
Marvel: The Ghost

Alexander, an average human, died in our modern world, as he floated in nothingness, he met an unknown being who sent him to the MCU as a Kryptonian without his consent. Join Alexander on his extraordinary journey, being the only Kryptonian in the universe as he unravels the secrets and wonders of this vast universe, navigating its intricate tapestry of heroes, villains, and cosmic forces. Prepare to be captivated as the mystery of the universe unfolds before your eyes, immersing you in a thrilling adventure unlike any other. Get your advanced chapters on: patreon.com/hairypotah

HairyPotah · ภาพยนตร์
37 Chs

Chapter 1: Oh Gosh! Are you kidding me!?

In the vast expanse of darkness, a solitary light bulb floated, emitting a soft glow that pierced through the void. Its presence was met with a mix of surprise and bewilderment.

"Wait... huh?"

The light bulb appeared to possess a sense of awareness, its luminous essence surveying the unfamiliar surroundings. It couldn't help but question its current predicament. "Am I... in space?"

As the light bulb gradually regained consciousness, a remarkable transformation took place. Slowly, the formless light began to take on the shape of a human body, solidifying it into a tangible existence.

With wide eyes, the newly-formed figure gazed at the surreal environment that surrounded him. The magnitude of the situation elicited an immediate and colorful response.

"What the heck?"

Disbelief coursed through his veins, casting doubt on the reality unfolding before him.

Floating amidst the unknown, panic swiftly crept in. "Oh no! I can't breathe! HELP! HELP!" Despite the futility of his cries, he instinctively called out for assistance, the fear of impending suffocation consuming him.

Realizing the futility of his desperate pleas, a wave of despair washed over him. "Oh, dear... I'm doomed, aren't I?"

Resigned to his fate, he closed his eyes, bracing himself for the inevitable demise in the cold abyss.

However, contrary to his grim expectations, an unexpected turn of events transpired. Moments later, confusion replaced despair, prompting him to open his eyes again.

The realization that death had eluded him sparked a flurry of questions in his mind.

"Wait, I didn't... die?"

As he exerted his efforts to move his body, he realized that he could still navigate through this peculiar realm with freedom. Despite his best attempts, however, he remained suspended in weightlessness, defying the laws of gravity.

To his surprise, he discovered that he could exist without the need for breath. Attempting to inhale yielded no results, yet a curious sensation of survival enveloped him.

"Am I dreaming?" he pondered, finding solace in the possibility of this surreal experience being nothing more than a product of his subconscious.

Chuckling at his own confusion, he mused, "Oh, how absurd! I can't even take a breath in this space. Hahaha!"

"Indeed, haha,"

Amidst his amusement, an enchanting voice interrupted his train of thought. The words echoed within his mind, captivating his attention and leaving him momentarily bewildered.

Scanning his surroundings, he sought the source of this ethereal voice, only to discover an elderly figure before him.

Clad in a flowing white robe and boasting a long, snowy beard, the old man exuded an air of mystique. Strangely, the man's face remained concealed, hidden behind a radiant light.

Suppressing the tremor of fear in his heart, he mustered the courage to inquire, "Who are you? And what brings you into my dream?"

"I regret to inform you, my child, that this is not a mere dream," the old man's voice resonated with compassion.

Though the man's face remained hidden, he sensed a gentle smile behind the luminous veil. "You have passed away."

Stunned, he struggled to comprehend the old man's words. "I'm sorry, what? Did you just say I'm dead? I... I died!?"

Disbelief painted his features as he pointed a trembling finger toward himself.

The old man's serene smile persisted as he confirmed, "Yes, my child. You have departed from the realm of the living."

The weight of the revelation hung heavy in the air, rendering him speechless. Silence engulfed the space, broken only by the faint sound of his racing thoughts.

Observing his reaction, the old man seemed oddly content with the silence, relishing in its depth. However, the calm was abruptly shattered by his outburst.


He muttered frantically to himself, like a broken record caught in an endless loop. Deep down, a part of him recognized the truth in the old man's words, but the magnitude of the situation was overwhelming.

Meanwhile, the old man found himself momentarily speechless, witnessing the man's distressed state. His lips twitched in frustration and amusement, silently contending with the outburst.

"NOOOOO!!!!" an anguished cry pierced the air, triggering an unexpected reaction from the man.


Surprised by the old man's sudden scream, the man's grief momentarily gave way to confusion.

"NOOO!!!!" The old man continued to roar, his frustration pouring out. "You were supposed to be calm and collected, and then... and then I could grant you wishes and safely reincarnate you into another universe beyond your wildest imagination!"

The man stared at the old man, his lifeless eyes filling with rage at the unexpected blame directed toward him.

"I AM the one who died, not you! How am I supposed to be calm and collected?! I'm dead, I'm damn well dead! And you have the audacity to tell me to be calm and collected? What kind of logic is that!?"

After their cathartic outbursts, a sense of calm settled over them, their emotions spent.

"...I guess that makes sense," the old man sighed, his frustration dissipating. "These fictional notions can be infuriating."

Shaking his head, the man, now the MC, sought clarity. "So, who are you? Are you some kind of god or something?"

"Ah, no. No, I'm not. I'm Gosh," the old man replied cheerfully, his demeanor now contrasting with the earlier displays of majesty and frustration.


"Yeah, I'm Gosh. You know, like when people say, 'Oh my Gosh!'" Gosh exclaimed, gesturing dramatically as the man looked on in disbelief. "Nice to meet you..."

"Oh my gosh..." the man face-palmed, realizing the irony of the situation.

"Yeah, exactly!"

Gosh grinned, his smile beaming with delight.

"So, where exactly are we? Hell?" the man asked, trying to make sense of their surroundings.

"Umm, no, not quite. This is Heck," Gosh replied, his words eliciting a skeptical stare from the man.


The man looked at Gosh with a deadpan expression, causing the old man's smile to widen.

"You know, like Hell, but not as bad," Gosh explained, his expression still cheerful.

Floating in the peculiar space, the man massaged his temples, coming to terms with the fact that he was in an absurd situation with a somewhat eccentric being.

Sighing repeatedly, he couldn't help but wonder how he ended up here.

"How did I die anyway? I don't remember a thing..." the man turned to Gosh, seeking answers.

Gosh's wide smile remained as he replied, "I don't know either, hahaha..."

The man stared intently into the luminous lights covering this somewhat eccentric being as if trying to see beyond them and uncover the veil.

"Anyway, I need to go. So, I'm going to send you to another universe," Gosh said casually, waving his right hand. "I'll grant you a powerful body and restore your memories. Enjoy!"

As Gosh waved his hand, a strong suction force pulled at the man, threatening to whisk him away.

"No, no, wait!!!" the man desperately shouted. "What about my mom? Is she okay??"

Gosh's disappearing form reassured him, "She's in Heaven with God. She should be fine..."

"And my ex? Is she alright??" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

"She recently passed away from AIDS. Remember the guy she cheated on--"

"Hahaha! Serves her right. She truly deserves it, doesn't she?" The man felt a strange satisfaction at that moment. "Now, where are you sending me?"

Gosh began to mention the universe he had chosen, but he was abruptly sucked into another dimension before the man could hear it.

"...Oh, damn! I was supposed to wave my left hand. I sent him to the wrong universe," Gosh exclaimed in frustration. "Well, forget it. Good luck, Alex..."


Meanwhile, on Earth in 1997, a large crater marked where a meteor had supposedly made an impact. It was surrounded by a group of soldier-like men guarding the mysterious site.

"Arthur, you have to do it. Please..." pleaded a blonde woman, her eyes filled with concern. Standing by her side was a man with black hair, both appearing to be in their late 20s.

Feeling the weight of her words, Arthur pulled the woman closer, wrapping her in a comforting embrace.

"Listen, Chloe. We'll help the baby, that's a promise. But for now, we need to place him in an orphanage to avoid any potential complications that might arise from his background. Once everything settles, we can adopt him and give him the life he deserves. Okay?"

He whispered softly, his voice filled with reassurance.

"Hmm," Chloe nodded, acknowledging this was the best action. Given the child's mysterious origin, they wanted to ensure he wouldn't become a subject of experimentation in some laboratory.

Oh Gosh, please bestow upon this lowly one prosperity!

....and lot of power stones

HairyPotahcreators' thoughts