
Melting the cold female duke

Synopsis Akira Arcana reincarnated on a body of a child. She grew up as a fine soldier. When she was guarding the bolder, she accidentally killed an elder witch, who cursed her not to feel and give love to others. One night, when she was under the influenced of an alcohol, she barged inside a commoner’s house. Dandelion, a handsome and reserved man happens to own that house. That night, Akira him harassed him merciless and left him alone in the morning. After 5 years, they met, but the girl didn’t remember him, but he won’t forget that night. But he mistakenly falls for her. Will he be able to capture the woman’s heart, despite she can’t feel love or express it? Will they be able to break the curse? ..... “We..ll?” she was amused seeing a handsome man trembling while holding a knife. The drunk person pounce on him like a predator. He tried to hit her but to no veil she easily caught his hand and grip it hard. Hard enough for him to drop the knife. Hmm….. Suddenly the woman kissed him, .... “So, who am I, who are you?” Inquires the girl, who was staring at the man with eyes need of answering and full of excitement. Her lips were pressed together, giving out the idea of nervousness that Lily feels inside. As she mistakenly misunderstood the words of her nemeses that she was his wife. A beautiful mistake that leads to love.

Aconite0 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Melting The Cold Female Duke


I have been sitting for 5 hours since, me the substitute coach man and my 30 invisible personal knights left the Estate.

My decision in leaving Lexus was final. I don't want to cause trouble for him in accompanying me to this journey. He helped me enough.

Throughout my life, Lexus was there for me, assisting and protecting me, be it in the shadow or not.

I depended on him too much and trusted him too much, for I believe he will never forsake me, but that innocent looking man I raped 3 days ago always came to mind.

It was still bothering me up until now. His image seems to be imprinted in my mind. I truly can't shake him off.

He lived alone on an isolated place, without knowing how to protect himself from harm. He depends on himself alone.

But I was never like that, I'm surrounded by elite soldiers and powerful figures to ensure my life. I always brought my personal knights or Lexus with me if I visit a place.

I never went to boutiques and shops to pick or choose what dress I want to wear. The tailors themselves were presented to me personally. In short, I never lived a normal life.

I have never had vacations for I was busy handling the estate and if I have a spare time the only place I could find solace inside the mansion was the forbidden garden. One of the place, me and that old man used to go.

- We have been traveling for hours, where are we now?-

We already passed the Ancient Forest and must have been near in the Empire's capital.

When we were still in my estate, I had already closed the curtains to avoid seeing the estate's view and surroundings.

I'm afraid I won't be able to head to the border immediately, if I keep on watching the open field full of dandelions. The place where that old Rue used to take me and told stories about his life.

While I keep on reminiscing those memories, my eyelids grew heavier each seconds. My vision was completely swallowed by darkness. Without me knowing, I feel asleep.


Dandelions dancing carried by the slight wind surrounds the little girl. Her white dress was filled with dandelions, and her two brown braided hair was nestled by the flowers' fluffy seed balls.

She laughs as she runs around the field full of dandelions. The little girl clearly had fun running back and forth in the huge field with her teddy bear [a panda bear] in hand.

An elder man, holding a cane and is sitting on a rock near the field, watch the girl twirling the panda bear while laughing.

The scenery changes.

In inside a huge garden where different variety of flowers bloom, a 12-years-old little girl skipping with her panda bear and some flowers in hand, curiously eyed the new bloom blossoms.

A blue colored flower with a palmately lobe leaves caught her eyes. It was surrounded by its own kind, yet this one had a blue color while the rest were all white.

She pulled it and went to the old man leaning on a chair with a book in hand. His crane rested on his lap and his hat was placed on the table.

The old man noticed the little girl, and he looked at her with fondness.

He sighed when the little girl gave him the flowers. The flower symbolizes caution, misanthropy and death. The old man was worried if his time will come, and when he looked back again to the little girl, she was smiling innocently.

She gave him an aconite first, before giving the black rose, white rose and cyclamen. Four negative flowers were given to him. Four symbolizes death, while the flowers all means death and goodbye.

He rubbed the girl's head gently and spoke, "When I no longer here, you have to replace me. You need to take care of the estate and your mo…"

The old man's voice slowly faded away, as Lily regain consciousness.


"Urgh.." Lily touches her head and groans. –What was that?-

She remembered some fragments from her dream. An image of a little girl carrying a panda bear and the voice of an old man came to her mind.

-Why am I dreaming such things?-

Lily was confused. The image of her and the old man made her head throb. Her head hurts.

"Urgg…where are we now?" she mumbles, still touching her head.

She had slept for half an hour or more. The carriage didn't stop moving. She knew that the knights would never stop their tracks without her permission.

The curtains were closed, so she pulled it to the side. When she saw the scenery outside, it was already dark, and she could see water falling from the sky.

-It's raining.- she thought, staring at the raindrops.

The clouds are black as charcoal. It would be a miracle if it won't rain.

She doesn't want to carry out the trip with this kind of weather, they need to take shelter from a nearby inn.

[Find the nearest inn, and will spend the night there]

After informing the substitute coach man via mind telepathy, she closes the window with a curtain.

5 minutes later, the carriage halted its wheel. There was someone knocking behind the carriage door.

Lily opens the door and wear her black hood. The substitute coach man approached her and spoke, "Duke," he offered his hand to escort his master, but was rejected.

"There's no need, tell the knights to disguise themselves as normal people. They can rest where ever they want near this inn. Also tell them to avoid suspicions, or I might wring their necks."

The man shivers, not because of the cold, but because of the female duke's threat. He doesn't want to die yet, so he respectfully replied and compose his posture and expression. "Yes, duke. I shall take my leave then."


After talking to the man, she glanced at the 3-story inn. -It was not a fancy one, but it's alright.-

She went inside and when she opens the door, the bell above it rings. The owner of the inn heard the sound and immediately entertained the guest.

"I want a room on the 3rd floor that is near the window." He had no costumers, so it was not a problem. All the rooms are available.

The owner rampage his drawer to find something. "Lady, your room was located on the 3rd floor, room 7." The old man, gave the key to the guest. He was about to stand up to the girl to show her room, when she spoke, "There's no need."

The old man nods and watches the girl climbing the stair.

At first, he was anxious for she wore a black cloak, he thought she was an assassin, but it turns out she was just a noble girl passing by to his place and because of the rain, she took shelter at his inn.

When the girl disappeared from his sight, the bell rung again. He looked up to see who his second guest for tonight.

5 handsome men with big muscles wearing brown clocks were already standing before him. "Wha..what can I do for you.you gentle.. men?" he said, shuttering, while his eyes widened and his heartbeat was going crazy. –How? The bell rung just now, how are they standing here in front of me? It was so fast.-

"A room for tonight." One of the handsome men replied.

"Then, there's 5 of you, you can take the room… the rooms are available except on the 3rd floor no.7. Pick gentlemen." The old man hands them the list of available rooms.

The 5 knight disguised as travelers knew where their master was staying. In order to protect her, they chose the nearest room near her. The rest of the knights stood outside staying on guard, although the five disguised men were staying in the inn, they also have guard and protect the duke.


Upstairs, room 7

Lily unties her cloak and place it on the table. She rubs her shoulders while scanning the place for possibly escape routes and safe places to hide.

She opens the curtains, stares outside for a minute, and then lies on the bed. They will continue their journey tomorrow.

-The night is still dark, there's no sign of the moon. If the rain doesn't stop tonight, then we have no choice, but to continue our journey despite the slippery roads full of mud.- With this in thought, she blows the candle and close her eyes.

The old man, downstairs, sighed. Today was the night he almost had a heart attack. He thought he would die from nervousness.

-People nowadays - He clicked his tongue, locked the door and then went to his room to sleep.

Then, just like that, the night passed peacefully for all of them.

(Hi guys! Hope you like this chapter. If you caught some misspelled words, grammar errors, something that confused you, etc. Feel free to comment below. Have fun reading. Wink.)

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