
Mateo the gods of the island

A group of tourist went to Devon island in Canada from Brooklyn. They went in search of a rare treasure that worth 3.38 Trillion dollars. Little did they know that what await them on the island will worth their life. Will they all make it out alive or lose their lives and the treasure???? Will they get away with the treasure under his watch!!!

Purple_luv_3177 · สยองขวัญ
112 Chs

Chapter Fifty-Five

" She left guys." Aiden said; moving to the living room to put the pie on the table.

" Who is she?" Mitchell asked; dropping the huge spoon she held as a weapon on the table.

" She's our widow neighbor." Aiden chuckled; dusting his hands. " She invited us for dinner tonight."

" So she was a widow? And she lives in that creepy house, that never had lights on." Charlotte said; feeling goosebumps rising all over her hands.

" She said, she have been away for some days. She wasn't even around when we moved in." He responded; trying to make Charlotte tension less.

" Even though, we have to be suspicious of her; we can't trust her completely."Samael stated; staring at the apple pie.

" You are the team leader, so tell us what to do." Charlotte said, a bit confused by his words.

" Since she said, she have lived here we can get some nice information from her. If we are lucky; she could even disclose the gemstones location to us." Sharon exclaimed; her lips pursing into a thin line.

"You are right!"Barrett added.

"Let me think."Samael said, bowing his head for some while.

"This is the plan,we go to her place tonight,make friends with her to get useful information. Sharon is right,she could have some useful stuffs for us and can help hasten our search."

" What if she is an agent from the FBI,NIS,NIA,or SSS?"Mitchell asked worriedly.

"you also got a point Mitchell. Nobody should ever disclose why we are here to her, we will stylishly get what we want from her,it might take time but am certain we can get something out of her."Samael replied.

"so where do we tell her that we a group of adult came from, or come to do in an abandoned island?"Barrett asked curiously.

"We are tourist!we came for a tour. "Samael responded without thinking.

"Alright "Barrett nodded.

"Dispose the apple pie and get ready,we will continue our usually routine."Samael said,he stood up and walk into his room.

" Why dispose? The pie is so tempting." Mitchell whine, inhaling the nice aroma of the pie.

" Since you like it that much, why don't you dispose it." Frederic said; pushing the plate of pie towards her direction; and walked out.

" That nut job! I will just have a bite, no I shouldn't do that." She shakes her head; trying to resist the urge to have a bite.

" I see they finally came to a conclusion." The lady said; blinking her eyes twice. She stood at the glass door of her house and staring directly at their glass door that still have the heavy curtains on.

" So that was their main reason for coming here." She chuckled; wipe her eyes with her hands.

" We are having guest tonight, I got to prepare."