
Marvelous Grandmaster

Young man struck by lightning woke up with memories from the Star Wars universe during the old republic era. After several decades of battle alongside his friends and companions, he made the ultimate sacrifice to stop Vitiate’s final act of desperation. But his story did not end there like he expected. “I’m alive? Hold up this is earth. HAHA I’M BACK!” “Tony Stark is scheduled to give a weapons test in-“ “Wait...What?” “Well...Fuck.” {This fanfiction will also be posted onto Royalroad under the same name, HuntingFate.}

HuntingFate · ภาพยนตร์
41 Chs

Chapter 40

{A/N: Super late this time, sorry. Last week was pretty busy. Two 'geniuses' decided to act stupid and get themselves fired so I ended up losing a day of my weekend. Couldn't get a moment to relax or write.}

Tony crashed onto the rooftop of his building as his repulsors cut out. He looked up to see Mikael sitting on top of an air conditioning unit looking at him.

"Mikael? What are you doing here? Actually let me get this off first." Tony started to pull the armor off his hand when Mikael spoke up causing him to freeze.

"I'd keep it on if I were you." Mikael said as he pointed behind Tony. Obadiah slammed onto the roof of the building as Tony turned around and ducked beneath the incoming fist. He raised his arm and attempted to fire his repulsors only to watch as they flickered to life before going dark. Obadiah took advantage of Tony's surprise as he landed a solid punch to Tony's chest, throwing him back across the roof.

"You need a hand Tony? You seem to be struggling." Mikael waved at him with a smile as the large suit of armor that was slowly turning in his direction.

"Mikael Argent. So you're still here. I suppose that saves me the trip. What do you think of my armor? Impressive isn't it?" Obadiah bragged as he spreads his arms out wide.

"Excuse you?" Mikael asked raised an eyebrow as he turned to look at the large suit of armor.

"Again, excuse you? I was talking to Tony here. Did you not know it was rude to interrupt? Or are your manners as absent as your hair?" Mikael questioned as he crossed his arms and looked over at Tony.

"I'll ask again Tony. Do you need a hand? Please say yes before he starts to monologue."

"You little shit! I will not-" Obadiah roared as he raised his right arm in Mikael's direction as the barrels of his Gatling gun extended out and began to rotate.

"47." Mikael said as a loud bang echoed through the air as Obadiah was interrupted knocked backwards onto his back. Tony stared in surprise as for just a brief instant he saw the outline of a humanoid figure standing in Obadiah's previous position before it disappeared.

"Agh! What was that?!" Obadiah quickly started push himself back to his feet as he looked around.

"That was for interrupting me. Now Tony, do you need a hand to take care of Mr. Clean over there or not?" Mikael asked as he hopped off of the air conditioning unit and walked in front of Tony. He tilted his head to the side as he looked at the arc reactor in his chest.

"Looks like you're running out of power. Might want to decide soon."

"Sir, we are currently on back up power. Further use of the suit is not recommended." Tony heard the familiar voice of his AI echoed inside his helmet as he stood up straight. He looked over at Obadiah who was beginning to stomp towards them before turning to Mikael, his eyes seemed calm and confident. Not only that but there even seemed to be a look of annoyance as Mikael glanced over at the hulking metal suit that was approaching them.

"Are you sure you can handle this?" Tony asked. He was struggling to believe how calm the young man in front of him was in this situation.

"Positive." Mikael responded with a grin as he turned to look at Obadiah.

"You want to deal with me? I'm wielding the greatest weapon this world has ever seen! I don't know what you did to me but it won't save you." Obadiah growled as he raised his left arm.

"The greatest weapon the world has ever seen? Really? The only reason you could even fight Tony like this is because you no doubt stole that arc reactor from him and forced him to used an older model that has less power." Mikael retorted as he placed his hands into his pockets. Obadiah armed the rockets on his arms and had just aimed them at Mikael when suddenly something invisible smashed into his helmet, knocking him back on his back and causing the rocket to fire into the air where it exploded harmlessly.

"You're like a high schooler bragging that he beat a professional boxer who was stuck in a wheelchair and had an arm tied behind his back. You think you're smart, a genius. You're not." Mikael continued as Obadiah picked himself up off the ground and looked around for the origin of his attacker.

"You're a thief, an ignorant one who decided to copy something he has no understanding of and had to overcompensate to make it viable. You want a powerful weapon? I'll show you a powerful weapon. 47? He's yours." Mikael said as the air in front of him shimmered slightly. The ground in front of him cracked and a burst of air exploded from the location as Obadiah was suddenly bombarded with a series of heavy impacts that bent and deformed his armor. He struggled to defend himself as his large heavy frame was knocked back and forth across the rooftop by the invisible assailant as his display filled with numerous alarms. Pieces of armor flew through the air as they were ripped from the large mechanical frame. In a less than a minute Obadiah went from being safely inside his armor to kneeling on the rooftop surrounded by the bits and pieces of what he believed was meant to be his great creation.

"So much for the greatest weapon the world has ever seen." Mikael said as he walked in front of the kneeling man. He bent down and picked up the glowing object at his feet as he looked at Obadiah.

"You're finished. Everything you ever achieved and accomplished will mean nothing. You will become nothing more than a bad memory, a stain in Tony's life, forever forgotten." Mikael whispered before he turned away and began walking towards Tony. Obadiah clenched his teeth and balled up his fists as his eyes fell on a nearby rod that fell from his armor. He grinded his teeth as he grabbed the rod in an ice pick grip and lunged towards Mikael's exposed back.

"I'm not finished! This company is mine!" Obadiah screamed as he swung his hand down to stab Mikael.

"Look out!" Tony yelled as he rushed forward. Mikael turned his head back towards Obadiah revealing a subtle grin before quickly spinning out of the way. Obadiah looked at him in shock as the rod struck against Tony's chest plate, his hand slipping down the rod and slamming against the armor as his body crashed into Tony.

Tony braced against the impact as his armored boots slid along the gravel covered rooftop. Blood sprayed into the air as he looked down in shock to see the rod piercing out the back of Obadiah's neck, the force of his charge having forced him to impale himself on the metal rod in his hand. Tony grabbed onto Obadiah as the man slowly fell to the ground, his hand still firmly grasping the metal that pierced through his throat. He watched as Obadiah gasped and struggled for air as his eyes filled with anger, fear and regret. Even in his final moments Tony could see the hate in his fading eyes before his hands fell limp at his side.

"Are you alright Tony?" Mikael asked as he stood next to him looking down at the lifeless body.

"I think so. I need to get out of this suit before what little power I have runs out." Tony answered as he slowly stood up.

"Well here. You might want this." Mikael said as he placed the glowing arc reactor into Tony's hands before walking away.

"We'll reschedule our appointment. Give me a call when you're done with everything." Mikael said as he waved a hand over his shoulder before disappearing down the stairs.

"Hey! Wait! What was that thing? Was it a robot? No, an Android right?! What about the invisibility?! Did you build it into it?! How'd you reduce the light distortion?! I need to know!" Tony called out as he began chasing after Mikael. Tony reached the stairway and looked around only to find that Mikael had disappeared.

"What the? Where'd he go?" Tony asked aloud as he looked down the side of the building.

"Sir, backup power is still diminishing. I suggest replacing your arc reactor as soon as possible." Jarvis told him as he searched the alley beneath him. Tony looked down at the reactor in his hands before his attention was drawn to the sight of Pepper as she left the building alongside Coulson and a team of injured agents. He slumped down on the stairs as he watched Pepper turn around and start running towards him. Tony opened his visor and held out the arc reactor as she stopped in front of him.

"Hey Pepper. You mind giving me a hand again?"