
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 9 A friend came from afar, why don't you beat me?

"God King! It has been more than 2,000 years since the death of God King Nijord and the loss of their leader in the Warner God Clan!"

"We can't repeat the same mistakes! We must be fully prepared in advance."

"So what?" Su Hai's eyelids twitched.

Skirnier said sternly: "I think the selection of god queens can be put on the agenda! In view of the fertility capabilities of the gods, especially the royal family, I propose that we can no longer be limited to the traditional one god queen system, and it is better to add more gods. Concubine, this will ensure the continuation of the royal bloodline!"

"We need more princes and princesses to boost morale and inspire people!"

"The Warner Protoss also needs more royal powerhouses to protect them and lead them!"

"Unfortunately, there are not many good ladies like Goddess Frigga, but she gave birth to two sons of Thor and Loki for Odin one after another!"

"The most critical issue now is that our Warner Protoss has not given birth to any new excellent goddess with both beauty and power. The best choice is the Sif goddess who has been taken away by the Aesir Protoss, but her position at the moment remains to be seen. Discuss, I heard that Odin and Frigga also intend to make her Thor's wife, not our best candidate!"

Facing the chattering Skirnier, Su Hai was also speechless.

Good guy, I think you are a respected elder, but you want to treat me as a god who produces powerful offspring in batches!

It's just that Skirnier was right.

The strength of a Protoss largely depends on the number of members of the royal family.

The descendants who have inherited the power of the god-king have great potential.

It is also the guarantee for the prosperity of the Protoss.

The powerhouses of Asgard are also mainly members of the royal family.

In fact, the eldest prince Hela, and the future Thor of Awakening, are strong men who can stand on their own.

As for Loki... forget it...

Loki is actually descended from the Giants of Jotunheim, and also the malnourished kind.

As long as he has the strength of Lauf, the king of Giants of Jotunheim, he also has the confidence to wrestle with Thor.

You know, one of Odin's eyes was blinded by Lauf!

The reason is this reason, but Su Hai is not the only option to enhance the strength of the Warner Protoss.

"Ahem, Skirnier! I'm only twenty!"

"God King, you don't have to worry about these problems. For our Protoss, age is not a problem! For the future of the Warner Protoss, I hope you can accept the wishes of all the people!"

Skirnier's stance was firm, just as he wanted to put Su Hai, who was still a mortal, on the throne, and he couldn't refuse.

"Right! I thought of it!" Skirnier's eyes lit up!

"I heard that Asgard has a region called Noon Heim, where there is a Queen Noon called Karnira, her beauty is unparalleled, and she has a powerful magical strength that is not inferior to Odin! More importantly, she and Odin Don't deal with it! He is an excellent candidate for the Queen of God!"

"Actually, I have a good proposal. Hela, the heir to the crown prince of Asgard, the goddess of death! I heard that she contradicts Odin's ideas and has been sealed for more than a thousand years. She is also a qualified candidate for the goddess!"

Su Hai was silent for a moment, then shook his head helplessly, "Forget it, Skirnier, these two will not be considered for the time being, you can arrange the rest as you like."

what is this? Led wolves into the house?

What can he say?

Karnira is the Queen of Nuo, who doesn't even listen to Odin's orders, and is definitely a very strong person.

Such a person has few of these thoughts.

As for Hela...

What people think about is how to sit on the throne of Asgard and conquer the whole universe!

Even if the other party really agrees, it is estimated that the Warner Protoss will become the vanguard in her hands, fighting the Nine Realms and even the universe for her.

At this stage, even if Su Hai knows the location of the opponent, he will not ask for trouble.

That kind of person doesn't make sense.

There must be absolute crushing strength, so that she feels that there is no possibility of turning over, so that she has a chance to surrender.

Otherwise, they will definitely surrender openly, accumulate strength secretly, and launch a coup at any time!

At this point, even Odin can't help it.

See you, why did Odin seal the other party?

It's not that Hela is too strong, seeing that he can't hold back.

Hearing this, Skirnier, who was eloquent, felt regretful.

In his opinion, these two goddesses are definitely the most suitable candidates.

There is strength, and neither with Asgard...

It's a pity that his own god king can't look down on others.

Still, Skirnier was satisfied with the assurances from Su Hai.

Su Hai didn't want to continue talking about the bloodline issue with Skirnier, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "By the way, Skirnier, what are the attitudes of the other separatist forces?"

Warnerheim is much bigger than Asgard.

But most of the area is ocean.

Therefore, the land of Warnerheim is scarce, and many exist in the form of islands.

Most of those separatist forces are ruled by the sea, which is one of the reasons for the endless struggle for many years.

Having lost the God King who can control the ocean, it is impossible for other forces to agree.

When it came to the important matter of the unification of Warnerheim, Skirnier immediately became serious and replied: "I was just about to tell you about this. After those forces heard that the royal bloodline was born and defeated Thor Thor, they all expressed their willingness to listen. your command!"

"However... the forces in the north led by stone giants have been reluctant to express their position."

"God King, please allow me to go out and crusade those stubborn people for you!"

Su Hai thought about it for a while, then shook his head and said, "Wait first, it's not urgent, I'll do it myself!"

"Now you go to sort out the situation of those who obey the forces, and give me a reliable data in terms of equipment, technology, population, etc.!"


Skirnier understood the meaning inside.

This is to rectify the Warner Protoss!

He is increasingly looking forward to Warnerheim's future.

Unfortunately, his own time is coming.

Thinking of this, Skirnier secretly vowed to arrange personal problems for Su Hai as soon as possible.

This matter, in his mind, has risen to the first order, and it is the first thing to be solved.

After chatting for a while, Skirnier said goodbye and left.

Su Hai still sits on the throne.

He is waiting for a group of people.

There is a saying that is very good, when guests come from afar, why not beat them? *