
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · ภาพยนตร์
793 Chs

Chapter 455: Goblet of Fire (Edited)

Even though Fleur was pretty, even though Krum was a famous Seeker and even though Fish was handsome, when it came to their alma mater, they all stood their ground and started arguing about their school.

"Hehehe... It seems like everyone's students are very energetic."

The staff was sitting not too far away and naturally heard the argument, Dumbledore stopped Professor McGonagall who wanted to approach to stop the argument, and said to the other two headmasters with a smile on his face.

"Hmph." Karkaroff gave a fake smile and shook his head.

Madame Maxime smiled back and said loudly and bluntly, "There's no point in arguing now, let's see how the Champions perform in the Triwizard Tournament, I'm sure my students won't disappoint me."

Her loud voice quickly reached the ears of the arguing students, who looked at each other for a moment, then nodded and stopped arguing.

"I will win the Triwizard Tournament and prove that Beauxbatons is the best school for magic!"

Fleur said before leaving.

Krum didn't say anything, but from the look on his face, it was clear he was thinking the same thing as Fleur.

"Gabrielle, come on..."

Fleur called to her sister, who was still on top of the cat, after her harsh words.

However, little Gabrielle turned her down harshly, "I don't want to! Gabrielle wants to be with Fish."

And she put her arms around Fish and sunk her head into the cat's arms.

Fred had a wicked idea for the little girl, "If you want to go to the same school as Fish, you don't have to take him to Beauxbatons, you can come to Hogwarts."


Gabrielle didn't think twice, she looked at her already angry sister expectantly.

"Don't even think about it!"

Fleur shouted angrily, "yanking" her sister out of Fish's arms and dragging her with her.

"Ah! Bad sister, I want to play with Fish! Help me, Fish!"

Gabrielle screamed as she struggled and was dragged away by Fleur.


Fish watched dumbfounded as Gabrielle was forcibly dragged away and then turned his head back to Hermione....

"Fish was like that before nya?"


"Well... it should be... almost."

Hermione stifled a smile and answered insincerely.

It was good for Fish to reflect on himself, so he shouldn't be discouraged.

However, the cat's reaction was not what Hermione expected....

"I told you!" Fish grumbled, puffing out his cheeks, "Aren't they all like that at that age? And Minerva always says Fish is naughty."


Hermione: "..."

The other students around: "..."

When the commotion died down, everyone ate and drank some more, and two more people entered the Great Hall.

These two men, whom Fish knew, were Ludo Bagman and Barty Crouch, whom he had seen at the Quidditch World Cup.

They went and sat in the two seats that had been left empty at the long teachers' table, smiling and whispering to the three Headmasters.

They were all smiling and talking to the three headmasters.

"What are they doing here?" asked Harry in surprise.

"They're organizing the Triwizard Tournament, aren't they?" Hermione said, "I guess they want to see the opening of the tournament for themselves."

"Is registration going to start soon nya?"

That was all Fish cared about, he looked at the two of them and then at the food in front of him ...

"But Fish isn't full yet..."


"Didn't Professor Dumbledore say he'd start after dinner?"

Hermione forked a piece of steak, held it up to Fish's mouth, and the cat swallowed it with an "Ahh~".

Just then, the main course, which no one had touched except Fish, was suddenly removed from the table and replaced by a variety of desserts, many of them new and probably of French and Bulgarian origin.

Noticing the new food, Fish didn't care what Bagman and Crouch were doing here, as he quickly tried the desserts for the first time and recommended the ones he thought were good to Hermione.

"Hermione, ah~"


Hermione: "Ahh~"

Gabrielle's envious face: "Wuuuuuuuu..."

When the desserts were removed and dinner was finally over, Dumbledore stood up again. A mixture of excitement and nervousness seemed to permeate the Great Hall.

Many people leaned forward, staring at Dumbledore.

"The time has finally come," Dumbledore said, smiling at the upturned faces, "And the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin. I'd like to explain a few things before I bring the box..."

"Bring what?" asked Harry in a whisper.

Ron shrugged his shoulders.

But the sharp-eyed Fish saw him, Filch was already holding a box, standing in the corner of the Great Hall.

It was a large wooden box, inlaid with jewels, but it looked a little worn, and Fish waved his hand at Filch and drew the crowd's attention to it.

Dumbledore rubbed his crooked nose wordlessly, then proceeded to introduce Ludo Bagman and Barty Crouch, telling them that they were primarily responsible for organizing the Triwizard Tournament.

The group also looked away from Filch and the box he was holding for a moment, and collaborated by giving the two a round of applause of welcome and respect... before continuing to stare at Filch.

"They, along with myself, Professor Karkaroff and Madame Maxime, will form a panel of judges to judge the efforts of the Champions" Dumbledore didn't mind and continued to introduce them all.

At the word "Champions," the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students finally turned their attention to the others.

As for the jury business, Hermione had already seen it in the books provided by Professor McGonagall, and the news had spread throughout the school from Fish's mouth, so the Hogwarts students were not surprised, and continued to stare at Filch, making him uncomfortable standing in the corner.

Dumbledore, naturally, knew what the group was expecting and, with a small smile, finally said, "I think we are all getting tired of waiting.... Mr. Filch, please bring up the box."

Feeling relieved, Filch walked quickly to Dumbledore's side, dropped the box in his hand and quickly retreated to the side.

It was at this moment of tension and excitement that Dumbledore, the mean old man, spoke of the details of the Triwizard Tournament, making Filch want to walk over and punch him in the nose.

When he finished his ramblings, Dumbledore moved on to the selection of the Champions, which was a matter of concern, so everyone held their breath and listened intently.

"It is an impartial selector who chooses the Champions," Dumbledore said, as he took out his wand and tapped it three times on the lid of the box, "And it is the Goblet of Fire."

The lid slowly opened. Dumbledore reached inside and pulled out a large, roughly carved wooden goblet. The goblet itself was nothing special, but it was filled with dancing blue and white flames.

Dumbledore closed the box and placed the goblet on the lid so that everyone in the Great Hall could see it clearly.

"Every student who wishes to be a Champion must write their name and the name of their school on a piece of parchment and throw it into this goblet," said Dumbledore, "And those who wish to be Champions have twenty-four hours to sign up. Tomorrow night, Halloween night, the Goblet will choose the names of the three students it deems best represent the three schools. Tonight, the Goblet will be in the lobby, accessible to all who wish to run."

"Fish seems to have been tricked..."


If it's so easy to register, what has he been studying all this time for?

Not only Fish, but there were voices of discontent from all the Hogwarts students, especially the Weasley twins.

"That's not what you said before!"

George and Fred shouted.

Dumbledore smiled and continued, "As I told the Hogwarts students before, the Triwizard Tournament is still too dangerous for younger students, so, to avoid temptation for those who are not old enough, I am going to draw an age line around the Goblet once it is in the hall. No one under the age of 17 will be allowed to cross this age line. But..."

He paused and added, "If anyone successfully breaks the age line you create, then it proves that they are also eligible to participate in the election of the Champions, but I must remind everyone that this competition is not child's play, and do not participate rashly."

"Once a warrior has been chosen by the Goblet of Fire, he must follow the game to the end. Whoever puts his name in the cup actually forms a magical contract that must be obeyed. Once he becomes Champion, he is not allowed to change his mind."

"So please think twice before you put your name on the cup and make sure you really want to do it. Well, I think it's time for everyone to go to bed. I wish you all a good night."

Dumbledore finished his speech.