
Mateo the gods of the island

A group of tourist went to Devon island in Canada from Brooklyn. They went in search of a rare treasure that worth 3.38 Trillion dollars. Little did they know that what await them on the island will worth their life. Will they all make it out alive or lose their lives and the treasure???? Will they get away with the treasure under his watch!!!

Purple_luv_3177 · สยองขวัญ
112 Chs

Chapter Ninety-Eight

" Aiden you are back, the rescue team had been waiting for you since;; they already buried Barrett body."

Jason said, immediately he sighted Aiden walk through the door,he notices the angered look on his face but he doesn't want to push him into telling him what happened with Sharon.

He already knew what happened between the both of them, seeing his look and reaction; he doesn't want to push it further.

" Why would they wait for me?" He asked coldly; his eyes hot and red.

" Anna, Mr Walter secretary came with them. By the way where's Sharon?" He asked stylishly.

" Don't ask me about her ever again."

Aiden said,anger and pain written all over his face.

" Aiden, you have to come with us." Anna said, walking out of a room with Samael; she had already pass out the boss instructions to Samael before coming out of the room.

" Why?"

" Am following orders, Mr Walter asked me to bring you back to Brooklyn." She said shortly. " I need to see the new team leader."

" Am here."

Sharon said shortly, standing beside the door, her eyes red and swollen from all the tears and wailing.

" Come forward." Anna commanded,and Sharon obeyed meekly.

Everyone except Sharon and Jason were surprised by the sudden call back of Aiden to the headquarters. But they all knew he was going to decline the command since he was never a fan of Mr Walter; he doesn't like him a bit.

" I will come with you Anna, let me grab my stuffs." He said plainly.

This act of his shock everyone of them including Anna.

Aiden slowly left all of them there without saying a single word to anyone and walked straight to his room. At this point Sharon couldn't control her tears; they slowly filled up her eyes and drop willingly.

He was going to leave without her, he's abandoning her in this place, he is never going to come back for her.

" Sharon!" Anna blazing voice called her back to reality.

" This are five burner phones, it uses local radio transmitter , you guys can use it to call each other in case someone goes missing again.

We provided a car for you guys, the rescue team are now located at the entrance of the island; so call them and they'll come running in a jiffy." Anna said; placing the phones and car keys on the table.

" We would like to terminate our contract and leave this place immediately." Sharon declares.

" Mr Walter told me to inform you guys that it's not possible, you all agreed to a non - breaching contract. And beside you have only a week left; stick together till the one week is over."

" In a nutshell you are not allowed to end the contract, In case of emergencies use the car to escape the island."

" But...." Sharon try to oppose but was interrupted by Anna.

" No buts, follow the orders." She commanded, giving no room for opposing words.

" We have only a week left Sharon, we are going to scale through with or without Aiden." Samael said with joy, Aiden was finally out of the picture for him.

" Am set." Aiden said, walking out of the room.

" Let go." Anna said, walking out of the house with Aiden tailing behind her.

Aiden gently followed Anna into the car, Sharon watched them Zoom away, it was all her fault; Aiden is gone out of here and her life.