
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 7 The dumbfounded Odin, the Time Administration pays attention!

The Warner Protoss has been in decline for a long time.

Excellent talents have also been recruited and trained by him.

Like Heimdall, one of the most successful people he has trained.

Instilled his ideas since childhood, and developed into his most trusted subordinates.

Odin wouldn't have given him Bultsteel, the sword of guardianship that unlocked Bifrost, if he wasn't 100% trusted.

He also entrusted him with the duty of guarding the Asgard portal.

Monitor the Nine Realms and beyond for Odin.

So, an alien enemy entered Warnerheim?

"Heimdall, look who Thor is fighting!" Odin ordered.

Heimdall nodded in response, and activated his All-Seeing Eye to look at Warnerheim.

Seeing this, he was stunned, and an unbelievable voice sounded.

"God-king, Thor is fighting the new Lord of Warnerheim!"

"Thor...seems to have lost!"


Odin straightened his back and said solemnly, "You said just now that the God King of the Warner Protoss was born?"

"Yes! The moment he ascended the throne as the king, the power of the god king in his body was Awakening!" Heimdall said truthfully.

"Awakening of divine power? If I remember correctly, when Skirnier reported to me, he said that the descendant of the royal family named Su Hai is only 20 years old? According to the lifespan of the Protoss, he is still a child... .So, Thor was defeated by a little guy who was not even a year old!!!"

Odin closed his eyes slowly, his heart aching.

Their Aesir Protoss and Warner Protoss also have a certain relationship between the strength of their divine power and their age.

Generally speaking, for the same royal family, the older ones are much stronger than the younger ones.

Now, 1500-year-old Thor is being taught a lesson by a 20-year-old who just had Awakening power!


A battle-hardened one.

A fledgling.

Just lost...

Asgard's face is gone!

Heimdall's hearing and his eyesight are extremely strong, At the moment I heard Odin muttering to himself, and it felt outrageous to open the door to outrageous, outrageous to go home.

But because this is the family business of the superior.

He didn't want to say too much, so he lowered his head and pretended he didn't know anything.

"It seems that the pressure I put on Thor is still too little! At more than 1500 years old, he still has to rely on Miaolnir to exert his bloodline power! Now he is defeated by the child who has just Awakening his supernatural power!"

Thinking of this, Odin felt that he should take some measures.

If it goes on like this, how can he trust the throne to Thor? How does Thor defend Asgard?

Could it be that his front foot passed to Thor, and his rear foot Thor gave up the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms?

Do not!

Never allow this to happen!

Odin squeezed the spear of eternity and made up his mind secretly.

"Heimdall, call me back that idiot Thor!"

"I asked him to congratulate the birth of God King Warner, but he challenged the other party, which almost caused a war between the two sides! The crime is unforgivable! I must give him the most severe punishment!"

"Yes, God King!"

Heimdall slowly backed away.

After Heimdall left, Odin continued to ponder.

There is no doubt that after this incident, the Warner Protoss will rise again...

Consider the previous relationship between the two groups.

Odin thinks it's time to figure out how to improve it.

"Let Frigga console that kid and see what's going on."


at the same time.

Time and Space Mutation Administration.

In the hall, a time supervisor found that the time line he was in charge of had undergone a drastic change.

A straight red line representing the divine timeline, splitting from the middle with another branch of the red line.

Also, it is rapidly extending upwards at almost 90 degrees.

The siren instantly resounded throughout the Administration.

"What happened! Was it Loki?"

Soon, Agent Mobius came to the computer.

As the person in charge of Loki's case, Mobius is almost bewitched by the cunning Loki.

"Let me check, wait a moment." The monitor quickly looked up the information.

At this time, Judge Riona and Tracker B-15 came together.

When Riona saw the fluctuations in the timeline, he was shocked.

"Mobius, how is the situation? This is the first time that such a violent time line fluctuation has appeared!"

"Found it! The time line is fluctuating at... Asgard and Wanaheim!"

"Sure enough, it's Loki again?!" Mobius said with a headache.

"Wait, the main event is in Warnerheim! The Warner Protoss has a new Warner King... He also defeated Thor Thor, causing Odin to make an early decision to punish Thor! The future timeline will be huge Change!" The monitor reported in a fast-paced report.

"God Warner? Trouble, this time may be a ruthless character..." Mobius was deeply troubled.

The guards of the Temporal Mutation Administration are a group of ordinary people.

The ability to catch time criminals across time lines is all by means of time and space equipment.

Not really good at fighting.

"It's just the king of gods, what are you afraid of, the big deal is that we will cut this period of time directly, then reset the time, and return to the moment before he appeared."

Tracker B-15 said carelessly.

As a high-level stalker, she no longer knows how many ruthless characters she has dealt with.

It even includes the Mad Titan Thanos.

In the face of the power of time, everything is a paper tiger!

"Tracker B-15, this time you personally led the team to carry out the arrest, we must try every time criminal!" Judge Riona nodded and immediately issued a decision.

"Yes, I promise to bring him back."*