
Marvel: Little Genius

Reborn in the Marvel world, becoming Tony Stark's illegitimate child and gaining all the wisdom of the mechanical prodigy Hiro Hamada from the Big Hero 6. This is a story about a mechanical little genius and his charming old man... ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · ภาพยนตร์
369 Chs

Chapter: 168

Mark is not opposed to transforming his own body as long as it is safe, reliable, and the risks are controllable. He is willing to accept any means of enhancing himself.

Moreover, after perfecting the Extremis Repair Algorithm, the drawbacks of the Extremis transformation project have been completely eliminated.

There is no risk of self-destruction during the process, and there is no need to worry about temperature control issues after the transformation is complete.

Apart from the agonizing pain during the transformation process, this is even a more perfect method of human enhancement than the Super Soldier Serum.

After all, as long as one endures that brief period of pain, they can gain the ability to control extremely high temperatures, possess super-healing abilities, and achieve a comprehensive improvement in physical fitness. And this pain can be shielded.

What's more, the abilities of the Extremis virus can better alleviate the burden on the nanobots within Mark's body, compensating for their shortcomings in super-fast healing and avoiding the risks that may arise from the depletion of nutrient fluids.

Without much hesitation or testing, after verifying the feasibility of the theory, Mark directly began experimenting on himself.

Since he has nanobots protecting his body, any issues that arise can be immediately stopped, or if the results of the transformation are unsatisfactory, he can simply use a serum of hope to reverse the entire transformation.

Instead of completing this transformation through injection, his idea is to use a nutrient hibernation pod to directly infuse the Extremis virus into his cells through the repair and permeation of the nutrient fluid.

The reason for choosing this method is that Killian's injection-based transformation process is too lengthy.

By injecting the virus into the bloodstream and allowing it to spread through circulation, this method has a slow diffusion rate, uneven and incomplete permeation. As a result, the transformation needs to be divided into several stages, as mentioned by Killian as Phase One and Phase Two.

On the other hand, by using the assistance of nutrient fluid permeation, the Extremis virus can penetrate all body cells in a single transformation, making the process much faster than the old method.

Furthermore, the nutrient fluid itself can lower the body temperature of the transformer and simultaneously repair damaged cells, further reducing the risks of the transformation.

With everything prepared, Mark removed his excess clothing, leaving only a pair of boxers, and then lay directly into the newly upgraded high-temperature-resistant nutrient hibernation pod.

After blocking the sense of pain, Mark directly activated the equipment and began his Extremis transformation, then entered the virtual laboratory to conduct research, leaving the monitoring and control of the entire process to Baymax.

If any dangerous situation occurs, Baymax will immediately stop the experiment, terminate any harm, and inform Mark in the virtual reality.

However, the development of things went very smoothly, and Mark was completely focused on the creation and transformation of the Extremis virus, without paying attention to the changes that occurred in his own body in the real world.

Baymax also did not provide any information, which indirectly proved that the transformation process did not encounter any problems and was progressing accurately according to Mark's calculated path.

"Master, it took a total of 3 hours and 15 minutes. The Extremis transformation has been completed. Would you like to exit the virtual lab and return to the real world?"

Mark, who had been immersed in virus research, lifted his head upon hearing Baymax's prompt and shifted his gaze away from the screen. "Only a little over three hours, that's pretty fast! Of course, I should exit and see what changes have occurred in my body and whether the results satisfy me."

After saying that, Mark raised his hand and made gestures in the air, summoning the control menu and clicking on it.

As soon as his consciousness returned to his physical body in the real world, Mark immediately felt the difference in his body.

The first sensation was hunger because the enhancement of the immune system and repair center had raised Mark's normal body temperature from 36 degrees Celsius to 45 degrees Celsius, naturally increasing the body's energy consumption.

Mark's second sensation was a sense of fullness. This sense of fullness permeated every cell from head to toe. Perhaps it was due to the activation of the brain's repair center during the Extremis transformation, which also led to an increase in Mark's brain utilization.

The vibrant spirit caused the illusion of this bodily fullness that Mark was currently feeling.

It should be noted that Mark's brain was enhanced. Through the combined effects of genetic factors and enhancement, the development level of his brain had already reached 30%, surpassing even Einstein by 10%.

As for how Tony Stark compares, that remains unknown because Tony's brain has not been dissected for research, and Mark hasn't used a brain wave device to test it.

However, it is certain that Tony falls short in this aspect. Tony can only put up a bit of resistance verbally but deep down he has to admit it.

If this transformation further enhances Mark's brain utilization, his brain utilization rate will undoubtedly reach an astonishing level.

However, whether the activation of the brain's central functions can truly enhance brain utilization can only be determined through experimentation and data analysis.

At the moment, Mark just wants to experience controlling his super-high body temperature and punching through steel plates to see what kind of experience it brings.


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Early access to the following translations:-

~Marvel: Little Genius (MLG) - +108 advance chapters

~Famous Police Detective in Detective World (FPDDW)- +52 advance chapters

