
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · ตะวันออก
116 Chs

Human Factors.

(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)


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Moesat was at the place, where elder Park arranged a place for cultivating the violent over myths technique.


Before they started, Moesat got some question he would like to ask,

"Master, at the Weapon forming stage, after people got the weapon why don't they directly go into the Ability forming stage? Can you answer that?"

There were many restriction on that trial, so Moesat asked a question carefully.


"It is same as Metal Forming and Metal Core forming. After you got a weapon at Weapon forming stage, you needed to fill up with energy in your weapon before you starts making an ability. If not you would only got weak ability."

"And ability forming stage is a bit same but there were more, that all I could answer, you would know when you reach it."

Elder Park gave his knowledge.


And they started the Elder Park cultivation.

Only if their side is getting stronger and their life would be safer.


While helping other, the energy is circling very fast in Moesat vessels for a whole day, that made his vessels wear down. If he got a big fight now his vessels would be torn apart.


After Moesat helped elder Park and he was so tired and rest in his room. He needed to rest around five days or a week but after three days.


Hee Mon rushed to their home and she looked very tired from rushing to get here in hurried. She is panting heavily and still could not catch her breath but without a rest,


"Moesat, Elder Eun asked you to come and there were something wrong with elder Mioh."

She tried to completed her message quickly even though she was gasping her air. That is showing that something big happen to elder Mioh.


Moesat was resting but he could not just neglect it, but he did not directly went there.

He went and asked elder Park to go with him, elder Park come with Moesat right away, of course these two elders were the guest of Blood Cliff, so they both rush to Cloud Field resident together.


When they arrived,

Elder Eun moves like a ghost toward Moesat and tried to grab him.

But Moesat is already guess what had happened and he hide behind elder Park.


"Eun Min Jae, clam down, tell me what happened and we will sort it out together." Elder Park stopped her and try to make her to get back her sense.

When people angry and their thinking ability would go down, so they could not think what was right and wrong.


When Elder Eun noticed that she could not capture Moesat and she cooled down, that was reverse from normal.

Normally people were more aggressive if they could not get what they wanted.


"Moesat, what did you do with the cultivation technique???"

Elder Eun asked like, pushing blaming on Moesat.


"I told you all to read carefully and don't blame everything on me. And now is more important to check elder Mioh."

When people with intelligent could understand situation without seeing with their own eyes.


Elder Mioh was unconsciously lying on the bed, but she seem suffering from pain. Sometime her face twist and also her body too.

Moesat went near to elder Mioh and hold her wrist. He slowly used his energy and check the elder energy veins.

After a while he found that, some of her veins were injured but not destroyed yet. She was stopped circulated by Elder Eun before too much damage on her vessels.


The gentle over myths cultivation technique have one big problem,

And the problem is too fast in circulation.


And it circulating in the human body with very fast speed made all veins got damage.

For example, the latest sport car engine was installed in old car and drive at full speed. So that all the connection in the car would be destroy into pieces.


Luckily, Elder Eun noticed that and stopped her if not elder Mioh vessels would be all broken.

Moesat Sun Moon cultivation technique could repair some damage but he could not heal if these all vessels were broken.


After he checked,

"Elder Mioh could be still cure now if not all her power would be lost. I would explain everything later but now we needed to heal her many vessels."

Moesat told elder Eun.


Elder Eun is a doctor and she understand, and what she understand more is this little devil have technique to sort it out, if not that devil would not trick them.


Moesat continue,

"But I got a problem to cure her now, because I used my power just a few day ago and if I used it again and my energy vessels would get damage too."

Moesat told her about his situation.


"It is you, who did that. If something happen to Mioh I will kill you." Elder Eun told him with anger.


"Tell me!!! What did I do???,

"Is that cultivating route wrong in that cultivation technique? Is that not fast enough energy circulation?"


"Don't try to blame everything on me. I keep my promise and I full fill my side of deal. I even warn you to read it carefully???"

"You are the doctor, you should have notice it if you read it carefully."

Moesat shout back at old elder without leaving a way out.


Elder knew about something was wrong and Moesat tricked something but their greed made their eyes were clouded and they overlooked.

And Elder Mioh was rush to test the cultivation technique.


Elder Eun gazed at little boy while trying to look for a word to fight back but many things that was happened to them made her mind confused and she could not find any word.

But from Moesat side, he knew that he have to risk to cure elder Mioh or he knew there would be a big problem between their alliance.


They trick each other before but no harm in it, and in their trick they both side got profit from it.

They trick each other because of the rule and regulation of the sect.


"Stop blaming on me and now is important to save her."

At important time Moesat could not wait for reply.

"I have one condition if you don't agree and I could not save her."


"When I heal her and I would be damage in my veins, so you have to promise me for my safety until I recovery my injury."

"And I want your sect will give the safety for my friends until they could stand on their own."

Moesat has weakness, that was all the people who are close to him, and he is always trying to make sure their safety.

The enemies he is fighting with is big enemies in shadow, that is not a normal children could fight back.


"Is that Soyeon group and Areum?" Elder Eun tried to make clear.

"Yes" Moesat answer.

"OK, I will." Elder Eun confirm.


"Give me a minute." While saying Moesat went out a bit far.

Lu Lu face is gloom and nearly cry.


"Lu Lu, I have to save her."

Moesat say that to Lu Lu. There were many meaning in it.

He said because Lu Lu did not like that when he got hurt.


"Dad, that my fault, eeee.eee.. you will get injury because of me eeee.eee..." Lu Lu knew what would happen later. And she was main one who got that idea of trick.


"No, No, no, that not your fault. That is just because of some bad luck. Every wish would not come true. And my injury would be heal after a while."

Moesat tried to smooth her.


They were too much intelligent but they all were so young.

So when they calculated a situation, they did not add up human factor.

Human Factor is most important in making strategy. It is very hard to culculate.


"That not sure, if something bad happen Dad would going to cripple."

Lu Lu understand more about it.


"Don't worry, I have you and Nana. I will be careful. OK please don't worry." Moesat told her.

Lu Lu looked back at the room and,

"Dad, tried to use elder Eun energy. She is doctor too."



Moesat sat in cross leg position behind the elder Mioh and he extended his hand touch elder back.

Elder Eun sat in front of elder Mioh and her hand were on elder Mioh chest.

Beside them, many energy refill pills were placed for emergency use.


Elder Eun healing energy were slowly enter elder Mioh body, all the energy are dangerous. If someone used it wrong and even healing energy would kill someone.


Moesat was using his Sun Moon energy and slowly pull elder Mioh energy into the circulation system.

He is making, elder Mioh energy were familiar with his energy and not conflict between them.


And his Sun Moon energy has healing or repair ability. So while circulating, it is repairing all the damage slowly.

While circulating, Moesat energy were absorbing elder Eun healing energy and made the healing faster.


After a half day they heal two third of injury but they have to heal all at once, or stopping half way, it is not safe for elder Mioh.


Moesat felt pain in his energy vessels, but he could not stop it. He took energy pill and healing pills. But these could not heal all.


Soon, he felt severely pain and one of the vein got a torn and a hole appear. He tried to used his Sun Moon energy circulated and tried to repair it.


Healing on elder Mioh was slow down.

When energy went out inside Moesat body from a hole, as the energy pass though the internal organs and that made so much pain in the body.


That is different from body refining, at body refine there were more gentle and limited energy were going in the cells with systemically but now is the wild energy were raging inside of body.


Moesat grit his teeth and continue, there is no other way but continue.

But soon more holes were appear in Moesat vessels and the pain in his body is gone up sharply.



The pain made him nearly lost his conscious and he could not bear it but shout. But he did not stop.

If they stopped now and most of their doing would got a problem.


Lu Lu was watching with tear at the edge of her eyes. But she could not help.


Elder Mioh vessels were near heal all.

Moesat energy were spread out inside of his body and his internal organs were felt like burn and froze.


Moesat felt too much pain from the energy spread out so he tried to use Sun Moon cultivation technique and trying to absorb the energy back into inside of vessels way.


That was using Cultivation technique at the out side of the system or outside of it normal way. And it is circulating inside of Moesat body.

It carry all the energy all over his body, instead of absorbing back in the hole.



That made all his internal organs were getting more injured and energy were spread out inside of his cells.

At that time, a soft energy coming inside to his body, soften all raging energy and heal his injuries on internal organs.


That was Nana energy and she tried to smooth the energy and heal the injuries. Nana and Moesat energy were connected but from a bag to out side they need Lu Lu help.


When at the low energy, it is not too much problem at transferring but when they were stronger and Lu Lu got a hard time to send out their energy through two different dimensions.


Moesat did not die, due to his cultivation technique made the energy to become systematically move around the internal organs and Nana made it to a bit softer and healing.

But that injuries made him lost his conscious.


When Moesat got back his conscious, and he saw elder Park is waiting for him.

"Did I fail?"

That was the first thing he sat up from the bed and asked.


"Lie down, and relax." Elder Park did not answer.

Moesat lying back down because he knows that worrying could not solve the problem or rushing too.


"Not fail but not success, she needed to recuperated for a while to fully recovered."

Now elder said the situation.


If they success healing, and she could right away cultivate the gentle over myth cultivation system without problem. Because all the injuries and problems were already heal and fix at the same time.


Moesat could sigh now and he knew that is not too bad. All she needed is to wait.

Hasted made longer.


Now he checked his body,

and he found that energy were spread out in his body and his energy drop in his energy reservoir, his energy vessels were fixed without hole but he needed to recuperated too.


He pretend back to sleep and,

"Lu Lu are you alright and what about Nana?" He asked


"We both Ok, Mom used too much energy and she sleep."

"And we should thank elder Eun too, when dad lost conscious she tried to heal your vessels and Mom used her energy to heal torn part of your vessels."

Lu Lu explained everything.


"We will thank her later."


Within these day all students from both sect were changed their behaviour,

Previously, arrogant and competitive to each other with show off were now changed into hard working competitive.


And many students from Blood Cliff sect left while saying,

"Evil young master and his teacher tried to manipulated the sect resource."

"Evil young master, give out many sect resource to other sect girl for chasing her skirt."

"Evil young master got too many pills resource but we did not have any."

"He is still young but devilish mind of him is scary. He lawlessly killed second sect master and many teachers."

Whatever, they left the sect without saying the truth. Even two teachers left the sect.


Anyway the sect got refined and more pure now.


In the main while, a week after they cured elder Mioh.

Moesat was studying medicine from elder Eun.

Actually Lu Lu was studying.


A messager student came to the Cloud Field sect temporary resident,

"There is message for Moesat from sect master."


So Moesat come out and asked what was the message was,

"Sect master told you to come to the main hall."

The student gives the message.


Moesat just answered that but he did not care.


The student whisper himself and left.


"Great your owner come and collected you… slave."