
MCU × Ben 10

A boy from our world is reincarnated into the MCU world with the powers of 7 Ben 10 aliens. Read how his presence affects the entire MCU World. [This fanfiction only contains the story of the MCU universe (Avengers franchise) and no other Marvel movies.]

book_paradise · ภาพยนตร์
10 Chs


After going through the old Ethan's memories, Ethan's hand instinctively moved towards his neck.

He found no wound or even any kind of scar on his neck. Taking a deep breath, Ethan tried to feel the powers inside him and if taking his actions as a cue, a surge of energy spread throughout his body.

All the exhaustion in Ethan's body vanished. He felt the sheer amount of raw power surging in him. He felt as if he could tear apart an entire building with his brute force.

Not only sheer strength, he also felt the various other powers in him. He instinctively knew that he could use them all. All his wishes had come true.

He let out a wild small and did not hesitate any further. With a will he started floating. It was a surreal expression for him.

He felt a bit awkward till he reached few feet high, but slowly his mind got accustomed to his powers and he accelerated.

In an instant, Ethan was several hundred meters in the sky. He was moving at the speed of the sound and Ethan cheered in pleasure.

In two experiences of his life, Ethan had never felt so free. So powerful. Flying was something that everyone dreamt of it. The indescribable feeling of being out of bounds from anything was something different.

Though, Ethan wanted to test all his powers, he withheld himself as he was in a highly populated area. He was not worried about damaging the lives of people or properties. He had an instinctive control over all his powers. He was not worried about his powers going out of control and all that.

What he was worried was about being noticed. A lot of 'secret forces' operated in the world and he did not want to get noticed too early. At least till he had his own plans in motion.

Even though, chances were high that some radars must have picked up his unusual flight activity he did not wish to make more noise.

After enjoying and contemplating these things, Ethan landed back in the alley.

He remained silent for moments and then laughed out loud like a madman, "Everyone... I am coming."

With this Ethan started to walk towards his room. Till he arranges his alternatives, he needed to stick to what the previous Ethan had managed to accomplish.




After walking for around 30 minutes following along the direction in previous Ethan's memories, the new Ethan reached a rundown building.

Although, he was aware from the memories about what kind of condition awaited him, he still sighed in disgust.

"You were in even worse condition than me," said Ethan thinking about his previous self.

The building was 5 storied and was in tatters. It appeared as it would crumble any moment. Not only the paint but the cement and the pieces of bricks from various places were falling. Electricity wires were hanging from the walls. Marks of seepage could be spotted throughout the entire building. Ethan was sure that there was no way the building could be legal.

A massive drain flowed on the backside of the building which emitted a heavy stink.

His building alone was not in this condition but the entire street was filled with such buildings and houses. Basically, it was a slum area.

Shaking his head, Ethan walked inside the building and climbed to the 3rd floor. Thankfully, he had his flat on the 3rd floor. The stink from the drain was faint at this height which was something of relieve for him.

Ethan pushed open the door to his room and entered inside. It was a single room apartment. A small open kitchen was connected to the room along with a small bathroom.

Having reached the room, Ethan felt flat on his bed. Having reached the new world, the first task to do now was to determine which time period of the storyline he was in?

And thankfully, he did not have to even move a muscle.

The previous Ethan, had heard a news three days earlier, about a high profile kidnapping of one of the richest man of the world: Tony Stark.

Being an impoverished boy, these news mattered nothing to old Ethan but Tony Stark was all over the news.

"Beginning of the cannon," thought Ethan.

"At least, I would not be in dilemma," said Ethan.

If Ethan has arrived earlier from kidnapping, he would have been in dilemma about saving Tony Stark or not.

If he had saved him from kidnapping, he might have obstructed the origin of his favourite superhero.

If he did not, then it might have felt bad to him see Tony Stark suffer.

With all these thoughts in his mind, Ethan drifted to sleep.




The loud honking from the street and the bright sun light from the small cracked window made woke Ethan up from his sleep.

He woke and the first thing he did was to think about his new life. A smile spread across his lips.


After getting up from his bed, he freshened up and took a bath.

While getting dressed, he took a good look at himself. Before he had transmigrated, Ethan stood at 5 feet 7 inch tall, rather an average height.

But now, after transmigration, he was complete 6 feet. His hair was of blackish shade with slightly brown eyes to go with it.

His muscles had toned with six packs abs and proper biceps and triceps.

After getting dressed, from the few leftovers in the kitchen, Ethan prepared himself a breakfast- two pieces of sandwich.


After having a not so fulfilling breakfast, Ethan sat down on his bed and started to think about his plans.


He did not know exactly, but he had a rough estimation that Tony Stark would take around 3 months to build his suit.


So, in these 3 months, Ethan had to set his plans rolling in action.




[Got my P@treon. Support me if you like my story. Advanced Chapters and my other fanfiction available.


Replace @ with a.]

[Thankyou for reading. Rate, Review and Comment on my novel. Also send the power stones]