
MHA: A Cat's Story

One of the best assassins from Earth gets killed by his own organization. His soul gets reincarnated in the world of My Hero Academia with Yoruichi's powers, what will happen to that world when an assassin wields the power of the 2nd division's former captain? here's the discord : https://discord.gg/nnUPcCrNea Not my cover. I do not own MHA/Bleach characters.

WolfStar14 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
49 Chs

Chapter 22 : Real Talk

A/N: I'm. so drunk rn I want to eat a bit of salmon with fish

Welp looks like I forgot what I wanted to say

no wait ! I put the MC's pic in the auxiliary chapter. Same for the other characters




After the teacher grounded them, Rumi and Kurai looked at each other, each in their own thoughts. 

They followed the teacher silently in the hallway of the school, 'This is definitely suspicious.' 

Kurai was confused, her reaction wasn't normal at all, so he continued to think, 'Was she embarrassed about something?' 

'Nah nevermind, if this girl ever gets embarrassed my shoulder will be the first to know it.'

He stifled a laugh which made the bunny girl turn her head questioningly, doubt was still present on her cute face. 

'Well, only one way to know it…' 

"So... you can't answer me? Did you dream about your handsome friend for once, huh?" He knew it wasn't the time to ask her more about it, so just diverting her attention with some teasing to erase the doubt and fear was enough for him and for now…

Meanwhile Rumi, from the moment the word 'dream' escaped his mouth earlier, started thinking about the worst.

That's why she was so shocked before the teacher came. She absolutely didn't want him to know 'that'. She couldn't show her weakness to anyone. 

If they knew, would her nightmares become reality? She didn't know but just thinking about it horrified her greatly… In fact, she was glad that the teacher interrupted them, and even more glad when she understood that it was only one of Kurai's jokes. 

"Don't talk in the hallway until we reach the class!" The teacher's voice echoed again and stopped Kurai's attempt to discuss with her. 

Rumi simply forced a smile at his 'joke'.

'Yep totally weird and suspicious.' Kurai thought when he saw his friend acting completely out of character. He knew her enough after all those years. 

He shrugged, 'I'll find more about it later' Now Kurai really started to think that everything was linked to that secret from 3 years ago. 

 'I guess it's time to do some more nighty outings…' 

They finally reached the teacher's personal room where he signaled them to sit while he went to take the testimony from the other half of the group of kids.

The half that stayed back and impeded on the teachers' vision, the same who were the first to report when the fight went south for them.

"So, muscle-head, did you really need to beat them that bad?" He beckoned the school playground with his head.

Rumi showed her teeth, answering Kurai with a wide grin, "Ah! I needed something to vent and it's not my fault, they were all weak!"

'Um, vent from what?' He continued to look at Rumi as if he was trying to decipher the whole mystery around her until the teacher came back. 

Fortunately for Kurai, the teacher knew that he was at the wrong place at the wrong moment after listening to the other kids. Though, he couldn't let Kurai leave and roam around the school now that classes started. 

So he just left him there, hearing Rumi's punishment. 

Which was… quite bad… In fact, she was sentenced to a whole week of expulsion from school. 

Even though the bunny girl protested heavily, the teacher didn't yield. It wasn't the first time that the 'hooligan' girl in front of him, as he called her, beat other kids. But this time they were even more injured. 

In the end, Rumi stopped protesting, and just went along with it. 

"Both of you can go directly to your class! Rumi you'll end this day normally, your expulsion starts tomorrow."  

Rumi nodded with a grim expression, she couldn't understand why people were so against her like this… She didn't even start that fight, she didn't provoke anyone… So why? 

Now in the hallway to their class, she looked at her only friend, who was silent the whole time. 

"Say… Kurai…?" Rumi meekly glanced at him. 

He was walking at her side all the while keeping both hands at the back of his head, his demeanor seemed quite nonchalant. 

"Hum?" He hummed questioningly at her, still looking in front of him. 

She kept murmuring, fidgeting a bit, "You won't ever leave me, right…?"

'Say what now?' This definitely caught his attention, looking at her like that, something tugged deep inside him; she looked very vulnerable, this side of her was unknown to him.

 Rumi was always a strong girl, not afraid to show her point of view or confront people but now…

Her meek look with upturned eyes as she was glancing up at him, her nervousness or her eyes, her blood red eyes, looking at him with such expectations, put his mind in a daze. 

Rumi, seeing him not say anything, started to blush because of the embarrassment, it was the first time she uttered such words and this bastard wasn't even nodding or agreeing. 

"What did you say?" Kurai asked to be sure. 

"Don't you dare and leave me you bastard! That's what I said." She punched him. 

But Kurai caught her hand and pressed it against the wall, instantly Rumi brought her second hand up to punch him in the jaw. Unfortunately for her, Kurai also caught it in his palm. 

"Nuh-Nuh. Why did you think of that? Care to explain?" His golden eyes were looking straight at her ruby-like eyes, not even blinking. His irises made his expression more solemn and dangerous. 

Still pressing her left hand above her head on the wall, they were now a few centimeters apart from each other, so close that they could feel each other smell and body heat. 

"Everyone just drifts away from me, they find me weird! Keep callin' me names! Talk behin' my back! Mock my dream! Ya think I dunno what people are thinkin' 'bout me? I fear ya'll be the same as them!" She confronted his gaze fearlessly, her chin high, not even missing a single beat in her speech. 

She was close to glaring at him because of her emotional turmoil. 

"Heh." Kurai sneered. 

"Why are ya!" Rumi couldn't finish before a finger, delicately touching her soft lips, silenced her.

"So what? Let them be! Why do you think they're doing that? Huh? It's because you're better than them! That's why!" He shook his head derisively. 

"Look I can promise you that we will always stay friends, but there are 2 rules, okay?" Kurai waited for her to assimilate his words. 

Looking at him, Rumi was half-expectant, half-dubitante so she didn't say anything and let him pursue. 

Kurai slowly raised his pinky finger along, "Rule number one: Always have fun."

"And rule number two: Always listen to rule number one." He said with a serious tone. 

Though Rumi deadpanned at that, she nonetheless hooked her pinky finger with him. 

"See, now we're set for life!'' He winked at her, he started going back to class, which was only a few meters away, but just before…

"Kya!" A painful moan escaped Rumi's mouth. 

"Why did you headbutt me, you bastard?!" 

"That's because you started thinking about dumb shits and even started doubting me after 3 years now, heh." He chuckled at her. 

Rumi kept her head down.

"Now come on, we still gotta go to class now!" 

*Knock Knock*

"...in 2 years." They came in the middle of Ishikawa-sensei's talk. Who only glared at Rumi and didn't bother more. 

"Go and sit down quickly, I was explaining important stuff for later!" 

Just before they sat down Kurai quickly went close to Rumi and whispered in her ear, "Cheer up, aight? We'll talk more during dinner, so stop drawing attention, at least for today." 


The bunny girl didn't have time to react that he was already on his seat. Left there standing, she blushed at the rascal's way of saying things, and begrudgingly sat too. 

"As I was saying… In 2 years we'll have a school trip to Okinawa Islands." 

The kids started cheering out loud. The Okinawa Islands were like a paradise for them, inhabitants of Japan's Mainland. 

"Calm down, calm down!" Ishikawa-sensei clapped her hands to regain silence. 

"I'm saying this now because this field trip is a pretty big event, the activities and the things you'll learn there will all be useful for your future, and be accounted for your fifth year's general grade. It also costs quite a bit, but the school can diminish the fees."

She continued, as she started distributing flyers, "That's why we also need a written confirmation by your parents, or your legal tutor." 

She finally ended her speech, just before the alarm rang, "You have all the information here in this document, information such as: the duration, the price, the things you need to know, or prepare etc… The list goes on and on, so please let your parents thoroughly read it before agreeing to send you there with us!"

*Ring Ring*

The alarm echoed in the hallway and the pupils started leaving to join the dining hall. Kurai and Rumi were about to leave too but Ishikawa sensei held Kurai back. 

"Wait for me there, I'll be back soon!" He told her, knowing why the sensei stopped him. 

Rumi nodded reluctantly and left.


"Kurai-kun, why didn't you stop her?" She said with a more friendly tone, those last 3 years she was the only sensei in school sympathising with them, even though she showed the opposite when they were in class, but deep inside, she was actually a softie and a chocolate lover. 

"I just wanted her to teach them a lesson, that's the only way for them to stop." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

Ishikawa put her hand on her forehead, "Aiya! What am I going to do with such troublemakers? At this rate one of you will get expelled for real..." 

Kurai laughed at her antics. "Anyway Sensei, I'll bring her the books and the other stuff at her house as always, don't worry." 

She was now used to this, so she agreed, "Rumi is very lucky to have a friend like you, huh?" 

Kurai departed toward the dining hall, but just before he looked back at her and said, "Oh, for sure, she is lucky! Ahah!" 

He entered the dining room and went to take his plate, spotting Rumi in the corner of the hall, eating all alone, he walked up to her and sat down in front of her cute frowning face. 

Directly, she glanced up to him, "Did you offer your help for my books again?" Most of her expressions were unreadable, but gratefulness was overshadowing the rest of it. 

Kurai grinned, "Yes of course, I can't let my best friend down now can I?" 

"I see… Thanks." Rumi meekly nodded, quickly turning her eyes to the plate and resumed eating. 

They continued to eat, calmly, until Rumi broke the silent atmosphere. 

She confidently looked at him, "You won't mock or distance yourself in any case, right? Even if I beat people who are annoying me?" Her gaze was filled with expectation, she had gathered her courage to ask him this question, which was burning her tongue for a while now. 

Kurai momentarily stopped eating, and eyed her for a bit, seeing her like that, he only had one thought rampaging his mind, 'Cute!'

He then reconforted her, "I don't care about that Rumi, you'll be my friend whatever happens." Kurai shrugged his shoulders. 

"Then… I don't mind doing it again, even if I'm punished, if it means that you'll always be by my side…" 

Realising what she said, she hurriedly looked down to hide her blushing face, but her fluffy bunny ears were ruining everything, as they were swaying constantly because of her joy. 

Kurai laughed at her embarrassment, "...'Always'? Ahaha! Is that a declaration?" He started patting her soft white hair, in between her ears, further embarrassing the small bunny girl.

"Stop! Stop! Bastard! Eat!" She threw her arm in the air to stop him, and shouted, teary eyed. 

"Alright, alright! Ahah! Seems like I went too far."  He said even though he didn't regret it one bit. 

"Humph!" Still blushing she resumed eating furiously and left quickly before more people looked in their direction. 

She was soon followed by Kurai, who also finished his plate at his own rhythm. The day then passed relatively quickly, after dinner they only had 3 other lessons. So after saying his goodbyes to Rumi, Kurai went home. 

A few hours later, Kurai finished his second training of the day. His Shunpo was slowly but surely improving. 

Today he wasn't training with Rumi because she had to tell the 'good' news to her mother about her week-long expulsion. She will also be grounded from going out by her mom, at least that's what he thought. So he had this week to train all alone. 

Right now though, he was in front of his computer calling his mom to tell her about Okinawa.

The call connected, "Hello Mom!" Kurai saw his mom through the screen busy scribbling on her note book. 

"Hi Sweetie!" She answered without looking at him. 

"Are you busy? Should I call later?"

Wiping the sweat out of her forehead, she gave him a weak smile, "Yes, I am, but don't worry go on. I just received so many new orders for clothes all around the world, and at the same time at that!" She shook her head wearily. 

Kurai then proceeded to explain to her everything he understood from the teacher about the field trip to Okinawa. 

"Oooh Okinawa??! That's where we did our honeymoon!" She shouted, giving a loving look at her husband who was busy in the kitchen. 

Akio only smiled wryly… He could still remember the pain from that night. 

"So, Mom? Do you agree?" 

"Yes, yes, you can go, it's all organised by the school anyway, they won't endanger their students." She got back to her notebook, designing new types of clothes. 

Kurai stayed online with her for a few more minutes talking about this and that and how his day went, though he actually never told her what really happens at school or the things he does with Rumi outside. For them, he's just a normal student. 

Closing his computer, he looked at the watch on the wall. '10pm.'

Instead of going to the bed Kurai prepared to go out, 'Anyway, with that out of the way... '

He grinned excitedly, 'I should start my first spy mission in this world!'  [1]







[1] : Obviously assassins are good at spying and all that stuff, or else they wouldn't be able to kill people as discreetly as they do. 

...aaaah I want to sleep