
Mated to Alphas

Alisha had lost her parents when she was fourteen years old in a brutal attack orchestrated by Alpha Thomas. She swore on her parents grave that she was going to make Alpha Thomas pay. In the meantime, she needed to first comprehend that she had not one but two virile wolves claiming that she was their mate.Was that even possible?Could she actually have TWO mates? Mitchell, the younger twin with the deepest blue eyes that reminded you of a clear summer's day at the beach where you just wanted to laze in the glorious sun. His wavy long hair beckons someone to run their fingers through his hair.Alisha fingers itched to run her fingers between the strands of his silky hair While Markian, the older twin had the hue of the forest green radiating in his eyes which reminded her of the trees with its glimmering leaves after heavy rain.His short black hair which curled around his ears made Alisha wish that she could to do more than just kiss him. Both Markian and Mitchell were in line to take over as Alpha of Starfall. Would that become a problem for the new mates? When Alisha gets caught by Alpha Thomas's men, would the twins be able to get her back or forever lose her?Would Alpha Thomas be able to break their bond?

35 Chs

Chap 15: The Goodbye

Alisha climbed up to her room on the third floor of the packhouse. Mitchell and Markian followed closely behind as they knew that she would be needing some help packing. They had seen their mother's closet back in Starfall. She had a walk-in closet but claimed that space in there was inadequate.

Since the last four years, Melody had been claiming a quarter of her husband's cupboard to be hers as well...The alpha twins couldn't understand how even with that much of space for her clothes, their mother often lamented that she had nothing to wear for a certain event or outing

They refused to wait downstairs while Alisha went upstairs as they had sworn to protect her for the rest of their lives. As they climbed up the three flights of stairs, they could see at every landing, Alisha being stopped and hugged then shyly congratulated by the pack members that were there. It was not hard to see, that even if Alisha had only stayed in this pack for 5 years, she was much loved. Many pack members stood by the landing wanting to say their goodbyes, as well as word of Alisha leaving, has reached the entire pack. It was overwhelming to see the outpouring of love for Alisha, that the Alpha twins also teared up when a little girl ran up to Alisha and jumped into her arms.

"Hi, Jaime! Where is your mummy? Did you run away from her again?" Alisha said while hugging the little child close to her chest

"Mummy is asleep. Daddy said that I couldn't disturb her cause my little brother was also sleeping in her tummy too...Alisha, did mummy eat my little brother? Will she eat me next?" she said worriedly chewing on her lower lip.

"Oh, Jaime...You are lucky!! You are going to be an elder sister soon...and no your mummy didn't eat your brother. The Goddess put him in your mummy's tummy to keep him safe until he is born" Alisha explained to the little girl who was still clinging onto her body like a little chimpanzee. She pulled the little cub to her face so that she could blow a raspberry onto her abdomen. Jaime giggled as she pushed Alisha away

"There you go, u little monkey! You need to be a big girl now as your mummy is going to need to to help her with your little brother. Tell your mummy to call me if she needs anything ok...I love you!" She put Jaime down and wiped a tear that was threatening to fall. Jaime nodded and ran back to her friends to continue playing with them.

Slowly Alisha started moving towards her room all the while smiling and hugging the children and adults that came to see her. As they reached her room, Alisha stopped outside her door. Her eyes closing to prevent the tears that had gathered a place to trail out of. Her white hand clutched at the doorknob. Markian put his hand on her shoulder and felt a deep shudder. He pulled Alisha backwards so that she would learn back onto his body. He murmured sweet words of love and support into her ear absorbing the sadness radiating from her.

"Its okay Alisha. It is okay to cry. We won't be mad at you. Your clan loves you and its natural to cry when you leave them. Just remember that you can come back for a visit, whenever you want" said Mitchell holding onto Alisha's hand and squeezing it firmly. He pulled Alisha towards the bed in the centre of the room. Markian followed both Alisha and Mitchell into the room and turned to lock the door. He didn't want any unexpected intrusions to disturb them.

Mitchell's eyes were turning black and Alisha started breathing deeply as she could feel the change in the atmosphere of the room. She stepped back only to find that her bed blocking the way. Mitchell strode forward and put his hand on her shoulder. He pushed backwards her till lost her balance. Alisha laughed as she fell backwards onto her bed." Stop it! We can't do anything here. The pack will hear. They are just outside the room"Alisha whispered hurriedly as she watched Mitchell slowly unbutton his shirt.

"Your right my darling...They will hear you so you had better not scream now. Though when we get back home, there will be nothing to stop you from screaming your heart's delight then. So for now, Ssshhhhhh!!" said Markian who had already taken his shirt off and was pulling her upwards so that he could rub his naked chest of her.

Alisha moaned at the incessant friction of her nipples on her shirt. She fell backwards onto the bed and surrendered to the sensations coursing through her body and landing at the area between her legs. Mitchell laid on the bed and captured both her hands. He lifted Alisha's hands above her head. This position pushed ber breasts forward and allowed her straining nipples to be reached more readily. Alisha gasped and bit her bottom lip as she arched her back to try and reach for Mitchell.Alisha battling to control Heera as she tried to come out and play as well

Alisha looked into his eyes to see that his eyes blazed a tumultuous black denoting Apollo's control over Mitchell was complete. He bent his head to engulf Alisha's left breast. Mitchell sucked on the plump firm globe as his tongue lashed at the nipple wetting her shirt. Mitchell grinned as he felt Alisha shudder in anticipation. He motioned to Markian to take over while he turned his attention to her delicate earlobe just above the crock of her shoulder. He nipped at the soft flesh and heard Alisha cry out. Mitchell laved the bitten earlobe with his tongue then sucked on it murmuring what he was going to do to her in her ear. Alisha bit down on her lower lip trying her best not to scream in frustration as Mitchell tugged on her sensitive earlobe.

Markian slowly unbuttoned her shirt and parted it to bring Alisha's heaving breasts to view. He could see a damp ring over her left breast where Mitchell had suckled on just now. Markian pushed the little scrap of material that was obscuring his view of Alisha's breasts. Markian growled in pleasure as both her breasts were freed from her t-shirt. He captured both her breast this time with his calloused fingers and pulled on her nipples. Markian couldn't wait to taste Alisha so he bent forward and claimed her breasts. As his teeth scraped across her nipple, Alisha gasped and bit harder down on her lip. Heera growling at the intense stimulation of her breasts.

Markian pulled on her chin to rescue her trapped lip, his calloused thumb trailing over her lower lip.

He angled his head to that he could capture her lips, kissing her softly pulling the bruised lip into his mouth. Markian captured her head so that she couldn't move away and proceeded to ravage her lips. Her mouth opened, letting Markian's tongue in. The kiss soon escalated in intensity making Alisha cling on to Markian as though he was the saviour rock in a dizzy swaying world.

Markian meowed his approval and opened his mouth further sending his tongue into the hallow cavern of her mouth causing wild tremors along her nerve fibres starting from her lips, travelling down towards her nipples then finally ending at a place in between her legs.

Alisha barely knowing what was happening as both the Alpha twins creating a flux of sensations in her young body, trashed from side to side. Her breath coming out in ragged bursts as she opened her eyes, looking at both Mitchell and Markian as they stared wolfishly at her. Alisha slowly regaining control of her body from Heera. Her arm lethargically thrown outwards surrendering to the twin alphas.

Mitchell pulled her T-shirt down to cover her breasts and Alisha hissed as his fingers accidentally scraped her nipple. He did up the buttons of her T-shirt and helped her to sit up upon the bed. Mitchell then lifted his hand to capture Alisha's chin. He pulled her towards him and quickly kissed her open mouth

Markian and Mitchell got off the bed and began pacing around the small room." I don't think I will be able to control myself if we go on like this!

Alisha, I need you to finish your packing fast so that we can get you back home and hear you scream for real" said Markian quietly as though it was a walk in the park he was suggesting.

Alisha's eyes widened with surprise as her face was on fire. She couldn't look at Markian's face as she knew that her blush would worsen." I...uhm.We can't

...." Alisha stammered finding it hard to string a sentence together after Markian frank statement.

"Sssh darling! It's okay. Let us just finish packing first. We can discuss what we can and can't do when we get home" Mitchell said softly knowing that Alisha would be too flustered to continue packing as long as Markian continued looking at her.

"Relax Damon! Calm the heck down for the Goddess's sake! You have shocked Alisha enough for one day. Now go and make sure everything else is settled outside. I will finish up here "he scolded Markian who looked like he was about to pounce on Alisha.

Markian stood up and walked to the door. He unlocked it and turned around one last time to look at Alisha. All the longing he was feeling for her shone in his eyes. Alisha was shaken to her very core. She wanted to run to Markian and hug him tightly but she was afraid that she wouldn't stop with just a hug. Markian strode back stiffly to Alisha and caught her by her arms. He lowered his mouth onto her waiting lips and devoured them. All his frustration poured out into that kiss, his longing to make Alisha his became Alisha's undoing. She leaned heavily into Markian unable to use her legs which had suddenly turned into jelly."Soon Alisha! You will be ours to do whatever we want with and then we won't have to stop. I am going downstairs for a while. Mitchell will help you finish packing. Make it quick Alisha" Markian said roughly as he pushed away from Alisha and walked to the door.

Alisha looked at his retreating back unable to understand what had happened. She knew that she had promised Markian something in that kiss but she didn't know what it was. All she knew was that she needed to get this packing done with all the haste that she could muster. Alisha turned and started pulling out her clothes from her cupboard

She laid the clothes out on the bed and stared at them. She picked up the shirt that had once been her fathers as well as a few skirts and pants she had got from the donation box, the pack elders had given her during her stay with them. She looked helplessly up and saw that Mitchell had got out a  bag for her to put the clothes in."Don't worry Alisha. Just take what you can't do without. We will get you everything else"

"I don't want you to waste your money Mitchell. I will make do with the clothes I have" said Alisha not wanting to put the boys out more she had already done

"Alisha, you are our mate. What is ours is yours. Not only that, as the Luna of our pack you deserve only the best"admonished Mitchell while placing the chosen clothing in the bag."Let's go, Alisha! Markian will be waiting for us downstairs. We want to get back to Skyfall before night falls"

With that, Mitchell picked up the bag he had packed and ushered her out of the room she has spent so many nights in.

As they climbed down the stairs, Gamma Nicholas came into view."Alisha, are you leaving now? The little ones are asleep. I think that they had so much fun this morning that it tuckered them out completely. It's good as I doubt they would have allowed you to leave. Thank you for taking care of them, Alisha. We won't forget you" he said sadly while tousling Alisha's hair affectionately.

"Gamma Nicholas, please bring Alex and Alia over to Skyfall anytime. My parents are enamoured by them and will love to have all of you over. It will also be good for our next Luna to have allies in another pack." Mitchell reminded Nicholas as he put his hand out to shake the hand of the man.

"Thank you, Alpha Mitchell...My children will appreciate that very much. We also welcome your Luna back to visit our pack soon" he replied while shaking Mitchell's hand.

As Alisha walked pass him to reach the bottom landing, Nicholas pulled Mitchell back and whispered in his ear "Thank you Alpha. I am so glad that Alisha has found strong mates who will protect her from harm but remember ...even if I am only the Gamma here, nothing will stop my wife and me from coming over to Starfall and knocking that smile off you face if you hurt Alisha" he smiles menacingly at Mitchell. Without waiting for a reply, Gamma Nicholas walked down to join the crowd that had gathered to farewell to Alisha.

Mitchell burst out laughing but quickly recovered as he didn't want the Gamma to think that he was laughing at him. Even if he didn't appreciate the threat, he accepted that it was a warning from Alisha's guardian. If anyone else had talked to him the way Nicholas had, there would have been heads rolling before the last word in that sentence. Yet he couldn't bring himself to reprimand the Gamma as he too would have done the same to any man who had come to take his daughter away.

His daughter! Mitchell shook his head in wonder. They hadn't even mated with Alisha yet and his imagination had already got him warning the would-be suitor of his would-be child.

Mitchell took a deep breath and walk down the steps to join Alisha and Markian as they said their final goodbyes. There were many pack members waiting to say their goodbyes to them. Most coming out to see the infamous Alphas of Starfall as well. Both Markian and Mitchell shook hands with everyone there and eventually managed to say goodbye to the last well-wisher.

Markian threw Alisha's bag at the waiting group and turned to Alpha Wayland"We thank you, Alpha Wayland, for helping our mate, in her time of need. Your help shall not be forgotten. If you ever need any help, please call on us at Starfall. You have our oath that we will help you at your time of need. You are our ally till death".Both the twin Alphas held on to the hands of Alpha Wayland and uttered the sacred Oath of Allies. The oath that bound Starfall to Moongazer till the death of the Alphas. It was a very powerful oath seldom used as the repercussions were severe. Alpha Wayland teared as the twin repeated the oath."Thank you, my dear boys! I am so humbled that you would do Moongazers the honour of becoming your allies.Thank you again" he said trying to keep his composure.

Alisha who was standing behind the twin and smiled." Thank you, Alpha Wayland, for accepting me so readily into your pack. I am glad my mates gave you their Oaths of Allies.We will help both the packs...Starfall and Moongazer prosper" said Alisha determinedly.

With that, the small group started their journey back to Starfall. Alisha was quiet most of the way thinking about how, in just a few short hours, did her entire life change. She turned her gaze towards her mates....she didn't realise she had begun referring to them as her mates already. In her deepest core, she had realised that it had been inevitable .....she belonged to the Twin Alphas of Starfall....and they belonged to her.