
Mateo the gods of the island

A group of tourist went to Devon island in Canada from Brooklyn. They went in search of a rare treasure that worth 3.38 Trillion dollars. Little did they know that what await them on the island will worth their life. Will they all make it out alive or lose their lives and the treasure???? Will they get away with the treasure under his watch!!!

Purple_luv_3177 · สยองขวัญ
112 Chs

Chapter Eighteen

Immediately after she was stabbed, she woke up to reality.

" Pleaseeeeee!!" She screams breathing heavily and her attendance hurried into her room to find out what happened.

" What is it my lady?" The attendance asked her. But she wasn't listening to her, she took her time to examine her body. She placed her hand on the spot where Mateo had stabbed her but she find no mark or spot there,she hurriedly check her feet to confirm the blister and injuries but she didn't find anything there, her legs where once again clean and clear of spots or injuries. She checked her clothes and discover that she was putting on the same clothes she wore when she was been chased but it wasn't torn and stained as it was in the dream, it was clean and neat.

" It was just a dream!" She exclaimed trying to catch her breathe.

" What is it my lady?" Her attendance asked again.

" Get me my robe, I need to go to the shrine right now!" She said as she stood up briskly.

" Okay my lady." The attendance said and hurried to get the robe.

" Here it's my lady." She said handling the robe to her and she quickly put it on then wore her cloak on it.

" My lady, may I know what is going on?" Her attendance asked.

" You can't understand." She said and disappeared immediately to the shrine, see appeared at the great hall.

" What is the matter Alaska, you just left the shrine a while ago." Imade said sighting her as she approach the pool.

" Mateo have been reincarnated!!" She said looking at Imade and the priestess .

" That is not possible! We already sealed his faith with different kind of spell, where did you get that information?" Imade asked her with a tone of disagreement.

" No! He is back! I know it! I felt it,we have to get him quick!" Alaska said feeling afraid.

" He came to me in my dream and chased me to the end of the world after he caught up with me, he killed me the same way I killed him...!!" She said terrified by the thought of the dream.

" It's just a dream Alaska, you don't have to worry about it. You were probably thinking about it before you went to bed" Imade said trying to convince her about what she saw.

" No!! That is not true, we shared the same blood remember? I can feel him awake and breathing here." She said pointing to her heart.

" Rotweller has awoken!! We need to get him before it's too late." The priestess said interfering into their discussion.

" I will take the mininatoes and go after him!" Alaska said and walked out of the great hall.

" If we catch him, this time around we are going to burn him in the hot flames!!"