
Mateo the gods of the island

A group of tourist went to Devon island in Canada from Brooklyn. They went in search of a rare treasure that worth 3.38 Trillion dollars. Little did they know that what await them on the island will worth their life. Will they all make it out alive or lose their lives and the treasure???? Will they get away with the treasure under his watch!!!

Purple_luv_3177 · สยองขวัญ
112 Chs

Chapter Ninety-One

" Mateo dear,am back home!"

Florida shouted, dropping a bunch of flowers on the table.

" Where were you?" Mateo asked.

He was coming from the back door; Florida came inside few minutes after he had already dispose Barrett body at the backyard.

" Where's he?" She asked panicking.

Frederic already told her about Barrett plan to break into her house; she hurried back home out of fear of what Mateo might have done to him. She managed to wipe out Frederic memories,so he won't remember Barrett telling him about coming to her place.

" Who?" Mateo asked, pretending like he doesn't know what she was talking about.

" Nobody." She lied, understanding the trick Mateo use trying to play on her.

" Is everything okay?" She asked; masking up her fear properly.

She alone knows how to deal with Mateo ,he was trying to figure out if she knew anything about Barrett break in.

She have to pretend well, because he was surely going to ask her where she find out.

" Yes. You still haven't answered my question; where were you?" He asked once again.

" I went to get some flowers from lake Duno, I want to bake cakes." She lied, narrowing her eyes.

Mateo stare at her, trying to get if she was saying the truth; but she had this serious face on; he couldn't tell if she was lying.

" You are not lying." He chuckled.

" One of your beloved tourist broke into our house today and I made a meal out of him, to cut the long story short."

" Who? Why would you do that Mateo?" She asked; pretending to be surprise; she knew already that the time Frederic told her; it was too late for her to save him.

" A guy, he said his name is Barrett"

" Barrett?"

" Whatever, come and have dinner."

He said, taking out a chair for her to seat on.

" Mateo you really need to stop this, first you killed Mitchell and now Barrett; I told you that we shouldn't kill this people."

" I didn't kill them, they walk to me by themselves; I only did the job of serving them what they seek."

" I thought we both agreed to scare them away."

She laments, she really never wanted things to go this way.

" I try to , but they are not scared; it only made them brave! And why are you worried about them this much?" He asked with an irritated tone.

" Am not." Florida stammered, knowing very well where he was driving to with that tone.

" Then come and join me for a fresh dinner." He pass a glare at her.

She had on choice but to seat on the chair and join him to eat the part of Barrett body.

One day later.....

" Samael why haven't you taken any action on Barrett case?" Aiden asked Samael,that was seating comfortable on the chair.

" What can I do?"

" Don't ask that question, you are the team leader so you should know well what to do." Jason replied immediately.

" We are no longer buying that shit again! First Mitchell went missing, now Barrett; am I the only one feeling like sometimes is going on here?"

Sharon asked, afraid of what might become their fate.

" Let wait a bit more, Barrett might still come back....."

" Hey! You hold it right there! That was the same thing we said when Mitchell case happened; we are not making that mistake twice."

Aiden said, interrupting Charlotte, she was still going to take Samael side in all this mess; he wasn't going to allow her say a pin anymore.

She must come out of the world of imagination that she was, thinking Samael would love her.