
Chapter 2. Thanos Strikes! Infinity War!

'Live Streaming?'


'Past and future?'

Hearing the emotionless voice in their ears, Tony and the others were stunned, and their brains almost crashed for a while.

Such an incredible thing was beyond their imagination.

At this time, they didn't know that, through the big screen in the air, everything happening in this live room was being watched by everyone in Asgard and Kamar Taj.

Even the announcement just issued by the system, Odin, Ancient One, and others all heard it clearly.

At this moment, shock and horror suddenly swept countless people.

The sound of astonishment rose and fell everywhere all at once.

"The multiverse? What does that mean?"

"Live broadcasting the future? How... How is that possible?"


The pupil in Odin's single eye instantly contracted, and his expression immediately turned grave.

This mysterious system not only stole his son right under his eye but also claimed to be able to broadcast the future!

It should be known that, even if he was the God-King of the Nine Realms, a Skyfather level powerhouse, Odin couldn't peer into the future.

If this system could really do this, how powerful was it?


In Kamar Taj.

"The future???"

Master Mordo gasped; he involuntarily turned his head and looked at Master Ancient One.

"Master, could this be the ... Agamotto?"

Reaching out to stop Master Mordo from continuing, Master Ancient One's expression was as calm as water.

Then, she raised her right hand and made a strange hand seal in the air.

Immediately afterward, the Eye of Agamotto hanging around the Ancient One's neck automatically turned and blossomed with an eerie green mysterious glow.

At that moment, Master Ancient One's eyes suddenly widened, and she let out a soft "Huh?".

"How did that happen??"

Just now, she had opened up the Time Stone to predict the future.

But the result was nothing but chaos.

It seemed that since the emergence of this screen, the future of the universe had become chaotic and uncertain, making it impossible for people to see.

In other words, what would happen next was completely unknown and unpredictable to the Ancient One!


The Ancient One took a deep breath, and her heart started to beat uncontrollably fast.

By now, she was certain that the system that had taken Stephen Strange captive definitely possessed the power of a time realm.

And ... was actually able to suppress the Time Stone from functioning!

This was simply unbelievable!

Thinking about the 'Multiverse' mentioned by the system announcement just now, the Ancient One suddenly felt a strong sense of unease.

'Is the person behind all this... Actually a 'multiverse level' being, or even a higher one?'

That was a lot to take in.

A 'Multiverse-level' powerhouse could not only travel freely in countless parallel universes but could also create or destroy countless universes!

And the existence of a higher level than the 'Multiverse level', its strength was so strong that even words couldn't describe it!

At this time, the emotionless voice rang again.

[Starting to invite special viewers to join the live chat group!]

[Thor joins the live chat group!]

[Master Mordo joins the live chat group!]

"Live chat group?"

In that empty 'otherworldly live room', Tony and others were puzzled.

Suddenly, there was a huge projection screen in front of them. Then, a series of messages appeared and scrolled up from the bottom of the screen.

[Thor: Loki! I can see you on screen!]

[Thor: Don't be afraid, Father and I will soon get you back to Asgard!]

[Loki Odinson: Who's afraid? Besides, I'm not begging you to save me ...]

[Tony Stark: Is this ... using consciousness to send messages to the screen? It feels weird.]

[Master Mordo: Thor? Loki? Are you the Gods of Asgard?]

[Stephen strange: Master Mordo, do you recognize these people?]

[Peter Parker: Gods? Is there really a god in this world? ( ̄□ ̄;) ]

[Master Mordo: How do I put it... Actually, you can understand these gods as some kind of aliens with superpowers.]

[Loki Odinson: Mortals, don't define the gods with your barren minds!]

At this chaotic moment, new images began to appear on the screen.

[Starting to play: The Avengers 3 clip, 'Thanos strikes'!]


Seeing this title, Odin's brow slightly wrinkled.

As the God-King of the Nine Realms, one of his duties was to protect the Nine Realms from external forces.

Many years ago, Thanos invaded Earth. At that time, Odin himself pushed his army back.

Therefore, Odin was no stranger to this crazy titan.

If the live broadcast video from this system was truly a scene from the future, maybe ... Thanos makes waves again in the future?

[Video playing]

[In the depths of the universe, two spaceships met.

The relatively small spaceship seemed to have no weapons at all and desperately pleaded with the other side not to attack.

-Our crew are Asgardian civilians; this is not a warship; I repeat, this is not a warship!-

But the immense cosmic warship showed no mercy at all and directly attacked the Asgardian spaceship.

The camera pans around and shifts the image to the interior of the Asgard spaceship.

There were flames and Asgardian corpses everywhere. It almost looked like a battlefield.

Heimdall, an Asgardian God, was covered in wounds and lying on the ground, seemingly unable to even move.

A sturdy purple giant, with his right hand holding the black and blue, with only one eye left, Thanos walked towards Loki and raised his left fist.

"Dread it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same..."

A purple jewel was seen shining on his gloved fist.

Thanos smirked, "Or shoud I say... I am!"]


In the halls of Asgard, the atmosphere was somewhat frighteningly quiet!

There were hundreds of people gathered there. Except for the sound of people sucking in a breath, no sound could be heard.

For Thor's coronation, besides the hundreds of Asgard citizens in the hall, the Queen of Asgard, Frigga, the Warriors Three, and others were all here.

But at this moment, the expressions on all of their faces were similar.

Everyone was stiff, holding their breath, staring blankly at the scene in front of them, their mouths wide open, unable to speak.

The horrific images on the screen gave them an unprecedented blow!

In that spaceship, those noble Asgardians were actually slaughtered like pigs, cattle, and sheep!

And Thor, the God of Thunder, as well as the God Heimdall, each was bathed in blood, wretched; it simply looked like they were close to death!

After a few seconds of silence, the scene exploded, with countless Asgardians shouting out in shock!

"King Odin! What is going on here?"

"Who the hell is that purple monster?!"

"Is this our future?"

"Impossible! This must be a nightmare!!!"

Due to excessive panic, some people's voices were distorted by fear.

An unstoppable panic instantly rose in everyone's heart!
