
Memories of Nobody

Not your average romance story. A thrilling journey of love, loss, love triangles, villains, dark secrets, restoration and romance of course! Roxanne Jonas, a stubborn but promising young woman who struggles with her mental health coupled with the fact that she has no memory of her life beyond the past year. Ethan Alexander Hernández, a wealthy and handsome man who tries to cope with the rejection and me receives from his family by drowning himself in excessive alcohol consumption, sets himself up to marry Maria Elvis Richmond -- the daughter of a fellow CEO. These two lead their own difficult lives, trying to escape from the overwhelming burdens they carry. At their lowest moments, they finally meet in a most unusual fashion. Though their first contact with each other is brief, it automatically binds them together as later on the product of their first moments together is revealed -- A Marriage Contract! With the two of them forced into a union which must be kept hidden from the public eye. They must now cope with each other's problems while still dealing with their own personal relationships. EXCERPT. "What do you mean?" "What I mean Ethan is that i can't live with a man who i am not married to." Maria snapped at me, her face flushed with emotion. This was the first time she had ever raised her voice at me. I could tell she was hurting. "So what do you want me to do?" Though i asked, a part of me already had a clue as to what she might say. "A divorce. I want you to divorce her so-." "I can't" I quickly cut her off. "Why not? Is there some law which says you can't?!" Maria paused. Her body trembling with rage," For God sake you were drunk Ethan! So was she! You have enough reason to get.-" "That's not what I meant." "Then what do you mean?" I didn't understand it myself. I had no idea what had come over me, but the flame. It burned deep inside my chest. I had to understand what it meant. "I want to feel it." "Feel what Ethan? You're not making any sense!" "I'm not stupid. Even though I was drunk i still had some Sense. There's no way i could have married her if i didn't have a reason. If i didn't feel something." "What are you trying to say to me Ethan." Maria slowly approached me, tears dripping down her face. I looked away from her, i didn't want my gaze to meet hers. I knew what i was doing wasn't right, i just couldn't stop myself. I had to find out what happened that night. "What I'm trying to say is that. I need to feel it. I need to understand what i felt for her that made me marry her. I need to understand that feeling and until i get that... I can't divorce her." "What?" "I'm sorry Maria." I knew i had hurt her, i knew what i was doing was wrong. But there was nothing more i could do. My mind was made up.

CrimsonAngel_99 · สมัยใหม่
33 Chs

Stay Away!

"The best wife!" Roxanne paced around the bedroom she shared with Ethan. She was at her wits end. The piece of advice Andrew gave her three days ago really sunk into her subconscious.

Even though this was a trial marriage it was still her marriage!

"How dare he!" That piece of advice was three days ago, since that day, she hadn't seen Ethan.

What a husband!

After pressuring Andrew, he revealed that Ethan had bought a mansion in another state for Maria.

That was where he was.

Roxanne had spent all this time asking questions from Ethan's domestic staff all in an attempt to understand him better. But she was ditched!

"It's hopeless. What was i expecting?" Roxanne fell to the bed. Another night alone. Just like the previous nights, she had prepared so much, expecting a man who had no regard for her. Her efforts once more wasted.

Although it was her first time experiencing this, she had a deep feeling within her like she was already used to being disappointed by her partner. It was rather uncanny.

Roxanne unwilling to dwindle in a forgotten past, went into the bathroom for a late night shower. She was going to get a good night sleep and forget today ever happen.



"Open the gate!" Matthew yelled. His face held a disturbed look. The guards at the gate immediately went into action.

It was one of those nights...

"Where is he?" Joseph rushed outside. He opened the car door as soon as Matthew stopped.

"Inside. Help me get him out!" Matthew was perplexed. This was the first time things had gotten this out of control with Ethan.

"Hurry. Hurry!"

Though It was a quarter past midnight, the domestic staff of Ethan's mansion, rushed in and out like it was noon.

"Take him upstairs." Joseph dragged Ethan's arm over his shoulder. On the other side supporting him was Matthew. The pair carried him as he was to intoxicated to move.

"Ley me hace him." Ethan slurred. Blood dripping from above his right eye, the result of an unexpected upper cut.

"No the Mrs is upstairs. We wouldn't want to frighten her." Matthew stated the obvious. This whole dilemma wasn't new to them. Though it usually wasn't this bad but they could still handle it. But a newbie like Roxanne, she would freak. Her impression of Ethan would never be the same again.

"Where do we take him to?"

"The nearest guest room."

They dragged Ethan's limp body upstairs. His knuckles were cut and bruised, his white shirt dyed red with blood.

Not his blood.

"What is happening?" Roxanne had finished taking her bath when she heard a ruckus coming from outside. She moved to the balcony wearing her robe. There, she witnessed Ethan's return.

In the distance, the car had pulled up in the driveway, however, Ethan refused to come out. Though the environment was lit up by several lampposts, it was still dark.

Through her strained eyes, Roxanne saw several person's gathering round Ethan. She wondered what was happening but alas, she chose not to care.

He left her for three days, just to come back and make a show about it.

In Roxanne's mind, Ethan must have gathered all those people around him to tell them of the tales of fun he had with Maria.

Her blood boiled with rage.

She took in several deep breaths to calm down then stretched out on the warm bed. With the remote in her hand, Roxanne settled in to watch some TV.

She had barely began to enjoy the show when her tummy grumbled. She had spent so much time waiting and expecting Ethan that she forgot to have dinner.

She searched around the room for some snacks however she only found hidden compartments of alcohol.

What was wrong with that man?!

"I'll just go grab a bite from the kitchen." Roxanne concluded after her endless search. Since everyone was so busy with Ethan, she figured one would attend to her therefore it was best she serviced herself.

She got up then wore her fluffy slippers. She proceeded to the door. Her stomach tightening up with each step. She was in a hunger daze, the only thing on her mind was chicken. Roxanne licked her lips at the thought.

The door slowly creaked open, the moment she stepped out, her heart stopped.

"Ahh!" She let out a piercing shriek.

Infront of the door was a trail of fresh blood. It ran along the length of the polished wooden floor.

The ungodly sight seemed to have emerged from the stairs and continue up until the end of the floor.

It was too familiar.

The sight of blood. The metallic smell. The gut wrenching feeling it invoked.

Roxanne knew it too well. She knew it all to well.

Immediately she became dizzy.

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