
Marvel: The Ghost

Alexander, an average human, died in our modern world, as he floated in nothingness, he met an unknown being who sent him to the MCU as a Kryptonian without his consent. Join Alexander on his extraordinary journey, being the only Kryptonian in the universe as he unravels the secrets and wonders of this vast universe, navigating its intricate tapestry of heroes, villains, and cosmic forces. Prepare to be captivated as the mystery of the universe unfolds before your eyes, immersing you in a thrilling adventure unlike any other. Get your advanced chapters on: patreon.com/hairypotah

HairyPotah · ภาพยนตร์
37 Chs

Chapter 10: The Abomination

Harlem was plunged into chaos and panic.

The once bustling streets were filled with frantic individuals desperately trying to escape the mayhem. People dashed in every direction, narrowly avoiding colliding with one another or becoming victims of the chaotic scene.

Amidst the chaos, military units swiftly arrived to restore order. Armed soldiers could be seen navigating through the tumultuous crowd, attempting to guide and protect the frightened civilians.

Hovering above the city, a helicopter loomed in the sky, adding an ominous touch to the unfolding events. Inside the helicopter, a sense of concern and disbelief permeated the air. A woman with flowing dark-brown hair turned her attention to a middle-aged man, her eyes filled with worry and reproach.

"Oh no, what have you done?" she exclaimed, her voice laced with disappointment.

"Dispatch all of our troops to Harlem," the middle-aged man asserted with a deep sense of determination.

Beside him, a man with short, dark-brown hair furrowed his brow, lost in contemplation as he grappled with a decision of great magnitude. His mind raced, weighing the potential consequences.

"Let me out of here," the man finally declared, gazing towards the lady and the middle-aged man.

The lady's expression swiftly changed a mixture of concern and alarm evident in her eyes. "No, Bruce, no! It's far too dangerous! Are you out of your mind? You can't control the entity within you!"

"Bruce, I have to agree with Betty. The risks are too great. We can't afford to neutralize two threats if you lose control of the monster inside you," the middle-aged man added, his frown deepening. He believed it was unwise to unleash Bruce's inner turmoil upon the chaos below.

Bruce felt a surge of discomfort at the mention of the word "monster."

Nevertheless, he couldn't shake the conviction behind his choice. This was undoubtedly one of the most courageous decisions he had ever made.

"No, I don't need to control it. I just need to unleash it to combat that creature," Bruce asserted, pointing a finger toward the tumultuous cityscape below. "We're not aiming for control; we aim to guide."

Meanwhile, the middle-aged man remained silent, his mind consumed by a whirlwind of possibilities and potential outcomes.

He contemplated the ramifications of engaging in a battle against the creature below, both with and without the interference of another formidable force.

Among the spectrum of disastrous scenarios, the middle-aged man reluctantly acknowledged that allowing Bruce to unleash his inner entity to confront the monster below might be the most favorable of the grim options.

With a heavy heart, he aligned himself with Bruce's resolve.

"...Open the cockpit!" the middle-aged man commanded, his voice tinged with resignation and determination.

"Father, why?" Betty cried out, her voice laden with anguish. Though she understood the necessity of their decision, tears streamed down her face unabated.

Bruce strode purposefully towards the edge as the cockpit swung open, while Betty desperately attempted to halt his progress.

"Bruce, stop! Think about it! Do you even know if you can transform right now?" Betty pleaded, her words filled with desperation.

Bruce continued walking, seemingly impervious to Betty's impassioned pleas.

"...Bruce! Are you out of your mind?" Betty implored, her voice cracking with sorrow and frustration.

In a final attempt to reach him, Betty grabbed his hand, causing him to turn and face her.

"Betty, I have to try... I'm sorry," Bruce whispered, his gaze filled with determination and regret.

Realizing that she couldn't sway his resolve, Betty succumbed to a wave of tears, her anguish palpable. In a tender, bittersweet moment, she kissed him, expressing her love and concern as a farewell.

Bruce cast one final glance at Betty, etching her tear-stained face into his memory before propelling himself off the edge of the cockpit with a resolute leap.


Yet, just as he was about to clear the edge, a bone-chilling roar erupted from the ground, freezing him in mid-air. Bruce and Betty exchanged a glance of disbelief, their attention drawn downwards.

As Bruce attempted to peer down, his footing faltered, causing his feet to collide and sending him into an uncontrolled slip...

And then, he plummeted...


Those were the only words that escaped his lips, laden with frustration and resignation.


Betty's anguished cry reverberated, a poignant testament to her love and fear for him.


Meanwhile, Alex had made his way toward the source of the chaos: the Abomination. As his gaze fell upon the monstrous creature, he couldn't help but click his tongue in disgust.

"Damn, he is so ugly."

Almost as if the Abomination had heard his remark, its head snapped in Alex's direction, unleashing a furious roar that shook the air around them.

To any ordinary bystander witnessing this spectacle, the instinctual response would be to scream at Alex, urging him to flee for his life. The Abomination's towering frame and bulging muscles easily dwarfed Alex's own, despite his relatively tall stature among his peers.

Yet, undeterred by the overwhelming odds, Alex braced himself and charged toward the approaching Abomination.

"...Why are you so salty."

Shaking off any hint of fear, Alex shook his head, determined to face the looming threat head-on as he dashed forward.

Just moments before the collision, Alex swiftly evaded to the side, delivering a powerful kick to the Abomination's midsection, halting its forward momentum.

The monstrous creature let out a deafening roar, retaliating with a forceful punch aimed at Alex's face.

Alex leaped into the air with nimble agility, narrowly evading the incoming punch.

Seizing the opportunity, he unleashed a powerful punch of his own, connecting solidly with the Abomination's face and sending it hurtling through the air, crashing into a nearby building.


As Alex stood triumphant, ready to taunt his fallen opponent, his attention was abruptly diverted by a scene unfolding nearby.

A terrified woman screamed as a car hurtled towards her, seemingly intent on crushing her beneath its weight.

"Shit! Legendary saving damsel in distress!"

Alex's body blurred into a rapid blur of motion, streaking towards the woman with lightning speed, determined to rescue her from impending doom.

As the car continued its deadly trajectory, the woman's despair-filled eyes closed, bracing herself for the inevitable.

But moments before the car could crush her, a strong arm enveloped her, pulling her into a protective embrace.

Opening her eyes, she found herself in the arms of a masked hero, a savior who had whisked her away from the jaws of danger.


As the lady gazed at Alex dazedly, he couldn't help but bask in the glory of his legendary moment of saving a damsel in distress. A small chuckle escaped his lips, filled with amusement and self-satisfaction.

'Oh, I'm just too amazing,' Alex silently mused, relishing in his own heroic prowess.

"...T-Thank you for saving me," the lady stuttered, her voice filled with gratitude and disbelief. The events had unfolded so rapidly that it felt like a dream to her.

"Don't worry, milady, you're not dreaming," Alex assured her, his voice carrying a confident charm. However, he realized his smile was hidden behind the mask he wore, depriving her of the full effect of his charismatic grin.

"And don't mention it. It's my duty to come to the aid of those in danger," he added, his smile evident in his tone.

Unfortunately, the lady couldn't witness the full extent of his charismatic charm due to the mask concealing his face.


"Anyway, I must return to face that formidable foe over there. Ciao!" Alex declared, swiftly departing from the bewildered lady. She remained frozen, still processing the whirlwind encounter she had just experienced.

On the other hand, Alex felt a surge of fulfillment, believing he had truly earned his place as a bona fide superhero.


In an instant, Alex's heightened senses picked up the sound of a piercing scream, alerting him to imminent danger.

He glanced up and witnessed a truck hurtling towards him, hurled by the mighty strength of the Abomination.

However, instead of panic, a mischievous smirk danced across Alex's face. With his enhanced vision, he calculated the trajectory of the airborne truck and knew it wouldn't land anywhere near him.

Casually, he continued to walk forward, disdainfully shaking his head as if mocking the feeble attempt of the Abomination.


But then, a disturbing sound reached his ears from behind. A sickening squelch, reminiscent of crushed flesh, accompanied the impact of the truck landing on the ground. At that moment, a wave of horror washed over Alex as he realized the gruesome truth.

"Oh, shit!!!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with shock and disbelief.

He turned around, only to be confronted by sight so macabre it defied even the darkest thriller movies.

"...Are you fucking kidding me!?"

Clutching his head with both hands, Alex found himself lost for words, his mind reeling from the unforeseen and gruesome outcome.

"That wasn't supposed to happen! What the fuck, man? This was supposed to be a family-friendly movie!"

Meanwhile, the Abomination clicked his tongue, observing Alex's narrow escape with mild irritation.

"You got lucky, little one..." he growled, a hint of frustration evident in his voice.


Read up to 12 chapters ahead of the schedule here:


Shit! What have you done, Alex!!!

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