
I Was a Teenage Abomination

"Well Luz, Cruz," Eda started as she gestured towards the beach in front of her. "Did you ever in your life think you'd ever see something as breathtaking as this?" she nudged on Luz's shoulder as she gestured towards a giant dead slug laying on the beach sand. "I…don't like this" said Luz trying not to throw up. "Yeah when I said the Boiling Isles was beautiful, I really didn't think I could find something so disgusting" said Cruz with clear look of disgust on his face.

"Yeah it doesn't get more inspiring than the trash slug. It makes a home, a life from what other have thrown to the wayside. Until, bam, it gets blasted by a wave one day and croaks from all the salt. And then, we get to sell the stuff it ate," Eda said handing Luz a pickaxe. "Please don't make me" said Luz with a disturbed look on her face. "Yeah nope, not going anywhere near that thing," said Cruz backing away.

"Oh come one you two, it's not everyday you get to go to the dump and pick apart a garbage carcass" said King as he laid a blanket on the floor. "Ah, nuts to all of you" said Eda as she swung the pickaxe into the trash slug's body. "So Eda, what if we tried some new lessons for my apprenticeship. Like…read ancient scrolls or mix together potions" said Luz as Eda continued to hit the slug with the pickaxe. "I'm with her about the potions, I mean I did study some potions from that book in your house but still. You did promise to teach us some magic stuff" said Cruz.

"Well it's alright that you studied some of my books for potions, but honestly that sounds like a bunch of magic school stuff" said Eda as she moved around the garbage from the slug. "Wait, is there a magic school here? Like, winding towers, cute uniforms, dark plots that threaten your life kind of magic school?" asked Luz interested in a school full of magic that she'd read about in a lot of books. "I'm pretty sure she mentioned that already sis" said Cruz remembering how Eda had told them witches got their staffs after going to school.

"There is, and what's worst, they try and teach you magic the proper way" she responded sarcastically. "I'm guessing proper way isn't your way" said Cruz "of course it's not, magic isn't proper. It's wild and unpredictable, and that's why it's so beautiful. I didn't finish school and look at me, who wouldn't envy where I'm at now" said Eda as she was standing in waist deep garbage. Luz looked down sadly and Cruz just gave her an unimpressed look.

"Uhh…hey here's a lesson, a great witch is resourceful, like this" said Eda as she took Luz's hand and plunged it into a slime pool as Cruz gagged from the smell. "Yeah you better wash your hands after that" he said trying not to throw up. Eda pulled Luz's hand out of the slime pool and in her hand she was holding a ball of slime.

"Oh hey…greasy slime ball" said Luz unimpressed. "Use your slime ball wisely young witch. Well, back at it! We'll hit the stink nodes first" said Eda as she walked back up the pile of garbage towards the slug. "Actually, if it's okay, I-I think we'll just head back home and look at pictures of animals that are still alive," said Luz as she backed away from the trash pile with Cruz following her.

"Yeah seriously, I've got a new potion that I've been working on, and I think I can probably make it more effective with a little human technology," he said as he followed Luz before stoping in front of King. "Love you King, you little beach peach" said Luz as she tickled King on his belly, and Cruz copied her by scratching King behind his ear as they both headed back to the Owl House. "More for me then" said Eda with a shrug as she headed into the slug and threw multiple trash out of it before a tuba went flying covering King.

As Luz and Cruz were walking back home, Luz was looking at her slime ball that she'd gotten from the trash slug while Cruz looked over some notes in a small notebook that he'd grabbed for his newest potion and experiment. "If magic is all about digging for slime balls, then maybe I don't have the stomach for it" said Luz with annoyance as she placed the slime ball in her pocket. "Please don't mentions anything stomach related, it's disgusting enough as it is" said Cruz as she looked disturbed from her sister digging through sludge.

"You can do it! You can!" said a girls voice from somewhere in the forest. "Mysterious voice of encouragement?" asked Luz to herself as she looked around. "It sound like it came from over there" said Cruz as they walked towards some bushes.

As they moved the leaves from the bush they saw a pale skinned girl with glasses and gray clothes with pink sleeves and leggings. "No! Little witch girl" said Luz with some small excitement. "Looks like some kind of uniform" said Cruz as he looked over her clothes.

"You can do it! Even if you get a bad grade, it's not a reflection of you as a witch. And my parents are right. There are better opportunities on this track. Now get to school" she said to herself with determination while stepping on a flower. When she noticed that she'd stepped on the flower she gasped with horror. "Oh no! Oh, little friend! I'm sorry!" she exclaimed with horror as she spun a green circle in the air causing the flower to un-wilt and return to how it was before she had stepped on it.

Luz and Cruz gasped when they saw this and the girls ears twitched as the sound of wheels came from behind her. A wheelbarrow came from behind her as another pale witch girl with green hair and brown patches at the front was riding on top of it while reading a book.

"She's kinda cute" mumbled Luz trying not to be heard but Cruz was close enough to hear it clearly. "Well, sounds like my sis got herself a crush" he said with a grin before Luz punched him in the arm lightly.

"Willow!" said the green haired witch as she closed her book and climbed down from the wheelbarrow. "Wow, you're so unnoticeable that I almost rolled into you," she said with a chuckle.

"Hi Amity" said Willow with slight annoyance as the flower wilted again. "Shouldn't you get to class to prepare your-" Amity began before the Willow's wheelbarrow shook and fell over spilling purple goop all over the ground.

"Oh Willow, you don't have anything to show do you?" asked Amity while shaking her head. "Witch drama" whisper yelled Luz. "I should've brought some popcorn" said Cruz with a hushed voice. Willow covered her head using her hood while blushing and looking away from embarrassment. "This is why people call you 'half-a-witch Willow'" she said in a tone with our showing any signs of sympathy. Amity's cauldron began to shake and rattle gaining her attention. "Oh, looks like someone wants to say something to you" she said as she took off the lid to her caldron and crossed her arms proudly. "Abomination, rise" she said as she snapped her fingers.

A purple sludge creature rose from the caldron forming into a bipedal form before leaning forward toward Willow. "You're a…star" it said as it drew a star on her forehead with some purple sludge. "Aww, it's like mine" Amity said as she adjusted a star pin her uniform that said 'top student'. "But much smaller, and meaningless. As top student, it's my job to tell you to keep at it. Even you could get a passing grade someday. Abomination, cower" she said as she pointed to the purple creature making it turn back into slime in the caldron before she closed it back with the lid.

"See you in class, superstar" said Amity as she pushed the wheelbarrow toward the school. After Amity had left Willow took off her hood and as she was walking away with a smile Luz stuck out her tongue in annoyance while Cruz looked on with clear distaste in the girls attitude.

"Oh, see you in class, superstar" mocked Willow as she removed the star using her arm. "I hate when she does that" said Willow with clear anger and annoyance in her voice. The siblings looked on toward her with sympathy since they've both been victims of bullying from their experience in the human realm.

"I hate making abominations. I hate getting bad grades. Ugh! I can't stand this anymore!" Willow yelled with anger as she closed her eyes before her eyes shot open with them being completely glowing green. The two gasped at her eyes before several large vines shot out of the ground from where the dead flower was laying. Two of the vines shot forward grabbing the twins from ten legs and lifting them in the air and dropped them behind her. The twins looked up as Willow turned around to stare at them with her eyes still glowing green. Cruz quickly stood up as he pumped his arms back to turn his bracelets into his boom hammers with the vial already loaded in case of an emergency.

Cruz and Luz stared at Willow as Cruz stood in front of Luz to protect her in case the situation turned violent. However as soon as Willow realized who was standing in front of her, her eyes turned back to normal and she started to panic. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no! I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed with worry as she bent down and commanded the vines to get away from Luz and Cruz's feet.

"It's okay, I think the thorns only went through a few layers of skin" said Luz as she held her leg. "Yeah and trust me, I've definitely done worst to myself during my experiments" said Cruz with a chuckle now that he knew they weren't in danger and turned his boom hammers back into bracelets. Willow leaned in closer to get a closer look at the twins and noticed their ears. "So…circly" she said as she came to a realization causing Luz to yelp and cover her ears which made Cruz chuckle. "You're both humans! That is astounding! Humans on the Boiling Isles! How did you get here? What are you doing here?" asked Willow as she helped Luz stand up.

From a distance a bell could be heard tolling signaling that something was about to begin causing Willow to freeze. "I'm sorry, I can't stay, I have to go disappoint my teacher. It was nice to meet you, humans" she said sadly as she let go of Luz's hand and began to walk away. As she walked away Luz and Cruz couldn't help feel the need to help her in any way they could since they both could relate to her problem of bullying, and she had seemed like such a nice witch who didn't deserve that treatment or nickname of half-a-witch.

"Wait!" said Luz as she stoped Willow from walking away. "I'm Luz, and this is my brother Cruz, and you're Willow right? What you did with those flower and plants, that was…wow" said Luz with amazement. "Thanks" said Willow as her smiled dropped, "but, I'm not even supposed to be doing plant magic. My parents put me in the abomination track in school," she said with sadness. "It's obvious that you're talented in plants, so why not just show them and talk to them about it?" asked Cruz but before he could get his question answered Luz ran up to Willow and grabbed her arms with a squeal. "Like magic school?" asked Luz with glee earning a nod from Willow which made Luz's smile even brighter.

"That's so cool!" she exclaimed letting go of Willow. "I'm so jealous. I have a teacher, but her lessons are a bit…unconventional"

"Not to mention gross" said Cruz remembering the trash slug

"Yeah that too honestly" said Luz as she agreed with her brother. "I bet she wouldn't even let us enroll. But, I wish I could spend just one day there" "yeah in all honesty same" said Cruz agreeing with her. "I wish I could get a passing grade for once. Then people would stop calling me 'half-a-witch Willow'" Willow said as she kicked the abomination goop causing it to groan.

"Hey wait" said Luz as an idea popped into her head. "I know how we can all get what we want," Luz suddenly bent down and grabbed the abomination goop from the ground and held it in her hands. "Make me your abomination! I'll get you a good grade and you can get us into magic school. It's fiendishly clever" she said while wiggling her eyebrows.

"What?" asked both Cruz and Willow in surprise. "I saw that girl's thing. It's just chunks of stuff that talks weird. I'm chunks of stuff, and I talk weird" said Luz as she put the slime on her hoodie. "You've got more of a unique way of talking then weird sis" said Cruz as he ruffled Luz's hair.

"That's true…" said Willow as she giggled. "I'm in too, it'd be great to see how this school works, plus I really wanna see you stick it to all the people that called you 'half-a-witch'. I mean seriously it'd be so satisfying" said Cruz with a smirk.

"Okay, it's a deal," said Willow holding out her hand "Luz" she said as they both shook their hands. "This is a great plan" said Luz before noticing that their hands were stuck together with goop. "Oops, abomination goo" said Willow as they struggled to pull their hands apart with Cruz pulling on Luz to try and free her. When they goo snapped Luz and Cruz fell into the rest that was still laying on the ground covering them in goop. "Great plan" said Luz with a groan.

"Better question" began Cruz as he shook off some goo from his head. "How are we supposed to disguise me? I mean it's not like they'll accept or believe that you've got two abominations" he said. "Well, I could use some magic to transform you into a garden gnome," said Willow. "Wait, seriously, a gnome? Like little pointy hats,"

"Yeah those gnomes, they're actually pretty common. And the best part about this spell, I don't have to do anything to change you back, it's a timed spell" said Willow proudly.

How much time?"

"Just a few hours, then you'll be back to normal"

"Alright sounds good, gnome me" said Cruz spreading his arm apart. "Alright hold still" said Willow as she traced a green circle and a puff of smoke surrounded Cruz. After the smoke cleared, Cruz was standing in the same spot only wearing a red tunic and yellow pants with a pointy red hat on his head and being much shorter that he could only reach up to Luz's knees. "Well, this is different" said Cruz as he examined himself and saw that thankfully his bracelets had shrank with him. "Aww you're so tiny and adorable" said Luz as she picked up her brother. "Seriously Luz, put me down, I'm not a toy" said Cruz with a deadpanned look.

"Well, I think this should work now, and plus, this way both of us can fit in the caldron and it's not going to be suspicious. That and I can finish up working on my potion in there" said Cruz with a smirk. "Can you finish it?" asked Luz with worry since it would be harder for him to make potions being much smaller. "No worries, it's not it'll be all that much harder for me to deal with" he said proudly as he hopped into the caldron.

After some time walking and pushing the trio had arrived in front of a large building that looked more like a cathedral than a school. "Welcome to Hexside school of magic and demonics. Remember to stay hidden" Luz giggles and squealed from inside of the caldron while Cruz was looking on in awe at the school. Inside of the school various students were walking around in different colored sleeves to signal different magic classes. Willow was walking up to her locker and tickled it so that it would give her some of her books for her class.

From behind Willow a younger witch boy approached and bumped into her, he was wearing a blue sleeved uniform while reading a teen magazine from the human realm and not paying attention to where he was walking. "Willow, you would not believe humans" he said with some level of amazement. "Humans?" she asked nervously "psh, I haven't seen any. What?" she said in with her voice getting into a higher pitch and looking over at the caldron.

"Did you know…that humans nailed barbed wire to their kids' teeth? But why? Maybe, it's to make them magnetic," he said speculating. "Actually, it's for storing treats" Luz said speaking up from the caldron. "Esta huerca, that's not why and you know it" said Cruz while facepalming in the caldron. The boy raised an eyebrow at Willow in confusion.

"Okay Augustus, I'm going to tell you something, but you have to cool" said Willow as she placed a book into the wheelbarrow. "I can be spool, I-I mean cool" he said with a stutter. "Okay. Abomination, rise" Willow ordered as Luz rose out of the caldron with Cruz hanging from her hood. "Tada, I'm an abomination" said Luz cheerfully. "Luz, that's not how abominations act" Willow scolded her. "Seriously sis, think more movie zombie type of talk" said Cruz as he was sitting on Luz's head. Augustus dropped the magazine that he was holding and simply stared at Luz's ears and noticing their shape.

"No, no it couldn't be" he said as he touched and flicked his ears to compare them to her ears. "He's the president of the human appreciation society. Most witches wouldn't be able to recognize a human right away. But Augustus is an expert," Willow explained. "Do something like the occult research clubs back from where we come from?" asked Cruz

"Where are your gills?" asked Augustus gaining a confused look from Cruz. "I knew an Augustus back in the human realm. We called him Gus" said Luz while leaning slightly over the caldrons' edge. "Gus? Nickname? Human nickname?" he simply held his cheeks in glee. "Call me it, wow. Gus. This is the best day of my life" he said with glee.

"Yeah I think the nickname Gus fits him honestly" said Cruz as he jumped onto the floor. "Oh yeah, this is Cruz, he's Luz's brother and a human too. I turned him into a garden gnome. It shouldn't last all day. I just did it so he could sneak into the school too," Willow explained.

"You were able to turn a human into a garden gnome? That's amazing" he said with excitement. "Hey man nice to meet you, I'm pretty sure that you've got some human facts mixed up, but I can for sure tell you anything you want to know. Just come find me if you've got any human questions" he said with a smile. "Really! A real human teacher! Now this really is the best day of my life" Cruz chuckled at how excited Gus was getting at his offer before they heard what sounded like a mix between a bell and screaming was heard.

"I've gotta get to spelling class, see you at lunch" said Gus as he picked up the magazine and left. "Alright back into the darkness you go" pointed Willow as Luz hissed and went back into the caldron. "Yeah don't mind her, she's just messing with you" said Cruz with a chuckle as he hopped back in the caldron with Luz.

Outside of the classroom multiple students entered the same magic track being indicated by the pink uniforms. The teacher was examining one of the students' abomination and by the look on his face he was not impressed. "Too many toenails in unexpected places. Fail! Pathetic!" he exclaimed as the abomination sunk into the caldron and the student deflated with disappointment. "The biggest abominations are all of you! If the next abomination is a failure, everyone gets extra homework for a month!"

"Oh man!"

"Extra homework? Not again"

Amity sat at the front of the class looking smug and proud of herself as the teacher cleared his throat. "And the next one to come up is…" began the teacher as Amity stood up eagerly with her hand raised

"Excuse me sir, but I'm ready to present *my* abomination. Rise!" her abomination rose from the caldron striking a pose to show off how it was made in a much better condition than the others. The teacher chuckled at Amity's enthusiasm. "I always save the best for last, Amity. You'll have to wait your turn. How about….Willow," The students all groaned at Willow being picked next.

"Not half-a-witch"

"Great, extra homework for a month"

Willow hid in hair in her hood in embarrassment when she heard the comments. Luz lifted the caldron cover slightly to let her and Cruz take a peek outside. "Don't listen to them Willow, we've got this" said Luz with a thumbs up. "Yeah she's right, you've got this in the bag with our help" said Cruz with a grin. Willow smiled at the twins and removed her hood before taking the caldron to the front of the class.

"A-Abomination, rise" she said with slight worry before Luz punched the cover of the caldron off and jumped out it and struck a pose. "Ta-da!" she said earning gasps from the other classmates and a shocked look from Amity. "Abomination, bow" commanded Willow as Luz did exactly as she was told. "Very impressive, but does it speak?" asked the teacher. "Uh, I may be your abomination, but you're my A-mom-ination" Luz said as she held Willow's and came closer to her making the girl smile and beam.


"It's cute"

Amity's mouth hung open as she looked around to see the other students reaction and looked back at Willow and Luz. "A-mom-ination. Splendid wordplay. A plus!" the teacher said as he wrote on Luz's forehead. The other students in the room all cheered except for Amity who looked at Luz suspiciously.

The bell out in the hall yelled before coughing. Willow rolled the wheelbarrow out of the classroom as Cruz peeked out of the caldron for a quick second. "That went great Willow you deserve it" he said beaming. "Thanks Cruz" she smiled back before Cruz closed the lid.

"Wonderful work today Willow, looks like we have a new top student" said the teacher as Amity was leaving the classroom. When she heard what he said she was more shocked than anything dropping her book. The teacher grabbed her badge before removing it. "Uh…but-" she said as she tried to reach for the badge but the teacher had already walked away and placed the badge on Willow's uniform. "Uh-thank you sir" she said as the teacher nodded with a smile and walked away.

"Hey," Willow turned around to see Amity standing in front of her but confused how she got from the classroom door to behind her so quickly and unnoticed. "Last time I saw you, your abomination was mush. What did you do?" she asked suspiciously. "I, uh, took your pep talk to heart, Amity" Willow said adjusting her glasses nervously.

"I bet you did. I've got my eyes on you, half-a-witch. That badge is mine" she said as she walked away backwards never taking her eyes off of Willow and bumping into another student before going into another hallway. "Uh-oh. I think Amity is onto us" Willow said placing a hand on her cheek.

"Nah, I wouldn't let it bother you too much. If you act suspicious then people will get suspicious, just act calm and it'll all be good. Basic psychology" said Cruz with confidence. "Yeah you're right, thank Cruz" said Willow with a beaming smile. "On the other hand I really don't like that abomination teacher, he just doesn't act like a good teacher. I mean no offense, you're a great witch I'm absolutely positive, but who gets too student after just one assignment" he said with a critical look in his eyes. "Yeah, that professor has always been that way. No one really likes it" Willow said as she rolled the twins away to her next class.

After multiple classes where Luz had managed to blend in as an abomination that was helping their creator write down notes. Cruz had taken the opportunity to write down the lettering system from the Boiling Isles so that Luz could study it later, and even managed to finish his latest potion. It was now lunch time with Willow sitting at a table with Gus and the twins sitting in the caldron with Cruz taking the opportunity to come out of the caldron too look around him. "Hey. Do humans eat PB and J?" asked Gus as he pulled out a sandwich from his bag.

"Oh my gosh, we haven't eaten real food in so long, please give me some" said Luz eagerly as Gus split the sandwich in half. "Yes please, there is so little food that we can actually digest here" said Cruz as he tried to grab some of the sandwich too. Luz split her half in half and gave it to Cruz as they both ate it happily as Luz went back into the caldron and Cruz sat next to Willow. "I don't know Gus…."began Willow with concern. "….If Amity saw that-" as soon as the words came out of her mouth Amity landed on the table with a thud shocking everyone at the table. Cruz ran and jumped to land on Willow's shoulder.

"I saw that! Abominations don't eat! And you…gnomes don't eat regular food!" pointing at Cruz before turning back the caldron. "I know you're in there! You can't hide from me. What are you? Who are you?" asks Amity as she grabbed Luz and began to shake her. "I want answers! And you!" she said as she began to reach for Cruz who simply hissed at her making her hesitate.

"Amity Blight!" yelled the abomination teacher, gaining her attention. "Huh?" she looked over at him with worry and horror. "I suspected a twinge of jealousy, but this, this is just sad" he scolded. "But I- no! Look at it" she said as Luz simply groaned.

"Report to principal Bump's office" he said


"Now!" He said slamming down his fist. Amity got off from the table and ran away. Luz rose out of the caldron glancing at Willow with a look of concern on her face. "Well, this might come back to bite us" said Cruz with concern. "Did you seriously hiss at Amity?" asked Willow with a small chuckle. "Yeah sorry, I couldn't think of what to do and that was the best idea I had" he said rubbing the back of his head.

In an empty classroom Luz rose out of the caldron before stepping out of it, and Cruz had stepped out of it too but not before pulling out six potions vials. "Woo, I'm a sweaty little abomination. But now we don't have to worry about Amity. High five" said Luz as she pointed her hands towards Gus and Willow who looked at each other in confusion. "Slap my hand, it's a human thing" said Luz as she showed them. "Yeah it's something we do when good stuff happens" said Cruz as he laid down the potions on a nearby table. "Did you seriously make potions as a gnome?" asked Luz slightly impressed. "Yeah, it wasn't that hard like I told you" he said proudly

Gus walked forward and gave her a high five with hesitation before realizing he liked the feeling. "Oh. Oh my. Oh man, what a rush" he said with glee. Cruz began to chuckle at Gus's and his antics before the door to the classroom suddenly swung open with Amity standing there. With a smug grin she stepped to the side allowing an old man wearing robes to step into the room.

"Good afternoon, students" said the old man. "Principal Bump," stated Willow nervously as Luz let herself drop to the ground and act like an abomination and Cruz stepped back towards the table with his potions. Principal Bump bent down and grabbed Luz by the cheek to examine her, turning her head making it crack which earned a whimper from her but she suppressed it. "Hmm, abomination, rise" he said lifting his hand and Luz obeyed nervously. "Abomination, lie" he commanded. "Uh, viral fame is a worthy pursuit. Your cat would never eat you if given a chance. Chem trails are-"

"Oh, no, abomination," Principal Bump interrupted her. "How strange for it to get the command wrong. I mean lie down" he said pointing to a table. "Wait sir, there's also the rare gnome" Amity said pointing at Cruz who was had tried to hide behind a table before getting caught. "Ah yes of course, we'll have one of the members of the beast keeping coven have a word with him. But for now we'll have to examine the abomination," he said as Luz laid down on the table. "So very lifelike" Bump began as he grabbed Willow and brought her forward. "When miss Blight told me about your abomination, I had to come by, see what she's made of."

"Oh I-I have list of her ingredients right here" said Willow reaching for her pocket. "No, we were hoping, for a closer look" he said as he pulled out a dagger and Luz gave him a horrified look. "Willow, I'll allow you the first cut" Bump said as he handed Willow the dagger who grabbed it and smiled widely. She got closer to Luz face to whisper to her. "You can't just cut open a human, can you?" she asked with a chuckle and Luz shook her head no nervously. "Willow, go ahead and make the first incision" said Bump as he placed him hand on Willow's shoulder.

"Hold on, I thought you wanted to ask me some questions. I'm willing to answer anything you got for me" said Cruz gaining everyone's attention. "Ah yes, well my fist question is, how are you able to eat foods that would normally be toxic to gnomes?" asked Bump. "Well that's pretty simple, you see it's because-" before Cruz could give an explanation he was surrounded in a poof of smoke and he was standing there in his normal clothes and height again after the spell had worn off. "Maldita, comedic timing how I hate you" he said with annoyance as he put his hands behind his back.

"You're right that is a simple explanation" said Bump as he turned back to Luz. "Wait, Principal Bump!" called our Gus gaining his attention. "Uh, high five!" he said as he slapped three caldrons knocking them over and having the three abominations form distracting Bump and Amity.

"Run!" exclaimed Willow as she grabbed Luz's arm and ran off. "Take this sucker!" yelled Cruz as he threw a yellow potion causing a smoke screen to cover the doorway to hide which way they ran. "A fog brew, rather impressive" said Bump. "They're getting away!" exclaimed Amity. "No, the intruders won't get far" said Bump as he walked up to the wall and traced a large circle before placing his hand on it and making red symbols appear.

The girls were running down the hall and stopped to catch their breathes before Cruz managed to catch up to them. "Hopefully that smoke screen will buy us some time"' he said. "Wait, smokescreen? You mean a fog brew?" asked Willow curiously. "Yeah that's what the book called it. Pretty easy to make if you got the ingredients, luckily for me I just so happen to be carrying them" he said as he held up a potion.

"This is all my fault, Willow. I just wanted to see a real magic school was like," Luz said looking down in disappointment. "Yeah well, it's also my fault since I did wanna see it too" said Cruz scratching the back of his head. "Well, how are you two liking it?" asked Willow smiling. "It's lovely actually" Luz responded. "Yeah, I think it's actually pretty fun, a lot better than human school that's for sure" Cruz said with a chuckle. "Okay we should get out of here before-" runes appeared all over the walls creating force fields to cover the all of the doorways and windows. "Bump seals us in" said Willow. "Oh, maldita sea" Cruz cursed their luck.

Luz, Willow and Cruz were running toward a door way before it was sealed off by the force field too. "Not this one too!" exclaimed Luz. "Hold up, let me try something" said Cruz as he pumped his arms and extended the bracelets into his boom hammers. "Alright here goes, two charge…" began Cruz as two of the vials on the side of his gauntlet drained into the knuckles "….popper!" he exclaimed slamming the fist into the force field. As the smoke from the explosion cleared it showed that the force field was unaffected. "Well, guess that means it doesn't really work too well on magical shields" said Cruz sheepishly before a shadow loomed behind the trio. He raised his hand and four abominations headed to capture them but the trio managed to run down the hall and hide behind a pillar.

"Oh, this is awful. I don't know what to do" said Willow holding her cheeks and sliding down a bit. "Amity's right. I'm just half-a-witch Willow" she said in dismay. "You're full witch Willow, and you're great. And someone once told me, great witches are resourceful," said Luz as she reached into her pocket. "We quoting Eda now, can't say she's not right tho. Sometimes you've gotta use whatever you've got even if it isn't much" said Cruz as Luz pulled out the slime ball from earlier.

"That's it!" said Willow as she took the slime ball. "You mean that greasy slime ball?" wondered Luz as the twins looked at each other confused. "Luz, it's a seed. Thank goodness you had it on you" Willow said holding it up. "Seriously? Wow that's continent" said Cruz

"Yeah, thank goodness someone told me to hold on to it" said Luz remembering that morning with Eda. Willow placed the seed on her lap before tracing a green circle over it covering the seed in magic. "Please…grow!" she exclaimed as it took a second before multiple vines grew and shot forward towards the ceiling. The twins ducked as the vines shot forward slamming into the abominations and headed towards Bump who was shocked before the vines grabbed him and slamming him into the ceiling. When he opened his eyes he looked all around him in shock at all of the vines covering all of the pillars on all floors. "Remarkable" he said in absolute awe.

Once Bump was restrained all of the runes fell apart and the force field all disappeared. "There's the exit!" yelled Luz as she, Willow and Cruz all ran towards the open doors. "Not so fast!" yelled Amity standing in their way. "I'm not letting you get away so easily. I! Want! My! Badge!" she exclaimed angrily removing a vine from her shoulder. "Abominations, seize!" she commanded as two abominations came up to Luz and Cruz which they both punched back into a puddle before Luz grabbed Willow's hand and the trio ran.

As they ran towards the exit another, larger, abomination appeared in front of them to block the exit. It stepped forward before Willow made a large commanding the vines to grab onto the abomination to restrain it. "Get out of here!" Willow said strangling to hold the abomination back. "No! We're not leaving you," Luz said placing a hand on Willow's shoulder. "I might get detention, but you'll both get dissected. So, go!" she said as she waved her arm and commanded some vines to pick up the twins and hovered them over the abominations.

Cruz reached for one of his green colored potions before he yelled out, "hey! Bossy boots Blight" Amity turned to look in their direction before she saw the potion in the air coming straight towards her. She stepped back as an abomination began to form right as the potion landed and all of the liquid spilled and it began to act like webbing to hold her and the abomination down. "Little present for trying to get my sister dissected," he said as Luz and him landed on the ground outside of the school right as the doors closed.

"Willow! We can't save you now, but we know someone who can! Come on hermano, we gotta run" said Luz as she began to run towards the Owl House with Cruz following close behind.

"Edaaa!" yelled out Luz as she ran towards, and reached, the house before she jumped up and gave Eda and King an embrace. "Hey, hey, hey, hey! What is this? Ugh! I never understand when you do this," said Eda slightly annoyed. "Your lesson worked! Keeping junk in my pocket saved my life," Luz told Eda quickly as she grabbed her cheeks with a gasp. "But wait, our new friends. They're in danger!" she exclaimed before they heard someone yelling and heading towards the Owl House.

"Luuuz! Cruuuz!" yelled Willow as she and Gus reached the Owl House before hugging them. "Seriously, what is that?" asked Eda. Willow and Gus pulled away with Willow still holding onto Luz's shoulder. "You guys won't believe it, everything is perfect!" she said happily. "It's true, I don't believe it," Luz said. "Yeah seriously, how can it be perfect? Last thing we saw the whole school was covered in vines" stated Cruz. "That's the thing, Principal Bump was so impressed with my plant work that he's switching me over to the plant track! Look!" she snapped her fingers and spun changing the color of her uniform from pink to green for the plant track.

"Yes!" Luz yelled out happily as she spun Willow into a hug. "That's awesome! You're gonna be an ever better witch there than before" said Cruz with some level of excitement for his friend. "Wait, what about Amity?" asked Luz with a little concern. "That's right, last time I saw her my sticky potion caught her" said Cruz with curiosity. "Well, after Principal Bump freed her that stuff using a little fire magic, she asked him if today could count as extra credit" Gus explained earning a laugh from Cruz. "Well other than being free from the fire, I'd say that my little experimental potion was a success" he said with a wide grin.

"Well, I can't wait to see you in action the next time we manage to sneak in" Luz said putting her hands together. From behind her Willow winced and Gus stared at them awkwardly. "I don't like that look Gus, what's wrong?" asked Cruz "about that," he began as he reached into his pocket pulling out two scroll. "You're both…kinda, sorta, banned" he said as he unfolded the scrolls and they each had a picture of Luz and Cruz respectively. "Those are my kids!" exclaimed Eda with excitement and pride. "Huh, well not the first time I've been banned from a place before" said Cruz sheepishly.

"But we can come here and tech you what we learned" offered Willow to the siblings. "Aw, that would be nice. But…we already have a pretty great teacher" said Luz as she smiled toward Eda who gave her a shocked look. "Yeah, that's right. These two are my students. Back off academy twerps" she said as she grabbed both of the posters and held them up proudly and they all laughed. "Ah, baby's first wanted poster. Good job kids, looks like I taught you something after all" she said as she patted them both on their heads. "Uh…you high-five with your hands, not your head" Gus corrected Eda. "Yeah, that's something I'll teach you about later Gus. Don't worry I've got plenty of human stuff to show you" said Cruz with a chuckle. "You're gonna be teaching stuff now?" asked Eda curiously. "Might as well teach him some human stuff, who knows it might come in handy someday for him" responded Cruz.

Later at night in the stone tower, Cruz had just finished up making his new and improved book hammers before Luz knocked on his door and came inside. "What's up Luz?" asked Cruz "I almost forgot to ask you, earlier today you said two charge before punching with the boom hammers. Does that mean you can use all the shots at once?" she asked. "Well pretty much I can, but the only downside to that would be me running out of juice and more than likely my arm blowing up" he said with a grimace. "Oh geez, let's avoid my brother only having one arm"

"Yeah, on that we can agree. That's why my new gauntlets are much better. I can actually use less shots in an easier way and the vial travels a lot faster" he said as he held up his new gauntlets. "Does that mean I can have your old ones?" Luz asked with curiosity. "Well, they're actually busted now. Turns out, they had a faulty wire and the juice ended up corroding it on the inside. But, I'll make something that you'll like that's even better than the boom hammers," Cruz said as he pulled down his goggles and got back to work. "I'm looking forward to it hermano, and good night" she said as she left the room. "Goodnight sis, I just have to figure out how to make it happen," said Cruz as he help up the blueprint of an arm band with the words 'magic source?' on them. "I'm gonna figure this out so Luz can do some magic like she's always wanted," said Cruz with a smile as he put the blueprints away.