
Mateo the gods of the island

A group of tourist went to Devon island in Canada from Brooklyn. They went in search of a rare treasure that worth 3.38 Trillion dollars. Little did they know that what await them on the island will worth their life. Will they all make it out alive or lose their lives and the treasure???? Will they get away with the treasure under his watch!!!

Purple_luv_3177 · สยองขวัญ
112 Chs

Chapter Seventy-Seven

"I found a body down here!Down the hill!".

One of the rescue team member shouted; calling the attention of everyone.

"You guys should stop your fight here;let go check out the corpse."

Jason said, coming in between the two charging bulls.

Aiden and Samael were ready to fight and keep some bruises on each other faces as a trophy to tell of the great fight.

Aiden was the first to react with a tight punch on Samael soft face;the punch cause Samael to stagger backwards; holding his cheek bone in pain.

As Samael was prepared to land his fist the distance voice interrupted them.

"Don't get me wrong,am not against the fight;am fully in support of it. When we confirm the body and come back here,you guys should please carry on;it's just so painful that the ladies are not here to watch."

Jason said, winking at Samael.

Samael place his hands on the swollen cheek bone and walkout of Jason front;since he was now standing in the middle.

"Aiden coming or not? Barrett and Frederick has already left like a mad dog,am the only one who stayed behind to stop the fight; that's so god liable of me."Jason said, praising himself.

"Let's go"

Aiden said,after he already left him behind.


"Where's the body?"Barret asked anxiously.

"It over there,we haven't gone to check it out;but they have already lay it on the hill foot."

Sharon explained, immediately they got there.

"This is the body, confirm it. We already confirm it with the description you guys gave to us,but we still need an accurate description from you guys."

One of the search team member said; raising the piece of cloth that was used to cover the decayed body.

The body was smelling of rotten fish and buzzing sounds of bees;part of legs,arms and abdomen seem to have been bitten off by animals;the whole sight was on horrible sight to behold.

"Jesus!!"Charlotte scream immediately she saw the body,but the others immediately take their faceoff the sight;non of them has ever seen a dead rotten corpse before.

The big maggots on the inside of the body were eating the body to the outer part.

"I recognize the cloth,this was the same cloth Mitchell had on that day."Sharon said, taking a little peek at the body.

"This flask was also found along with her body."one of the team rescuer said, showing them Mitchell water flask.

"it's her! it's Mitchell,what happened to her?"Charlotte scream in tears.

While Sharon on the other hand threw herself on the floor and break into heavy tears,while the boys look disappointed and sad; they couldn't bring themselves to wailing.

"It was concluded that a wide animal dug out her heart and probably fed on it,cos her heart is missing and judging from the state of the body I think it happened five days ago."