
Marvel: Iron God

"I have not been playing god. All this time I have been playing Human." A True Villain is not a broken Hero, rather he is the embodiment of evil. He was supposed to be dead with the rest of the multiverse but rather he had returned to his origin. a story of a hero is often hypocrite and cliche but a Villain's? Shows the corrupt truth. Tony Fucking Stark is back. ---------- Note: Alternate Universe. Warning for the light hearted: There will be Torture, child manipulation and much more, that's why There is a Dark tag. Disclaimer: I do not own any Marvel characters, I own nothing but my ideas and Fics. Support me on patreon, if you wish. Link: patreon.com/Darkwolfest 1. You will get 20+ additional chapters in total. 2. Exclusive voting power and special shout outs. 3. Sponsorship for my latest chapters. 4. Exclusive content, exclusive access to upcoming stories and much more

Dark_Asmodeus · ภาพยนตร์
2 Chs

2: The Beginning After The End [1]

Tony sighed, letting his grin fade away as his eyes narrowed, and his lips thinned.

"I have to ask you, this question has been bothering me since you said that the stretchy cuck created something that is restarting the multiverse."

Death's interest was piqued, but she didn't show it, or more accurately, couldn't show it. She tilted her head, waiting for Stark to ask his question.

"If all the pieces are going back to the start and if the match has a predetermined outcome, why does it matter if the player still plays?" Tony paused, noticing Death slightly backing away. He kept his attention on her and continued.

"I'm pretty sure that any version of that stretchy bastard doesn't have the powers or intelligence to create something that can affect the entire multiverse. It suggests that something else was at work, something that didn't like the ending."

"Ha." Death scoffed with pride. "You're not one of the smartest people in the universe for nothing, I guess."

Tony didn't comment, though he had a natural urge to throw a narcissistic remark. Instead, he waited for Death to continue.

"Yes, Reed didn't do that. He did invent a machine that could save himself from the collapse, but a higher being intervened – to be exact, The God." Death said, and Tony raised his brows at the revelation.

"The God? Like Yahweh? The self-proclaimed creator of heaven? That guy?" Tony asked, sceptical. He was an atheist through and through but had had his fair share of religious talks with the Viking god of thunder.

God was nothing more than an old man who goes by the name Yahweh. He exists in the realm of heaven and doesn't actively participate in anything other than the concerns of Midgard's mortals. He possesses power on par with Odin, Zeus, Ra, and the Trimurti. That's all Tony had gathered from those conversations.

"No, not that false bastard." Death replied politely. "He is nothing more than an avatar of the true God, my father."

"Wait, your father?" Tony exclaimed.

"Yes." Death nodded. "He doesn't have a specified name; he has been called God, Creator, the Nameless One, the One with Many Names-"

"How does that even work?" Tony asked, confused, but Death didn't bother to answer that.

"The One, the One Above All. Anyway, he intervened with Reed because he couldn't let the world he created come to an end. He is restarting the multiverse to prevent it."

"But then, why is he restarting the universes that caused the collapse? If he doesn't want the same ending, shouldn't he isolate my universe or something like that?" Tony felt like he was digging a hole for himself, but he needed to know why his universe caused a multiversal ending – his and not any other.

"Incursion is a normal occurrence in the multiverse, so why do you think your universe caused the entire multiverse to end? You must have some ideas, right?" Death questioned him back.

"I do have one theory." Tony sighed.

"Let's hear it." Death said, folding her arms with interest.

"Once a Gilf version of my ex, Jessica, said something about my universe being the strongest pillar of the web. I know there was something called the Web that connected all universes, but I didn't get the reference because it was between those Spider asses. Is that the reason? My universe was a pillar of the Multiverse, and its fall caused everything to crumble down." Tony explained his theory, sounding doubtful.

"Yes, your universe was one of the first ones to come into existence when my father made the multiverse. Your universe was the only one that held itself together." she said, taking a seat on her throne and sighing. Her eyes gazed at the pitch-black space that surrounded her lair.

"That universe meant much to him. That's why he is restarting it at the expense of the other universe that clashed into yours, so the incursion won't happen this time because the other universe won't exist."

"Damn." Tony muttered in relief. "That's some good news. I would have loved a drink to celebrate it."

Death snapped her fingers, and a glass of wine appeared before him. He flinched in surprise before slowly taking it in his hand, his eyes narrowed.

He took a sip with a bit of suspicion and clicked his tongue as he gulped it down. "Wow, this is good shit."

"You know, I think I'm falling in love." he said with a mock smile, followed by a chuckle.

"You won't be the first." Death replied with a chuckle of her own.

"Yeah, yeah. By the way, I always wanted to ask this in case I met you – why exactly did the purple simp become obsessed with you? No offence, you are stunning, but I'm sure he must have had a reason to go on a killing spree for you." He took another sip and took a seat on a chair that appeared as he thought about it.

"Hmm… the multiverse has portrayed me as many things, Stark: a curse, an end, a monster, an unlovable constant, a thing that deprives love, a creature that takes away their loved ones, a thief at the end of one's time. I was doing nothing but my duty – all things reach me. It is how my father created his creatures; he made me for that – to welcome them into death and help them get to their new life."

He didn't understand how, but he could feel the sadness in her voice, even though her tone never changed.

"I was hated for… being me."

He smiled at her words; he knew exactly how she felt. He used to be like that before he stopped giving a fuck.

"I still did my duty, taking away all the creations of the cosmos at the end of their time. And one day, like several others, I felt a soul struggling at the end of its time. So, I went to give it peace."

"That's kind of you." Tony smiled.

"It was not that simple." Death sighed, reminiscing about that day. "I arrived on a planet named Titan, and the soul belonged to a woman. She was sick, struggling in pain, but most importantly, she was with a child. I couldn't take her soul because the child could be brought to life at any given moment. That's when I first met him."

"Thanos." Tony said grimly, and Death nodded.

"'Who are you?' He asked me, and I was taken by surprise because, for some reason, he could see me. I

revealed myself, and in his eyes, I looked like a young girl."

Death snapped her fingers, and her form changed into that of a grey-skinned young girl wearing a black frock.

"I said I was Death. He looked at me in doubt and asked, 'Are you here to take my mom?' I nodded. 'Then take her, what are you waiting for?' he said without a bit of emotion. I explained the situation to him. Can you guess what he did?"

"No freaking idea." Tony replied, gulping the last bits of the wine.

"He took a knife and stabbed it into the woman's stomach, killing the child before it was born. I was not surprised, to say the least; I have seen things weirder than that. I took the woman's soul and comforted her. 'I like you,' the kid said as I was about to leave the place. That 'like' changed into 'obsession' as he grew up." Death finished her story.

"Wow, that's sad. Anyway, let's move on from the mother-killer topic and get down to real business, shall we?" Tony smirked as he stood up. "What are the perks of being a champion of Death?"

"Always to the point." Death sighed.

"There are some miscellaneous physical abilities that you would have as soon as you become my champion, but the perks, as you call them, would be energy projection, magic manipulation, aura of death-"

"What's Aura of Death?" Tony interrupted, curiosity taking over.

"It's my domain manifesting from you. No other dimensional energy would be able to harm you. And the final perk would be Soul Bounder."

"Before you ask, Soul Bounder is like a contract. You can present it to somebody in the form of a deal. In exchange for whatever they ask, you would have their souls, and when their mortal form no longer has life, their souls end up in my domain."

"Wait, did you just say I can play the Devil?" Tony cheered up with interest.

"If you want, yes." Death nodded. "But you need to train your abilities to make them stronger."

"Lady, you have no idea how interested I am in experimenting with these new abilities." Tony chuckled, with a grin that mirrored Sid from Toy Story.

"So, do you, Anthony Edward Stark, accept becoming my champion – Death's champion?" Death asked, returning back to her skeleton form, but she didn't stay in that form for long.

As she began to walk down from her throne, pale white skin covered her, black hair that reached her back, and gleaming white eyes rolled out from her eye sockets. Her luscious red lips, and her bust had grown by a cup, much to Stark's surprise.

She stepped forward with her arms reaching around his neck, closing their distance, and leaning against him. Their lips were separated by an inch.

"Yes." Tony smiled.

"Close your eyes." Death stated, and he followed her wish.

He closed his eyes and felt a soft pair of lips touching against his. He gave in and kissed back as he felt the world around him darkening more and more as the moment passed.

The last thing he heard before opening his eyes was.

"Your journey begins, my champion."

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• Dc: Dark Emperor.

• Teen Wolf: Void Stiles

Patreón: Darkwolfest. [I dont have advance chapters for this Fic yet but it's the support that matters. LOL. Jokes apart, I would be updating the chapters first there anyway, so check it out.]


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