
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 70 Divine Sword Achievement! Pace Asgard!

A week later!


Frostmourne's reforging has reached its final stage!

Without damaging the magical lines on the sword, Aitri skillfully made the Uru metal melt and combine with Frostmourne.

After a thousand trials, the new Frostmourne takes shape.

Then, he carefully combined Casket of Ancient Winters and Frostmourne, the moment the two touched, the icy chill instantly filled the four directions!

"God King, hurry! You must suppress their repulsion, or the neutron star will be wiped out by this chill!

Aitri didn't care about the furnace that was half frozen, Roar said.

Su Hai didn't hesitate, and immediately cast the magic.

After analysis, Odin did not leave a secret door when he gave the magic.

And it has been revamped to be more suitable for Frostmourne and Casket of Ancient Winters integrate.

As a wave of magic penetrated into Casket of Ancient Winters and Frostmourne respectively, the two finally stopped releasing the chill and began to integrate further.

The cold aura on Frostmourne's body also infiltrates as the integration process progresses!

The whole integration process lasted for dozens of minutes.

When the last shred of Frostmourne combined with Frostmourne, the brilliant icy blue of Casket of Ancient Winters faded, leaving only a cracked shell.

The new Frostmourne, done!

Seeing this scene, Ai Cui finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In the past few days, in order not to hurt Frostmourne's body, he almost never closed his eyes!

Every hammer, be careful!

Thanks to his rich forging experience and strong physique, he was able to complete the final step before his mental breakdown!

Holding the magic sword, Su Hai can clearly perceive the bonus of spiritual power, as well as the infinite magic power in the blade!

The soul of Yemengard sealed in the sword body completely gave up resistance when the sword was completed.

It is no longer possible for the soul to resist and damage the sword.

"It is good!"

"Frostmourne is over, the end of Asgard has come!"

"Odin, are you...ready!""

At the same time,

Heimdall noticed Nidweal's accident and reported it to Odin as soon as possible!

"That magic sword has taken shape?" After hearing this, Odin was overjoyed and asked quickly, "How is he now? Did the magic sword affect his spirit and soul?

Heimdall hesitated: "There doesn't seem to be any problem at the moment!"

Odin frowned, "What's the matter, is he too powerful to suppress backlash?

"God King Odin, what is the magic sword you're talking about?"

At this moment, a woman under the stage spoke up.

And beside her, there are nine people wearing strange uniforms.

It is Ajak, the captain of the Eternals squad, and his players!

Odin said solemnly, "The Warner Protoss has a powerful magic sword in the hand, which has the evil power to devour the soul! At this moment, he has combined the magic sword with the Casket of Ancient Winters, and already has the strength to freeze a planet! Said, he could destroy the life of a planet at any time like the Giants of Jotunheim a thousand years ago!

Ajak and the other Eternals looked at each other and exchanged glances.

Thousands of years ago, they saw that Lauf was going to turn the earth into a second Jotunheim and wipe out all humans, so they came to help Odin to resist the Giants of Jotunheim.

Now, there is another god king with this kind of power.

And, according to Odin, God King Warner is a very aggressive God King.

In just a few months from taking the throne, the dwarfs of Nidweiar were recaptured and the Giants of Jotunheim were wiped out.

Even the armies of the Vanir protoss remained in Jotunheim, slaughtering any Giants of Jotunheim who dared to resist.

Now, the Warner Protoss is ready to spread the flames of war to Asgard!

If the Aesir Protoss who are the Lords of the Nine Realms are also defeated, then the Nine Realms will no longer have the power to resist the Warner Protoss!

Until the Warner Protoss takes aim at Earth...

Humans, what can they use to resist the Warner Protoss?

The result is unimaginable!

The task entrusted to them by the Supreme God of God is to ensure the normal development of human beings.

So no matter what, they have to find a way to help Asgard fend off Warnerheim!

Ajak said: "Odin, the king, we are willing to help you resist the invasion of Warnerheim together!""

"Okay, then thank you very much!" Odin nodded with a smile.

With the help of the Eternals, Asgard is much more confident against the Vanir Protoss!

"God King! There is movement in Jotunheim!"

Heimdall, who has been monitoring the Warner Protoss army, said solemnly: "Skinir stopped Jotunheim's actions and is gathering the army to return to Warnerheim through the interstellar portal!"5

"I'm afraid...they are ready to attack us!

Odin's expression also became solemn, and he said solemnly: "The order goes on, starting today, all Asgard soldiers will be on alert at all times!"

"Also, turn on all defense systems and stand by at any time!"

"Once you find any unmarked spaceship, don't report it to me, just fire and destroy it!

"Yes, God King!"

The soldiers immediately conveyed the order.

Others are confused.

All of Odin's orders are passive defense.

As the Lord of the Nine Realms, Asgard, who has dominated the Nine Realms for thousands of years, dare not take the initiative to attack?

What's more, there was a war between Asgard and Warnerheim thousands of years ago, when Asgard took the initiative to provoke the war!

How do you feel that Asgard is the loser of the battle of gods?

The strongest member of the Eternals team, Ikaris, raised doubts: "God Odin, don't we take the initiative to attack? It's just the emerging Warner Protoss. With the strength of Asgard soldiers, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with them!

Odin shook his head slowly, and said with emotion: "The new God-king of Warner is the best God-king I have ever seen! Under his leadership, the strength of Warnerheim's army has reached its peak in history! Although I don't want to admit it, but Asgard did lose the strength to contend with it!"

"We can't go out and Asgard can't afford to pay this much anymore!

"However... Warnerheim has risen rapidly, and the flaws are also obvious. They do not have the strength to transport troops on a large scale at a long distance!

"As long as we are on the defensive, we can keep the Warner Protoss out of Asgard!

Odin's abacus is good.

In a head-on fight, I can't beat you.

Then I will use a powerful defensive force to block you out!

Not to mention that Warnerheim's technology has not been developed for a long time, so what if there are still a few spaceships left?

If you dare to come, I will destroy you!

Asgard built hundreds of anti-aircraft firepower in the royal city.

Combined with the magic sailboat, it can effectively defend Asgard's airspace and prevent any warships from landing!

Moreover, from the analysis of the current situation, if the Warner Protoss army wants to reach Asgard, it must find a secret passage, or send a magician to build an interstellar portal.

All they need to do is to scrutinize strangers, and they can keep Warnerheim from stepping into Asgard!


At that time, even if Su Hai, the King of Warner, personally leads the strong to attack, Odin has the confidence to fight!

Asgard is his home ground, where his power will be stronger than ever!

You can even gather the power of the entire Protoss to kill any incoming enemy!

The people of the Eternal Race were puzzled when they heard the words, but they didn't say anything more.

They didn't understand why Asgard was so frightened by his former defeat that he didn't dare to attack.

Because of Odin's face, they could only hold their doubts in their hearts.

I plan to see for myself how powerful the Vaner Protoss is that can make Odin fear too!

Just when Odin thought he was ready,

Warnerheim is already in final mobilization.

Millions of troops gathered from all directions.

Directly in front of the army is the high level combat power of the Warner Protoss.

The Ascended Skeneir! The Frozen Fruit Ability Lorelei! Amora with the Golden Trident! The Stone Mother Sera!

There are also six alternate Saint Seiyas, as long as the golden holy clothes are cast, the combat power will increase a lot!

With so much power, Asgard has it right at his fingertips!

Standing on the high platform, Su Hai is full of pride!

The moment has finally come...

The mountain that once weighed on the head will be crushed today!

The Father of God Odin, will also be his stepping stone to the top!

The position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be replaced by him!

Facing the gaze of millions of pairs of eyes.

Su Hai's voice suddenly exploded!

"Soldiers, it's time for revenge! 35

"I hope you can show Asgard your prowess as you crushed Jotunheim!

"With victory, wash away the shame of Warnerheim for thousands of years!

"Make Odin pay for what he has done!"

"Everyone, follow me on Asgard!

As the last word fell, everyone screamed Roar, "Tread Asgard!!!"