
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Three The dwarfs of Nidviar

The problem of scientific research talents cannot be urgent.

There are only a few really smart people.

Either a strong-willed superhero, or a lunatic with a mind of his own.

It's almost impossible to work for people.

At present, we can only hope that the researchers at Warnerheim can bring some surprises.

Definitely, if you can sign in to get the right talent, then this problem will be solved.

Loyalty is also guaranteed for what you get by signing in.

Use the most assured!

Su Hai decides whether to go to other planets to check in if he is free, especially Earth.

In the Marvel universe, Earth is the absolute center.

Special people and special places get together.

I believe there will be rich harvest.

Before going to Earth, though, there is one more thing to deal with.

Nidweier, one of the nine realms!

Nidweiar, the world inhabited by the dwarf.

In mythology, Nidviar is the dwelling place of the dark elves.

In Marvel, the two are just the other way around.

The dark elves went to Walter Alheim.

In the plan, the dwarf of Nidviar had to be recaptured.

First, the origin of Ulu metal is Nidweal.

It is well known that Ulu Metal has many BTs.

Second, the craftsmanship of the dwarf family is one of the best in the entire universe.

Odin's king-class weapon, the Spear of Eternity, Thor's artifact Mjolnir, Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet, and later Thor's king-class weapon, the Storm Axe, were all made by the dwarf family.

Thanos' adopted daughter, Gamora, has an Excalibur in his hand. The reason why it is called Roar is because this sword can break through defenses and kill an Asgard!

This shows the importance of the dwarf family.

As long as you can master the dwarf family, you have the ability to customize artifacts.

Maybe Su Hai can sign better weapons in the future, but others still need strong artifact buffs.

So Su Hai called Amora, and through her got the coordinates of Nidweiar and the Earth.

Majestic magic energy surges.

The amount of energy required to teleport across galaxies is staggering.

Later, when Thanos attacked the Asgard escape ship, Heimdall used dark energy to teleport the Hulk to Earth, only reluctantly once.

Only the level of Su Hai and Odin can easily afford the consumption of energy transmission across galaxies.

Soon, a magic circle composed of blue energy gathered at the foot.

next moment,

Su Hai came to Nidweal.

Surprisingly, when he came here, he found out that the dwarfs had no guards at all!

hard to imagine,

As the only race of Nidweal, the dwarf people are actually defenseless against the outside world.

Another hapless bastard who was fooled and lame by Odin!

They trust Asgard too much, thinking that as long as they build their own equipment and supply Asgard, Asgard will protect their safety at any cost.

It was true when Odin was in power.

However, when Odin was banished to Earth by Loki, this agreement was voided.

Not to mention whether Loki will sacrifice the Asgard for the dwarf clan, even if Loki wants to send troops to protect the dwarf clan, he must have that strength.

During Loki's reign, Asgard's armament was at its most slack.

They are performing daily drama performances, promoting Loki's own achievements in Asgard, and lavishly lavishing money on himself, with a look of entertainment to death.

Even the protector, Heimdall, was banished by Loki.

If Thanos chooses to attack Asgard at that time, I am afraid that Asgard, led by Loki, will have no resistance.

So, Loki is not fit to be king.

Odin was right on this point.

By the time Su Hai gets closer to the center, the air becomes scorching hot and smells of wine.

At this time, dwarf finally discovered Su Hai.

The other party thought that Su Hai was from Asgard, and hurried to inform the dwarf king.

The dwarf family said that it is dwarf, but it is not short at all.

The average height is more than 3 meters tall.

dwarf Wang Ai Cui is as high as 5 meters.

Tell a joke, Marvel's dwarfs are so short!

Su Hai wants to drag the named guy out of the river.

You call this a dwarf?

The regular Flame Giant and Giants of Jotunheim are short in front of them.

The Aesir gods and the Warner gods are like children under ten years old.

Comparing the two, some people believe that the Aesir gods are dwarfs, and the dwarfs are giants.

dwarf Wang Ai Cui was very puzzled after seeing Su Hai.

According to past experience, every time Asgard sent people to at least the level of the three Asgard warriors, he basically knew them all.

As for Su Hai, it's a completely new face.

"Hello, Aitri the dwarf king, I am the king of the Warner Protoss, Su Hai!"

"God Warner? Is there a new king at Warnerheim?"

Aitri has been focusing on drinking and blacksmithing, and their technology is all about blacksmithing, ignorant of the recent events in Warnerheim.

Naturally, I don't know about the recent changes in the Warner Protoss.

"Well, I don't know what the respected God-King Warner has to teach our dwarf family?"

Although Ai Cui was not sure of the authenticity of her identity, she did not dare to question it.

Holding the idea that more is worse than less, his tone is very respectful.

"I just want to know if the dwarfs have any idea of ​​changing their service target." Su Hai said lightly.

"What!" Dwarf Wang Aicui was so frightened that his face turned from black to white, and he looked up at the sky subconsciously.

After a while, he categorically refused: "God King Warner, you should know that we Dwarfs and Asgards have a history of cooperation for thousands of years. Before getting Odin easily, we could not cooperate with you, never. possible!"

Aitri knew a lot about the history of the Warner Protoss and the Aesir Protoss, and also understood the situation of the two tribes.

Now, suddenly a God-king of Warner came to them and said, let them turn their backs on the Aesir Protoss and follow them, wouldn't that kill them?

Who doesn't know that the Lord of the Nine Realms is Odin!

The Vanir Protoss has declined and lost its strength to contend.

How could they lose the watermelon to pick up the sesame seeds?

In order to prevent Su Hai from spreading his anger on them, he even mentioned Odin's name.

From Aitri's point of view, the Warner Protoss would not dare to offend Odin.

Su Hai disapproved and said, "Ai Cui, don't refuse so quickly, I want you to see a piece of history, and it's not too late to make a decision after you read it!"*