
Mateo the gods of the island

A group of tourist went to Devon island in Canada from Brooklyn. They went in search of a rare treasure that worth 3.38 Trillion dollars. Little did they know that what await them on the island will worth their life. Will they all make it out alive or lose their lives and the treasure???? Will they get away with the treasure under his watch!!!

Purple_luv_3177 · สยองขวัญ
112 Chs

Chapter Twenty Eight

Immediately Samael drop the bomb, Charlotte and Sharon looked at each other and turn to look at him. Charlotte widely open her mouth sincerely short of words while Sharon blink her eyes profusely, building up the words inside her.

" Am sorry Boss, but I must decline the offer. I don't wish to be a part of this research." Sharon declares to him after three minutes of silence.

" It's not a offer Sharon, it's my wish! And as your boss the original owner of this project, I want all my teammates to be involved. Me, Charlotte, Frederic, Barret and you Sharon , that makes us five then other three can join us. All of you in my team are coming with me to Devon island."

" No!" Sharon yelled jerking up instantly." I don't want to be a part of this research!"

" You are in the good position to go Sharon. You have been there before, so if there is anyone that knows that place it should be you, that's why you have to go." He told her softly trying to cool down her temper.

" Yes Sharon! You should go but please let me out of this mess." Charlotte pleads with Samael.

" I really can't go. I have a wedding to plan for, my wedding is in two months time. I have to prepare for that and beside Aiden will never let me participate in this."

" I already spoken to Aiden and he is already considering going."

" He did what? He agreed to go without informing me? " She asked surprisingly, since he never takes decision alone with out her consent.

" I didn't say he agreed, I said he is considering." Samael said clarifying his words. Then the desk phone on Samael desk rang and he picked it up, nodding his heads in response to the person at the other end. After what looks like Twenty seconds he dropped the phone

" Mr Walter needs to see me now,am heading to his office. Let talk about this later." He said as he walked out of the office.

" God! damn!" Sharon cursed as she drops on her chair looking at Charlotte in dismay.

" But why don't you want to go Sharon?"

" You can't understand, have been there, I know how it looks, am not saying we can't survive there,We should be able at least for a month. But there is something about that place that gives me goosebumps all over my body, it's chilly, it's dreadful!"

" And to top it all, my reverend as asked me to focus on tiering the knots and nothing else, I just did the research because I had no choice." She added looking depressed and loath.

" Talk to Aiden about it before he makes a decision."

" Then I have to go home. He told me immediately after the meeting that he came down with a migraine and has to leave." She said as she pack her bag and stuff then head out to home.