
Marvel Mercenary: Palin Gen.

After the unfortunate crashed he found himself face to face with the Ancient One Oi I'm on 20s chapters but want to finish all B4 the start of my semester. Hope no inconveniences. ◉‿◉ The Marvel was not by me it was owned by their respective owners same with characters except my OCs.

BakoaTabwakea00 · ภาพยนตร์
18 Chs

Chapter 013: Testing and More missions

As always Palin train Zol in combat always let him run and do heavy training to increase his stamina and his durability from receiving damage. Palin has his flaws he didn't know how to train others that why he uses hardlight construction to create for any place suitable for Zol training like heavily guarded building or dark place to navigate through and also combat arena for his direct combat.

He can help him in sparing and maybe weapon training. He would occasionally talk to Blade for the ships and testing it in space.

"How's is it, is it ready for test fly? Or it needed more configuration?", he ask. They were working on the wraith ship which a one or two pilot ship. The ship was good for Raiding and fighting in space for it small shape, fast and flexible maneuvering when fighting. It can be also use inside planets because of it's Pick up truck size. "It ready sir. You can take it outside and run speed for it if you want" reply Blade. "where are we by the way?", he ask. "We approaching the Sovereign planet in 5 minutes". "Good remember to hack into their system after we receive the payment. Then we can go and test the ship".

They reached the planet and drop the golden aliens in the landing page while receiving their planet via electronic payment. When the message was sent to their wrist band Blade dive in and carefully to collect the available dates as fast as he can while doing hide and seek from the monitors and other security system inside their computer system. Blade feel like doing an infiltration mission.

"Arg that was close. Master Palin I got a data on the their tech other thing like important things I can't hack into them. They were heavily guarded and there were also trap inside them so I can't get them. We must leave now they will know in about 24hrs". Blade told Plain when he returns from his first task beside calculating and controlling working drones on things.

"Fortunately they will only knew that they were hacked but not who" he continue. "Well that good news now let leaves and do a testing. First test will be given to our young member, Mr. Zol. Let him sleep".


Zol woke up in a completely different room and place. He look around and found himself in a messy place and tied to a pose. He quickly panic and almost scream but controlled himself and tries to stay calm. He tried to find anything that can help him understanding his current situation, any clue can be useful for him right now.

While finding and searching for anything that can be helpful in his situation he heard footsteps coming toward him. He quickly closes his eyes and regulate his breathing as if he was still unconscious. While doing that he tries to remember how he got here and what have gone wrong.

Zol Pov

I remember being in my room sleeping when did any intruder get on board and how did they avoid being detected from any security system on the ship. I need to get out of here or else I'm dead.

'come on Zol you can do it' I told myself building some form of confidence to confront the man standing infront of me. My restraint have already been Freed so I was waiting for the right moment to strike.

Splash* I was rudely awaken from the cold water splashing all over my face. I didn't see that coming. I was really surprise by that. It was cold like literally cold. I open my eyes to see a rough face with sharp teeth facing me with a gun and a mug. He grinned at me then turn around.

When the man turn around I sprung on my feet and snaps his neck. I place him on the floor carefully not making any noise. I peek through the door and search for anyone but nothing came up. I open all the drawers to find anything sharp or pointy. I found some screwdriver and wires. I took them along with the gun. And move out.

I walk through the hallway and find some other. I didn't want to be expose early so I sneak toward them then pierced them with a screwdriver in the head fast enough before they react. I hid them behind the pose to buy me some time. I move further when I heard some discussion about how much worth our ship is and how we can be worth much for the Grandmaster arenas. I peek through the glass and saw five men(aliens) playing cards. I look around and found a switch for the light and I had an idea to finish them off. I sneak in and move to the switch and press it.

The light turn off or that was supposed to happen but it flare something the alarmed blared. I had to take a second look on the switch and press it a few time while the men look at me dumbfounded by some dude who sneak in and set himself up. I look at them and smile awkwardly.

Pew, pew, pew. I fired my gun at them which took down only two while the other three took cover and fire back with their own plasters. I had to act quickly or else the whole crew will come and I'll be trap here. I fire a few shot while running to the door and down the hallway. While running away I met with others so I had to maneuver and kill some on the way. I ran and ran until I came across a hanger. I ran toward one of the jet but was intercepted by some thugs so I had to fight.

I swung my knife that I found on some body and cut off his head I rotate and guard myself from and incoming fist which I return mine but a knife through his throat. I run toward some of them who were able to catch up and fight them with close quarter combat. I swung and throw my fist with a knife. Then I was thrown away by a huge dude. Damn that hurt, I said to myself and ran toward him. I send a kick and punch him with everything I had but he didn't even flinch I look at him in horror and throws me to a bunch of wares. I crash in them and tried to stand up but I found a rod. I grinned, grab it and swung the damn thing and hit him in the face. He just feel dizzy so I had to repeatedly hit him with it.

He finally down after a few minutes I had to catch my breath when a few more men came in. I had to sigh and rushed toward them and fight in a chaotic move. I was able to take down a feel down but sadly one of the man move in and shot me in the head. Bang.

Everything black out.

End Pov

GASP! A heavy breathing could be heard as a man can be seen rise from a pod. He was Zol who thinks that he was dead. "congratulations Zol. You able to take down half of the ship crew in the simulation and I was very proud of that. You also able to freed yourself in a short time. I was very impressed. You did not scream or panic but analyze things before you freed yourself. But you overanalyze things and assume that you know everything about the enemy's ship which blared some alarm but nonetheless you able to fight your way to the hanger and almost run". A voice can be heard coming outside a glass window which house a man with sapphire eyes. Of course it is Palin he already upgrade the training room to a virtual reality which stimulate everything inside like touch, feel, smell and visual. So he used Zol as a test subject for the upgrade and also a way to test Zol if he was ready to fight on the field.

"What the hell man!, I thought I was really dead right there!!" Zol shouted inside the testing room while climbing off the pod. He move toward the door and returned toward his room to rest. He really was traumatized by the feeling of death.

Palin did not react just smile and went to the hanger. He was welcome by a finished wraith ship. The ship look like a scorpion like animal feature. He board the ship and told Blade to drop him. "Open the hanger and dropped me. We going to do a test flight". "Aye, aye, master". Blade reply.

Sssoth pishhh. The ship floor open and the ship was dropped. The Fatality have already leave the Sovereign solar system and return to the Andromeda. Now it was in suspended in space.

Palin quickly start the engine and test flight his ship. He move around and test it speed which was fast. Then he test it maneuver while in speed. The ship had great agility it can turn in any direction while moving in any speed. Now he test it weapon system on some asteroid blasting them which was good. He test anything stealth, the amount of energy and the ship limit. When he done with his testing he return to the ship.

Zol was standing inside the hanger when he return. "Why don't you ask me to pilot that thing?" , he ask while walking around the ship. It was a sight to behold. While looking at the small ship he keep looking at Palin for answers. "Well you were too tired after your test so I did not bother you beside this one was just the first we going to build more and then you can test it later but now we going to pick another mission" Palin said while walking inside the ship "oh here's your payment from the first mission 10,000 UC. That enough right? " Yes, it was more than enough" "Good now we going for another mission".

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

I'll try but no schedule

BakoaTabwakea00creators' thoughts