
Master Gu

Daoist4u25rl · Eastern
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36 Chs

It’s just seduction

Fang Yuan's eyebrows furrowed slightly, and with his intuition and five hundred years of life experience, he smelled the scent of a conspiracy.

A cold gleam flashed through his eyes before fading, and his eyebrows relaxed. "I'm a bit hungry. You've come just in time. Bring it in for me."

Outside the door, Shen Cui carried a food box, and upon hearing these words, a hint of disdain leaked out of the corner of her mouth.

But when she pushed open the door, her face only showed a meek expression.

"Fang Yuan Young Master, this food and wine smells delicious. Even through the food box, I can smell it." Her voice was sweet and seductive, exuding a flirtatious charm.

She placed the food box on a small table and took out the plates one by one, arranging them neatly.

The food on the plates was indeed delicious and appetizing.

She then took out two wine glasses and poured wine.

"Come, Young Master, sit down. Today, I dare to accompany you in drinking a cup." She smiled like a blooming flower and walked over to Fang Yuan's side, boldly grabbing his hand and dragging him to sit on a stool by the table.

Then she sat directly on Fang Yuan's lap, her delicate body leaning against his chest, whispering in his ear, "Fang Yuan Young Master, I've always liked you. No matter what kind of aptitude you have, I want to be with you, depend on you, and comfort you. Tonight, I want to give you my body."

She was dressed up today.

With rouge on her face and cherry-pink lips, her youthful breath tickled Fang Yuan's earlobes as she spoke close to his ear.

Since she was sitting in his arms, Fang Yuan could clearly feel Shen Cui's voluptuous body.

Her elastic thighs, her delicate waist, and the softness of her chest.

"Young Master, let me feed you wine." Shen Cui picked up the wine glass but tilted her head back and sipped the wine into her mouth. Then, with eyes seemingly filled with water, she stared fixedly at Fang Yuan, her cherry-like mouth slightly open, slowly approaching Fang Yuan's lips.

Fang Yuan's face remained cold, as if the woman sitting in his arms was not a girl but a sculpture.

Shen Cui looked at Fang Yuan's expression, initially feeling a bit uneasy, but as her lips were only a fingertip's distance from touching Fang Yuan's lips, she became convinced and sneered inwardly, "Still pretending."

Just then, Fang Yuan sneered, his tone filled with disdain: "So it's just a seduction."

Shen Cui's facial expression stiffened, swallowed the wine in her mouth, and pretended to reproach, "Fang Yuan Young Master, what are you saying?"

Fang Yuan's eyes glowed with a cold light, staring into Shen Cui's eyes, while his right hand rested on her snow-white neck and slowly tightened its grip.

Shen Cui's pupils narrowed sharply, her voice filled with panic: "Young Master, you're hurting me."

Fang Yuan did not answer, but the force in his hand grew stronger.

"Fang Yuan Young Master, I'm a bit scared!" Shen Cui was already struggling to breathe, her expression panicked, and her delicate hands subconsciously reached for Fang Yuan's hand, trying to pry it open. But Fang Yuan's hand was like an iron clamp, impossible to pry open.

"So my uncle and aunt sent you to seduce and trap me? If that's the case, then they must have arranged people downstairs too." Fang Yuan sneered contemptuously, "But who do you think you are, trying to seduce me? With your two piles of trash-like flesh on your chest."

As he spoke, his left hand reached up to Shen Cui's chest, fiercely grasping the softness, causing it to undergo a violent deformation.

Intense pain surged from her chest, and Shen Cui's eyes bulged out, tears filling her eyes. She wanted to scream, but her throat was choked by Fang Yuan, leaving her only able to whimper. She began to resist fiercely, knowing that if she didn't, she would truly suffocate!

But just then, Fang Yuan gradually loosened his grip.

Shen Cui immediately opened her mouth wide, greedily inhaling air. Her breathing was so eager that it triggered a violent coughing fit.

Fang Yuan chuckled softly, reaching out his palm to gently stroke Shen Cui's cheek. He said leisurely, "Shen Cui, do you think I can kill you?"

If Fang Yuan had shouted angrily and roared, Shen Cui might have resisted violently.

But when Fang Yuan spoke to her in such a low and gentle tone, asking her if he could kill her, Shen Cui felt a profound sense of fear.

She was terrified!

She looked at Fang Yuan in horror, seeing the teenager smiling at her.

At this moment, Shen Cui swore that she would never forget Fang Yuan's eyes. Those eyes, devoid of any emotion, were dark and profound, like an ancient pool hiding a terrifying monster.

Under the gaze of those eyes, Shen Cui felt as if she was standing naked in the midst of a snowstorm!

The person before her eyes was absolutely capable of killing her, would kill her...

Oh God! Why did I have to provoke such a monster?!

Shen Cui's heart was filled with regret, and at this moment, she wished she could turn and flee.

But she was currently in Fang Yuan's arms and didn't dare to escape, nor dare to make any move.

Her muscles were tense, her body trembling, her face pale as paper, unable to utter a word.

"Considering that you've served me as a personal maid for so many years, I won't kill you this time. Don't you want to be free from slavery? Go to my younger brother. He's naive and gullible." Fang Yuan retracted his smile, patted Shen Cui's cheek, and spoke with a flat tone.

He sighed and finally said, "You can go now."

Shen Cui obediently walked out, as if frozen in place. She was lost and dazed, unsure of how she managed to escape from the demon Fang Yuan.

The people hiding in the shadows, seeing Shen Cui come out like this, looked at each other in confusion.

"They even arranged a beauty trap. It's more novel than the previous plan. Hmm, uncle and aunt, I will remember this favor deeply!"

Not long after Shen Cui left, Fang Yuan stood up and walked out of the door.

No matter what, this place was no longer safe to stay.

A gentleman does not stand under a collapsing wall, and even less so a demon. Without sufficient strength, only a fool would put themselves in danger.

"Innkeeper, do you have any rooms available?" Fang Yuan asked about the price as he entered the only inn in the mountain stronghold.

"Yes, we do. There are superior rooms on the second and third floors. They're cheap and very clean. The first floor is the dining room. You can have your meals here, or we can have the waiter deliver them to your room." The innkeeper greeted Fang Yuan eagerly.

This inn was the only one in the stronghold, and business was not good, making it quite desolate. It only became lively when merchant caravans came to trade in Qingmao Mountain every year.

Fang Yuan was really hungry, so he threw two intact yuan stones to the innkeeper. "I'll take a superior room first. Also, prepare me two jars of wine and three or four dishes of appetizers. If there's a surplus, I'll pay extra; if not, you can keep it."

"Alright," said the innkeeper, taking the yuan stones and asking, "Would you like to dine in your room or have it in the main hall for a bit of liveliness?"

Fang Yuan glanced at the sky. The rain had stopped, and it was getting close to evening. He decided to have his meal in the main hall and then leave the stronghold directly to explore the legacy of Flower and Wine Traveler. He told the innkeeper, "I'll eat in the main hall."

The dining room on the first floor of the inn had a dozen square tables, each surrounded by four long benches. Between the tables were thick pillars supporting the inn. The floor was paved with large marble tiles, but they were damp, unable to conceal the dampness of the mountains.

There were three tables of guests in the dining room.

One table near the window had an old man drinking wine alone, watching the evening glow in the mountains through the window.

At the center table, there were five or six hunters sitting in a circle, loudly talking about their hunting experiences. Beside their feet was a pile of game, including pheasants and rabbits.

At the table in the corner, there were two young people seemingly discussing something in secret. Their figures were obscured in the shadows, making it difficult to distinguish their genders.

Fang Yuan chose a seat near the entrance and soon had wine and dishes served on his table.

"With my C-grade talent, to refine the Moonlight Curse, I must rely on yuan stones. If I'm lucky and the Moonlight Curse's will is not strong, I'll only need five. But if it's stubborn, that's trouble. I'll need at least eight."

Curses are also living creatures and naturally have a will to survive.

Some have strong wills and will continue to resist refinement by the curse master. Others have weak wills and will eventually surrender in despair. Once they lose their will to resist, refinement becomes extremely easy.

"I only have six yuan stones on me now. I've already given the innkeeper two, so I only have four left. That's not enough."

In this world, yuan stones are a hard currency with strong purchasing power.

For an ordinary family of three, the monthly living expenses are at most one yuan stone.

But for curse masters, the consumption of yuan stones is much greater. Like Fang Yuan, refining curses alone requires an average of seven yuan stones.

And this is just for the Moonlight Curse. If he really finds the Alcohol Worm and wants to refine it, with his talent, he would need to spend at least another ten or more yuan stones!

"That means, even if I find the Alcohol Worm, I may not have enough yuan stones to help me refine it. But I still have to continue exploring because there's a good chance that the legacy of Flower and Wine Traveler contains a large amount of yuan stones."

This inference was not difficult to make.

Flower and Wine Traveler was a fifth-rank curse master and a renowned demonic cultivator. How could he not have yuan stones, which are essential for curse masters to cultivate?