
Marvel: Why Can't Luck Be a superpower

For every 100 power stones you bestow, I will reward you with a bonus chapter. .......................................................... In a world where superpowers reign supreme, one man finds himself reborn into a universe of heroes and villains. Meet Indra, an ordinary man with an extraordinary stroke of luck. When asked about his superpower, he confidently claims, 'Good luck!' But in a world where abilities range from super strength to telekinesis, can luck truly be considered a superpower? As Indra navigates his newfound existence in the Marvel universe, he stumbles upon the most coveted of treasures: the ultimate Lucky System. While others harness the raw power of the cosmos or wield ancient artifacts, Indra's advantage lies in the unpredictable yet undeniable force of fortune. With the Lucky System by his side, every roll of the dice, every turn of the card, becomes a testament to his unparalleled luck. But as he delves deeper into this world of heroes and villains, Indra realizes that luck alone may not be enough to navigate the treacherous waters of superhuman conflicts. As alliances shift and betrayals loom, Indra must rely not only on his extraordinary luck but also on his wit, cunning, and the unexpected allies he encounters along the way. Join Indra on an epic journey through the Marvel universe, where luck is his greatest ally and his greatest weapon. Will his newfound powers be enough to carve out a place for himself in this world of gods and monsters? Only time will tell as Indra embraces his destiny and embraces the chaos of a world where anything is possible. ........... If you want? You get to read the next chapters before anyone else! Just go to pateron get chapters in advance : patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498 ................................. Hey everyone, Thanks for checking out this translated novel! Just a heads up, I’ve done a lot of editing on this version. I’ve removed some toxic stuff and made the story more positive overall. I’ve also made some big changes to the story itself. So, if you’re familiar with the original, don’t expect this to be exactly the same. There will be new twists, different character developments, and maybe even a different ending. My aim is to make the story better and more enjoyable for a wider audience. So, while you might recognize the basic plot, expect some surprises along the way. I hope you enjoy this revamped version as much as I enjoyed working on it! Thanks for your support and happy reading! Original Novel : 漫威:我的超能力是运气好!

LORD_INDRA_ · ภาพยนตร์
50 Chs

Chapter 4 Truly Lucky

The Shield Agency, formally known as the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, is a clandestine organization , comprising the world's most elite high-tech experts.

Even with such a wealth of expertise, they couldn't crack the password lock.

Yet, it was effortlessly opened by an unknown individual.

This situation underscores two undeniable truths.

Firstly, the man possesses remarkable intelligence.

Secondly, he has knowledge of the password.

If he indeed knows the password, it suggests he stands in opposition to the Shield Agency.

But why, then, would he aid in unlocking the password?

Such logic simply doesn't add up.

Unless he harbors a more significant agenda.

Yet, apart from this mysterious man,

Black Widow has detected no irregularities.

This leaves the typically astute Black Widow feeling uneasy.

Gazing at Indra with a serious expression, Black Widow demands, "Who exactly are you? A superhuman? A mutant? Or something else entirely? What is your motive?"

Indra's response, delivered with Calm face,"In truth, I'm just an ordinary person. I suppose I got lucky."

The communicator crackles with a tone of disdain. "Lucky?!" it scoffs. "If mere luck can unlock that password, then it's nothing short of miraculous! I suggest he try his luck with the lottery."

Black Widow's frown deepens. Clearly, attributing this success to luck is preposterous.

Yet, this man is undeniably complex.

He manages to elude my understanding.

While his words may be riddled with holes, his demeanor and actions betray no sign of deception.

He appears to be a master of psychological warfare.

If he's an ally, he could prove invaluable.

But if he's an enemy, the danger is palpable.

It seems the only recourse is to escort him back to the Shield Agency and hand him over to the director.

That cunning old fox; no one surpasses him in psychological manipulation!

As Black Widow contemplates, another voice issues from the communicator.

"Captain, these lasers are powered by high-voltage intensity, capable of slicing a person into pieces. And once they detect someone above, they'll move."

"Exercise extreme caution; don't make contact."

"Decrypting this laser device will likely take another minute."

Black Widow's expression darkens. This is undeniably perilous.

But then, a thought occurs to her.

She turns to Indra with a smile and says, "You claim to be lucky, don't you? Then go ahead and proceed!"

Indra, caught off guard, stares at the densely packed laser corridor ahead, feeling a chill run down his spine.

Images of lasers dismembering people flood his mind.

No, I have the luck system.

But can it truly protect me from such lethal weaponry?

Indra looks back at Black Widow, his voice trembling as he asks, "If I step on it, will I be sliced into pieces?"

Black Widow nods casually. "More or less."

Indra pauses, then mutters, "Who would invent such a sadistic laser cutting device?"

Black Widow, amused by Indra's description, suppresses a smile and replies, "You're quite the interesting character."

But then, she quickly regains her composure and adds, "You don't have much time left—only thirty seconds."

"If you don't proceed, I'll activate your electric shock bracelet."

In truth, Black Widow has no intention of allowing Indra to advance.

She's simply testing him, waiting for the device to be deciphered.

After all, encountering such an intriguing and enigmatic individual is a rare occurrence.

"Captain, surely you don't actually believe his absurdities?"

"He's likely a spy from the enemy camp."

The communicator crackled with concern.

Black Widow's smirk was wicked, her tone cutting.

"Mind your own business."

Her gaze lingered on Indra's retreating figure, almost expecting him to turn around and plead for mercy.

Human instinct inevitably seeks salvation.

Even the strongest resolve falters when faced with a dire dilemma, exposing vulnerabilities.

Black Widow arched an eyebrow, ready to apply more verbal pressure on Indra.

However, her demeanor froze as Indra suddenly shifted and raised his right foot.

Black Widow, usually composed, found herself momentarily taken aback.

How resilient is this man's spirit?

Remaining composed in the face of imminent danger.

Black Widow's eyes bore into Indra's foot, nearly stepping into the laser device.

Her expression turned grave.

She wanted to call out to Indra.

But to do so would admit defeat in their psychological duel.

Aside from Nick, the undisputed spy master, no one has ever forced her into submission.

Black Widow couldn't help but inhale sharply.


She remained unaware of Indra's thoughts at that moment:

"System, please guide me!

I must push through!"

As he stepped into the laser corridor,

A sharp "ding" echoed, and darkness enveloped Indra's vision.

Damn it!

What's happening?!

Indra stood in bewilderment,

Trying to comprehend his surroundings shrouded in darkness.

Beside him, Black Widow also appeared perplexed.

A surprised voice crackled through the communicator.

"Captain, it seems... there's a power outage..."

Black Widow: "..."

A power outage???!!

In a grand casino like this?


Black Widow furrowed her brow.

Such a situation was unprecedented.

Could it be...

The man was telling the truth?

Was his luck truly exceptional?


How could he have outsmarted me and won five million?

Though inwardly shocked, Black Widow didn't dwell on it.

She swiftly retrieved a small flashlight and dashed into the darkness.

In the silent space, a voice echoed:

"Emergency backup power system will activate shortly. Safety systems will engage in sixty seconds."

"What's happening?"

Black Widow inquired as she hurried along.

"Currently investigating..."

After a brief pause, a voice came through the communicator, "Captain, it appears there's a citywide blackout."

"Just now, an individual wielding a hammer fell from the sky, striking the generator at the substation."

"As a result, the entire city's power grid is down."

"Fortunately, we're not reliant on the city grid..."

Black Widow was left speechless.

Someone with a hammer...

That must be Thor, the God of Thunder.

Who knows whom he was battling this time, only to end up plummeting to Earth...

As always, the Shield Agency must clean up the mess.

A citywide blackout...

This would undoubtedly prompt more complaints to the government.

As Black Widow contemplated, she swiftly reached the designated location.

From a cabinet in a particular room, she retrieved some documents.


If you want? You get to read the next chapters before anyone else! Just go to pateron get chapters in advance : patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498