
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

Kindness return.

(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)


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A/N: There were always exceptional women and exceptional men. Do you think so?

Thank for reading.




After Moesat left, both of the elders could not hold their curiosity and open the book and study.

And they found out that the upgrade changed into cultivation technique that is very suitable for female and many females could possible to learn it.


Its' circulating the energy in really fast pace and if they used it, they would easily to rank up.

They looked at each other in confuse,

"Did you find any problem?" Elder Eun asked to Mioh.


"No, I only found it as amazing cultivation technique. What do you think?" Elder Mioh answered.

"Me too I could not found any problem but did you notice that little devil smile. And he told us to read carefully." Elder Eun told her with cautiously.

"May be you are too much in worried?" Elder Mioh tried to ease Elder Eun worry.


"By the way, that little boy care too much about Hee Mon. Is he like that girl at that with his small age?" Elder Mioh wanted to mock on Moesat.


That made Elder Eun attention changed toward Moesat.

"That is right, it is third time by now that he is trying to get attention from that girl. Should we use Hee Mon to lure that little boy!!!"

Elder Eun thought same as Elder Mioh this time.


"I will go and arrange it." With an impulsive mind, Elder Mioh went out.

After looking at elder Mioh went away, elder Eun shook her head and her attention turn back to the book and study again.


Moesat came out from Cloud Field sect's temporary resident and went back to elder Park place. And he directly went to elder Park.


"Moesat, did you need something?" Elder Park asked as Moesat came if he only need something.

"Yes master, I wanted to requested something."

"Tell me what?"

Elder Park said in short as he knew Moesat don't wanted to talk a lot.


"Be a less kind hearted to enemy. If you kind hearted on enemy that mean you are letting harm on your close one."

Small boy lectured to the old man.

Elder Park face a bit gloom, as he knew his weakness.


"I am not asking you to protect me but for all other weak disciples. As you knew sooner or later enemies will come for me. If they could get me and they will go after the weaker one."

Moesat stopped and looking at Elder face and,


"I still need time to become stronger and to protect them. You are the strongest and if you are too kind hearted and enemies would take advantage of it."

Moesat did not want to talk long, but it is needed to talk now.


Elder Park did not reply any but he is in sad face.

"Who do you think our enemies is?" Elder Park changed the topic.


"That simple, The king order our strong force to go and all our strong force vanished. Soon big and many force attacked us. But no clue left."

"And soon Royal Dragon sect, which was weak once, and they became the strongest by having new techniques?"

"So that is so simple,"


"The king is our enemy."




"If you see beyond it, you would see a people who wanted to fight between the king and us."

"So, the real enemies are, who wanted the king throne. And they were around the king."

Moesat stopped.


"Woooo…." In the elder mind 'Five hundred year old secrete was sort by a child?'

"So the king is not our enemy? And also the king become our friend?" Elder Park asked.


This theory is so simple,

'Enemy of my enemy is my friend.'




Moesat answered.


Elder Park wide eyes and ask.


"That too clear,

First, he order our force to go,

Second, there was a big force attacked us and for a king and government, they could easily tracked these people down but NOTHING come out or no news.


So the result is,

The king knew it but he let us destroyed by enemies.

One stone, two birds.


"So the Royal family is our enemy too."

Moesat stopped it after a long talk.


Some may be think as,

'Previous king doing was nothing to do with the king family now?'


Elder Park is looking at Moesat with amaze and he is thinking how that little guy could think too many?

But he never thought that Lu Lu and Nana is always with Moesat.


"So, there were too many enemies for us but there were very few of us?"

Elder asked in a bit disheartened.


"In the strength world, quantity don't count. Only quality."

Moesat corrected the word. And he took out a book and give it to elder.


Elder Park took it and read it, it was positive way of cultivation technique that Moesat just created.

The one to Cloud Field sect was soft and gentle, and that one was upgraded.

But this one is, hard and destruction power in it.

Cultivation technique is like a engine, better engine better power out put.


And it was created.

So, Moesat did not break their promised to Cloud Field sect.

Moesat explained to elder.


"So that is over Myths grade?" Elder was very excited and read it.

"Carefully read it first, and later arranged for a safety place for cultivation. And I will help you cultivated."

Moesat leave it for a while, they needed sometime to prepare.


When he got back he saw Soyeon group and Hee Mon were chatting each other. Soyeone group was staying together and Hee Mon was visiting to them.

Moesat greets them and continue walks toward his room.


"Wait, I would like to talk to you." Hee Mon stopped Moesat.

So, Moesat turn around, walk toward them and,

"What is that you would like to tell me?"


"Can we talk in somewhere?" Hee Mon asked him.

Moesat face frowned, but,

"OK, where do you wanted to go and talk?" Moesat wanted to finish quickly as he has many things to do.

"Come with me."


At a quiet place, they stopped.

"Now tell me quick."

Moesat asked her.


Hee Mon hesitated and Moesat wait for 2 minutes.


"Are you going to tell me or not?"

Moesat really hate that.


"Hmmm… what do you think what I am going to say?" Hee Mon asked in shy.

In the Moesat mind,



"Hay little girl, if you wanted to talk and say it now. I am not a psyche that I would know you mind."

"If you don't talk, I will go."

Moesat is straight forward and tell her.


'Is that all woman think that man should know their mind, without saying a word?'


"Wait," Hee Mon.

"WHAT????" Moesat shouted.

That made Hee Mon scare and she decided to say it quick.


"Soon, we will go for field training, would you like to join with me?" Hee Mon asked in shy.

They are going to form a small groups for training.



Moesat answer.


"Why?" Hee Mon confused and ask.

No one know why she confused.


"Why? WHY??? Why should I join you?" Moesat really angry now, as this girl is wasting his time.


Because of Moesat anger, a girl a bit backward and afraid.

But she courage herself and,

"Can I ask you something?"


"I told you already, tell me quick!!!" Moesat never like someone telling this or that without direct approach to the point.


"Why did you give me fruit juice, energy pills and ask elder to borrow point to learn cultivation technique?"

Now the girl ask in all at one time.


Only that could sort the problem if someone talk.


"That, Because I was same like you in my past, no one help me and all people were bully me. Now I am strong, so I help someone if they were same like me in my past."

"You and Soyeon group."

Moesat told her in direct points.


"Is that all? Any more question?" Moesat asked.


Hee Mon was a bit awkward and confused. She could not even answer Moesat question. And her face was cloudly.


After Moesat saw her face and think,

"Sorry about that I shout at you, but you know!!! I am so busy and my life is on the line and I don't have time."

"And if you don't have anymore question, I am going. Bye."

After Moesat said and left.


Sorry that Moesat don't understand most of the women mind. But there were always exceptional women with straight forward mind.


When Moesat got back into the bag and he saw everyone is busy. And he felt guilty as he wasted too much time in talking today.

So he took the refining job from Nana who was already worn out.

But Nana did not rest but she stood up and tried to do her body exercises.


Nana is cute, she was wearing same like mature people clothes but small size for her and these clothes were made by Lu Lu.


Areum and Enna was cultivating, and Areum was absorbing Enna tree essences.

Moesat tried to give them new cultivation techniques but both Areum and Enna rejected it.


But Moesat could not give the new one with sun moon foundation technique.

And both of them must have their own unique cultivation technique.


And Lu Lu gave the name for that these techniques, that 'Over myths sun moon technique.' name for the main one.

And 'Gentle over myths technique.' for the one which was hand over to Cloud Field sect and,

'Violent over myths technique.' for the one which was hand over to Elder Park.


While Moesat was carefully refining the Evil Sex Maniac God blood essence, Areum stood up and walked toward Moesat.

Moesat stopped the refining and looked up Areum and he knew that she want something.


Areum took out two blood essences, that was size of water drop that size is same as other blood.

But the different was a gold colour radiation resonated in the air.


That made everyone came over and look at these two blood essence. These two blood essences were way more powerful than ESMG blood essence.

If these were outside of the bag and energy would diffused but not in the bag.


"Your refining technique is really good, please refine it for me." Areum requested that.

Moesat was busy but he is busy for them and some more jobs is nothing for him. And he did not annoy for the more jobs.


"OK. I will do it after I properly rested." Moesat needed to careful about all these GOD blood essences. they were way more powerful than normal blood.


"One for her and one for me. I did not have too many of these. Sorry, that I could not give any for you." Areum pointed toward Enna said that in sorry face to Moesat.


"Ohhh.. don't worry, I got many bloods. I am really happy that one for Enna." Moesat now happy for Enna.


When the kind hearted people met other kind hearted people and they got their reward.

Moesat was not a hypocrite that to say 'I did not want anything.'


He at least want an appreciation from other.

But when he help other, he just help them.

He is happy when he got appreciation but nothing happen if other did not appreciate it.


"Could you tell me what kind of God is that? Only if you can."

Moesat asked but he did not except the answer. And he only asked for Enna.


Some energy were not suitable for some other.

"I could not answer that but that blood essence is good for Enna." Areum answered.


Enna was a bit tired and walking toward them slowly. But everyone noticed that she was attrected by the blood essence.

Moesat points at one golden blood essence and,

"That is for you." Moesat told her in happy sound.



Enna nod her head and while making some sound.


"Noona, I will give you one more blood essences of ESMG and I will find more for you later." Moesat understand how precious of the golden blood essences and he tried to compensated it.


"Don't worry, you gave me enough and I don't want that ESMG blood. Only because of your refining methods is good if not, the filthy inside of that blood could not be purified."

"Only give me some if you found other resource of energy."

Areum rejected that ESMG blood quickly.

"OK" Moesat replied and remembered it in his heart.


While refining,

Other could see how much impurity were inside of that filthy God. If it is not refined by Moesat, these blood would tainted everyone soul who used it.


Enna is sitting down near Moesat and put her two hands on Moesat kneel, (Moesat sat on cross leg position.)

She tilted her head upward and looking with her happy eyes at the golden blood essence, which was Moesat pointed at it.