
Mateo the gods of the island

A group of tourist went to Devon island in Canada from Brooklyn. They went in search of a rare treasure that worth 3.38 Trillion dollars. Little did they know that what await them on the island will worth their life. Will they all make it out alive or lose their lives and the treasure???? Will they get away with the treasure under his watch!!!

Purple_luv_3177 · สยองขวัญ
112 Chs

Chapter Forty - Two

" How's it your problem blacky! Let him speak for himself!": She insulted Barrett.

" Hey! You better watch your tongue! I don't take insult concerning my skin colour, so you better watch it!" Barrett said filled with rage.

He walks up to her, trying to hit her on the face before he was hold down by Samael and Aiden and Sharon and Charlotte also hold try to pull away Mitchell that was still running her mouth unstop at him. The both of them were now pouring insults at each other trying to release their self from the grip of the people that were holding onto them.

" STOP IT!!!!!!!!" Samael shouted, standing in between the both of them and they both kept quiet.

" What's the meaning of this? We have been telling the both of you to calm down, and you guys are not listening why?!"

" Why don't you ask this black monkey! Why he is roaring like a gorilla!" Mitchell said releasing herself from Sharon grip.

" What was that? What did you say again white ostrich?!" Barrett ask her. " The both of you keep quiet! And you Mitchell shut it! You are the cause of all this mess!"

" In case you don't know the rules let me inform you now. For the mean and short period of time we came to use here, we are one!!" He said emphasizing on the ' one'.

" Be nice, polite and courteous to each other. We don't allow bad words, haters speech And bullying here! No racism, no age group or class differences here!!!"

" We treat each other with the respect we deserve and punishment is served to the law breakers!"

"What?! Who are you to make rules here?" Mitchell questioned Samael.

" Am the leader of this team and the captain of the house!!" He said flashing the badge he got from Mr Walter at her face." Got that?"

" Yes!" She hissed.

" So now apologize to each other, both of you now!"

" Am sorry!" Barrett hurriedly said turning his face to the other side.

" Am.... also.." Mitchell responded.

" That's not an apology!" Samael told her.

" SORRY!!" She yelled." Satisfied?" She asked him and try to walk out on him before he pulled her back.

" I remember saying that punishment will be served to the law breakers." Samael told her as he pulls her back.

" How's that my problem?"

" You are the law breaker, you threw a fit simply because of a joke!"

" It's not a joke to me!" She shouted.

" It was to others, And you can't stand alone you have to move with the crowd. So this is your punishment, we got a first aid kit here, clean up your patient Frederic and make us dinner tonight."

" Excuse me...?!'

" Or don't you know how to cook? Don't tell me that you are not useful at all?" Samael asked her and everyone laughs at her.

" Prove yourself worthy! This journey is not all about money!" He added and release her wrist that he held on to tightly.

" Am about to open the door, let all come in." Samael said as he walk pass her and pick up his luggage.

" Argghhh....!!" She shouted stamping her feet's on the floor out of anger,after lot of mimicking she marched to carry out her luggage.

" Come in!" Samael shouted as he opens the door and they all rush inside with their luggage's.

Aiden drags two luggage's inside the house helping Sharon with one of her luggage.

" Can't you be like everyone else Sharon?" Aiden asked her as he struggles with the heavy luggage's, looking at every other person present that was pulling a single luggage and a small bag.

" NO! I am Sharon Sheridan! Am always unique!"