
Chapter 11 Concern

What's up with these guys and why are they here so early?

Ned and Peter both looked like goldfish at the moment as their mouths kept opening and closing. While Gwen was acting like an overprotective mom.

Looking at them closely I noticed how they had their bags with them and wondered if it was time for school.

Wait but if it's time for school then why are they at my house? And how did they know where I lived?

"Gwen, relax for a second and can you guys explain why you're here?" I asked as I gently moved Gwen aside for a moment

"Why wouldn't we be here? You went MIA man and didn't let any of us know beforehand"


I began to get a weird feeling as everything began to clear up for me.

"MIA Ned, are you saying I missed school today?"

"More like the whole week! You're definitely going to be in trouble with the office this time." Peter said as Ned nodded beside him.

A whole week? But how I just worked on the code and was about to head to bed with it basically being done.

I ran back into my room where Peter's laptop sat connected to the wall as I quickly checked the date.

Wow these guys weren't joking! Somehow I lost my sense of time while coding.

Damn no wonder I feel so tired all of a sudden have I really been at this all week!? Looking around the room all I saw was wrappers and empty bottles showing that I even ate and drank without realizing.

"Wait, were you making the App this whole time?" Peter asked as he suddenly appeared behind me

"Ugh yea I think I got a bit too into it and just we'll never stopped till I finished" haha who knew I had that kind of work ethic in me

"What app are you guys talking about?" Gwen asked as she picked up the laptop and began checking it out herself.

I couldn't help but give a weary smile as my friends just casually entered my room and began grabbing things without permission even if it was technically Peters.

"It's an App for our Company!" Ned being the jolly guy that he was couldn't help be respond to Gwen's question with enthusiasm

"Company? Wait, you guys are making a company? But aren't we all high schoolers can you even do that? And Kol why are you wasting your time on this you should focus on your classes"

It kind of ticked me off a bit when she basically just insulted me saying I was wasting time but I couldn't really fault her. It's not like Gwen knows I have a system or that I got future coding knowledge.

In her point of view, I'm basically an orphan that until pretty recently got bullied hard and has bad grades.

In fact I should even be grateful that she even cares enough to come check on me like she does and is even trying to sway me from what she thinks is a bad idea.

"Gwen I promise to explain everything in a moment but mind if I shower really quick." I asked as I slowly began to become aware of my own odor from not showering a whole week.

Gwen hesitated for a moment but accepted in the end as they made their way to the entrance area so I could get cleaned up.

[Gwen POV]

What was Kol thinking? I really couldn't understand that guy at all sometimes.

After being bullied it felt like he changed so much despite looking the same. He wasn't timid anymore nor did he have problems expressing himself. Funnily enough the only thing about him that didn't change were his grades.

Then there's Ned and Peter. She thought them being his friends was a good thing hoping that they'd be a positive influence but it ended up backfiring.

Now these two seem to be supporting that guy in making a company when he can't even solve algebra questions.

Turning to Peter he seemed nervous and realized he was gonna be in a load of trouble with me.

"Why are you helping Kol with this Peter?"

"Uh Kol said he'll explain everything so let's just wait for him." Ned said in an effort to help Peter

I gave him a silent glare then turned my focus back to the laptop in my hands.

Well if I'm going to wait I might as well check on whatever it is that guys been busy with.

I may not look it but I'm actually pretty talented in coding as well even if it isn't really my focus. So I should be able to figure out what he's been up to.

[A few moments later]

Wh-what is this?

My eyes were glued to the screen that was filled with beautiful code and how masterfully it was used.

Did Kol really make this?

I became more surprised every time I scrolled through the code as new information entered my eyes. It was just so intricate and advanced!

I'd never seen anything like this before and that's saying something since I used to sneak into college classes whenever I was a bit bored. Even then I never saw code like this.

"No way Kol really finished it! And he even added way more than we mentioned the other night. Heck I don't even get what some of it is for yet."

Looking behind me I saw both Peter and Ned locked onto the screen like me.

"Peter, what is this app made for? I kind of understand that it blocks Ads but there's a bunch of extra stuff along with it."

Peter hesitated to speak about it but luckily we had Ned.

"Kol said it was meant to block not just Ads but also people trying to steal information. It would let you know when attempts were made as well as protecting your location." Peter slapped his face as Ned kept on going as he mentioned making it a tier system with a subscription

"Yeah that's the gist of it but it also looks like Kol might have gone well a bit overboard." Peter added since Ned already spilled the beans.

Overboard? What do you mean?

"I can answer that one"

I freshly bathe Kol said as he entered to room in gym shorts and a T-Shirt