
Witches Before Wizards

Late at night in the Owl House Luz was tossing and turning as she remembered how she and Cruz had followed a little owl into an abandoned house and ended up in the Boiling Isles. After they had gotten there they met and helped Eda the Owl Lady to recover the stolen crown of King, and Cruz had ended up finding and used the boom hammer gauntlets to hit warden Wrath before they agreed to stay in the Boiling Isles to become witches.

As Luz woke up with a gasp she looked around at her new room in the Owl House and realized that the adventure she had the day before was real and she and Cruz were now in a world of magic. "It wasn't a dream!" she said happily as she opened the window to her room and looked outside to the Boiling Isles. "Good morning, terrifying fantasy world" she said as large sea monster looked at her and waved towards her, "good morning" it said as it sank into the water making Luz shudder. She then walked over to King who was still sleeping on her sleeping bag before picking him up and waking him. "Good morning, you little cutie pie" she said as she started to give him kisses. "I am not your cutie pie!" he exclaimed trying to get away but failing. "Yes you are" Luz cooed as she set him back down walking out of the room. "I know" King said finally as he went back to sleep.

After getting changed Luz walked up the stairs in the stone tower to Cruz's room where she found her brother sleeping on his own sleeping back surrounded by a plentiful amount vials filled with potions. When Luz looked around the room she saw that on the desk in the room there was a station that he was using for making potions and another station that had his bracelets on the table. "Did he even sleep last night?" she asked herself before walking up to her brother. "Hey good morning hermano!" she yelled startling Cruz. "Santo! Luz, why would you yell?" he asked groggily. "Sorry, I just saw you sleeping and thought it was time to wake up. Did you not sleep last night or something?" she asked "I managed to get in good couple of hours of sleep. I was just finishing up a project that I thought could work with the gauntlets" said Cruz reaching for a clear cylinder that was laying on his table that had gold-ish marbles inside of it.

"So what exactly are you going to do with marbles?" she asked "it's just a way to hold them so I can attach the container to my gauntlets and shoot them out" said Cruz as he put on his bracelets and pumped his arm back extending them into the gauntlets. "Although it might make it more clunky, but it'll have to work for now until I can make new gauntlets" he said making the gauntlets go back to being bracelets. "Can you make me some?" "Yeah no, I'm not making exploding gauntlets for my really reckless sister" said Cruz with a chuckle. "You say that like you're not reckless too hermano" said Luz feigning being offended. "Alright, alright let's go get ready for the day" said Cruz as he started walking out of his room with Luz following.

Luz opened up the bathroom door in the main house letting two owl fly out of it, and both stepped into the bathroom not noticing Hooty being in the room with them. "Hi Luz and Cruz" said Hooty happily starling the twins. Cruz punched Hooty in the face while putting in other arm in front of Luz to make her back up. "Ow!" he said moving back towards the window. "I was just wishing you a good morning. Jeez! Hoot! Ow!" he said as he went back into the door. "Sorry Hooty!" cried out Cruz from the window. Luz noticed her Azura book on the counter and grabbed it before turning to a page with an Azura headshot and placed it on her face. "This is it old girl, your first day on the Boiling Isles. As a witch apprentice!" she said excitedly "yeah and I've got my day ahead of me too, gotta be able to make lots of potions so that we can get those lessons" said Cruz as he and Luz got ready for the day.

Luz went over to a supply closet with her eyes covered as she opened the door. "Please have witchy clothes. Please have witchy clothes," she begged as she opened her eyes to show lots of stereotypical witch robes. "Yes, yes, yes, yes!" "Huh, guess some movies were right" said Cruz as his sister went into the closet to grab a robe. Luz put on one of the witch hats that she found and a name tag sticker were she wrote witch apprentice Luz on it with lots of stars as she stood at the bottom of the stair case. As Eda came out of her room wearing her pajamas she yawned as she had just woken up.

"Good morning, Eda the Owl Lady. We're ready for our first day as your witch apprentice" said Luz with a bright smile. "Ugh, who are you two again?" asked Eda as she shook bugs out of her hair and picked her ear. "Huh?" said Luz disheartened that Eda had forgotten already. "Well that hurts, can't believe we're that forgettable" said Cruz with a slight hurt look.

Luz and Cruz followed Eda into the kitchen still feeling slightly hurt by the fact that she had so easily forgotten them. "Don't you remember us? Luz and Cruz?" she asked as Eda summoned a coffee cup into her hand from another room. "Watch it" said Cruz as he ducked down to avoid the mug but Luz got hit in the back of her head by it. "We freed the oppressed and defeated the evil Warden together? Yesterday?" she asked hoping it would jog her memory. "Kid, lay off the details. I haven't even had my cup of apple blood" Eda grumbled as she poured some liquid into her mug and Cruz took a seat at the table while he fiddled with a small vial on it. "Yeah mean apple juice?" asked Luz for confirmation. "No" said Eda plainly as she took a sip and took a seat on the table almost breaking a vial.

"Oye, Im almost done with the potion from yesterday that you wanted" said Cruz annoyed at getting interrupted. "Kid don't you have to look at the recipe again before making that stuff?" asked Eda. "Why would I? I've got a perfect memory" said Cruz taping his head. "Seriously?" asked Eda skeptically "he's right, my brother has what's called a photographic memory. He won't forget anything he's seen or heard. But that's besides the point here. Teach me some spells, when do I get a magic staff? Was I supposed to bring my own runes?" Luz asked as she gasped sharply gaining Cruz's attention. "Do you have a dangerous magical quest for me?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa" Eda said pushing her back. "Slow down there kid, being a witch doesn't happen over night. Also, you're wrapped in a bathrobe and wearing the dirtiest traffic cone I've ever seen" she said pointing at Luz's attire. Luz took off the "hat" and blew on it removing all of the dust of the orange traffic cone and sending to Cruz's face. "Gee thanks" said Cruz wiping the dust off and King laughing at him.

"But a magic staff huh? You really want one?" asked Eda curiously. "More than anything" responded Luz excitedly. "Cálmese" said Cruz to his sister. Eda wiped the Apple blood from her lips as she extended her hand outward. "Magic staff, come to me" she said as the sound of lots of things breaking and falling were heard from the other side of the house. "Yeah I ain't cleaning that up" said Cruz while finishing up his potion for Eda. As the staff flew into the room it went straight to Eda smacking her in the face. "Ouch! Sheesh, it's early" she said as she spun the staff into her hand.

"Now witches are awarded their magic staffs from school. With me as your teacher, you two will be taking a different approach," she said dropping a large burlap sack full of potions and other elixirs. "You'll have to work for it. I run a few businesses," she said as she led the Noceda twins into the living room. "On weekends I sell rare human treasures that Owlbert drags over from your side of the realm" she said patting the owl ornament,Owlbert, on her staff and picking up a plastic sword that was sitting by the fire place. "I shall smite my enemies, ages six to eleven" the sword said as Eda pushed a button turning on the toy. "But most days I sell only the finest potions and elixirs. Speaking of which, I'll show you some of my potions that I'm gonna need help with later today Cruz" she said. "I've got some of the boom potions ready" Cruz said as he opened his bag to show that he'd made sixteen potions since last night. "Hot dang, good job. As per our agreement I'll get you a cut of the profits kid" she said as Luz took out a bottle from the burlap sack that Eda had given them.

"Snake oil?" she asked skeptically. "No one wants an un-oiled snake" said Eda as she turned around and rounded some stairs leading to an upstairs window. "Today you'll be selling these potions and delivering packages to that town down there, Bonesborough. I have rivals everywhere who would love to take my business down and you two along with it. So you'll have to be careful" Eda warned them. "I won't let you down Ms.Eda" said saluting as she accidentally let the bag go. Before it could fall from the balcony Cruz caught the bag and made sure all of the elixirs were safe. "Nice catch kid, and I'm sure you two won't let me down" said Eda.

"Remember, never befriend a man in sandals and always measure twice, cut once" said Eda as she pushes Luz and Cruz out of the door. "Uhh.." began Luz "what exactly are we cutting here?" asked Cruz skeptically "good luck" said Eda as she closed the door ignoring both of them.

"I hate to Interrupt your Power Nap but you have to go with them" said Eda waking up King. "What? But I just found the perfect spot, why do I have to go?" he asked "for one we both know that their either going to get lost, except maybe Cruz since he can remember everything. Or they're gonna get eaten, probably both" she said before Luz appeared at the window pressing her face on the glass. "No I won't!" she said before Eda closed the blinds using magic. "And also because you work for me. Unless you want to start paying rent" said Eda smugly causing King to throw a small temper tantrum and storm out the front door. "Be back before nightfall, or risk mortal peril" Eda said as she closed the door again. "Have a safe trip" said Hooty happily. "Let's just get this over with" said King with a grumble leading Luz and Cruz into town.

As the trio walked into town Luz and Cruz began to look around and take in all of the sights that would normally never be anywhere except for movies. "Hey it's rude to stare" said King "sorry, I've only seen places like this in my dreams" confessed Luz "it's incredible, and we're the only humans here?" asked Luz with some glee in her voice. "Haven't seen any others" King confirmed. "Wow. There must be a reason for that right? Why are we here? What if I, Luz Noceda, average teen, actually had a predetermined path of greatness like Azura" she said with excitement. "Yeah I'm thinking we're only here because we decided to run after an owl sis. I mean just because we're here doesn't mean we have to have some grand destiny," said Cruz skeptically. "I'm with your brother on this one, besides, did Azura's path of greatness involve her selling boil cream?" asked King holding up a bottle of boil be-gone.

"Today I'm delivering packages but tomorrow I'm going to be earning the respect of everyone on the Boiling Isles with my magical prowess" said Luz. "Ha! Good luck with that, the Boiling Isles is nothing but a cesspool of despair" said King extending his arms outward. "More like a cesspool of delight" Luz said as she hefted the bag over her shoulder and looked around. "Alright so we're in agreement, the Boiling Isles is a cesspool of something" said Cruz with a chuckle as Luz ran off towards someone near a stand.

"Who has four hooves and wants to buy a potion? This guy" said Luz as she nudged a centaur looking upward towards their face. "Ugh, my face is down here" said the centaur showing that his face was on his chest. Later at another house Luz, King, and Cruz rang the doorbell at a house before the doorbell began to try and eat Luz. Cruz used one of his gauntlets to shoot a small and controlled explosion to force the doorbell to let her go.

At a food stand for Not-dogs King was eating a not-dog as Luz and Cruz sat on the curve and held a much smaller bag than when they started. "I know I've had enough delight for one day" said King finishing his not-dog. "I though being one of the only humans in a magical world would make me special. But all it does is make people want to scream at me, or just try and eat me" said Luz holding up her elbow showing a pixie trying to eat it. "Yeah let's not eat my sister" said Cruz as he grabbed the pixie and threw it away. "At this point Azura had already been sent on a magical quest. Where's my quest granting wizard?" asked Luz holding up her book to show Azura being given a quest by a wizard wearing purple robes.

"Hate to break it to you Luz, but no one here is that well dressed" said King throwing away his trash. "Yeah well that book is a stereotype for a lot of fantasy books" said Cruz as he picked up the bag of potions. "It's been a rough day…" began Luz as she followed her brother through an alley, "…let's just deliver this last package and go home. Maybe this world isn't what I thought it-" she began to say before lifting a curtain and seeing a large castle with multiple flags fluttering on the tips of towers.

"Pretty" said Luz with some excitement. "Well I'll be, I'm staring at a stereotype right now" said Cruz with awe. The trio walked up to the house before ringing the golden doorbell with a blue bottom that resembles a pearl. "Big houses always belong to big whack jobs. Let's just kick in the package and go," said King as he noticed that Luz ignored what he said and began to walk inside. "For the love of-Luz wait up" said Cruz with some annoyance. "Wait up" said King as he followed after Luz and Cruz before the door behind him slammed closing.

"I'm delivering a package for miss Eda the Owl Lady" announced Luz before all the torches around the room lit up showing that they were standing in a large library filled to the brim from wall to wall in books and a large portrait of an old man in purple robes. At the top of the stairs stood an old witch with purple robes wearing a pointed hat at the top of his head like the wizard in Luz's story. "Today just got good" said Luz as her eyes lit up with excitement.

"Magical wizard"

"Weird old man in Jim jams"

"And just like that another stereotype"

"I was just in my oscillarium reading the stars. And who might you be with eyes so full of wonder?" asked at the wizard as he saw that Luz couldn't stay still from excitement. "Uh well I'm.." began Luz before the wizard walked up to her to try and get a closer look. "Young lady, dare I say, I sense something…unique about you" said the wizard as he spun two circles and made two sofas appear from the ground. "Please won't you join me for tea?" ask the wizard as a table full of treats and tea appeared from the ground. "Okay" said Luz gasping before being held back by King and Cruz.

"Not okay I got a bad feeling about this whole thing" said Cruz "he's right, let's scram. Wizards are just old people with glitter in their pocket" said King and to prove his point the wizard pulled out a pocket full of glitter dropping it to the ground. "I don't trust him" said King "but the stars in his robe are so sparkly, and look, he's got a little baby fox in his beard" said Luz as a tiny fox with large blue eyes giggled at the trio. "Plus I see scones on that table" whispered Luz to King getting his attention. "Where!" exclaimed King as he jumped off of Luz and ran towards the table to grab the snacks.

"We'd love to join you for tea" said Luz as she sat on the sofa and grabbed a cup. "Might as well I guess" said Cruz as he sat next to his sister. Luz looked toward her right and noticed a table full of potions of different colors and shaped containers. "Do you sell potions, sir wizard?" asked Luz "looks like a lot of potions I've seen before" said Cruz noticing that a lot of them were similar to the ones that Eda had them sell that day. "Please call me Adagast, and yes I run a small business" said the wizard Adagast. "You should run a small business of more scones, into my mouth" said King holding up an empty plate. "I'm surprised to see you here. It was my understanding that Eda delivered the packages herself" said Adagast. "Well, we're kinda sorta her apprentices" said Luz pointing herself and Cruz. "Yeah we help out with work and she teaches us stuff" confirmed Cruz.

"Oh and how are you finding the experience so far?" asked Adegast, "if I can completely Mr.Adegast, when I decided to stay in this magical world, I thought I would be meant for something special. But Eda thinks I'm meant for chores and I'm afraid that I came to the wrong place" said Luz sadly earning a sympathetic look from Cruz He knew that his sister had always loved magic and all things fantasy but back home she couldn't explore those things with out feeling like an outcast. He knew that his science at least let him have a possible career in the future but his sister had a chance to be happy in this new world, and it made him sad that she was feeling so down.

"Well I have a quest-" began Adegast as he walked up to Luz and Cruz before being interrupted. "A quest!" exclaimed Luz excitedly dropping the cup of tea shattering it. "You didn't let me finish" said Adegast with a chuckle "I have a question" he said earning a deflated look from Luz. "Would you like to go on a quest?" asked Adegast with some enthusiasm. "Well that's convenient" said Cruz under his breath. "I might have just the thing" said Adegast pulling out a scroll from his beard, he unrolled it to show a map. "The prophecy speaks of a young human girl who will claim the celestial staff and free this world from an ancient evil. Perhaps thou hath cometh here for a reason," said Adegast. "Perhaps I hath" said Luz looking at the scroll.

"Should you believe yourself worthy to attempt this quest…"

"So worthy"

"You need to know the path is filled with dark and dangerous peril" said Adegast leading the trio to the door. "Love peril. Big fan of peril" said Luz looking at the scroll. "Yeah not so much of a fan when we could die" said Cruz looking over Luz's shoulder at the map. "Only the chosen can pull the staff from its post" said Adegast as they reached the stairs leading outside. "Neat story, awesome. Your food is gone and we are too" said King holding the bag of potions over his shoulder. "Yes we have to go…and prepare for this quest!" exclaimed Luz with excitement. "Wonderful!" said Adegast with glee. "Oh for the love of-guess we're doing this huh," said Cruz with exasperation.

Back at the Owl House Luz had began to prepare for her quest as she grabbed the toy sword that Eda had brought from the human realm and had put it in its sheath. "So King, what kind of chosen one should I be? Should I be full of optimism and goodness like Azura? Or should I be like a bad girl chosen one, with black nail polish and a mysteriously withdrawn attitude? I act like I don't care but secretly I do" said Luz using the book to talk for her. "Yeah that's not you at all" said Cruz with a chuckle as he was reading a book with the tittle 'basic potions for all'. "Oh are you guys talking about bad girls? Wait what's going on?" asked Eda as she walked in to Luz's room holding a severed blue arm from the bone. "What's with the arm?" asked Cruz with slight concern "don't worry about it"

"Yeah not helpful to say that" said Cruz with a deadpanned look. "Eda tell Luz that wizards are dumb" said King standing on a wooden chest in the room. "Ugh, wizards are the worst. Never trust a man in casual drapery, why?" she asked. "Your wizard client told Luz that she was a chosen one" said King in between his laughter. "Wait, Luz?" asked Eda before falling over laughing causing Luz to hide behind her book in embarrassment. "He even gave her a map" said King still laughing holding his stomach. "No need to be laughing that hard you two" said Cruz annoyed. "Let me see that map" said Eda as Luz handed her the map from Adegast. "You didn't think that was real did you?" asked Eda after examining the scroll.

"What?" asked Luz "this map is completely bunk, there's no lake with a celestial staff in the Boiling Isles. I would've stolen it ages ago" Eda said before noticing Luz look down with a saddened look. "Aw don't worry, couple more months here and you won't look like such an easy mark" said Eda rubbing Luz's head. "Can I have some time alone please" said Luz moving Eda's hand from her head before Eda and King walked out of the room. "Is it so wrong to hope for something like this Cruz?" asked Luz looking at her brother. "Not really but i also know that there's no shortcuts in life for stuff like this Luz" said Cruz with a sad smile.

"Maybe they were right" said Luz as she sat down by the window. As the light from the outside touched the paper the word 'one' was glowing in bright blue lights. Luz lifted the paper to reveal a complete message for the map. "'The path will only appear to the worthy' that's why Eda couldn't see it. But am I…worthy?" Luz asked herself before the window blew open with the wind and the map flew towards her book. The pages on the book turned to a page with Azura holding a staff triumphantly. "Guess there's only one way to find out" said Luz before standing up with her sword. "I'm coming with you, if it's as dangerous as I think it is then I'm gonna be there to back you up. Plus, I can say I helped the chosen one on her journey" said Cruz as he grabbed a few bottles of his explosive potion. "Thank you hermano, I really appreciate it" said Luz with a smile. 'Plus I've got a really bad feeling about this whole prophecy thing' thought Cruz to himself.

In the living room of the Owl House King laid down on the coach. "Finally all this mean spirited laughter made me sleepy" said King getting ready to take a nap. "Crony, wake up. You said that wizard was one of my clients," said Eda kicking the couch. "Yes now go away" said King trying to go back to sleep. "I don't know him that well, and I don't trust this itch he's scratching in the human" said Eda as she sat down on the couch. "Less talky more nappy" said King as he closed his eyes. Eda walked into Luz's room with intent to apologize for laughing at her and hopefully try to make up for it. Hey Luz I just wanted to…" she began before noticing that no one was in the room. "Oh no" she said as she ran towards the window and looked outside. "Hooty! Where'd they go?" she asked as Hooty slithered his way up to the window. "Hoot hoot! If you want the answer that you seek, solve my riddle within a wee-" he started to say before Eda slammed her fist into the side of the house causing a bit of it to break. "Ow okay, okay. They headed into the forest towards Bonesborough sheesh!" he said as he went back into the door.

In the forest outside of Bonesborough Luz and Cruz were standing on a hill overlooking the forest as they got ready to leave the city. Luz had her sword strapped to her back and Cruz had a few potions on his belt ready to be thrown. "My first magical quest!" said Luz with glee as she and Cruz slid down the hill crossing over a log to meet the forest that started to show fog. "You got all your things?" asked Cruz as he adjusted the belt to sling over his shoulder and took out the modified canister for marbles. "Yep! Got my scroll, got my youthful optimism, and got my sword. I see you got your little marble shooter. What did you do to it anyway? It looks different," "I made the container easier to attach to my gauntlets and the container is slightly lighter too. Like I said this is only temporary" said Cruz as he turned his bracelets into the gauntlets and attached the cylinder to the side of his left gauntlet.

"You know I'm just wondering if I really made the right decision" said Luz as she cut some vines to reveal a small town full of small bipedal cats.

"Woah" said Luz with awe

"Now this is a sweet town I've gotta admit" said Cruz looking around with some wonder in his eyes. As the two walked up to through the town they stopped at a fountain when all of a sudden a teen boy came out of the fountain wearing grey tunic and pants with a sword strapped to his back and an eye patch covering his right eye. "I see so you're the chosen one. The celestial staff should've picked me, Nevareth Bladestrife, teen prince of Angstmore" he said with a scoff. "Yes, yes I did make the right choice" said Luz with excitement. "Dude looks like a way too angsty kid from a bad book" said Cruz under his breath. Cruz couldn't help but shake the bad feeling in his gut, and since they had started the quest it was only getting worst.

In an alley way King was sniffing the ground while leading Eda towards the castle of Adegast. "This is where we met the scones, I mean the wizard" said King leading her towards the same curtain. As Eda pulled back the curtain she saw the castle that the trio had gone to but noticed that instead of a vibrant castle it looked like it was abandoned for hundreds of years. "Whoa, it wasn't like this before" said King, "I don't like this" said Eda as she walked into the castle and saw lots of scrolls on the floor. All of the scrolls were copies of the map that Adegast had given Luz with the words "the chosen one". "I really don't like this" said Eda as she grew worried and suspicious of the wizard.

"Nevareth, your vengeful backstory is so compelling, and I am loving your animal sidekick" said Luz as she walked beside him admiring him and the story that had told the twins. "After my village was lost my heart has known nothing but vengeance" he said. "Nevareth" said Luz with sympathy. "Lady Luz, do you think love can bloom in the battlefield" he said as he turned to look at Luz.

"Ooh hoo hoo, this quest is questing in all the right ways" said Luz turning away with a gleeful giggle. "Oh santo cielo, this is gag central in a bad romance story" said Cruz with a deadpanned look. As they we're about to cross a bridge a gray creature jumped out in front of them causing them to yelp with surprise.

"Ew" commented Nevareth looking at the gray bipedal cat. "Hum-di-diddle. To pass the bridge you must first solve my riddle" said the cat creature. "Hit me little furry man" said Luz pointing at him. "Your quest shall stop if you fail this game. So tell me my dear, what is my name?" asked the creature as Luz looked down at him and saw that he was wearing a name tag on his shirt.

"Uh…Chris?" Luz said skeptically. "It can't be that easy right?" wondered Cruz with some suspicion. "That's it! You may cross the bridge. And please take this chosen one, it shall help you on your journey," said Chris as he held out a gold ring with a blue gem on it. "Wow, this is amazing. Thank you" said Luz standing up and putting on the ring.

"Do you need a cape?" asked Nevareth

"Nah, I think I'm-" began Luz before he continued. "You can use my shirt!" he exclaimed ripping off his shirt causing Luz to stare. "Yes! I need a cape" said Luz with excitement as he wrapped it around her shoulders. Cruz saw this and the gut feeling in his stomach kept getting worse as he began to suspect more and more that the quest was not what it seemed. 'It doesn't make any sense,this whole quest just doesn't seem right at all'. thought Cruz to himself. "Three cheers for the chosen one. Hip hop.." said Nevareth leading the others. "Hooray!" they all exclaimed

"Hip hip…"


"Hip hip…"

"Oh no" said Eda as she arrived at the same town that Luz and Cruz had started their journey. Only to find it in complete ruins just like the castle. "Are you sure they came here?" asked Eda as King was sniffing the ground. "Cant mistake their scent. Like lemons, smoke, and young naive confidence" said King affirmatively.

"Hmm" Eda rubbed her chin as she walked up to the fountain and saw one of the bipedal cats. "Hey! Wake up you" said Eda as she flicked its forehead and grabbed its shoulders before shaking the cat. "What have you done with Luz and Cruz? What's your endgame?" she asked the cat which turned out to be only a puppet.

"If you want to find your friends and still your wrath…" it began as it to turn its head to her "…look ahead and follow the path" it finished saying as it laughed and disintegrated as if withering away. King gasped sharply seeing the cat wither away. "The cat man melted!" he exclaimed. Eda stood up as she dusted herself off. "It's a trap, they want me to follow the kids" she said.

"So what are we going to do?" asked King "no other choice, can't lose those kids" said as as she grabbed her staff.

In an enchanted forest Luz and Cruz along with their companions were walking through the forest with a new fairy companion that had joined them recently. "Thank you for inviting us to your feast princess, all of your food was so tiny and adorable" Luz said to the fairy princess. "For you chosen one" said the princess as she handed Luz a pair of gold and green bracelets. "Oh yay now I have some too!" said Luz as she tried mimicking the way that Cruz made his bracelets change into gauntlets but nothing happened.

"Aw man" she said with disappointment confusing her companions. "Yeah sorry sis, these are one of a kind" said Cruz with a smirk earning a glare from her sister. "I'll make you something when we get back, promise" said Cruz trying to make peace with Luz. "Yay! Anyway, thank you" said Luz turning to her companions, "you've all been so kind and thoughtful. I hope this quest never ends!" she exclaimed.

"Your quest will soon end, for the staff you seek is around the bend," Chris announced to her. "Thanks for ruining the mood Chris" said Luz with annoyance, "Well, it was fun while it lasted" said Cruz with a chuckle. "Go on chosen one, the celestial staff is yours. You've earned it" said Nevareth gesturing ahead.

"Farewell lady Luz, sir Cruz"

"Farewell chosen one, we love you"

As the two walked down the path Cruz was still feeling as if something was wrong and they were closing in on danger. He'd learned a long time ago that trusting his gut was usually something that got him pretty far if he combined it with his knowledge. And this quest has sent his brain into danger sense since they had started. Luz gasped getting his attention again as they saw a lake with a stone path leading to it with a white staff in the center. "I knew this world wasn't all doom and gloom like Eda and King said" Luz said as she spun around happily. Cruz looked at his sisters smile and couldn't help but feel happy for her since she was looking forward to this world and it's wonders.

"There is wonder here and I…I think that we came here for a reason" said Luz happily spinning as she walked up to the staff. "Okay, this is it" said Luz as she prepared to grab the staff before looking back towards Cruz with a small bit of worry. "You've got this sis, if anyone can be the chosen one it's definitely you" he said with a warm smile to reassure her. Luz grabbed the staff as light erupted from it and she managed to pull out the staff with ease.

"Yes! I am the chosen one! I knew it! I always suspected there was a reason why no one ever got my wacky antics back home. Now I have proof" said said with a bright smile and chuckling to herself. Suddenly ten staff turned to dust and was blown away as if it were nothing more than dirt. "No!" exclaimed Luz as she tried to reach for the non existent staff. The ground and the lake all around her dried up and seemed to be withering and aging. "What?" Luz asked with confusion, "Okay I don't like how this is going at all" said Cruz feeling that his instincts were yelling at him from all directions.

"I know this guy. He's no wizard, he's what you'd call a puppeteer, a demon who specializes in scamming and manipulating people. He's trying to use the kids to get to me," Eda said with narrowed eyes as she and King were flying through the forest quickly heading towards the lake. "Yeah and we're flying directly into his trap. Hurray!" King said sarcastically. "We'll if you've got a better plan I'd love to hear it. Hey, faster you" said Eda as she smacked Owlbert softly to make him fly them faster.

As they were surrounded by fog Luz was looking around with her toy sword drawn and Cruz was holding one of his explosive potions before they heard from behind them. "Luz and Cruz, the humans" said Adegast as he walked up to them. "Magical wizard?" asked Luz confused by why he was there "why are you here? What's going on?" asked Cruz with suspicion clear in his eyes. "Your hubris has failed you, witch apprentice" he said cackling as he was lifted into the air by a squid demon from behind him. From all around them the ground began to break apart, and all of the companions that were helping them rose up being held by the same squid demon tentacles.

"Okay Luz, don't panic, this is classic chosen one stuff. You just have to rescue everyone and stop the final boss" she said as she held her sword up looking around with worry. "I am everyone! Don't you see? I'm no wizard, and you're no chosen one, I've tricked you," said the squid cackling. "What?" asked Luz with shock before her cape wrapped around her body and her bracelet and ring became handcuffs with a lock to hold her hands. "Okay, not cool squid thing!" yelled out Cruz as he pumped his arms to make his bracelets turn into his boom hammers with the liquid already loaded and ready. "Betrayed by my own cool accessories, why are you doing this?" asks Luz angrily

"Your mentor has been stealing customers from my potions business for years. She must be destroyed" said Adegast holding up the wizard puppet. "Does everyone have a beef with Eda here?" asked Luz "seriously, what's with that I mean come on" said Cruz with annoyance. All of the puppets came up to the twins before agreeing with what Luz had asked. "And you lured her right into my trap, just because you wanted to think you were special," said Adegast.

"Jokes on you squid thing, even if my sister isn't a chosen one, she's still special just the way she is" said Cruz with anger towards Adegast. "Silence!" yelled Adegast as he launched a tentacle towards Cruz trying to grab him before Cruz jumped to the side and punched the tentacle using his gauntlet and producing a small explosion. Adegast reeled back in pain at the searing heat that the gauntlets produced from the explosion. "That's so cool hermano, how'd you make the explosion weaker tho?" asked Luz. "Now's not really the best time for that Luz, I'll tell you when you get back home" said Cruz getting ready to fight.

"How will you get back with out your mentor? She'll soon arrive and revenge can be mine" said Adegast with some level of caution looking at Cruz's gantlets. "Jokes on you, cause Eda isn't stupid enough to fall for your trap" said Luz with determination. "Adegast!" yelled Eda as she flew in with King behind her shocking Luz and Cruz.

"Aw, heck" said Luz looking down. "The timing I've gotta say" said Cruz face palming. As Eda landed she looked at Adegast with narrowed eyes seeing the situation. "Eda! I have you now" he said as he used his tentacles to hold up Eda and King in the air. "That's right you have me, now release Luz and Cruz" said Eda pointing toward the kids. "I didn't have to be a part of this!" yelled out King trying to wiggle himself free. "Oh they can leave, but I'm thinking the girl doesn't want to. I sense she wants a real fantasy" he said as one of the puppets blew purple mist covering Luz. "Luz no!" exclaimed Cruz as he ran towards Luz before one of the tentacles grabbed him and lifted him in the air. "Oye! Pincho pulpo de su * madre!" exclaimed Cruz as he swore in Spanish.

Inside of the purple smoke all of Luz's companions surrounded Luz as she was unshackled. "Stay with us Luz, stay with Adegast. We need you here, you can be our chosen one," said Nevareth. "Yeah, you can eat our tiny foods forever" said the princess. "Luz, why would you want to live in a world where people laugh at you?" asked Nevareth trying to convince her.

"It is beautiful here" said Luz agreeing with him

"Luz!" yelled Eda but she wasn't heard

"And you guys seem to think I'm special" said Luz closing her eyes

"No!" yelled Eda as the tentacles began to wrap around her. Luz frowned and remembered what her brother had said earlier. 'Even if my sister isn't a chosen one, she's still special just the way she is'.

"But it's not real. I'm still special even if I'm not chosen!" exclaimed Luz as she ran out of the mist and grabbed her sword. "I am a witches apprentice, and I'm going to earn my magic staff the hard way. I believed you magic man, now feel my wrath!" she yelled as she stabbed the wizard puppet in the chest making him poof causing Adegast pain making him drop Eda and Cruz. They landed next to Luz as the fairy puppet flew towards them she swung her sword and made the puppet poof away. As the Chris puppet flew towards them Cruz pumped his gauntlets and punched it to created a bigger explosion taking out the puppet along with another cat puppet that was next to it. Eda spun her finger to create a fire spell that ended up burning three cat puppets making Adegast reel back in pain.

The Nevareth puppet flew in swinging and yelling at Luz but she quickly ducked and started to block all of its hits. "I thought we had a connection Nevareth!" she yelled as she stabbed him in the chest. "My flawless pecs" he yelled as the puppet proofed away. Cruz walked up to Luz with a grin, "thank you, that puppet was seriously getting annoying to deal with" said Cruz as he stood next to his sister and Eda landed next to them.

"Back off! Or the dog gets it" said Adegast holding up King in a tentacle. "I am not a-" began King before a tentacle covered his mouth. The trio all backed away with Luz and Eda dropping their weapons. "You drop your weapon too" said Adegast pointing towards Cruz. "Kinda can't drop something that's attached to my arms. I can give you you this though" said Cruz as he flicked his wrist and shot a marble at Adegast hitting him in the face forcing him to drop King. "Take that you slimy jerk" said Cruz with a smirk before Adegast regained his focus and grabbed Cruz with a tentacle. "I really should've just punched you" said Cruz with a deadpanned look.

"King, Cruz I'm sorry, I should've listened to you two and never trusted that wizard. You were right, he wasn't magical or mystical. Like Cruz said, he's just a big slimy jerk" said Luz as she kicked the sword directly at Adegast making it stab him in the head. The pain from the stab forced him to drop Cruz and he began to shrink as he was screaming. He shrank to be small enough to fit in the palm of Eda's hand.

"Well, that's the last time I take an outside referral" said Eda as she picked up Adegast from his tentacles before swallowing him whole. "Sorry did you want some of that?" asked Eda looking at Cruz and Luz. "Yeah no way, that's disgusting" said Cruz looking away. "No I didn't want any either, I'm just confused" said Luz sadly. "Thinking about calling it quits?" asked Eda crossing her arms. "This place is nothing like I imagined" said Luz sadly. "Well maybe not here, but come with me" said Eda as she looked around her and led the Noceda twins away from the dried up lake.

Eda flew up into the air with the twins being blindfolded. Luz was clinging onto Eda while Cruz was holding onto the staff before they came to a stop. "Okay, you can look" said Eda as both Luz and Cruz took off their blindfolds and being in awe at the sight in front of them.

"Whoa…" said Luz in awe

"Que belleza" said Cruz with equal amounts of awe as they saw the Boiling Isles in its entirety. An entire society sitting on top of the skeleton of a giant creature with horns on its skull.

"The bones of the isles, up close the isles can be slimy" said Eda

"And very stinky" said King a matter of factly

"And gross" said Eda looking away with some level of disgust. "But if you look at it from another perspective…" she said as a shooting star passed by over their heads. "It's beautiful" said Luz with a smile.

"Yeah" agreed King as he closed his eyes and seemed to fall asleep. "You know sis" said Cruz gaining Luz's attention. "Mom did say that I had to live in the moment, and I just didn't get what she meant at all. I always thought that as long as I could keep experimenting than I was going to be good. But seeing the isles now, like this, I get what she meant. There's so much beauty in the world and I'm missing it by being stuck behind my desk all the time" Cruz confessed as she look at the isles with serenity.

"Eda, how did you know that the wizard was lying?" Luz couldn't help but ask before Eda gave a sigh. "Look kid, everyone wants to believe they're 'chosen'. But if we all waited around for a prophecy to make us special, we'd die waiting" she said with a chuckle. "And that's why you, have to chose yourself" she said with a smile. "Pretty good advise Eda" said Cruz with a peaceful smile on his face.

"Does that mean you'll give me a magic staff of my own?" she asked eagerly. "Not yet, but…someday" she said as they watched the sunset.