually quiet Toru.

"Aaah, sorry just thinking. What do you guys think we will do today in hero training?"

"Anything but more studying" Ochako whined.

"We could always train more together Ocha," Shiki told her with an unusually evil smirk plastered on his face, sending shivers on Ochako's spine.

"Ehhh, no thanks. I'm afraid too much training with you will turn me into a Demon as well."

"Geez, thanks..."

"You guys training together?" Todoroki asked, curiosity covering his cold tone.

"No, Shiki has always wanted to become a hero so he started early, I only decided a year ago. He helped me prepare for the entrance exam and then trained me some more, but let me tell you. He is merciless, a demon in human form"

"Granpa is worse..."

"You wish, sorry Lil bro, but for now you're holding the title of Demon King."

Before they could continue, the bell rang again signaling the start of their hero class.

"It's nice you came earlier today, and you're making friends" Ochako whispered to him.

"I promised you I would try."

"I hope it isn't a boring lecture this time, I'm in desperate need of action." Elbow tape said as he sat down.

"I'm with you man, hopefully, we'll get to fight those robots again." Kirishima agreed.

Very loud and fast steps intruded his hearing making him groan in realization.

"I AM COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!!" Yelled the familiar voice of the number one hero as he entered the classroom like not a normal person, he was wearing his yellow, white, red, and blue costume, hair similar to bunny ears, and his signature beaming smile. Flexing his muscles as he walked to the teacher's podium.

"That wasn't a normal entrance" Shiki noted

"Shush" Ochako shushed him

"Not again" he groaned

"He really is a teacher!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"Isn't that the costume from the silver age?" Said the frog girl.

Students continued to whisper and throw comments about their heroics teacher for a while before All Might started his lesson, quieting everyone.

"I teach hero training, it's a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero. You'll take the most units in this subject! Let's get right to it!!! This is what we'll do today." He said and presented the class with a card that wrote BATTLE "Combat training!!!"

"Combat training." Exclaimed the explosive blonde with a grin.

"Finally, something exciting," Kirishima said.

"And to go with that are these!" He said and pressed a button that made cases appear through the wall "Costumes made based on your Quirk registrations and requests you sent in before school started. After you change, gather in ground Beta!"

Slowly everyone got up and grabbed their case.

"I look forward to seeing what you made with my costume"

"I mostly focused on your quirk aftereffects and your mobility"

"I'm sure it will be perfect," She said hugging his arm. "I'll see you out at the field Oto"

Entering the locker room, Kaminari tried to pull him into a conversation.

"Man, this is exciting. Not only our first combat training but the number one hero is our teacher."

"Do you think we will be fighting robots again?" Kirishima joined in.

"Robots?" Todoroki whispered.

"We had to fight robots at the entrance exam, the robots gave you specific villain points according to their model, which you had to gather in order to pass" Shiki started to explain.

"That's right, they also had a secret system point. The rescue points in which you could gather points by either saving people or even helping and working together." Kirishima filled in. "You guys should have seen Tsukiyama, he was awesome, he made this huge crater and completely obliterated the zero-pointer."

"The zero-pointer was supposedly the strongest robot. It was placed as both an obstacle and a test. They wanted to see our reactions against immediate danger." Shiki said seeing Todoroki's questioning face.

"It was bigger than the buildings, it was huge" Kaminari explained.

Different conversations started as the boys were changing some even joining in their conversation. Most of the students had flashy costumes, while his own was simple.

When he got outside he was soon tackled by an overexcited Ochako who mumbled how her hero costume was the best out of everyone's here.

Soon, everyone was standing in front of All Might waiting for his directions. Shiki chose to ignore his shaking shoulders and the green All Might wanna be.

"They say the clothes make the man, young men, and ladies." He said once he had gained his composure "Be fully aware, from now on… YOU ARE HEROES!!! That's great everyone, you all look cool. Now it's time for combat training."

"Sensei! This is a battle center from the entrance exam, so will we be conducting urban battles again?" Ida said without losing a heartbeat and without waiting for the teacher's explanation, cutting All Might off.

"No, we're going to move ahead two steps! Most of the time, fighting villains takes place outside, but if you look at the total numbers, atrocious villains appear indoors at a higher rate. Imprisonment, house arrest, backroom deals… in this society filled with heroes…truly intelligent villains hide in the shadows! For this class, you'll be split into villains and heroes and fight two on two indoor battles"

"Without basic training?" Tsu blessed her heart, questioned All Might. Shiki raised an eyebrow, gaining experience is important but so is basic training, a few fighting moves, endurance training, increasing power and speed along with strengthening their quirks.

"This is a real battle to understand those basics! However, the key this time is that there's no robot you can just beat up" Still, in order to understand those basics you need to know them.

"In that case, how will wins and losses be determined?" Yaoyorozu asked for a clarification.

"Can we just beat them up anyway?" The explosive blonde needed an excuse to be a bully.

"Will the punishment be expulsion like with Mr. Aizawa?" His sister asked, her trauma obvious.

"How shall we be split up?" While Ida moves ahead two steps without even knowing the exercise.

"Isn't this cape crazy?" He heard someone say, probably the blonde boy with the purple cape.

Not being able to take it anymore, he bends down puts his hand on the ground, and sends an amount of ether gear, creating a zero gravity field and making everyone float, shutting them up efficiently, while his markings were covering both the ground and the students while mid-air.

"If you actually let him explain then you wouldn't have questions," He said shutting his ether off and making everyone fall on the ground, making them groan and send him a few death stares while All might send him a small smile of appreciation then he took out a small handbook.

"A script?" He thought.

"Now listen here. The situation is that the villains have hidden a nuclear weapon somewhere in their hideout. The heroes are trying to dispose of that. The heroes need to catch the villains or get the nuclear weapon back in the allotted time. The villains need to protect the weapon the whole time or catch the heroes. Teams and opponents will be determined by drawing lots!" he said as he took a box out of nowhere.

"They're being decided so haphazardly?" Now Ida started getting on his nerves.

"Pros often have to create makeshift teams with heroes from other agencies, so probably that's why." Green All Might The 2nd said.

"I see… the discernment to look ahead… Please excuse my rudeness."

"It's fine, now let's begin."

Looking at his letter he could only think of one thing. Why? why him? He looked up at his temporary partner who was already glaring daggers at him. 'I already know that he won't be a team player ' he thought while sighing and cursing his luck. He looked over at his sister who was already talking to the flustered greenate. One small curse left his mouth.

"That bad huh?" Toru asked him.

"You don't even know the half of it. Who are you partner with?"

"The tail guy. You?"

"The one who's trying to kill me with his glaring"

"Ouch..., by the way, why don't you like Midoriya he's like the nicest guy in our class."

"I wholeheartedly disagree," He said narrowing his eyes at the laughing duo.

"So, that's why..."

"The first teams to fight will be…" All Might said while he put his hands into two boxes and tried to pull the balls for the villain and hero teams, gaining everyone's attention towards him "these guys!" then he presented to them a black ball with the letter B as villains and a white ball with the letter A as the heroes "Team A will be the heroes while team B will be the villains. Everyone else, head toward the monitor room."

"Shit" Ochako said while cold sweat started forming on her forehead and her wide eyes turned towards her brother. "Shit" she repeated herself.

Everyone turned towards them.

"A battle between siblings from the get-go" Ashido exclaimed.

"Not only that, but both have gravity-related quirks"

"Not to mention Tsukiyama's partner is Bakugo and his explosions. Despite his crappy personality, he's pretty strong himself"

"I definitely wouldn't want to be in Midoriya's and Uraraka's position"

"Let's go floaty," The angry pomeranian told him.

As they entered the building he looked back at the shaking greenate and his sister who still hadn't stopped cursing.

"You're not planning on making your personal vendetta with freckles a priority, right?"

"Worry about yourself, and likewise we are going against your sister..."

"She knows I'm not making her any favors" Shiki interrupted him "You though... You better keep your cool and not allow your anger to take the best of you." Bakugo just growled at him. 'Great we haven't even begun yet and he already has let his anger take control ' Shiki thought as they entered the building. "We need to come up with a plan"

"You protect and I'll beat them up"

"Not that I am a big fan of freckles, but the guy is obsessed with quirks and he knows you for a very, very long time, which means he knows your moves and fighting style."

"The same applies to your sister"

"Not true, she has never seen me fighting nor training. Look if you can't put your personal feelings aside then you'll protect the bomb. My priority is winning."

"You don't mind your sister failing?"

"She'll learn from it. So, what is it going to be?"

"I've got it covered you're not the only one that wants to win."

"Yeah, but unlike you, I don't want to prove anything to anyone"

"Listen hear you freak, I said I got it covered that means I got it covered, you worry for your part, I worry for mine."

"So far you have proven to me I need to worry for both of our parts. Calm down"

"Don't tell me what to do" Bakugo said with finality while walking away from Shiki, who was rubbing his temples, already feeling the headache forming.


Hearing all the explosions and feeling all the shaking from his position on the ceiling, he sighed for the hundredth time that day, he moved the missile back to the ground and took his phone out. Finding the control panel and connecting his phone to it, he managed to gain access to the security feed from the control room.

Just as he thought, he saw Bakugo getting wild and angrier with the greenate. He also saw as his sister leaving the greenate and was trying to find him. He touched the missile once again and went back to his position on the ceiling, still watching the feed from the control room. He decided to teach stealth to her, she desperately needed it.

She entered the room he was in. Ever since they were kids and were playing hide and seek, Shiki always preferred high places to hide. Ochako never looked up, she still doesn't.

As a villain, he had to either wait the hero's team time to run out or capture the heroes. In the first scenario, Ochako won't learn anything, on the second one, she might get mad at him. He thought back at their conversations on the day of the entrance exam. He realized she wouldn't get mad or disappointed, instead, she will take it with everything she got and better herself.

Falling back on the ground soundless, he formed three small green gravity bullets at his knuckles and fired them to the exit trapping her inside with him.

"You always forget to look up," He told her.

"You always used to hide in high places as a kid, I thought you wouldn't be so obvious" She tried to sound confident, but her nervousness was clear.

"Always worked," He said getting into a stance. Ochako did the same.

Then they were off, Shiki jumped and kicked Ochako while she blocked. Unfortunately, even with her blocking his kick she was still sent back a couple of feet losing her balance and dropping her defense. While her balance was off Shiki did a lower kick making her fall down. While on the ground she used her hands and did a floor spin kick, which Shiki jumped backward creating distance between the two and allowing her to get up.

Shiki once again began advancing towards her while she took from her belt a light grenade ready to throw it to him. Seeing what she was holding he put his goggles on. She first through a few rocks which he dodged, while unknowingly to him was continuing to float, then between the rocks she also threw the light grenade. He closed his eyes and the goggles protected him, but Ochako was on him before he could open his eyes, landing a few punches and making him stumble back towards the small rocks. Releasing her quirk and allowing her rocks to rain down on him.

Already gaining his vision, he saw from the tip of his eye the descending rocks. Putting his hand on the ground, Ether Markings forming on his hand and ground he created a green sphere surrounding him.

"Satan Gurabiti: Hanjūryoku (Anti Gravity)" generating an anti-gravitational field around him, serving as a shield bouncing off the incoming rocks. Before Ochako could get a clear view of him he approached her while keeping his quirk activated making the multicolor images appear before him. Once reaching Ochako who had put her hands in a defensive stance, he used his quirk to fall down and slide under her legs, while behind her he used his hands to propel himself upwards and kicked her on her lower back, sending her upwards, while she managed to use her quirk mid-air allowing her to float. She saw Shiki diving down on her as he had already moved on to the air, ready to tackle her. She used her left spear to move out of the way, while Shiki passed by her and twisted his body and landed swiftly to his feet.

Ochako pressed her hand on the communicator All Might Had given to them. "I can't get to the missile," She told her partner. Within a few seconds, she lost sight of her brother who was already in front of her sending her an upwards kick, making her stumble backward, grabbing her from her chocker and bringing her closer to him, then using a low kick she lost all her balance. Shiki took his tape out ready to restrain her when the building started to shake. He quickly grabbed his sister and used his Quirk to get them both to safety as a part of the floor was blown away. 'That idiot greenate used the same move as back in cannon without knowing our position' Shiki thought with disdain. Meanwhile, Ochako used her spear to get away from Shiki. Using her quirk to make the rocks both float and using them as stepping stones getting closer to the missile. While Shiki had already reached the missile and using gravity center to get the missile down on the ground while Ochako flew over it.

"What's the situation with that idiot?" Shiki asked his partner.

"He's down," Bakugo replied in a low voice.

"Satan Gurabiti: Jūryokuha (Gravity Wave)" He said pulling his sister towards him, then catching her by her hand and pushing her over his shoulder, dropping her down and using his tape to catch her.

"The Villain Team wins" All Might said.

"You fought pretty well," Shiki told his sister as he bent down to cut through the tape with his graphene dagger.

"All because of the moves you taught me. You hold back didn't you?" She asked him as he put her hand over his shoulder and helped her.

"I wasn't going to use neither my swords nor my dagger against you. Still, your progress is incredible."

"You think so?"


"Then the beating I just got was worth it."

"I'm not even going to comment" Getting down they saw a robot getting Midoriya to what they assumed was the nurse's office.

"Is he okay?" Ochako asked Bakougo as they got closer.

"He'll be fine" He grumbled.

"You lost," Shiki told him receiving a death glare from Bakugo.

"None of your business," He said as he marched away toward the control room.

"Yeap, he totally lost" Observed Ochako.

"Or he was just outwitted by that idiot."

"You seem pissed for someone who just won"

"That idiot's move could have crushed us. He didn't even know our position"

"We can fly" Ochako pointed out.

"If I hadn't pulled you out of the way would you have made it?" She seemed to think about it.

"I'm not sure if I have had enough time."

"You hadn't" He confirmed.

Entering the Control Room they immediately got bombarded by questions, congratulations, and many other comments.

"Enough Everyone. We need to decide the MVP of the fight. Does anyone know who it is?" All Might quieted everyone down.

"It's Tsukiyama right?"

"It could be Uraraka"

"Midoriya did pretty well too, if not for his last move..."

"Tsukiyama used his knowledge in hacking in order to see what was going on to the rest of the building while simultaneously defending the bomb. Then he kept Uraraka from approaching the bomb and demonstrated great combat paralysis and wits, not to mention incredible control over his quirk. He also managed to carefully move Uraraka out of danger before successfully pining her down and winning the match. Unfortunately, Tsukiyama couldn't manage a good partnership with Bakugo who ignored his teammate and let his anger control him. Meanwhile, Uraraka during her fight demonstrated creativity and combat paralysis. She used her environment to her advantage, she also worked well with Midoriya up to a point. While Midoriya let himself get severely injured he also used a dangerous technic that if not for Tsukiyama both he and Uraraka would have gotten severely injured. Therefore the MVP for this fight is Tsukiyama" Momo gave a very in-depth speech explaining the reasons behind the MVP. They continued watching fights most of them were uninteresting in comparison to the first one. Todoroki, finished his fight before it could even begin.

"You okay?" Shiki asked Toru when he saw her gloves.

"Yeah, I was expecting that, I already knew Todoroki was strong. Just not this strong."

"I'm not talking about your defeat"


"He didn't notice you until after he melted the ice." He said in a lower voice.

"Oh, don't worry the nurse kissed me in order to heal the hypothermia and the burnings." She didn't seem to realize how wrong and weird that sounded.

"Again, not what I meant." Sighing Toru appeared to slump.

"I know... I've gotten used to not being noticed. I have three more siblings, one older and two younger and I'm the only one with invisibility while the others have some form of light quirk. Being invisible can make even your own parents forget you it appears..."

"That's called neglect" He murmured

"They are not doing it on purpose" She tried to defend her family.

"Doesn't change the fact that that's child neglect"

"Nothing I can do about it, they still try."

"They shouldn't have to try"

"People always forget about me... After a while, everyone here will forget me too. It's already happening and sometimes no matter how loud I am no one notices me."

"Do you want me to try and found a way to make you visible?" He asked her in a voice that was barely louder than a whisper. He couldn't see her face but he thought that she looked shocked.

"Can you really do that"

"I can try, but I can't promise you anything. Still, it might make you quirkless along the way." He felt small delicate hands encircling him in a hug.

"Thank you" She whispered to his ear, while he felt a small spot on his shoulder getting wet. "Being seen is everything I ever wanted, even if I have to end up quirkless, it's still better than this curse."