
Marvel: The Ghost

Alexander, an average human, died in our modern world, as he floated in nothingness, he met an unknown being who sent him to the MCU as a Kryptonian without his consent. Join Alexander on his extraordinary journey, being the only Kryptonian in the universe as he unravels the secrets and wonders of this vast universe, navigating its intricate tapestry of heroes, villains, and cosmic forces. Prepare to be captivated as the mystery of the universe unfolds before your eyes, immersing you in a thrilling adventure unlike any other. Get your advanced chapters on: patreon.com/hairypotah

HairyPotah · ภาพยนตร์
37 Chs

Chapter 11: Big Guy and A Small Guy Fighting Bad Guy

Hey guys, just wanted to give you a quick update. I'm sick and won't be able to stay up late tonight, so I've decided to release the chapter a couple of hours ahead of schedule.

Yesterday, I had to travel to a neighboring city, which was about a 5-hour drive, to collect some data for my thesis. Unfortunately, that meant I didn't get enough sleep. I appreciate your understanding in this matter.

Rest assured, there won't be any changes to the release schedule. I'll still be sticking to the usual 5 chapters per week. The only difference is that I'll upload this one a bit earlier to get some much-needed rest.

Thanks for your understanding, and I hope you enjoy the chapter!


When Alex was still in disbelief. The Abomination dashed forward, and by the time he reacted, it was already too late.

The Abomination's fist was only an inch away from his face.


The impact had propelled him through the air, crashing into a nearby building with tremendous force. The building crumbled under the impact, forming a large crater that swallowed Alex within its debris.

Slowly extricating himself from the wreckage, Alex winced in pain, feeling the soreness in his body.

"Urgh! He sure packs a punch," he muttered, his voice laced with discomfort.

Despite the pain, he managed to leap back down to the ground, ready to face the Abomination again.

The Abomination's eyes flashed. He was shocked to find that a human being could survive his punch. But then, thinking about how this human could send him flying with a punch was nothing but ordinary after all.

Somehow, Alex made him jealous. Having super strength without sacrificing mobility was too good to be true.

The Abomination's eyes were burning with jealousy and killing intent. He shouldn't leave this human alone, and he had to die! The Abomination thought silently as he rushed forward.

Seeing the Abomination rushing towards him, Alex regained his composure as he adjusted his stance, feet firmly planted on the ground, preparing for the imminent clash.


A deafening crash shattered the air before they could engage in their impending clash, drawing their attention to its source.

Their eyes shifted in unison, locking onto the scene of destruction. A massive crater marred the road, swallowing and concealing whatever had caused the commotion.

Confusion flickered across their faces as they exchanged puzzled glances. But their focus quickly returned, and they resumed their battle-ready postures, undeterred by the interruption.



The reverberating roar pierced through the air, cutting through their momentary pause. A tremor of anticipation tinged with trepidation coursed through them as they witnessed a colossal green hand emerge from the crater's depths.

The monstrous appendage seized the crumbling edges of the surrounding road, attempting to claw its way out from the gaping hole in the earth.

Both Alex and the Abomination fixated their gaze on the emerging creature. The battlefield had suddenly become more complex as a new player threatened to alter the course of their confrontation.

Seeing the emergence of the formidable Hulk, the Abomination's lips curled into a contemptuous sneer.

"Hulk...!" he hissed, focusing solely on the green behemoth. Without sparing Alex another glance, he bellowed a ferocious roar and charged toward the Hulk with unyielding determination.

"...Did he just ignore me?"

Alex's mouth twisted into an irritated grimace, his frustration was evident. He was left in disbelief at being brushed off so quickly amidst the chaos of their clash.

Meanwhile, Hulk responded to the Abomination's challenge with an earth-shattering roar of his own, propelling himself forward with raw, primal power.

The clash between the two titans unleashed a deafening echo, their fists colliding with such force that it generated shockwaves, sending nearby objects hurtling through the air.

"...You don't deserve this power!"

The Abomination's snarling words reverberated through the chaos as his fist found its mark, striking Hulk's face with a thunderous impact.

Hulk roared in return, retaliating with a swift and forceful kick aimed at the Abomination's midsection.

Their confrontation escalated into a relentless exchange of blows, each strike carrying the weight of their immense strength.

Alex watched from the sidelines, a bag of popcorn in hand, his anticipation gradually shifting to concern as he witnessed the Abomination gaining the upper hand, his dominance becoming increasingly apparent.

"...Alright, I gotta help now." Determination filled Alex's eyes as he tossed aside his popcorn and leaped into the fray.

Alex made his presence known with a swift punch aimed at the Abomination's face. The Abomination's displeasure was evident as he grunted in frustration, his attention diverted from the ongoing battle with Hulk.

However, he effortlessly evaded the Abomination's retaliatory attack before Alex could fully assert himself. Undeterred, Alex unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks, each strike delivered with precision and agility.

His strategy was straightforward—evade, strike, evade, strike. He anticipated the flow of the fight, carefully calculating his next move.

But then, something unexpected happened...

Alex prepared for his counterattack, evading another punch, only to be taken aback by a punch of a different kind.

It was green, emanating from the Hulk. Confusion flickered across Alex's face as he redirected his attention toward the towering green figure.

To his bewilderment, the Hulk launched a simultaneous assault on both the Abomination and himself. After every successful evasion or strike, the Hulk seemed to target Alex with unwavering ferocity.

"Ay o! What the fuck, dude! Are you kidding me right now!?"

Alex's frustration and anger surged within him. He couldn't comprehend why his efforts to help had resulted in him being attacked by the ally he was trying to assist.


Regrettably, Alex's outburst had presented an opportunity for the Abomination.

With a powerful punch, he sent Alex hurtling through the air again, crashing into a nearby building and leaving yet another hole in its structure.

Alex took a moment to collect himself as the dust settled around him, his frustration still lingering. He couldn't comprehend the chaotic turn of events that had unfolded.

Just as he regained his composure, a colossal green figure soared through the air, crashing into the building next to Alex's landing spot, creating another hole.

Rolling his eyes at the absurdity of it all, Alex swiftly evaded a punch that came barreling towards him from the newly formed gap in the building.

"...Hey, Big Guy! Take a breather!" Alex shouted, desperately attempting to reason with the Hulk. "If I wanted to fight you, I would have thrown punches already!"

Hulk responded with a deafening roar, clearly unconvinced by Alex's words.

Facepalming in frustration, Alex deftly evaded another powerful punch from the Hulk. "Seriously, can't you see we're on the same side here? We need to focus on stopping that monstrosity!"

With a pointed finger, Alex directed Hulk's attention towards the approaching Abomination, hoping to redirect the big guy's aggression.

Yet, Hulk remained unyielding, continuing his relentless assault as if Alex's plea had fallen on deaf ears.

Exhausted and exasperated, Alex let out a groan. "Come on! Enough is enough..."

As another punch was aimed at his face, Alex swiftly evaded to the side, using Hulk's immense size to his advantage. Springing into the air, he delivered a powerful kick to Hulk's face, sending the green behemoth crashing to the ground.

Hulk's angry roar reverberated through the building, but Alex couldn't help but chuckle at the display. Without hesitation, he delivered a resounding slap to Hulk's face, creating a thunderous echo within the surrounding walls.

"Alright, Big Guy. Listen up," Alex said sternly, his annoyance palpable. "Whether you like it or not, we must take down the Abomination together. Hand-to-hand combat is our best shot at defeating him quickly. Are we on the same page here?"

Staring directly into Hulk's eyes, Alex awaited a response.

In reply, Hulk unleashed another earth-shattering roar.


"I'm not entirely sure what that means, but I'll take it as a yes," Alex muttered, shaking his head lightly.

He leaped off Hulk's massive frame and redirected his focus to the approaching Abomination.

Anticipating another attack from Hulk, Alex was surprised to find the big guy standing tall, now by his side, ready to face the Abomination together.

A sense of relief washed over Alex, and he couldn't help but smile.

As the Abomination let out a thunderous roar and charged toward them, Alex felt the adrenaline rush through his veins. He prepared himself for the epic battle that was about to unfold.


The Abomination bellowed, his monstrous form propelling him towards Alex and Hulk with terrifying speed.

"Alright, Big Guy. Let's team up and show this bad guy what we're made of--" Alex began to say, but his words were abruptly cut off as Hulk unleashed a powerful punch that sent him hurtling to the other side of the building, crashing through it and leaving a fresh hole in its wake.


Hulk roared triumphantly in Alex's direction, conveying that he could defeat the Abomination alone.

"Funny, that's not what I had in mind," Alex muttered, his frustration evident.

From the depths of the newly formed crater, a muffled voice could be heard.



I'd like to give a special shoutout to Abdullah and Joseph Bibb for their incredible support as my patrons.

I recently came across the email notifications, and I must say, you guys are truly awesome! I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your support. Thank you so much!

Read up to 12 chapters ahead of the schedule here:


Ay o, why don't you gimme your power stones?

HairyPotahcreators' thoughts