
Marvel: Reborn as Moon Knight

What would you do if you were reborn in a world which is destined to have half its life destroyed? Try to pray you were part of the other half. But what if you were given a power-up to go along with? Of course, kick the ass of the big bad purple alien. ************************** This is my first try at writing so do give me some suggestions along the line. Note 1: I do not own Marvel or anything related to it except my OC. Note 2: The cover is not mine. I do not take credit for it. if you like you can support me on patreon.com/Whitewolf0782 advance chapters will be posted there

White_Wolf_7506 · ภาพยนตร์
18 Chs

chapter - 004

Ditching the car in a random neighborhood without being seen was easy and returning home was even easier. Though I did get some odd looks from the few passersby in my new neighborhood seeing me carrying two large black bags. Nonetheless, it looked quite a peaceful place to live.

Reaching home, I opened the door and found myself in a cozy house that could easily house 6 people. Looking around, I found except for the kitchen, one room, the garage(BMW M5), and the living room, all the other rooms were empty.

I was satisfied with the house. Keeping the bags aside, I sat down on a chair and thought about what I would want to do now. In my previous life, though we were threatened by monsters, technology was still more advanced than it is here. I mean this world is 20 years behind my previous one so it is obvious. And knowing the future will give me some advantages if not many.

Being Moon Knight can wait for some time, I will first have to establish a solid identity for myself to not be found easily. Now the question is be a normal guy like that Spider kid or should I just be like Tony Stark and go make some money with all the knowledge I have? Hmm. Tony's route it is as while being rich, I can do some charity work, and even if my identity does get, I will not be bombarded like Peter and will have some background to protect myself like Tony.

And to do this, I have to make a big impact on the world. I was a software engineer in my previous life, so I should those skills to make something. Mark founded Facebook in 2003 and it is 2001 now. I still have 2 years to complete a project based on it. What a leap! I, who had wanted to get a job at a tech company in my previous life am now going for to own one.

Standing up, I go to my room to rest as from tomorrow I will have a lot of work to do.


"Sir we found the car, but we can't find further traces." An agent replied to the phone.

A loud cursing sound is heard from the other side of the phone then the phone line cuts.

"What did he say?" another agent asks the first one.

"He said to keep looking for a few more days. If we can't find anything, we will have to go back."

"Ok. Let's keep searching." the agent replied.


The next day I went to my late uncle's office space to take a look. By how dusty the place was, I can tell it had been some time since it was last used. Cleaning the place took an hour and getting everything I would need to start developing the software for Facebook took a whole day. I had to get new computers and servers for the whole thing. It was still small, but it was a start nonetheless.

The money I got from the thugs helped and I started working on my project. Like this, three months had gone by. I also started working on a pet project - Candy Crush, to make it easier down the line to get recognized easily when Facebook, or now should I say Snapbook (made it so that both pros of Facebook and Instagram are in one app) gets launched.

The game had already begun to gain popularity and generate income under the name Sinclair Games. This also helped me develop the servers faster. My daily life had been monotone till now. Get up, go to work, work on the software and fix any bugs, and go home. I had not taken the mantle of Moon Knight till now and was not planning to but small bombings started taking place in Hell's Kitchen with perpetrators escaping each time.

Thinking it was finally time, I went home and into the hidden room under the garage I had made where all the guns and some computers for my vigilante work were kept. Not donning the mask doesn't mean I had not been making preparations. Police scanners and radios, to pick up their talks and keep up to date with the crime, had been made. Though only minor crimes had been taking place and they were stopped early.

Taking a Bluetooth device and placing it on my ear, I check for the last area of activity of those pyromaniacs. After checking it, I head out into an alley and imagine the robes covering me and a sense of euphoria passes through my being as bandages wrap around me to form a suit around me. I feel strength coursing through me and feel my senses heightened.

The first time I tried the transformation, I became Mr. Knight. After several times I got it right and with enough practice now I can transform the suit into any clothing I desire but in the end, the suit remains white.

Looking up, I see the moon and feel a closer connection to it. Taking a deep breath I leap in the air, with my cloak becoming rigid and letting me sail through the night. I fly fast toward my destination and ignore the people who notice me in the sky.

Approaching a high-rise building, I sit on its top as I begin to notice shadows moving and surrounding a group of people. They soon started fighting, one group with guns and the other with blades. The Hand as those ninjas called themselves and the other group was the local gang lords. Their fights had escalated for the past week but I think it was time they kept these fights between themselves and not involve the whole Hell's Kitchen in it.

Jumping from the building, I glide towards them when one of the gang members notices me. Steading my balance as I land, two truncheons suddenly slide into my hands. Seeing them, the gang member's eyes widen and he raises his gun to shoot me but is too late.

A hit on the hand makes him drop the gun, and he screams in pain brought by the blunt weapon. Throwing one of the truncheons on the new approaching guy's knee, I raise my leg and kick the first goon's chest blasting him through the fighting ninjas and gangsters. I walk up to the second guy who kneeling on the floor and screaming in pain.

Grabbing his hair, I look around and see both have stopped fighting seeing the new guy between them. One of the ninjas raises his sword vertically and asks in a solemn voice.

"Who are you?"

I look at him, bringing my now empty hand towards my chest as I pull out a crescent blade from there and stab the arm of the thug whose hair I was pulling.

"Moon Knight"


Had some doubts about the chapter while writing it. Let me know if it was alright in the chapter comments.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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