
Marvel: Rise of the Undead Monarch

Waking up in a crappy prison cell right in the heart of Asgard was the last thing Johnny expected. And to make matters worse, he found himself right in the thick of all the madness as Odin and Hela wreaked havoc across the Nine Realms! But you know what? Johnny's got a little something up his sleeve – the undead system. He can summon the undead like it's nobody's business. And here's the kicker – with every enemy devoured by his undead, Johnny and his army grow stronger, bringing him ever closer to fulfilling his destiny as The Undead Monarch. ----------- Disclaimer I claim ownership of absolutely nothing. As this is a fanfiction.

Kitty_Loves_Milk · ภาพยนตร์
62 Chs


"A bunch of worthless bunch," Hela uttered icily as she glanced disdainfully at the tardy arrivals, though lacking in outward aggression, her mere presence was enough to send shivers down their spines.

The name of Hela, the goddess of death, instilled fear not only in her adversaries but also in the warriors of the Asgard.

After delivering her reprimand and met with silence, Hela's cold gaze waned, losing interest in further chastising.

"Report everything that transpired in the Asgard," she commanded, her demeanor exuding an air of regal superiority despite her gender.

As Odin's sole heir in this era of the Asgard, Hela had been meticulously groomed by Odin, surpassing even his highest expectations.

The group of Asgard warriors, fearing Hela's wrath, divulged every detail without hesitation.

"Suddenly appearing within the Asgard dungeon and slaughtering both prisoners and guards? You're nothing but useless cowards!" Hela's gaze turned frigid as she listened, her heart boiling with rage.

"Your Highness Hela, it's not for lack of effort on our part. The intruder's abilities were simply too uncanny. In the dungeon, both prisoners and guards were killed only skeletons remained. The sight..." A leading warrior of the Asgard trembled, his voice quavering as he recounted the harrowing scene. His sentiments were echoed by the other Asgard warriors who had borne witness to the carnage.

With a comprehensive understanding of the events that transpired, Hela was left perplexed by one aspect: all reports indicated that the infiltrator was unmistakably human.

Moreover, considering the vast distance between the Midgard and the Asgard, traversing it without the Rainbow Bridge seemed implausible. Hela knew the Midgard's inhabitants to be among the weakest of the Nine Realms, lacking in technological advancements and living a primitive existence.

"No matter how this human infiltrated Asgard, the fact remains that he has slain the realm's guardians, an offense unforgivable. A mortal who dares to spill the blood of Asgard warriors shall find no mercy.

Spread my decree: this human is marked for capture within Asgard's dominion. Should he appear, he is to be swiftly surrounded and subdued!" Hela's proclamation reverberated throughout the realms under Asgard's rule, branding the intruder as Corpse Eater.

The news of Corpse Eater's infamy spread like wildfire, frightening the populace under Asgard's sway.


Meanwhile, Johnny's situation, now branded as Corpse Eater, grew increasingly dire. Confronted with Hela's relentless onslaught of deathly power, he made a daring gambit, breaking through the teleportation beam and plunging into the abyss of a dark, lifeless void, slipping into unconsciousness.

However, Johnny's journey took a detour into a peculiar realm, drifting aimlessly amidst the chaotic currents of time and space. This realm, distinct from the vast universe, operated on its own laws, rendering time and space unfathomable.

Within this esoteric domain, time flowed erratically—what felt like eons to Johnny might amount to mere moments in the outside universe, or vice versa.

Unbeknownst to Johnny, as he lay comatose, strange lights danced around his inert form, weaving a mesmerizing dance of illumination.

As these lights congregated, a peculiar energy began to coalesce around Johnny, encircling him in a shimmering aura.

At a critical juncture, a mysterious force surged forth from Johnny's body, drawing the luminous energies towards him, integrating them into his being.

[Sufficient cosmic energy detected. Commencing system optimization...]

The clear voice of the Devouring System resonated within Johnny's mind, heralding the beginning of a transformative process.

At first, the energy emanating from Johnny's body seemed relatively mild, merely drawing in the misty light swirling around him.

However, within moments, the suction force intensified, expanding its reach and pulling in more and more light from the surrounding space.

As the force grew stronger, the entire space became illuminated as light converged around Johnny's form.

With every radiant strand of energy entering his body, Johnny's form began to glow with an ethereal clarity. The influx of light was so intense that his body became almost translucent, revealing his clothes, skin, flesh, bones, and even internal organs.

The energy contained within these luminous rays was peculiar. Upon entering Johnny's body, even the smallest of wounds swiftly healed, restoring him to his former state.

Had Johnny been conscious instead of plunged into a deep coma, he would have been astounded by the transformation occurring within him.

As the radiant energy permeated his body, it spread throughout every cell, triggering peculiar changes. Like parched soil welcoming rain, each cell absorbed the energy eagerly, emitting a joyous hum as they underwent transformation.

Yet, the sheer volume of energy in this space proved too vast for immediate absorption. Most of it gravitated towards a mysterious locus within Johnny's body, akin to a black hole voraciously consuming all that entered its vicinity.

Unaware of the passage of time, Johnny experienced a sensation akin to soaking in a rejuvenating hot spring, every pore in his body expanding with a soothing resonance—a sensation unlike any other.

This alien space, reliant on the energy it housed, began to diminish rapidly under Johnny's relentless absorption, causing it to shrink and tremble with instability.

Eventually, Johnny sensed his consciousness gradually returning, merging with his revitalized body. And at the precise moment, an electronic chime resonated within his mind.


[System optimization complete.]

As the electronic sound faded, Johnny's eyes slowly fluttered open, a brilliant light gleaming within them.


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