
Mated to Alphas

Alisha had lost her parents when she was fourteen years old in a brutal attack orchestrated by Alpha Thomas. She swore on her parents grave that she was going to make Alpha Thomas pay. In the meantime, she needed to first comprehend that she had not one but two virile wolves claiming that she was their mate.Was that even possible?Could she actually have TWO mates? Mitchell, the younger twin with the deepest blue eyes that reminded you of a clear summer's day at the beach where you just wanted to laze in the glorious sun. His wavy long hair beckons someone to run their fingers through his hair.Alisha fingers itched to run her fingers between the strands of his silky hair While Markian, the older twin had the hue of the forest green radiating in his eyes which reminded her of the trees with its glimmering leaves after heavy rain.His short black hair which curled around his ears made Alisha wish that she could to do more than just kiss him. Both Markian and Mitchell were in line to take over as Alpha of Starfall. Would that become a problem for the new mates? When Alisha gets caught by Alpha Thomas's men, would the twins be able to get her back or forever lose her?Would Alpha Thomas be able to break their bond?

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35 Chs

Chap 16: My wolf , Your wolves

As the group walked along the jungle path, Mitchell and Markian couldn't help but mindlink each other as the walked on either side of Alisha.

"I can't wait to get Alisha back to Starfall, Markian. I want her to sit beside us when we are at Council. I want her to be with us always. She is going to have to learn how to become a Luna. I am sure mother will be happy to give her a few pointers" said Mitchell through the link. He seemed excited at the prospect of Alisha coming home, yet Markian knew that there was something wrong ....Something had been left unsaid and this was very worrying to him

"What's wrong Mitch? What are you worried about? I know that Alisha is fairly new to our lives but you seem to be worried about something else" replied Markian quietly looking at Mitchell as they walked back towards Starfall.

"I don't know Mark...It's like this invincible door, I came up against when I asked Alisha about her parents. I know she is an orphan ....but prior to her stumbling into Moongazer.....she life is an enigma. Why won't she confide in us, Mark? We are her mates!" he remarked trying not to sound too worried as he noticed that his brother was already uneasy with that bit of information. Mitchell knew that he would have to find out what was exactly going on soon as they reach home.

Home! The two Alphas smiled knowing that they were bringing back their Luna. She was their rock which anchored them during rain or shine. She would ensure that even the meek will get protected and the Alphas would rule the pack with a firm but loving hands.

Mitchell walked towards Alisha leaving the restless Markian behind as he wanted to speak to Alisha. As they crossed the Moongazer territory line, all the wolves in the group sighed in relief. They could now change into their wolves and continue their journey. It was considered rude to travel across another's territory in their wolf forms. There was no reason for a wolf to go unannounced into someone else's territory unless they were intent on doing something wrong or they were rogues.

"Alisha, we have reached Starfall territory. If you want to let Heera out for a run, this is your chance. Apollo has been begging for a chance to run with her" said Mitchell quietly pulling her away from the main group.

"Really Mitchell! That would be lovely. Heera has been clamouring to come out as well" exclaimed Alisha excitedly. She looked around for a secluded area where she could undress as she needed to take off her clothes before she shifted, if not, they would be torn to smithereens.

Alisha went behind a large bush where she proceeded to strip off her shirt and her shorts. She wasn't wearing a bra so that was one less piece of clothing she had to worry about. Alisha used her shirt as a makeshift bag which she tied around her arm. As she shifted, hair started sprouting from her back and her facial symmetry changed. Her snout elongated and her teeth sharpened into saw-like edges. Heera growled in pleasure and stretched her sinewy limbs. She then caved her back and cracked her stiff joints into submission. Slowly her sharp claws drummed on the floor like drumsticks hitting the surface of a drum

Through Heera's eyes, Alisha noticed that Markian and Mitchell had disappeared too. She knew that both her mates were looking forward to seeing Heera and run with her. Wolves needed to be free of their human once in a while. It was like an inevitable wait until a point that the wolf just takes over. It was a symbiotic relationship of two beings- the human and the wolf - both needing each other to survive and flourish.

After a long leisurely yawn, Heera padded out from behind the bush, she turned around and caught sight of two humongous wolves, standing close to one another, staring at her with jaws wide open that it nearly reached the floor. They could not take their eyes off her. Heera grew anxious as her mates just continued to stare and not do anything

Mitchell and Markian who had also gone behind a tree to change noticed a certain hush amongst the pack. They turned to see a beautiful silver-grey wolf stretching in the sunlight. The silver fur on Heera caused the sun rays to splice into the colours of the rainbow. An ethereal glow shimmered around her like a halo of an angel. They were mesmerised with the beauty of the silver wolf and were unable to react to anything else around them for nearly five minutes

Even from that distance, Heera recognised the two wolves as her mates. The smell of caramel, as well as fresh mint, wafted through the distance that separated them and tickled Heera's nose. The large wolves not only smelt divine, but they also looked amazing too. Heera recognised them as Damon, standing to the left and Apollo, standing to the right

Damon was the midnight blue coloured wolf with the laughing eyes. The colour of Damon's eyes were a piercing black tinged with silver around the periphery of his irises. His underbelly was a startling white which trailed down to his right paw.

Apollo looked as striking as this twin brother with his fur the colour of dark velvet reminding Heera of a clear night sky. Apollo's eyes were orbs of black tinged with the deepest blue that Heera had ever come across in her young life. Apollo's underbelly was also similar to his brother's. The white underbelly trailed to his paw just like it did his twin. This time the white trail ended on Apollo's left paw.

Heera looked at both of the wolves with appreciative eyes. She wagged her tail to show them how happy she was. She hoped that they wouldn't be disappointed with her look and wished fervently that they would come towards her instead of just staring at her

The two wolves slowly came out of their trance and seemed to nod. They nodded at Heera urging her to meet them halfway. She let out a soft whine as the two male wolves walked up to her and nuzzled her on either side of her neck.

Heera took a step backwards and bent her head down between her two paws to show her submission to both her mates. Heera stiffened as she noticed the converging male wolves were not happy."What did I do, Alisha? Why are Damon and Apollo angry with me?" Heera asked Alisha silently. Alisha puzzled over why the wolves suddenly turn cold and menacing.

Heera whined again worried that the twin wolves had found her wanting in some way. This time the twins realised that they were frightening Heera with their harsh expressions. The three had yet to be mated, so the twin wolves were not able to communicate to Heera via their mind link. This made them feel frustrated as they were unable to explain their feelings to Heera. It would have to wait...they were not going to mark her in the middle of the jungle just so they could communicate with her.No matter how much they wanted to, and the twins wanted it badly

Damon woofed his dissatisfaction and nudged her to stand up. Apollo licked her face and whined as he did not want his mate to bow down to him. She was the Luna of their pack and she would bow to no one. The wolves could not believe how lucky they were as to have got Alisha and Heera as their mate.

Heera, Alisha's wolf, with her silver coat tinged with dark grey highlights all over her body was a sight for sore eyes to the twins. Her eyes were still aquamarine which amazed them as they had never seen eyes that shade of colour on a wolf before.

The twin wolves turned back towards their pack and howled introducing Heera to the elite guard that had followed them. All the wolves took a step back and bowed to Heera as a show of respect to their new Luna. With a loud woof, the pack then turned in unison and started running towards the packhouse. Heera let out an excited growl and charged ahead with the twins on either side of her eager to see where she was going to live from now on

After about another hour of running at full speed, Heera started slowing down as she was starting to feel tired. She had been running in relative silence as Alisha too had submerged down into her consciousness. She saw the large packhouse that she had spent this evening with her mates and their parents. She saw many people stop and stare at the pack which were thundering towards the packhouse. As she slowed down, she realised that she was running towards what was going to become her home. This house would be the place she would bring up her babies. Her forever home.

Heera's step faltered at the thought of living with her mates. The twin Alphas turned simultaneously looking back at their mate who had fallen behind. Heera stood still like a statue looking at the packhouse looming in front of her. She realised that many people were staring at her and her nerves were beginning to take a beating. She whined as she started walking backwards knowing that she was taking a very big step into a realm which she had hardly been trained for. She suddenly got scared as she was not ready to be a Luna. She didn't want to disappoint her mates and have them, not love her anymore. She started to panic so much that she turned and swiftly ran into the forest which they had just come from.

Damon growled to get Heera's attention. He realised that she was running away from them. Damon couldn't understand why she seemed to not want to follow them into the packhouse."Go to her Damon! She is frightened.I can smell it.I will follow you in a little while" mindlinked Apollo as he turned away and ran towards the house. Damon understood what Apollo was planning so he followed his advice and ran after Heera who had continued her retreat into the forest

Damon ran as fast as he could. His breath hitching as he saw Heera up ahead. He pushed himself further to overtake Heera and prevented her from retreating any further into the thicket. He whined and pushed his snout towards Heera face. She turned and tentatively licked Damon's nose. He could hear the thundering flow of her blood through her veins as he nuzzled his head into her neck. Damon lifted his head from her neck at caught sight of himself in the dark orbs of her aquamarine eyes. He struggled to breathe as he lost himself in her eyes." How could anyone not want to just drown in them? " he thought. He knew that Heera couldn't understand what he was thinking but he tried to show her with his eyes.

Damon took a step forward and with a bated breath licked her mouth. He longed to do more, Damon growled deep in his throat in frustration. He could feel Markian trying to take control. He knew that he would have to let go and allow Markian to take over soon. He didn't want to....he didn't want to leave as he realised that Heera was his and he wanted to be there, to protect her. Damon was surprised at how fast and how hard he had fallen for Heera. He knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life getting to know Heera and Alisha.

Just then he heard footstep running towards them. It was Mitchell. He had on a pair of shorts and he was bare-chested. Alisha who had risen from the corner of Heera's conscious mind couldn't help staring at Mitchell's advancing figure. His chest glistened with a thin film of sweat. His arms bunching as his arms pumped furiously on either side of him, propelling him forward in an amazing rate. Mitchell halted in front of Heera, he then took a knee next to her."Darling, we are at home now. Would you like to change? You have your clothes with you, right? Shall we go for a walk after you change"Mitchell stared lovingly into Heera's eyes? He was glad that he could finally talk to her after their long journey in silence just now

Heera blinked in confusion before remembering her clothes which she had tied in a knot at her shoulder. She looked around her to find a place where she changes discreetly.

She instinctively knew they understood her reluctance to go straight into the packhouse yet. She wondered where they were planning to take her but was unable to ask them. She let the question be and walked toward the thick bushes nearest to her that could adequately cover her as she got dressed

Heera shrugged off the pile of clothes once she was safely behind the bushes. She viewed the knotted up clothes through her wolf eyes in disdain. Clothes were nonessential in the wolf world and she was glad she could roam freely without them. Alisha, who had started pushing at her consciousness huffed with annoyance." Of course clothes are essential....Do you want me prancing about with all my girlie parts on the show? Do you know what would happen if I do that now? I would be labelled insane!" she huffed.

Heera laughed as she submerged her consciousness below Alisha's. "Well! I am sure that Damon and Apollo wouldn't mind me prancing around naked" she stated as Alisha slowly changed from wolf to a human being. Her wolf-like jaws receding into her facial bones while her soft fur pulling back to rest under her skin. Slowly, Alisha stood up to stretch her limbs and straighten her back into an erect position of a human being. Alisha pulled her hair into a bun before she turned to look down at the pile of clothes that laid on the ground. She put her legs into her underpants and shimmied into them. As she stepped over to the clothes, she felt a sharp stone under her foot

"Ouch! That hurts " she cried while bending down looking at the injury. She saw a small stone jutting out near the ball of her fourth toe. She hopped on one foot trying not to curse out loud. Just then the bushes parted to reveal Markian and Mitchell staring dumbfounded at her antics

"Take it out! Take it out...I am bleeding, aren't I?" Alisha softly cried while holding up her foot to show her mates. Surprised that they didn't do or say anything to comfort her, Alisha looked at both the twin Alphas ready to berate them for being heartless. The two alphas were staring at her with matching expressions. Their eyes opened wide in astonishment and their pupils dilated.

"What is the matter with both of you? Why are you staring at me like that?" she hiccuped with her tears washing down her face. Alisha looked down at herself not understanding why her mates were behaving like they were.

"Oh for the goddess's sake!!" Alisha exclaimed when she realised that she was standing, in all her naked glory, except for a little wisp of cloth covering her pubic area, in front of her mates. She bent down to grab her top and shorts, trying to cover herself with it."Blast these clothes!! Can both of you please turn around?" Alisha cried angrily as her shirt and shorts failed to cover her adequately. She blushed furiously knowing that her mates were still able to see her body.

Markian was surprisingly was the first to come out of his stupor. He stepped forward to hold Alisha by her shoulders." Don't hide from us.You are beautiful and we are so grateful that the Goddess chose you to be our mate" he stuttered out trying to make Alisha feel better.

"You are just too beautiful! I want you so much" he continued. His eyes turning black with suppressed passion and his fingers closing tightly on Alisha's shoulders. His voice growing deeper until she actually heard him growl with need

Alisha blushed even deeper than before. She couldn't move her arms as Markian was holding her arms tightly. Her eyes flickered to the movement behind Markian. Alisha noticed that Mitchell was also coming forwards towards her. His eyes changing to a thunderous black and stalked her every movement. Alisha's breath stalled in her chest. It was like she was a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car. She whimpered as Mitchell came to stand close to her left side, Alisha's shoulder grazing his chest.

Slowly Mitchell head lowered to the nape of her neck inhaling her special fragrance. He then buried his head there calming Apollo thus preventing him from shifting as he really wished he could do. He lifted his head and stared into Alisha's eyes so deeply that Alisha was scared that he would be able to see her deepest, darkest secrets. She didn't think that she was ready to be so open with her mates yet. She knew she had to soon, but she wanted to make sure her mates wanted her enough to forget she was a "half breed".

"We want you, Alisha. You are ours...only ours! For now...For always." whispered Mitchell waylaying her doubts for the moment.