
Marvel: I Warner God King, Declaring War on Asgard

In the rebirth of Marvel, Su Hai was mistaken for a descendant of the Warner Protoss royal family and was elected as the Warner God King. Fortunately, the sign-in system was awakened. Sign in to Warnerheim and get the power of the stormy ocean! Sign in to the Time Mutation Authority and get the **Titan Aman'Thul Time Power! Sign in to Scarlet Witch and get Chaos Magic! ... "Titan, what do you think of my army of gods?" "Odin, the position of the Lord of the Nine Realms should be moved. I will take care of that boy Sol." "The god group? Sargeras, kill him for me!" "Dormammu, the atrium is my territory, get out of here!" This was taken from MTL nation so if you find the rate of updating so you can go a read it there. If by any way the author wants, I taken down, I will do it.

Faith1 · ภาพยนตร์
70 Chs

Chapter 69 Sign in to Titan Soul, Sargeras joins!

Indian Ocean, a nearby island.

A huge amount of arcane energy magic circle slowly emerged.

Immediately afterwards, a huge amount of figure emerged.

Above the huge amounts of figure, there is another person.

It's Su Hai and Shim Sera!

"My lord! Is that here?" Sera uttered a deafening voice.

Su Hai rubbed his ears, "I don't know exactly where, I only know that the big guy is in the core of the earth, so it's up to you to find his exact location.

Sera half covered her mouth and tried her best to use her lowest voice, "whispering": "Don't worry my lord, as long as he hides under the earth, I will definitely be able to find his position!"5

Su Hai instructed: "Try to pay attention, that big guy's strength is terrifying! You try to hide as much as possible when you are investigating, and if you find something, don't be reckless!"

Sera's heart warmed, and she said excitedly: "Don't worry my lord, I will definitely pay attention!"

Su Hai rubbed his ears again, did not say more, flew to the distance and waited.

And Sera began to use his own soil element control, began to explore the earth, any place that may hide the god group.

The god born on earth is a god named Tiamut.

Known as the god of sleep.

The overall height of its 417 is a full 500 kilometers!

You know, the diameter of the earth is only more than 10,000 kilometers!

One can imagine how big Tiamut is!

Under such a huge body, what a huge amount of energy is contained!

Su Hai is not sure whether he can beat the opponent, and everything can only be guessed before the official fight.

However, he didn't need to provoke Thiamut in order to confirm who was stronger and who was weaker.

You just need to get closer quietly when the other party is still sleeping.

Speaking of which, Tiamut was also unlucky.

Every time the gods appear, the gods will connect with the Eternals to a unified consciousness, and then the gods will transmit power to the Eternals to protect them from dying in the gods.

As a result, when it came to Tiamut this time, a group of twenty-five boys suddenly appeared.

Ten Eternals under his command directly rebelled against eight...

As a result, after Tiamut voluntarily joined the connection consciousness, he was used by the eternal family Sexi to petrify it.

It can also be seen from this point that Marvel's Earth is really the protagonist of destiny!

No matter how brilliant you are, the master of the dark dimension that devours the world, the six-jeweled Thanos who destroys the world with a snap of his fingers, or the god group, the maker of the rules of the universe, will eventually be planted here.


Perhaps, there are people who are watching the earth secretly, and no one is allowed to destroy this place?

This problem, Su Hai is also not clear, can only be explained by the protagonist's halo.

Now, he just had to wait for Sera to tell him the exact location of Tiamut.

Sera really deserves to be the earth element lord.

But it took an hour to find a huge energy body just below a small island in the Indian Ocean!

"My lord, he is right below!""

Sera's expression was unprecedentedly solemn, "That energy body is too huge! I can sense that the earth seems to be screaming!"

Su Hai came to the location designated by Sera, which was a volcano.

The familiar feeling came to my mind instantly!

Here, is the place where the Eternals have the final decisive battle, and Tiamut's hand broke from the volcano!

"Sera, create a passage to the core, I want to go down!" Su Hai ordered.

"Be careful, my lord!"

Sera said worriedly, and then pressed her two big hands to the ground, and the earth spread out like a wave of water, forming a dark bottomless pit.

Su Hai jumped down without hesitation!

Follow the bottomless pit created by Sera and keep approaching the core of the earth!

The further down you go, the more you can feel a mysterious aura.

The unfamiliar aura is getting stronger and stronger, and if you change to an ordinary person, you will even kneel under the breath unconsciously!

Right here!

Although he hasn't seen Tiamut's body yet, Su Hai is sure that the other party is not far below!

"Sign in now!"

"Detected that there is a special person near the check-in location, the god group Tiamut! the check-in similarity has increased!"

"Congratulations to the host for signing in, Titan Star Soul (Sargras)! 35

"Titan Star Soul (Sargras), contains the origin of the Titan God Sargeras, just find a (ccfe) planet and place it at the core of the planet, after hundreds of millions of years, can breed a powerful Titan God! And the Titan is absolutely loyal to its creator (host)!""

Su Hai's Roar seems to be freezing!

The name of Sargeras was once powerful!

He is the most powerful warrior in the Pantheon in World of Warcraft, and has the reputation of the defender of the Pantheon and the supreme lawmaker of the gods.

Its strength is so strong that in a frontal battle, it can even compete with Amanthul, the supreme father of the Pantheon, the master of time!

Once, he was also the most powerful spear in the Pantheon. No ancient god or demon could resist his random blow!

He has killed too many evils, saved countless lives, and always fights on the front lines of darkness!

Until one day, he found that his compatriots, other Titan star souls suffered from the corruption of the void, and he was deeply worried about assimilation.

He wanted to find a most effective solution to the threat of the void, and because of the distrust and suspicion of his fellow Pantheon, he fell!

After the fall, he even killed the Titans of the Pantheon by himself, and sealed their souls, never being able to leave the cage of the Pantheon.

There is no doubt that Sargeras is extremely powerful!

In World of Warcraft, the Titan God is the only one in all worlds, and all-out fighting can destroy countless universes!

Its true body cannot even descend on the planet.

Their energies are so vast that no planet can withstand their power!

Definitely a powerful presence above the multi-universe level!

"It's a pity... all you get is a star soul, you need to find a suitable planet to incubate for at least hundreds of millions of years!

Su Hai was a little dissatisfied.

The hatching of the Titan God is actually similar to that of the God.

However, the Titan God will not destroy the planet when it is born, even if it is killed, it will return to the hatched planet to wait for rebirth.

Generally speaking, the bigger the planet that hatches the Titans, the greater its potential!

In this regard, it is similar to the Tenjin group.

Definitely, Sargeras' strength far exceeds the god group of the divine timeline, and is enough to compete with the real god group of the main universe!

Perhaps, Sargeras could even sneak into the Celestial Group and pretend to be one of them.

If one day Su Hai and the celestial group face each other, he can directly order Sargeras to slaughter all the celestial group, just like the Pantheon!


Next, is to find a suitable planet.

The choice of the planet, in Su Hai's view, the best is the Earth.

Being able to use the protagonist of Destiny as a hatching point, maybe Sargeras can also get some of the protagonist's life?

It is a pity that the earth of this universe has been occupied by Tiamut.

If you move him, it will definitely attract the attention of other gods.

Moreover, Su Hai's current power of time cannot make him travel back hundreds of millions of years.

That level of crossing, I am afraid to obtain the time power of Aman'Thul, can be reached.

Therefore, at present, we can only keep the Titan Star Soul temporarily, and wait until the right opportunity to hatch!

This time, he believes it will not be long...

In this line, a satisfactory harvest was obtained, and Su Hai asked Sera to restore the earth.

So as not to be discovered by the people of the Eternals, and then report to the god of the 4th generation of the founder of the gods, Arisham.

Cause unnecessary trouble.