
Melting the cold female duke

Synopsis Akira Arcana reincarnated on a body of a child. She grew up as a fine soldier. When she was guarding the bolder, she accidentally killed an elder witch, who cursed her not to feel and give love to others. One night, when she was under the influenced of an alcohol, she barged inside a commoner’s house. Dandelion, a handsome and reserved man happens to own that house. That night, Akira him harassed him merciless and left him alone in the morning. After 5 years, they met, but the girl didn’t remember him, but he won’t forget that night. But he mistakenly falls for her. Will he be able to capture the woman’s heart, despite she can’t feel love or express it? Will they be able to break the curse? ..... “We..ll?” she was amused seeing a handsome man trembling while holding a knife. The drunk person pounce on him like a predator. He tried to hit her but to no veil she easily caught his hand and grip it hard. Hard enough for him to drop the knife. Hmm….. Suddenly the woman kissed him, .... “So, who am I, who are you?” Inquires the girl, who was staring at the man with eyes need of answering and full of excitement. Her lips were pressed together, giving out the idea of nervousness that Lily feels inside. As she mistakenly misunderstood the words of her nemeses that she was his wife. A beautiful mistake that leads to love.

Aconite0 · แฟนตาซี
37 Chs

Melting The Cold Female Duke


10 days later we had arrived in the border. Our journey was a tough one, for it rained so hard which had taken a great amount of time for us.

We suffered in climbing slope and steep roads full of muds. The soil and rocks up in the mountains we had passed were so delicate making them fall over us.

Moreover, it was also hard to cross because of the falling rocks obstructing the path, even the trees also participated in delaying our journey which had taken 10 days for us to arrive at the border.

But at last, we finally arrived in this hellish place.

I saw marching soldiers moving towards us. Unlike the lotus insignia that symbolizes the Arcana, a gladiolus flower was the symbol the soldiers were wearing used as proof that they were the emperor's men.

These men were normal ones. So not alike to my knights or the Elite Squadron, the name of the group of elite knights, where I had the position captain.

-Is these little naïve soldiers my companion for 5 years of battle? The emperor must be joking-

All of them are all newbies. My knights are much better than these punks.

They halted their marching and a knight wearing a blue robe with his helmet still on his head, kneeled and greeted me.

"I greet the well-known duke of Arcana, duke Alyssum we are honored to be your company."

'Well-known my ass.'

I stare at the man kneeling before me. "Name."

Still looking at the ground, he replied. "My name is Aren Ronan, the leader of these soldiers."

-A Ronan?-

There was a sharpshooter elf belonged to the elite squad who had the surname Ronan also. So this one is his distant relative?

Ronan is a family of elves, who specializes in using bows and arrows. Well, all elves use bows but this one family can control arrows and had the skill to read minds.

That's why they are being monitored by the emperor, but what is the use if they can read your mind?

-I hate elves, especially men. They are fragile looking, which sometimes confuses me whether they are women. Their figures, are tempting me every time. It takes a great determination to stop myself from drooling.-

As if the elf in front of me read my mind, he stands up and takes off his helmet. His silver hair flows like water to his shoulder.

I can see his features easily because his as tall as me. His beautiful sky blue eyes are the second one to capture my attention after his silver hair.

I stare at his clear eyes mesmerize. Noticing my strange behavior the man titled his head to the side, revealing his white smooth neck to me freely.

-Damn, I want to bite it.-

"Ahem…" a fake cough brought me back to earth.

But when I saw his alluring red lips, I was in daze again by his beauty.

Then a heavenly laugh burst from that alluring lips.

"Then the rumors were true, you are easily distracted by appearance."

If he didn't said this statement maybe I'm still gawking at him.

"Hmm? Tsk!" I stared at him, but this time with indifferent eyes. His comment to me earlier got on my nerves.

I went closer to him and was planning to kick his groin, but he was fast to dodge my attack.

-This freaking elf. Fucking man looking-woman- I cursed, while he only smiled at me and spoke, "Oh? A freaking elf? Fucking man looking-woman? Hahaha. You're good at making nicknames Miss Lily, Hahaha"

-He read my mind?- I know this guy was mocking me, is he still the one who greeted me respectfully just a second ago?

Knowing such a brave man, dares to laugh at me, I can't stand it. I had a pride and reputation to protect, I won't let you off the hook, you womanish elf.

[Kill him!] I ordered my invisible knights.

In a blink of an eye, countless daggers flew to the direction of the man. Several black figures glitching appear behind me.

The soldiers cowered and their legs were shaking. They are trembling in fear.

I tilted my head, it was a gesture to attack the man.

[Don't stop until you beheaded him] With that, I move forward to the smirking elf. My knights behind me glitch and appear near the elf.

They started attacking him from different dimensions. The freaking elf saw me approaching towards him, his smirk widen.

He dodges every daggers, blades and swords. He even had a face who was having fun.

My knights throw a dagger near the elf's feet and while his dodging I reach my sword and launch forward to the place he will land. He was fast so he counter my sword with his blade.

But little did the elf know, that it was a big mistake.

I gave him my genuine but evil smile. –Heh, you're done-

I passed half of my energy to my sword and he was thrown so far. He was rolling like a log, yet he manage to kneel, but when he stood up he slumps on the ground.

I had my head high when this happened. I can't believe he is only the leader of these coward fawns.

His still fine after being hit at such strength? Now I have doubt about this man, he is not ordinary.

One of my knights was about to cut the unconscious elf's head off his neck, but I prohibited him from doing so.

My gaze shifted from the elf to the soldiers. "All of you go back and train!"

The two group of soldiers made up 0f 500 men was watching me seriously with their widen eyes.

"Yes!, duke Alyssum!" They move hurriedly and left me with the unconscious elf.

[Bring that elf to my tent]

When we arrived at my old tent, the same old tent I used 2 years ago was the same as always. It had no changes. It was cleaned and as I sat on the wooden bed, I can smell the floral scent of roses.

-Who the heck, changed the bed sheet?-

[Tie him up]

A normal person won't stand that attack at all, even if his a soldier. I had killed 10 elite knights in a mock battle and in training, but surprisingly this one is still breathing.

-This little bastard was quite interesting, he is still alive even after that immense force I used?-

I had eye for strong people but stupid ones are eye sore for me. This man was the combination for that.


Outside the camp, a black haired girl was arguing a group of soldiers.

"You think I am a spy? What! I'm not a thief! Let me in!" she yelled and her hazy blue eyes heatedly stared at the soldiers guarding the entrance of the camp.

"No, miss. This place is not a playground."

"Let me in! I'm Duke Alyssum's maid! Her personal maid! So let me in!"

"No Miss, go back." They rejected her loud pleading.

"No I won't go back! Please! Let me in!"

Despite her loud pleadings that almost made the soldier's ear pleads, she was denied entrance.


[Duke, your personal maid is in the camp's entrance]

-Tsk! That maid-

[Let her in]

I order the knight without removing my gaze on the man, who was tied up and was now still unconsciously sleeping on the ground.


"I said! Let! Me! In!" Primrose tried pushing the soldiers, but they didn't budge.

"Miss, how many times do we have to say that you are not allowed to en…"

The soldier didn't finished his sentence because a cloak man with an obvious lotus insignia on his cloak ghostly appeared.

"My master had given her permission" then he disappeared as if he didn't even appeared before them in the first place.

The soldiers recognized that scary looking cloak man and that insignia.

-He was one of the monstrous duke's knights- They all exclaimed in their head.

"See? I told you so. If the duke know this, she will pluck all your feathers, you parrots." Primrose threatened, thus the soldiers gasped and trembled. Soon after, they apologized.

In fact she was a little scared. The duke instructed them to manage and to watch out the estate, but she misses the duke, so she bribed Lexus.

-Eh? Where's that man?-

She glances around to locate the man, yet she could not find him.

-Whatever. He took me here so I don't need to worry about him. I know he angered master. He must be out there hiding.-

As she was getting nearer, her palms were sweating as she took her every step. She was wondering what will the duke's scolding is and what kind of punishments she will receive later.


The tent's cover was lifted and a childish voice called Lily.

"Duke! I misses you, so I went here. I'm sorry" Primrose who was so nervous, immediately hugged Lily and was sobbing in her master's arms.

-This stupid girl-

"Primrose, hush, lower your voice. How did you get in here?" I ogle at the girl.

"…Well~" she looks at me with tender eyes.

-Damn this girl-

I only wanted to tease her, though. "Stop looking at me like that." I covers her eyes.

She was still hugging my waist and I was almost at my limit. Indeed I'm cold, heatless and indifferent but somehow this girl was always the loss of me.

"Stop it! I know it was Lexus. You can stay here as long as you want," I said removing my hand and rubs her silky straight hair.

"Okay, thank…"

"But! Did you inform the others in the mansion or not?" I asked and she buried her head in my chest. Well, that's the hint she didn't.


[Inform Michaelmas]


"So~" She looks up to me with innocent eyes.

"Stop doing it. Your action should agree with your expression." I scolds her lightly, still rubbing her hair.

"What? But, I didn't do anything." She pouts her lips seductively while saying innocently.

-Damn this girl-

"Fine, now get off me. I need to go somewhere, so guard that man. Whistle this if you feel something is amiss and I will be right here." I instructed her, while pointing the unconscious elf and gave the whistle.

I hurriedly left the tent, before Primrose asks me the, who, what, how, and why questions.

I needed to regain my energy. Half of it was used up because of that freaking elf. I need to find a man, now.

(Hi guys! Hahaha you know what, fl needs a man right now! Medic, Medic. It's an emergency! Help her. Suggests a man below. Hehehe. Hope you like this chapter. If you caught some misspelled words, grammar errors, something that confused you, etc. Feel free to comment below. Have fun reading. Wink.)

1750 words

07/17/2022 8:39 pm