
Mateo the gods of the island

A group of tourist went to Devon island in Canada from Brooklyn. They went in search of a rare treasure that worth 3.38 Trillion dollars. Little did they know that what await them on the island will worth their life. Will they all make it out alive or lose their lives and the treasure???? Will they get away with the treasure under his watch!!!

Purple_luv_3177 · สยองขวัญ
112 Chs

Chapter Fifty-Nine

"Don't say that please!! Can't do that to Mateo, it own all the lovely memories of my son. it's like a remembrance object". she said, tapping her foot on the floor.

Suddenly she felt a strong wind that pass her left ear side; She was the only one who sense the strong wind, the other fixed their glare at her like she was saying the unbelievable.

" Sure it your doll, you can keep it and care for it; since it's just like a son to you" Aiden said, interpreting her words.

" please come and take your leave, it quite late, go and have some sleep". she said in an hurry, as if she was compled to talk.

" We are so sorry" Sharon said, feeling bad that they caused her to feel mad at them.

" No am not angry! I just need to rest and it past one already. we talked for a long time". she said faking her regular face.

"Am only worried because we have to leave for lake duno tomorrow, so that we can get enough rest" she lied

"Alright! Goodnight then" Samael declares and signal the others

to leave.

" it was nice knowing you and chatting with you Florida" Charlotte said enjoying her company.

" you are all welcome" she smiled as she walk them to the door.

" Can we still come here for dinner, I enjoy your dishes" Sharon said, smiling at her.

" Of course! you can always come, my door is always opened" she said and they all wave at her before walking out of the door.

" I don't like them!" Mateo said his face filled with rage on danger

Florida turn and saw him standing behind her and fear gripped her.

"Geez Mateo! stop showing up to me like that!" she blared, locked the door and walked pass him clear the table.

" They are nice people" she smiled.

" Nothing is nice about them, they are group of poke nosers!" Matoe said, climbing on the dinning table choir.

" They are, but I know how to satisfy their curiosity" she said, moving the dishes to a side.

" You like them simple because they are hot and sexy guys," Matoe said, picking on her.

"No !! why do you say so?" she fumed in Surprise.

" I could feel you blush and fluster when you look at the guys" He said, with anger

" I was not!! I only loved you all my life Mateo" she said, grabbing his hands." we are not separated our faith are entwine."