
Mateo the gods of the island

A group of tourist went to Devon island in Canada from Brooklyn. They went in search of a rare treasure that worth 3.38 Trillion dollars. Little did they know that what await them on the island will worth their life. Will they all make it out alive or lose their lives and the treasure???? Will they get away with the treasure under his watch!!!

Purple_luv_3177 · สยองขวัญ
112 Chs

Chapter Hundred-Seven

They arrived at home and started packing their luggage, everyone was busy taking the necessary thing,the main aim was to get out of here.

"Wait!"Samael said and they all froze instantly.

"Are you hearing the voices?"Samael asked.

"Yes."Charlotte responded, vibrating with fear.

"I think it's coming from Florida's place."Sharon said.

"let's go check it out."Samael suggested.

"No! that's a very bad idea, let's focus on leaving."Aiden declares.

"Just for sometime at least to confirm our theory;all what we think is just based on assumption we need to check to be sure."Samael said, convincing them.

"Okay,for some minutes and we come back immediately."Sharon said out of curiosity.

She only wanted to see how a talking doll would look like.

They climbed over the short fence and walked to the door of Florida cottage.

"The glass door curtain is unfolded,let check from there."Samael whisper.

And they all agreed with a nod,they tiptoe to the glass door and got a clear view of Florida and the talking doll arguing.

They eavesdropped on every bit of their conversation up to the place Florida incurred the heavy lightening.

"We should go."Jason said, watching the lightening formed in the clouds."

They were running back to their cottage when they heard Mateo loud voice.

"Ajji majji !!"Mateo shouted and averted the lightening,he redirected it through the glass door.

The force of the lightening broke the glass door and flew over their heads.

"Everyone get down!"Aiden scream, jumping on the ground.

The lightening flew over their heads and landed in the bushes in front of the cottages.

"Let's leave here now!"Sharon said,fear written all over her face.

They all stood up and watch the burning bushes in awe.

"Let go!"Sharon yelled.

"Not without our belongings,we have another rock of Painite there let take it with us."Charlotte said, running inside their cottage.

"Can't we just leave?"Sharon whispers, looking with terror.

"You missed!"Mateo smirked, looking at the terrified Florida.

"How did you....."Florida asked terrified, trembling in fear.

"I am no longer Mateo the doll!! I am Mateo the great! I should be feared,I can make the earth crumble at my feet!!"

"You used the spell book."

"You betrayed me Florida and I trusted you with all my life,I loved you and traded my all just to start afresh with you!"Mateo said in pain.

"Don't kill me please."Florida pleaded, rubbing her hands together.

Her eyes sunken,she was almost at the verge of crying.

"Do you get it now?You are nothing without me Florida! Nothing!"

"I brought you to the cult society,gave you hope and life but you repay me the least way I expected."Mateo exclaimed with tears clouding his eyes.

"I will make your death long and painful, so you can feel what I felt."Mateo said,and picked up a knife from the dinner table.

Florida ran out of the house through the broken glass door, before she could get any further; Mateo appeared in front of her and stab her with the knife.

He stab her in the lower abdomen.

"Mateo "She called out silently,tears dropping from her eyes.

He squeeze the knife inside her stomach with a smile on his face;"Good bye my love so close to my heart."He said before pulling out.