
Master Gu

Daoist4u25rl · ตะวันออก
46 Chs

Bamboo Wine fragrance, master gu bravely

Now, all the problems boil down to finding the legacy of the Drunken Immortal. If I can find it, all difficulties will be resolved. If I can't, these problems will greatly slow down my cultivation speed, making me fall far behind my peers right at the beginning of my cultivation journey. It's perplexing. I've spent over a week trying to attract the wine insect, but why has it been so ineffective?" 

Fang Yuan furrowed his brows, pondering deeply. He didn't even notice the taste of the food in his mouth.

At that moment, a commotion broke out, interrupting his thoughts.

Fang Yuan looked towards the noise and saw that it was coming from the central table where six hunters, already reeking of alcohol, were gathered. The atmosphere was lively and heated, with their faces flushed and necks thick.

"Brother Zhang, come, have another drink!"

"Brother Feng, we admire your skills. You took down a black-skinned wild boar all by yourself. You're truly a hero! You must drink this cup; not drinking it would be disrespectful to us brothers."

"Thanks for your admiration, but I really can't drink anymore."

"Brother Feng can't drink anymore? Is it because the wine isn't good? Waiter, come over here and bring us some good wine!"

The voices grew louder, clearly indicating that the hunters were all drunk.

The waiter hurried over. "Gentlemen, we do have good wine, but it's quite expensive."

"What, do you think we won't pay?" Several hunters stood up at these words, glaring at the waiter. They were either burly or rugged and strong, exuding a fierce aura unique to mountain folk.

The waiter quickly greeted them and complained, "I wouldn't dare look down on you heroes, but the wine really is quite expensive. A jar costs two pieces of primeval stones!"

The hunters were stunned.

Two pieces of primeval stones were not cheap; it was the living expenses of an average family for two months. Although hunters earned more than ordinary people by hunting, sometimes earning half a piece of primeval stone for a black-skinned wild boar, hunting also carried risks, and sometimes they could become the prey themselves.

Spending two pieces of primeval stones for a jar of wine was not worth it for hunters.

"Is the wine really that expensive?"

"Kid, you're not fooling us, are you?"

The hunters shouted, but their voices were a bit weak, and they seemed embarrassed.

The waiter repeatedly insisted that he didn't dare.

Seeing the awkward situation, the hunter called Brother Feng quickly intervened, "Brothers, let's not waste any more money. We can't drink anymore today; we can have this wine another time."

"Brother, what are you saying!"

"That's not right..."

The other hunters protested, but their voices gradually weakened, and they all sat back down.

The waiter, a shrewd person, saw that the business wasn't going to happen and was about to leave when suddenly, a young man's voice came from a table in the corner, "Haha, this is hilarious. If you can't afford the wine, just shut up and stay quiet!"

The hunters, hearing this, were immediately provoked. One of them shouted, "Who says we can't afford it? Waiter, bring that jar of wine! I'll pay you the primeval stones. It's just two pieces!"

"Please wait a moment, sir, it's coming right up!" The waiter, surprised by the turn of events, quickly agreed and went to fetch the jar of wine.

The wine jar was only half the size of an ordinary jar, but when the seal was broken, a rich and pure fragrance immediately filled the dining hall.

An elderly man sitting alone by the window also turned his head, drawn by the aroma of the wine.

It was indeed good wine.

"Gentlemen, I'm not boasting. This is top-quality Green Bamboo Wine, and our inn is the only place in the entire village that has it. Just smell this fragrance!" The waiter said as he took a deep breath, his face filled with enjoyment and satisfaction.

Fang Yuan's heart stirred; the waiter's words were not an exaggeration.

There were three taverns in Gu Yue Village, all selling ordinary rice wine and turbid wine, with little variety. Fang Yuan, having bought wine for seven consecutive days to attract the wine insect, was well aware of the market.

The hunters, looking at the wine jar in front of them, were all tempted, their noses twitching, and their throats swallowing.

But the hunter who impulsively bought the wine showed a more complex expression, with a trace of regret on his face.

This jar of wine was worth two pieces of primeval stones!

"Because of an impulse, I bought this wine. The waiter was too unscrupulous to bring it immediately. Now that the seal is broken, it's impossible to return it."

The hunter felt more and more heartache, but couldn't back down due to pride.

Finally, he slapped the table and forced a smile, "Damn it, this wine is good! Brothers, drink up, this wine is on me today!"

At this moment, the young man from the corner table sneered again, "Just this small jar of wine, how can it be enough for six people? If you have the guts, buy a few more jars."

The hunter, provoked, stood up in anger, veins bulging on his forehead, and glared at the young man, "You brat, you have a lot to say. Come out and spar with me!"

"Oh? I'll come out then." The young man responded, standing up and walking out of the shadows with a sinister smile.

He was tall and thin, with a pale complexion, dressed in a neat dark blue martial outfit.

He wore a sapphire headband, a short shirt that revealed his skinny shoulders, long pants, and straw sandals with leg bindings.

The most crucial detail was the green cloth belt around his waist, with a shining copper plate engraved with a black "1" character.

"A Rank One Gu Master?!" The provoked hunter recognized the attire and took a sharp breath, his anger turning to fear.

He hadn't expected to provoke a Gu Master!

"Didn't you want to spar with me? Come on, make your move." The young Gu Master approached, a mocking smile on his face.

But the hunter stood frozen, not daring to move.

"Or you can all come at me together, that's fine too." The young Gu Master said casually as he reached the hunters' table.

The hunters' faces changed, some turning pale despite their earlier flushed appearance, beads of cold sweat forming on their foreheads. They sat uneasily, not daring to breathe loudly.

The young Gu Master picked up the jar of Green Bamboo Wine, brought it to his nose, and sniffed, smiling, "It really is fragrant..."

"If you like it, Master Gu, please take it as our apology for offending you." The hunter who had provoked him quickly bowed and smiled.

Unexpectedly, the young Gu Master's expression turned cold, and with a slap, he smashed the wine jar to the ground.

His face was icy, his eyes sharp as a sword, and he growled, "Do you think you have the right to apologize to me? You hunters are so rich, richer than me, buying a jar of wine for two pieces of primeval stones! Do you know I'm struggling to get primeval stones, and you dare to flaunt your wealth in front of me? Do you think you mortals are worthy?"

"No, no!"

"We deserve to die for offending you!"

"It was unintentional, please accept these primeval stones as our apology."

The hunters, as if electrocuted, stood up and took out primeval stones from their pockets. But they were all poor, offering only bits and pieces, with the largest piece being less than a quarter of a primeval stone.

The young Gu Master didn't take these primeval stones, just sneering continuously and scanning the entire dining hall with a hawk-like gaze.

Every hunter he glanced at lowered their heads. Even the elderly man by the window turned away to avoid his gaze.

Only Fang Yuan looked on calmly, without any hesitation.

The young Gu Master's attire was exclusive to official Gu Masters, something even Fang Yuan hadn't yet earned. He could only receive such attire after graduating from the academy.

The "1" on the copper plate on his belt indicated his status as a Rank One Gu Master.

However, he was already in his twenties, and the true essence emanating from him suggested he was a high-rank Rank One Gu Master.

Starting cultivation at fifteen and reaching high-rank Rank One in his twenties indicated he had only D-grade aptitude, worse than Fang Yuan's. He was likely just a support Gu Master, not even a combat Gu Master.

But even so, dealing with six hunters was easy for him.

This was the power gap between Gu Masters and mortals.

"With power, one can stand above others. This is the essence of this world. No, it's the same in any world. Big fish eat little fish, and little fish eat shrimp. This world just shows it more starkly." Fang Yuan thought to himself.

"That's enough, Jiang Ya. Don't trouble these mortals. If word gets out, you won't be embarrassed, but I will be." Another young person in the corner, speaking up, revealed herself to be a woman.

The young Gu Master named Jiang Ya, feeling embarrassed, stopped sneering and didn't take the offered primeval stones. They didn't add up to two pieces, so he wasn't interested.

He waved his sleeve and walked back to his seat, while threatening, "Go ahead, drink the Green Bamboo Wine. Let's see who dares to drink it?"

The hunters, heads lowered, were like obedient grandchildren being scolded.

The rich aroma of the wine filled the entire dining hall, causing the hunter who bought the wine to grimace in pain, his facial muscles twitching. He had spent two pieces of primeval stones on this wine but hadn't even had a sip!

Fang Yuan put down his chopsticks, having eaten his fill. As he inhaled the wine's fragrance, his eyes flickered a few times. Suddenly, he took out two pieces of primeval stones, placed them on the table, and said indifferently, "Waiter, bring me a jar of Green Bamboo Wine."

The entire room was stunned.

The young Gu Master, Jiang Ya, immediately halted, his mouth twitching as he hissed through his teeth. He had just made a threatening remark, and now Fang Yuan was ordering the same jar of wine, clearly undermining and humiliating him.

Jiang Ya turned around, squinting his eyes and glaring at Fang Yuan with a cold, piercing gaze.

Fang Yuan calmly met his eyes, his face serene and unafraid.

Jiang Ya's gaze flickered, and the coldness gradually faded as he sensed the true essence emanating from Fang Yuan.

Realizing Fang Yuan's identity, he smiled warmly, like a spring breeze: "So, it's a junior fellow student."

The others in the room suddenly understood and looked at Fang Yuan with newfound respect.

No wonder this young man wasn't afraid of the Gu Master at all—he was also a Gu Master, still in school but fundamentally different from ordinary people.

"Honorable Gu Master, your wine!" The waiter hurried over, beaming with flattery.

Fang Yuan nodded at Jiang Ya, then picked up the jar of wine and walked out of the inn.