
Marvel Stephen Wolf

What will happen when a guy gets reborn in Marvel with a system that grants him the powers of Steppenwolf, who has defeated Darkseid. But how did he got married to the White Queen?

Infinity_Weaver · ภาพยนตร์
5 Chs

Diamond Clash

After Liam had left Captain America's fingers swiftly dialed a number on his mobile phone. As the call connected, he spoke in hushed tones, "Director, I've run into a bit of trouble here, and it's something you'll want to know about."


Meanwhile, across town,

A black van reached outside Liam's mansion. Perched within the vehicle was a figure cloaked in neon, brandishing a gleaming silver katana. The faint luminescence tracing the contours of his arms revealed his mutant heritage — the Samurai.

Unbeknownst to Liam, the bald mutant who had previously assailed him, along with the lurking sentinel outside his villa, were all pawns orchestrated by the clandestine new leader of Boston City's underworld.

Their true objective?

To abduct the daughter of the city's wealthiest magnate.

This scheme was crafted meticulously by Rampage, the mastermind behind the chaos.

Firstly, by capturing Liam, Rampage aimed to coerce the Emma into submission.

Secondly, leveraging Emma's life, Rampage intended to compel her father to relinquish control of the entertainment industry, thereby expanding his own dominion.

Rampage was confident that once Liam was in his grasp, Emma would have no choice but to comply. His intelligence suggested that Liam was the sole weakness of Emma.

However, Rampage's plans were about to unravel in ways he never anticipated.

As the silver-clad warrior caught sight of a woman entering the villa — far from the slender figure he had expected — a primal urge surged within him. With a commanding gesture, he signaled his accomplices in the van to silently encroach upon the villa's perimeter, eliminating the guards stationed by the flower beds.

Though these guards were seasoned mercenaries, they stood no chance against the mutant prowess of the Samurai and his lethal cadre.

With effortless precision, the Samurai and his retinue breached the villa's sanctuary, their gaze icy and unwavering.

And yet—

As if she had anticipated their arrival, Emma swiftly transformed into a sleek pair of pajamas, settling onto the sofa with an air of calm confidence as she regarded the group of formidable adversaries before her.

"Well, hello there, Emma," The leader, a silver-clad samurai, sheathed his katana with a smile directed at Emma.

"Ah, greetings, my dear. Would you care for a drink?"

With a charming smile, Emma reciprocated the pleasantries, masking her underlying knowledge of their intentions. Through her telepathic abilities, she had sensed the danger looming over Liam, yet she remained unfazed. After all, this was her father's territory, the city of Boston.

Should any harm come to Liam, she was prepared to unleash her wrath upon those responsible.

"Perhaps a drink would be delightful if you're willing to shed a layer or two," The silver-clad samurai's smile faded into a sneer, his patience wearing thin.

Drawing his katana once more, he abandoned any pretense of civility. Time was of the essence; they had only two hours to complete their mission. Failure was not an option, lest they face dire consequences.

With a swift command, the samurai ordered his accomplices to apprehend Emma, their silver cuffs at the ready. Capturing her would surely earn them the highest praise and rewards from their volatile employer.

Yet, before they could lay a hand on her, Emma's eyes sparkled with determination. With a graceful motion, she conjured a diamond arrow, which soared through the air with deadly precision, piercing the skulls of her would-be assailants.

The sudden turn of events left the remaining killers in stunned silence, their carefully laid plans unraveling before their eyes.

Rising to her feet with regal poise, Emma addressed them with a steely resolve. "It has been a while since I've employed such methods," she declared, her voice carrying a note of warning. "Consider yourselves honored."

With a shimmering transformation, she enveloped herself in a radiant diamond form, a mesmerizing spectacle beneath the rays of the sun.

Despite their apparent lack of intelligence, the killers couldn't hide the fear bubbling in their eyes as they faced the unexpected.

"You... You're a mutant!?" one of them stuttered.

With telepathy and the resilience of diamond form, Emma stood her ground.

"Yes," she affirmed, her icy demeanor matching her title.

The realization of facing mutants struck terror into the hearts of the assailants. In a split second, their panic overrode any directives to capture Emma alive.

Without hesitation, they raised their assault rifles, disregarding previous orders, and unleashed a barrage of bullets. Survival instincts kicked in – spare their lives or perish.

But mutants weren't ones to succumb easily. Even against the relentless onslaught of 5.56 caliber bullets, Emma remained unfazed, her diamond form rendering the weapons futile.

The attackers' disbelief grew as their bullets failed to penetrate her invulnerable form. They had underestimated Emma's power.

In a blink, razor-sharp drill blades materialized around her, dripping with intent to kill. The assailants, overwhelmed by fear, unleashed a cacophony of gunfire, yet it proved futile against her lethal prowess.

With a flick of her hand, death's scythe cleaved through the air, claiming the lives of several assailants in a swift, merciless strike.

Only the Samurai remained standing, his metallic form gleaming in defiance.

"You're a mutant too," Emma observed, her elegant posture a stark contrast to the impending showdown. "I can sense it."

The Samurai sneered, his transformation into living silver a testament to his power. Gripping his katana with metallic fingers, he adopted a traditional samurai stance.

"Prepare yourself, you wretched bitch," he taunted. "I'll grant you a swift demise."

With a roar, he surged forward, engulfed in flames, aiming to strike down Emma.

Yet, as he closed in, her diamond form dissipated, revealing a calm resolve. With a simple gesture, she halted his assault, pressing a single finger to his forehead.

Instantly, the Samurai's fiery vigor waned, his once fierce countenance replaced by blank emptiness.

"I will ask, and you will answer," Emma commanded, her tone unwavering. "Who sent you?"

The Samurai's response was devoid of emotion. "Rampage, the underworld emperor of Boston."

"And how fares my husband, Liam?" she inquired further.

"I do not know. Our operations are divided," he replied mechanically.

With a nod, Emma dismissed him, her delicate flick sealing his fate. The Samurai crumpled to the ground, his mind dead.