
Chapter 12 Overboard

"I can answer that one"

The group looked at me in surprise seeing that I basically heard everything not that I minded.

I was going to tell Gwen all this anyways but still Ned really gots to watch what he says when their are groups like shield and hydra out there.

"Originally it was just going to be an AD blocker with some added protection against viruses and nosy people tracking your location. Until I well went overboard"

"By overboard how much did you add?" All three asked together

Sigh this is gonna be a long explanation… I don't even know if I should post this app at this point but we'll I might as well start explaining a bit.

Which I did after sitting down with the group

Basically the app was no longer just a simple AD blocker. Now it also blocked viruses and people trying to get your information. Which it was always meant to do but I ended up taking this a bit too far.

I made it so good at blocking that it could probably defend against some of the most talented hackers whether they be from Shield or Hydra.

It also constantly erases your digital paper trail further protecting the user. I even made some simple viruses that the app would use against people that tried hacking it.

Nothing too crazy mind you a simple joke to let them know to stop.

However what made this program truly amazing was how adaptable it was. The same strategy never worked on it twice as it would memorize and learn from the attackers.

Peter and Ned had surprised faces as they looked upon my creation.

In fact I was surprised as well. I really underestimated the programming level of humans in the Halo universe. Really makes me wonder about how good the Covenant or better yet the Forerunners were when it came to such things.

Facing Gwen she had a different expression as she was lost in thought.

"Kol if it really does everything you say it does then you might be one of the best programmers in the world. How did you get this good?"

"Hm a lot of practice and dedication is all I can say" Sorry Halo programmers but I'm gonna take all the credit for your fruitful hours of hard work

"No wonder your grades are so bad it's because you put all your effort into coding!" Gwen exclaimed as if she discovered the secret of the universe

Man what's up with this girl constantly bringing up my grades.

For a moment I even thought about buying some NZT just so I could ace all my classes but that would be a waste of points at least until I can buy the temporary cure.

After this Gwen began pacing back and forth as if she was deciding on something until she suddenly stopped and walked up to me so closely that I could feel her breath on my chin.

What was this girl doing!?

I couldn't help but look closely at her blue eyes as they seemed intent on mine. Man why does she smell so good?

Could she like me? I had never thought about this before since she and many others are destined to be Peters girls but at this moment I began to see a possibility as I looked back on her past actions.

Always watching out for me, checking on me and pestering me when we hardly knew each other.

Could she have liked me this whole time

Glancing further down I saw her pink and full lips and hesitated on whether or not I should lean down a bit and kiss her.

As I was about to lean down Gwen suddenly grabbed me by the shirt and looked at me dead in my eyes, halting all my movement.

"I've decided!"

Is she gonna confess?

"I'll join your company too!"


All three of us were surprised by Gwen's declaration me especially since this was not what I imagined she'd say.

I should have realized this wasn't this kind of situation! Argh now I'm embarrassed

"Gwen aren't you working at Oscorp?" Peter asked

"Well yeah I really enjoy working under Dr Connors and some of the projects we're working on can really help people. That's why I'm still going to work for Oscorp but I'll also work with you guys and help you out when it comes to law. I'm pretty sure none of you guys know anything about that but with my father being the Police chief I atleast have a bit more understanding." Gwen said as she puffed her chest up in pride

We all thought about it for a moment but it didn't take us long to agree. It really was a good idea since none of us had any interest in anything related to law and would have had to spend who knows how long in the library reading up on the proper procedures required.

"Alright Gwen Stacey you're in" I said as I handed her my hand "We currently don't have pay or benefits as of yet but I hope to change that soon"

"Hehe glad to be here"

[+10 Points Gwen Stacey has joined your company!

Destinies slightly change]

I was about to smile seeing this until I recalled what she mentioned earlier.

"Gwen you mentioned working under Dr Connors by chance will there be a field trip soon to Oscorp?"

She looked surprised hearing this

"How did you know Kol? It was supposed to be announced on Monday"

Hmm so Spider-Mans plot is already beginning.

"I saw somewhere online that Oscorp was planning to invite our highschool."

She thought about it soon after and seemed to accept this answer.

"By the way, when exactly is this field trip?"

"In 2 weeks, we're already preparing some of the lab sections with signs for the students."

2 weeks

So many potential points Connors, Spiders, Uncle Ben…

I need to hurry up and get this app launched if I want to take advantage of every opportunity!